Throne and Liberty (TL)

Best Cavalier Spear / Crossbow Build (PvP)

This is a guide on the Cavalier Spear / Crossbow Build for PvP in Throne and Liberty (TL). This guide shows how to effectively use the Cavalier Spear and Crossbow Build to deal damage from any range, including the best gears to equip, skill rotations, runes, traits, and more.

Notice Icon 2Attention! This build was last updated on December 2024; changes to the game since then have not been reflected in this build.
All Cavalier Crossboow / Spear Builds
Best Cavalier Crossboow / Spear Build (PvP) Best Cavalier Crossboow / Spear Build (PvE)

Cavalier Spear / Crossbow Build Overview

Build Summary

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Throne and Liberty - Summary IconSummary Throne and Liberty - Skills IconSkills Throne and Liberty - Weapon IconWeapons Throne and Liberty - Armor and Accessories IconEquipment
Throne and Liberty - Runes IconRunes Throne and Liberty - Mastery IconMastery Throne and Liberty - Guardian IconGuardian Throne and Liberty - Rotations IconRotations
Throne and Liberty (TL) - Stats IconStats
Rare Equipment
w/o Worldboss
w/ Worldboss
Build Summary
Throne and Liberty - SpearThrone and Liberty - Crossbow
Spear and Crossbow
DPS, Mobility, AoE
Stat Priority:
Dexterity, Perception
Skill Setup
Quick Fire Nimble Leap Mortal Mark Mother Nature Merciless Barrage Culling Arc Javelin Surge Vicious Fury Gale Rush Bloodleech Aura Cyclonic Fury Death From Above
Equipment Setup
Razorsteel Pike Viperstrike Arbalests Duskblood Mask Deadeye Alacritous Invoker Overcoat Alacritous Invoker Gloves Duskblood Trousers Duskblood Boots Ornate Choker Serpentine Wristlet Violent Signet Regal Jade Band Belt of Combat Prowess
Pros Cons
Throne and Liberty Build - ProGreat DPS
Throne and Liberty Build - ProHigh Mobility
Throne and Liberty Build - ProRanged and Melee Combat
Throne and Liberty Build - ConMana Hungry
Throne and Liberty Build - ConNo Healing
Throne and Liberty Build - ConHigh APM requirement
Build Summary
Throne and Liberty - SpearThrone and Liberty - Crossbow
Spear and Crossbow
DPS, Mobility, AoE
Stat Priority:
Dexterity, Perception
Skill Setup
Quick Fire Nimble Leap Mortal Mark Mother Nature Merciless Barrage Culling Arc Javelin Surge Vicious Fury Gale Rush Bloodleech Aura Cyclonic Fury Death From Above
Equipment Setup
Heroic Polearm of the Resistance Crossbows of Infinite Steel Visage of the Executioner Ancient Tapestry Mantle Ascended Guardian Raiment Gauntlets of the Field General Shadow Harvester Trousers Shadow Harvester Boots Icy Necklace of Perception Bracers of the Primal King Eldritch Ice Band Amber Dimensional Band Forbidden Eternal Chain
Pros Cons
Throne and Liberty Build - ProGreat DPS
Throne and Liberty Build - ProHigh Mobility
Throne and Liberty Build - ProRanged and Melee Combat
Throne and Liberty Build - ConMana Hungry
Throne and Liberty Build - ConNo Healing
Throne and Liberty Build - ConHigh APM requirement
Build Summary
Throne and Liberty - SpearThrone and Liberty - Crossbow
Spear and Crossbow
DPS, Mobility, AoE
Stat Priority:
Dexterity, Perception
Skill Setup
Quick Fire Nimble Leap Mortal Mark Mother Nature Merciless Barrage Culling Arc Javelin Surge Vicious Fury Gale Rush Bloodleech Aura Cyclonic Fury Death From Above
Equipment Setup
Queen Bellandir Queen Bellandir Visage of the Executioner Ancient Tapestry Mantle Arcane Shadow Robes Gauntlets of the Field General Shadow Harvester Trousers Shadow Harvester Boots Icy Necklace of Perception Bracers of the Primal King Band of Universal Power Amber Dimensional Band Belt of Bloodlust
Pros Cons
Throne and Liberty Build - ProGreat DPS
Throne and Liberty Build - ProHigh Mobility
Throne and Liberty Build - ProRanged and Melee Combat
Throne and Liberty Build - ConMana Hungry
Throne and Liberty Build - ConNo Healing
Throne and Liberty Build - ConHigh APM requirement

The Spear and Crossbow build acts as a DPS, applying Burning and Gale stacks to the opponent before barraging them with skills. This build can be played from any range, using mobility skills to navigate the battlefield.

