Throne and Liberty (TL)

Best Warden Longbow / Sword and Shield (SnS) Build (PvE)

The Warden Longbow and Sword (SnS) build is unique setup providing flexibility in choosing engagements. Learn more about how to use the Warden Longbow / Sword and Shield build, including the best gear to equip, the best armor and accessories, and more.

Notice Icon 2Attention! This build was last updated on December 2024; changes to the game since then have not been reflected in this build.

Warden Sword / Longbow Build Overview

Build Summary

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Throne and Liberty - Mastery IconMastery Throne and Liberty - Guardian IconGuardian Throne and Liberty - Rotations IconRotations Throne and Liberty (TL) - Stats IconStats
Rare Equipment
w/o Worldboss
w/ Worldboss
Build Summary
Throne and Liberty - LongbowThrone and Liberty - Sword and Shield
Longbow and Sword and Shield
Stat Priority:
Dexterity, Strength
Skill Setup
Zephyr Ensnaring Arrow Strafing Nature Brutal Arrow Deadly Marker Annihilating Slash Decisive Bombardment Limit Break Annihilation Blade Great Fury Strategic Rush
Equipment Setup
Resonance Blade First Blood Longbow Feathered Drakeskin Mask Deadeye Ruthless Enforcer Chest Plate Duskblood Gloves Elusive Hexweaver Pants Gloom Guard Sabatons Guardian Torque Ruby Bangle Violent Signet Imperial Ring Gladiator
Pros Cons
Throne and Liberty Build - ProParty Wide Utility
Throne and Liberty Build - ProCan engage in any range
Throne and Liberty Build - ConLimited Tanking Capabilities
Throne and Liberty Build - ConLow Survivability
Throne and Liberty Build - ConLow Damage
Build Summary
Throne and Liberty - LongbowThrone and Liberty - Sword and Shield
Longbow and Sword and Shield
Stat Priority:
Dexterity, Strength
Skill Setup
Zephyr Ensnaring Arrow Strafing Nature Brutal Arrow Deadly Marker Annihilating Slash Decisive Bombardment Limit Break Annihilation Blade Great Fury Strategic Rush
Equipment Setup
Karnix Toublek Shadow Harvester Mask Supreme Devotion Plate of the Field General Shadow Harvester Grips Greaves of the Field General Boots of the Executioner Clasp of the Conqueror Ancient Saurodoma Bracers Violent Signet Amber Dimensional Band Belt of Bloodlust
Pros Cons
Throne and Liberty Build - ProParty Wide Utility
Throne and Liberty Build - ProCan engage in any range
Throne and Liberty Build - ConLimited Tanking Capabilities
Throne and Liberty Build - ConLow Survivability
Throne and Liberty Build - ConLow Damage
Build Summary
Throne and Liberty - LongbowThrone and Liberty - Sword and Shield
Longbow and Sword and Shield
Stat Priority:
Dexterity, Strength
Skill Setup
Zephyr Ensnaring Arrow Strafing Nature Brutal Arrow Deadly Marker Annihilating Slash Decisive Bombardment Limit Break Annihilation Blade Great Fury Strategic Rush
Equipment Setup
Queen Bellandir Tevent Shadow Harvester Mask Supreme Devotion Plate of the Field General Shadow Harvester Grips Greaves of the Field General Boots of the Executioner Clasp of the Conqueror Ancient Saurodoma Bracers Band of Universal Power Amber Dimensional Band Belt of Bloodlust
Pros Cons
Throne and Liberty Build - ProParty Wide Utility
Throne and Liberty Build - ProCan engage in any range
Throne and Liberty Build - ConLimited Tanking Capabilities
Throne and Liberty Build - ConLow Survivability
Throne and Liberty Build - ConLow Damage

The unique weapon combination allows the player to deal damage from any distance. The build allows for flexibility in engagements, as certain encounters can require the player to reposition.

Should the situation call for it, the build can also be adjusted for utlity thanks to Stalwart Bastion, and cleanse via Purifying Touch.

