Throne and Liberty (TL)

All Rune Synergy Bonuses

Throne and Liberty All Synergy Bonuses

Rune Synergies offer you additional traits in Throne and Liberty (TL). Check out all the Rune Synergy Bonus Traits and learn about this Rune System feature in this guide!

All Rune Synergy Bonuses

Jump to an Equipment Type
Weapon Necklace Bracelet Ring Belt

Note that epic runes are not yet available for global servers despite Epic Rune Synergy bonuses being viewable.

All Weapon Rune Synergy Bonuses

Rarity Bonuses
・Strength 2
・Dexterity 2
・Wisdom 2
・Perception 2
・Bonus Damage 6
・Damage Reduction 6
・Strength 2
・Critical Hit Damage Reduction 4%
・Dexterity 2
・Attack Speed +2%
・Wisdom 2
・Debuff Duration -2%
・Perception 2
・Shield Block Penetration Chance 5%
・Bonus Damage 6
・Boss Bonus Damage 8
・Damage Reduction 6
・Boss Damage Reduction 12
・Strength 3
・Critical Hit Damage Reduction 6%
・Dexterity 3
・Attack Speed +3%
・Wisdom 3
・Debuff Duration -3%
・Perception 3
・Shield Block Penetration Chance 7.5%
・Bonus Damage 9
・Boss Bonus Damage 12
・Damage Reduction 9
・Boss Damage Reduction 18
・Strength 4
・Critical Hit Damage Reduction 7%
・Dexterity 4
・Attack Speed +3.5%
・Wisdom 4
・Debuff Duration -3.5%
・Perception 4
・Shield Block Penetration Chance 8.5%
・Bonus Damage 12
・Boss Bonus Damage 16
・Damage Reduction 12
・Boss Damage Reduction 24
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All Necklace Rune Synergy Bonuses

Rarity Bonuses
・Max Health 400
・Max Health 400
・Movement Speed +2%
・Movement Speed +2%
・Critical Hit Damage Reduction 4%
・Critical Hit Damage Reduction 4%
・Max Health 400
・Dexterity 1
・Max Health 400
・Wisdom 1
・Movement Speed +2%
・Dexterity 1
・Movement Speed +2%
・Wisdom 1
・Critical Hit Damage Reduction 4%
・Dexterity 1
・Critical Hit Damage Reduction 4%
・Wisdom 1
・Max Health 600
・Dexterity 2
・Max Health 600
・Wisdom 2
・Movement Speed +3%
・Dexterity 2
・Movement Speed +3%
・Wisdom 2
・Critical Hit Damage Reduction 6%
・Dexterity 2
・Critical Hit Damage Reduction 6%
・Wisdom 2
・Max Health 800
・Dexterity 3
・Max Health 800
・Wisdom 3
・Movement Speed +3.5%
・Dexterity 3
・Movement Speed +3.5%
・Wisdom 3
・Critical Hit Damage Reduction 7%
・Dexterity 3
・Critical Hit Damage Reduction 7%
・Wisdom 3
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All Bracelet Rune Synergy Bonuses

Rarity Bonuses
・Bonus Damage 4
・Bonus Damage 4
・Boss Bonus Damage 6
・Boss Bonus Damage 6
・Attack Speed +2%
・Attack Speed +2%
・Bonus Damage 4
・Shield Block Penetration Chance 2.5%
・Bonus Damage 4
・Max Health 200
・Boss Bonus Damage 6
・Shield Block Penetration Chance 2.5%
・Boss Bonus Damage 6
・Max Health 200
・Attack Speed +2%
・Shield Block Penetration Chance 2.5%
・Attack Speed +2%
・Max Health 200
・Bonus Damage 6
・Shield Block Penetration Chance 5%
・Bonus Damage 6
・Max Health 400
・Boss Bonus Damage 9
・Shield Block Penetration Chance 5%
・Boss Bonus Damage 9
・Max Health 400
・Attack Speed +3%
・Shield Block Penetration Chance 5%
・Attack Speed +3%
・Max Health 400
・Bonus Damage 8
・Shield Block Penetration Chance 6%
・Bonus Damage 8
・Max Health 600
・Boss Bonus Damage 12
・Shield Block Penetration Chance 6%
・Boss Bonus Damage 12
・Max Health 600
・Attack Speed +3.5%
・Shield Block Penetration Chance 6%
・Attack Speed +3.5%
・Max Health 600
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All Ring Rune Synergy Bonuses