Stat Allocation

Rare Equipment
w/o Worldboss
w/ Worldboss
Stat Total Points From Lvl. Points From Gear
Strength 30 20 0
Dexterity 40 8 22
Wisdom 10 0 0
Perception 50 20 20
Fortitude 11 0 1
Stat Total Points From Lvl. Points From Gear
Strength 43 26 7
Dexterity 50 11 29
Wisdom 10 0 0
Perception 70 8 52
Fortitude 14 4 0
Stat Total Points From Lvl. Points From Gear
Strength 40 13 17
Dexterity 50 16 24
Wisdom 13 0 3
Perception 70 20 40
Fortitude 18 0 8

Note: Base stats are always 10!

For stat allocations, levelling to 70 Perception is the priority. This will maximize your Hit Chance, which is a crucial stat in PvP. Try to reach 50 Dexterity for its bonuses to Attack Speed and Critical Hit Chance, and level past 30 Strength to increase your Max Health.

Gear Builder

Skills and Specialization

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Throne and Liberty - Summary IconSummary Throne and Liberty - Skills IconSkills Throne and Liberty - Weapon IconWeapons Throne and Liberty - Armor and Accessories IconEquipment
Throne and Liberty - Runes IconRunes Throne and Liberty - Mastery IconMastery Throne and Liberty - Guardian IconGuardian Throne and Liberty - Rotations IconRotations
Throne and Liberty (TL) - Stats IconStats
Active Skills
Culling ArcCulling Arc
Flaming ArcFlaming Arc
Flaming ArcFlaming Arc
Gale RushGale Rush -
Javelin SurgeJavelin Surge
Javelin InfernoJavelin Inferno
Javelin InfernoJavelin Inferno
Vicious FuryVicious Fury
Explosive FuryExplosive Fury
Explosive FuryExplosive Fury
Bloodleech AuraBloodleech Aura
Effect BoostEffect Boost
Cyclonic FuryCyclonic Fury
Phoenix BarragePhoenix Barrage
Phoenix BarragePhoenix Barrage
Conditional DamageConditional Damage
Death From AboveDeath From Above
TormentorTormentor's Guise
Additional VictimsAdditional Victims
Quick FireQuick Fire
Damage ▲Damage ▲
Nimble LeapNimble Leap
Cooldown ResetsCooldown Resets
Consecutive UseConsecutive Use
Mortal MarkMortal Mark -
Mother NatureMother Nature's Protest
Gale ArrowGale Arrow
Gale ArrowGale Arrow
Merciless BarrageMerciless Barrage
Passive Skills
Imposing FormImposing Form Fatal PrecisionFatal Precision Retaliatory StrikeRetaliatory Strike Death KnellDeath Knell
NatureNature's Power Bloodlust StackBloodlust Stack Corrupt NailCorrupt Nail DetectionDetection
Defensive Skill
Rupturing ParryRupturing Parry

Active Skills

Level Explosive Fury and Javelin Inferno first, as well as Quick Fire, Mother Nature's Protest, and Merciless Barrage. These skills make up the core of your damage. After that, level Flaming Arc and Phoenix Barrage to boost your damage. Every other skill can be upgraded when available afterwards.

Passive Skills

Prioritize Fatal Precision, Retaliatory Strike, Bloodlust Stack, and Corrupt Nail when levelling Passive Skills. These skills allow you to scale and ramp up bonus stats during combat. Everything else can be levelled when available to boost damage.

Best Weapons

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Throne and Liberty - Summary IconSummary Throne and Liberty - Skills IconSkills Throne and Liberty - Weapon IconWeapons Throne and Liberty - Armor and Accessories IconEquipment
Throne and Liberty - Runes IconRunes Throne and Liberty - Mastery IconMastery Throne and Liberty - Guardian IconGuardian Throne and Liberty - Rotations IconRotations
Throne and Liberty (TL) - Stats IconStats
Primary Weapon
Queen BellandirQueen Bellandir's Serrated Spike ・Hit +80
・Critical Hit +80
・Heavy Attack Chance +80
Weapon Effect
Weapon Skill - Queen BellandirQueen Bellandir's Hunger Reduces cooldown of Death From Above by 15s and inflicts Collision: Pull on enemies inflicted with Fear through the Death From Above skill.