Stat Allocation

Rare Equipment
w/o Worldboss
w/ Worldboss
Stat Total Points From Lvl. Points From Gear
Strength 40 18 12
Dexterity 60 17 33
Wisdom 10 0 0
Perception 24 14 0
Fortitude 10 0 0
Stat Total Points From Lvl. Points From Gear
Strength 50 12 28
Dexterity 60 12 38
Wisdom 25 12 3
Perception 30 13 7
Fortitude 10 0 0
Stat Total Points From Lvl. Points From Gear
Strength 60 17 33
Dexterity 70 18 42
Wisdom 18 2 6
Perception 40 12 18
Fortitude 10 0 0

Note: Base stats are always 10!

Prioritize getting points into Dexterity as it is the best way to increase damage.

Gear Builder

Skills and Specialization

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Throne and Liberty - Mastery IconMastery Throne and Liberty - Guardian IconGuardian Throne and Liberty - Rotations IconRotations Throne and Liberty (TL) - Stats IconStats
Active Skills
Deadly MarkerDeadly Marker
Hit ▲Hit ▲
Ensnaring ArrowEnsnaring Arrow -
Decisive SnipingDecisive Sniping
Decisive BombardmentDecisive Bombardment
Decisive BombardmentDecisive Bombardment
Damage ▲Damage ▲
Collection Time ▲Collection Time ▲
Brutal ArrowBrutal Arrow
Range ▲Range ▲
Gale AreaGale Area
Limit BreakLimit Break
Limit BreakLimit Break
Consecutive UseConsecutive Use
ZephyrZephyr's Nock
Damage ▲Damage ▲
Strategic RushStrategic Rush -
A Shot at VictoryA Shot at Victory
Annihilation BladeAnnihilation Blade
Annihilation BladeAnnihilation Blade
Annihilating SlashAnnihilating Slash
Consecutive UseConsecutive Use
NatureNature's Blessing -
Stalwart BastionStalwart Bastion
Great FuryGreat Fury
Great FuryGreat Fury
Passive Skills
Rapidfire StanceRapidfire Stance Steady AimSteady Aim SniperSniper's Sense RoxieRoxie's Arrowhead
Devoted ShieldDevoted Shield ImpenetrableImpenetrable Resilient MindResilient Mind Distorted SanctuaryDistorted Sanctuary
Defensive Skill

The skill choices provided prioritize dealing damage from a distance by starting fights with longbow skills before finishing them with the sword. In this build, Strategic Rush is used to fill the gap once the longbow skills are on cooldown, easing the transition to sword skills.

We take Stalwart Bastion and Nature's Blessing for healing and damage mitigation to increase survivability when going into melee.

Passives are tuned to maximize the Longbow's abilities while providing survivability.

Level up longbow skills first, such as Zephyr's Nock, Strafing, and Decisive Arrow, as they provide the bulk of this build's damage.

All Weapon Skills

Best Weapons

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Throne and Liberty - Mastery IconMastery Throne and Liberty - Guardian IconGuardian Throne and Liberty - Rotations IconRotations Throne and Liberty (TL) - Stats IconStats
Primary Weapon
Queen BellandirQueen Bellandir's Languishing Blade ・Heavy Attack Chance +80
・Hit +80
・Critical Hit +80
Weapon Effect
Weapon Skill - Queen BellandirQueen Bellandir's Quicksand Creates 5m radius of Quicksand on the spot where Annihilating Slash was used. Quicksand decreases enemy Movement Speed by 60% and has a 70% chance to apply Collision: Pull to enemies within the radius when it disappears after 2s. Cooldown 34s.

Note: All of the traits shown here are of max value!

Queen Bellandir's Languishing Blade provides excellent crowd control thanks to its weapon effect, making it easier to create distance once the sword skills are exhausted.

Secondary Weapon
TeventTevent's Arc of Wailing Death ・Heavy Attack Chance +80
・Hit +80
・Critical Hit +80
Weapon Effect
Weapon Skill - TeventTevent's Bombardment Shoots a bonus projectile whenever using Strafing, dealing 54% of Base Damage

Note: All of the traits shown here are of max value!

Although Karnix's Netherbow offers potentially higher DPS, Tevent's Arc of Wailing Death is used instead for consistency. Since Strafing is a core part of the damage rotation, it fits in well with this build.