Rarity Bonuses
・Max Health 400
・Max Health 400
・Shield Block Penetration Chance 5%
・Shield Block Penetration Chance 5%
・Cooldown Speed +2%
・Cooldown Speed +2%
・Max Health 400
・Perception 1
・Max Health 400
・Strength 1
・Shield Block Penetration Chance 5%
・Perception 1
・Shield Block Penetration Chance 5%
・Strength 1
・Cooldown Speed +2%
・Perception 1
・Cooldown Speed +2%
・Strength 1
・Max Health 600
・Strength 2
・Max Health 600
・Perception 2
・Shield Block Penetration Chance 7.5%
・Strength 2
・Shield Block Penetration Chance 7.5%
・Perception 2
・Cooldown Speed +3%
・Strength 2
・Cooldown Speed +3%
・Perception 2
・Max Health 800
・Strength 3
・Max Health 800
・Perception 3
・Shield Block Penetration Chance 8.5%
・Strength 3
・Shield Block Penetration Chance 8.5%
・Perception 3
・Cooldown Speed +3.5%
・Strength 3
・Cooldown Speed +3.5%
・Perception 3
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All Belt Rune Synergy Bonuses

Rarity Bonuses
・Damage Reduction 4
・Damage Reduction 4
・Boss Damage Reduction 8
・Boss Damage Reduction 8
・Movement Speed +2%
・Movement Speed +2%
・Damage Reduction 4
・Critical Hit Damage Reduction 2%
・Damage Reduction 4
・Max Health 200
・Boss Damage Reduction 8
・Critical Hit Damage Reduction 2%
・Boss Damage Reduction 8
・Max Health 200
・Movement Speed +2%
・Critical Hit Damage Reduction 2%
・Movement Speed +2%
・Max Health 200
・Damage Reduction 6
・Critical Hit Damage Reduction 4%
・Damage Reduction 6
・Max Health 400
・Boss Damage Reduction 12
・Critical Hit Damage Reduction 4%
・Boss Damage Reduction 12
・Max Health 400
・Movement Speed +3%
・Critical Hit Damage Reduction 4%
・Movement Speed +3%
・Max Health 400
・Damage Reduction 8
・Critical Hit Damage Reduction 5%
・Damage Reduction 8
・Max Health 600
・Boss Damage Reduction 16
・Critical Hit Damage Reduction 5%
・Boss Damage Reduction 16
・Max Health 600
・Movement Speed +3.5%
・Critical Hit Damage Reduction 5%
・Movement Speed +3.5%
・Max Health 600
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What is a Rune Synergy?

Throne and Liberty Rune Synergy List

A Rune Synergy happens when you equip Runes in a specific pattern on your Rune Sockets. Each Rune Synergy offers different kinds of bonus traits. You can mix and match these Rune Synergies to enhance your builds with whatever traits you would like to focus on. You can find the Rune Synergy List to the right of the Rune Sockets.

Similar to equipment rarity, the efficiency of Rune Synergies can range from Common, Uncommon, Rare, and Epic. The higher the tier of the Rune Synergy, the better the bonus traits will be. The tier will depend on the lowest grade Rune in a Rune Synergy. For example, if you have two Epic Runes and one Uncommon Rune equipped, the Rune Synergy will only be at the Uncommon tier.

Throne and Liberty (TL) Related Guides

Throne and Liberty - Runes

Runes Guide

Other Rune Guides

All Rune Traits All Rune Synergy Bonuses
Best Rune Traits and Synergies How to Level Up Runes Fast


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