Note: All of the traits shown here are of max value!

Queen Bellandir's Serrated Spike is the most compatible spear for this build. Aside from bonus stats to Perception and Fortitude, this spear also holds a powerful passive that can inflict Bind on enemies when you engage with Death From Above.

Secondary Weapon
Queen BellandirQueen Bellandir's Toxic Spine Throwers ・Critical Hit +80
・Heavy Attack Chance +80
・Hit +80
Weapon Effect
Weapon Skill - Queen BellandirQueen Bellandir's Corruptive Venom On Critical Hit with a crossbow, creates a 20% chance of applying Weaken: Poison, which deals 110% of Base Damage over time every second for 5s and stacks up to 3 times.

Note: All of the traits shown here are of max value!

Queen Bellandir's Toxic Spine Throwers is the best set of crossbows available for this build. Offering Dexterity, Bonus Damage, and Stamina Regen, these crossbows also inflict Weaken: Poison on critical hit, synergizing with Passive Skills that rely on applying Weaken on the enemy.

List of All Weapons

Best Armor and Accessories

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Throne and Liberty - Summary IconSummary Throne and Liberty - Skills IconSkills Throne and Liberty - Weapon IconWeapons Throne and Liberty - Armor and Accessories IconEquipment
Throne and Liberty - Runes IconRunes Throne and Liberty - Mastery IconMastery Throne and Liberty - Guardian IconGuardian Throne and Liberty - Rotations IconRotations
Throne and Liberty (TL) - Stats IconStats
Visage of the ExecutionerVisage of the Executioner ・Max Mana +600
・Ranged Evasion +160
・Magic Evasion +160
Ancient Tapestry MantleAncient Tapestry Mantle ・Skill Damage Resistance +80
・Max Health +600
・Debuff Duration -6%
Arcane Shadow RobesArcane Shadow Robes ・Max Mana +600
・Melee Evasion +160
・Magic Evasion +160
Gauntlets of the Field GeneralGauntlets of the Field General ・Attack Speed +8%
・Ranged Evasion +160
・Melee Evasion +160
Shadow Harvester TrousersShadow Harvester Trousers ・Max Mana +600
・Ranged Evasion +160
・Magic Evasion +160
Shadow Harvester BootsShadow Harvester Boots ・Move Speed +8%
・Ranged Evasion +160
・Magic Evasion +160
Icy Necklace of PerceptionIcy Necklace of Perception ・Buff Duration +6%
・Max Health +600
・Skill Damage Boost +80
Bracers of the Primal KingBracers of the Primal King ・Debuff Duration -6%
・Max Health +600
・Skill Damage Resistance +80
Band of Universal PowerBand of Universal Power ・Buff Duration +6%
・Max Mana +600
・Skill Damage Boost +80
Amber Dimensional BandAmber Dimensional Band ・Buff Duration +6%
・Max Health +600
・Skill Damage Boost +80
Belt of BloodlustBelt of Bloodlust ・Debuff Duration -6%
・Max Health +600
・Skill Damage Resistance +80

Note: All of the traits shown here are of max value!

Perception, Dexterity, Hit Chance, and Critical Hit Chance are the main priority when choosing gear. These stats will greatly boost your DPS in combat. Equipping pieces such as Visage of the Executioner, Arcane Shadow Robes, and Gauntlets of the Field general will greatly increase these stats. Equip the Shadow Harvester Trousers and Shadow Harvester Boots as well to get a boost in these stats, and activate the two-piece bonus of the Death Set.

For accessories, Icy Necklace of Perception, and Bracers of the Primal King will help in increasing Perception. Amber Dimensional Band and Belt of Bloodlust will boost Strength and Dexterity, and the Band of Universal Power will offer boosts into all major stats except Fortitude.

For traits, focus with offensive stats, with an emphasis on Skill Damage Boost and Buff Duration. For defensive stats, take and fully invest into Evasion whenever possible.

