Throne and Liberty (TL)

Talandre Release Date

Talandre Release Date - Monster Hunter Wilds

The new region of Talandre will be released on March 6, along with new content. Learn all the details about what's coming to Talandre in the upcoming update.

Talandre Update Details

Update Breakdown

Talandre Release Date

Talandre Release Date

In the Eye of Soliseum video, Publishing Partner Producer Godspeed announced that the Wilds of Talandre update will be released on March 6th.

The update will include a wealth of new content, including new story chapters, new events, new field dungeons such as the Temple of Truth, new field bosses, and more.

New Zone: Talandre

The update will introduce the new region of Talandre, which expands the existing world map. Talandre will be a new playable region for players to explore and pick up where the story left off.

The level cap would also be raised to 55, which would allow players to have more skill and stat points, allowing for more flexibility in the builds they make.

Solo Dungeons

The release of Talandre would also mark the first release of Solo Dungeons. Solo Dungeons would be a new way for players to earn gear without needing a party, as well as for new players still learning the game.

Solo dungeons would be available immediately upon the release of the Talendre update.

3-Star Dungeons

3-Star Dungeons
There would be five 3-star co-op dungeons for players to tackle in the Talandre update.

  • Rancorwood
  • Mansion of Tragedy
  • Chapel of Madness
  • Cruel Witch’s Garden
  • Assassin Laboratory

3-star co-op dungeons will be added to the game, which will also mark the debut of tier 2 weapons and armor for the global servers in Throne and Liberty.

Players would need to be level 55 and have a combat power of 55 to enter 3-star co-op dungeons.

All Co-op Dungeons: Dimensional Circles

Weapon Mastery Revamp

Weapon Mastery Revamp
The Weapon Mastery system will undergo a complete overhaul, changing from a three path linear system to a circular nodal system with many branching paths.

The new weapon mastery system will give players more options to fine-tune their builds, allowing them to increase certain stats that favor their preferred play style.

How to Get Weapon Mastery Points

Nebula Island

Players will be able to visit Nebula Island via the Secret Dungeons' Lawless Zone tab. There would be a 7-hour weekly limit for Nebula Island, which can be extended with Nebula Charge Stones.

The Resistance Surveillance Camp would serve as the central hub, with six regions available for play. The Fog Forest would remain as a peaceful zone, while the other four zones would always have PvP enabled.

Nebula Island will also feature hourly events and periodic field boss battles, but would have a participation limit. By accessing the portals in the Resistance Surveillance Camp to reach the hunting grounds, players can gather lesser and Greater Nebula stones to exchange for items.

Primarily, Nebula Island would be where players gather materials for the new artifact system.

Artifact System

The artifact system will be introduced to the Throne and Liberty global servers when the Wilds of Talandre update launches on March 6.

The artifact system would have 6 main components; a Solar Stone, a Lunar Stone, and four Talistones. There would be 14 different artifact sets with varying rarities.

Players can also trigger set bonuses by equipping matching pieces from the same set with different bonuses. Primarily, Solar Stones would provide an active ability, while Lunar Stones would provide passive abilities.

Players can obtain artifacts through the Nebula Island or Talandre Abyss dungeons.

Lifestyle Improvements

Lifestyle Improvements

A total of 24 new fish species will be added to the game, as well as 4 new fishing rods and new collectibles. New cooking recipes and foraging items will encourage players to gather materials, as elixir items can now be obtained by cooking.

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