Throne and Liberty (TL)

Dimensional Trials: Carmine Rage Island

Throne and Liberty - Carmine Rage Island

Face Gaitan once more and triumph over his memory mechanics in Throne and Liberty (TL). Find out how to beat this Dimensional Trial in this guide.

How to Beat Gaitan

Additional Mechanics

Dimensional Trial Mechanics

Carmine Rage Island: Dimensional Trial is pretty much identical to its normal dungeon version.

While most of the dungeon remains the same, the difficulty is increased by enemies with stronger attacks, additional mob placement, and the Dimensional Trial modifier for that week.

To top it off, starting in higher tiers, the final boss has some new deadly moves that can result in a wipe if not handled correctly.

It is recommended that players thoroughly familiarize themselves with the normal version before attempting to complete the Dimensional Trial dungeon.

Carmine Rage Island Dungeon: How to Beat Gaitan

Enhanced Attacks

The timing indicators for Gaitan's Wrath and Fury attacks will be removed on tier 3 and above.

The indicators will still be circular for Fury attacks and diamond for Wrath attacks, but players will need to time their dodges and blocks accordingly.

Enhanced Pillar Phase

Like the normal version, the furthest player will be marked with a red axe debuff, while the 2nd, 3rd, 4th, and 5th furthest from Gaitan will be chained to the pillars.

Players would still need to move away from the shockwave attack, and let Gaitan destroy the pillar. However, they would take significant damage over time should they move away from the pillar.

Party members chained to a pillar should not move unnecessarily, and the healer should be ready as soon as a teammate starts moving away from the pillar.

The healer should be closest to Gaitan at the start of this phase to avoid being chained to a pillar, just as before.

Memory Mechanic

Players would have to memorize the locations of their rune and pillar, similar to the Red Goblin Shaman miniboss.

At the end of the pillar phase, a colored rune will appear at the location of the destroyed pillar.

Four players marked with a rune must move to the pillar corresponding to the same rune color and symbol.

Enhanced Axe Whirlwind

Gaitan will begin to spin wildly, with the damage of this attack increasing as the player gets further away from Gaitan. Players on the periphery of this attack will be staggered continuously.

The mechanics of this attack functions the same, and players would still need to get as close to Gaitan as possible to take the least amount of damage.

What makes this mechanic dangerous is that Gaitan will use a Wrath attack beforehand, causing a knockback on players who fail to dodge it.

If the player is too far from Gaitan, it will induce a stagger effect, rendering the player hit by it unable to move towards Gaitan.

It is recommended that players dodge towards Gaitan when it uses this attack.

Dimensional Trial Modifiers

Effect Description
Throne and Liberty - Damage Reflection Effect Damage Reflection Reflects all physical damage within range.
Throne and Liberty - Enhance Pattern Effect Enhance Pattern Has an enhanced attack pattern.
Throne and Liberty - Frenzy Effect Frenzy Increases surrounding monsters' damage dealt and damage taken after a certain period of time.
Throne and Liberty - Increase Attack Power Effect Increase Attack Power Increases Attack Power in stages.
Throne and Liberty - Increase Health Effect Increase Health Increases Health in stages.
Throne and Liberty - Time Bomb Effect Time Bomb Summons a ticking time bomb upon death.
Throne and Liberty - Totem of Retribution Effect Totem of Retribution Summons a totoem that delivers a Stun attack to an area after a set duration.

Each week, Dimensional Trials would have a modifier that would rotate with the dungeon available for that week. Players should be aware of the modifiers and make the necessary preparations in advance.

Dimensional Trial Rewards

Rune Chance Chests

Upon successful completion of the Dimensional Trial, players would be rewarded with Rune chests. The rewards vary by tier, with higher tiers offering better rewards.

Runes Guide

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