List of References
List of All Armor List of All Accessories

Best Runes

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Throne and Liberty - Summary IconSummary Throne and Liberty - Skills IconSkills Throne and Liberty - Weapon IconWeapons Throne and Liberty - Armor and Accessories IconEquipment
Throne and Liberty - Runes IconRunes Throne and Liberty - Mastery IconMastery Throne and Liberty - Guardian IconGuardian Throne and Liberty - Rotations IconRotations
Throne and Liberty (TL) - Stats IconStats
Weapon Runes
Queen BellandirQueen Bellandir's Serrated Spike ・Hit Chance
・Max Health
・Weaken Chance
Rune Synergy:
・Attack Speed
Queen BellandirQueen Bellandir's Toxic Spine Throwers ・Critical Hit Chance
・Max Health
・Weaken Chance
Rune Synergy:
・Attack Speed
Necklace Runes
Icy Necklace of PerceptionIcy Necklace of Perception ・Hit Chance
・Ranged Evasion
・Weaken Resistance
Rune Synergy:
・Max Health
Bracelet Runes
Bracers of the Primal KingBracers of the Primal King ・Heavy Attack Chance
・Max Health
・Stun Resistance
Rune Synergy:
・Attack Speed
・Max Health
Ring Runes
Band of Universal PowerBand of Universal Power ・Crtitical Hit Chance
・Magic Evasion
・Weaken Chance
Rune Synergy:
・Cooldown Speed
Amber Dimensional BandAmber Dimensional Band ・Crtitical Hit Chance
・Magic Evasion
・Weaken Chance
Rune Synergy:
・Cooldown Speed
Belt Runes
Belt of BloodlustBelt of Bloodlust ・Hit Chance
・Max Health
・Weaken Resistance
Rune Synergy:
・Movement Speed
・Max Health

The major stats to prioritize in Rune selection will be Hit Chance, Critical Hit Chance, and Weaken Chance. For defensive runes, take Max Health and Evasion.

Best Weapon Mastery

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Throne and Liberty - Summary IconSummary Throne and Liberty - Skills IconSkills Throne and Liberty - Weapon IconWeapons Throne and Liberty - Armor and Accessories IconEquipment
Throne and Liberty - Runes IconRunes Throne and Liberty - Mastery IconMastery Throne and Liberty - Guardian IconGuardian Throne and Liberty - Rotations IconRotations
Throne and Liberty (TL) - Stats IconStats
Spear ・Charge (1 Pts)
・Destroy (9 Pts)
・Face Off (9 Pts)
Crossbow ・Regen (1 Pts)
・Move (9 Pts)
・Chain Fire (9 Pts)

This Weapon Mastery is geared towards offensive stats. Fully invest into Destroy, Face Off, Move, and Chain Fire for boosts to Hit Chance, Weaken Chance, and Damage.

How to Get Weapon Mastery Points

Best Guardian

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Throne and Liberty - Summary IconSummary Throne and Liberty - Skills IconSkills Throne and Liberty - Weapon IconWeapons Throne and Liberty - Armor and Accessories IconEquipment
Throne and Liberty - Runes IconRunes Throne and Liberty - Mastery IconMastery Throne and Liberty - Guardian IconGuardian Throne and Liberty - Rotations IconRotations
Throne and Liberty (TL) - Stats IconStats
Best Guardian
Pale Nemesis HartachPale Nemesis Hartach Becomes Stealthed for 5s if your target dies within 3s. Becomes Stealthed for 7.5s at night. Your first attack while Stealthed lands as a Critical Hit.

Pale Nemesis Hartach is an emergency Guardian to be used when engaging into risky situations. This Guardian allows the player to go into stealth upon enemy kill, and navigate the battlefield more safely.

All Guardians

Skill Rotations and Playstyle

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Throne and Liberty - Runes IconRunes Throne and Liberty - Mastery IconMastery Throne and Liberty - Guardian IconGuardian Throne and Liberty - Rotations IconRotations
Throne and Liberty (TL) - Stats IconStats
How to Play Spear / Crossbow Build

Note: If the skills icons are confusing, some of the skill icons indicated here are using their specialized variants.

Ranged Opener

Frost Arrow Mortal Mark Quick Fire Nimble Leap Quick Fire Merciless Barrage

This skill rotation can be done at range if there are too many enemies to engage upon. Keep Mother Nature's Protest toggled at all times to apply Gale on the enemies, and use Nimble Leap after Quick Fire to reset its cooldown. Be sure to keep one stack of Nimble Leap in reserve for an escape.

Melee Rotation

Death From Above Bloodleech Aura Phoenix Barrage Explosive Fury x5 ▶ Javelin Inferno x5 ▶ Gale Rush Flaming Arc Nimble Leap

This will be you melee rotation to engage groups of enemies and deal melee damage. Engage with Death From Above before casting Bloodleech Aura and Phoenix Barrage. Then, cast Explosive Fury and Javelin Arc five times. You can cast Gale Rush to catch anyone trying to run away, but do not do this unless necessary. Then, finish your rotation with Flaming Arc before casting Nimble Leap to get back to safety.


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Throne and Liberty - Runes IconRunes Throne and Liberty - Mastery IconMastery Throne and Liberty - Guardian IconGuardian Throne and Liberty - Rotations IconRotations
Throne and Liberty (TL) - Stats IconStats
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Offensive Stats

Stat Value
Melee Hit 1,038
Ranged Hit 1,038
Magic Hit 1,038
Melee Crit. Hit 716
Ranged Crit. Hit 716
Magic Crit. Hit 716
Skill Damage Boost 240
Buff Duration 53%

Defensive Stats

Stat Value
Melee Defense 1,638
Ranged Defense 1,590
Magic Defense 1,390
Melee Evasion 564
Ranged Evasion 1,006
Magic Evasion 952
Skill Damage Reduction 240
Damage Reduction 15
Debuff Duration -18%

Body Stats

Stat Value
Max Health 14,140
Max Mana 7,710
Mana Cost Efficiency 8%
Max Stamina 100
Move Speed 26.2%
Health Regen 127
Mana Regen 345.95
Stamina Regen 7.1
Cooldown Speed 14.5%
Attack Speed 21.9

Crowd Control Stats

Stat Value
Weaken Chance 717
Stun Chance 450
Petrification Chance 450
Sleep Chance 450
Silence Chance 450
Terror Chance 450
Bind Chance 527
Collision Chance 450
Weaken Resistance 205
Stun Resistance 82

Miscellaneous Stats

Stat Value
All Evasion 40
Bonus Damage 45
Off-Hand Weapon Attack Chance 6%
Hit 688
Critical Hit 460
Heavy Attack Chance 184

Item Set Stats

Stat Value
Ghost Wolf Set Bonus Damage 18
Off-Hand Weapon Attack Chance Boost 30% ▲

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Throne and Liberty - Greatsword.pngThrone and Liberty - Sword and Shield.png
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Throne and Liberty - Sword and Shield.pngThrone and Liberty - Crossbows.png
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Throne and Liberty - Sword and Shield.pngThrone and Liberty - Wand.png
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Throne and Liberty - WandThrone and Liberty - Crossbows
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Throne and Liberty - Staff.pngThrone and Liberty - Sword and Shield.png
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Throne and Liberty - CrossbowThrone and Liberty - Longbow
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Throne and Liberty - CrossbowsThrone and Liberty - Daggers
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Throne and Liberty - DaggersThrone and Liberty - Wand
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Throne and Liberty - LongbowSpear Icon
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Throne and Liberty - WandSpear Icon
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Throne and Liberty - StaffSpear Icon
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Throne and Liberty - Greatsword.pngSpear Icon
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Throne and Liberty - DaggersSpear Icon
Dagger / Spear
Throne and Liberty - CrossbowSpear Icon
Crossbow / Spear
Throne and Liberty - Sword and Shield.pngSpear Icon
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PvP Builds
Throne and Liberty - Greatsword.pngThrone and Liberty - Sword and Shield.png
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Wand / Staff
Throne and Liberty - Sword and Shield.pngThrone and Liberty - Daggers
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Throne and Liberty - DaggersThrone and Liberty - Crossbow
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Longbow / Crossbow
Throne and Liberty - WandThrone and Liberty - Daggers
Wand / Dagger
Throne and Liberty - LongbowThrone and Liberty - Wand
Longbow / Wand
Throne and Liberty - LongbowThrone and Liberty - Staff
Longbow / Staff
Throne and Liberty - LongbowThrone and Liberty - Dagger
Longbow / Dagger
Throne and Liberty - WandThrone and Liberty - Sword and Shield
Wand / Sword and Shield
Throne and Liberty - LongbowThrone and Liberty - Greatsword
Longbow / Greatsword
Throne and Liberty - DaggersThrone and Liberty - Staff
Dagger / Staff
Throne and Liberty - SpearThrone and Liberty - Dagger
Spear / Dagger
Throne and Liberty - SpearThrone and Liberty - Sword and Shield
Spear / Sword and Shield
Throne and Liberty - SpearThrone and Liberty - Dagger
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Throne and Liberty - SpearThrone and Liberty - Staff
Spear / Staff
Throne and Liberty - WandThrone and Liberty - Greatsword
Wand / Greatsword
Throne and Liberty - LongbowSpear Icon
Longbow / Spear
Spear IconThrone and Liberty - Crossbow
Spear / Crossbow
Throne and Liberty - WandSpear Icon
Wand / Spear

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