List of All Weapons

Best Armors and Accessories

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Throne and Liberty - Mastery IconMastery Throne and Liberty - Guardian IconGuardian Throne and Liberty - Rotations IconRotations Throne and Liberty (TL) - Stats IconStats
Shadow Harvester MaskShadow Harvester Mask ・Cooldown Speed +6%
・Magic Evasion +160
・Ranged Evasion +160
Supreme DevotionSupreme Devotion ・Debuff Duration -6%
・Mana Regen +60
・Skill Damage Resistance +80
Plate of the Field GeneralPlate of the Field General ・Max Health +600
・Buff Duration +6%
・Melee Evasion +160
Shadow Harvester GripsShadow Harvester Grips ・Magic Evasion +160
・Ranged Evasion +160
・Mana Regen +60
Greaves of the Field GeneralGreaves of the Field General ・Debuff Duration -6%
・Max Health +600
・Melee Evasion +160
Boots of the ExecutionerBoots of the Executioner ・Magic Endurance +160
・Ranged Evasion +160
・Max Health +600
Clasp of the ConquerorClasp of the Conqueror ・Buff Duration +6%
・Skill Damage Boost +80
・Max Health +600
Ancient Saurodoma BracersAncient Saurodoma Bracers ・Debuff Duration -6%
・Mana Regen +60
・Skill Damage Resistance +80
Band of Universal PowerBand of Universal Power ・Buff Duration +6%
・Mana Regen +60
・Max Mana +600
Amber Dimensional BandAmber Dimensional Band ・Buff Duration +6%
・Max Health +600
・Skill Damage Boost +80
Belt of BloodlustBelt of Bloodlust ・Debuff Duration -6%
・Max Health +600
・Skill Damage Resistance +80

Note: All of the traits shown here are of max value!

To improve DPS, two pieces of the Death Set are taken to increase critical damage. Both weapons benefit from this set bonus, making it the best option for this build..

This set also has the Imperator Set bonus to provide Melee Heavy Attack Chance, making your Sword skills hit even harder.

The rest of the armour and accessories are used to increase Strength and Dexterity, increasing damage dealt while providing some survivability, which is useful when damage cannot be avoided in melee combat.

List of References
List of All Armor List of All Accessories

Best Runes

Weapon Runes
Queen BellandirQueen Bellandir's Languishing Blade ・Critical Hit Chance
・Max Health
・Mana Cost Efficiency
Rune Synergy:
・Attack Speed
TeventTevent's Arc of Wailing Death ・Critical Hit Chance
・Max Health
・Mana Cost Efficiency
Rune Synergy:
・Attack Speed
Necklace Runes
Clasp of the ConquerorClasp of the Conqueror ・Hit Chance
・Max Health
・Healing Received
Rune Synergy:
・Max Health
Bracelet Runes
Ancient Saurodoma BracersAncient Saurodoma Bracers ・Heavy Attack Chance
・Max Health
・Mana Cost Efficiency
Rune Synergy:
・Attack Speed
・Max Health
Ring Runes
Amber Dimensional BandAmber Dimensional Band ・Critical Hit Chance
・Max Health
・Collision Chance
Rune Synergy:
・Cooldown Speed
Band of Universal PowerBand of Universal Power ・Critical Hit Chance
・Max Health
・Collision Chance
Rune Synergy:
・Cooldown Speed
Belt Runes
Belt of BloodlustBelt of Bloodlust ・Hit Chance
・Max Health
・Mana Cost Efficiency
Rune Synergy:
・Damage Reduction
・Max Health

The advent of runes made it possible to achieve multiple stat breakpoints in builds that were unattainable prior to their release.

Get Critical Hit Chance and Heavy Attach Chance to increase your damage output, as well as Max Health to increase survivability. Collision Chance is also a must as it will help Queen Bellandir's Languishing Blade's Weapon Effect hit more consistently.

For Rune Synergy, get both Strength and Dexterity to hit the 60 Strength and 70 Dexterity breakpoints. Partner these with Max Health, Cooldown Speed, and Attack Speed for survivability and damage.

Best Weapon Mastery

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Sword ・Boss (9 Pts)
・Provoke & Counter (9 Pts)
・Collision (1 Pt)
Longbow ・Sniping (9 Pts)
・Check (7 Pts)
・Support (3 Pts)

As this build is primarily focused on damage, prioritise points in the Boss tree to get Subjugator's Punishment to improve damage against bosses. The rest of the points go to Provoke & Counter for survivability.

For the longbow, the goal is to get to Brutal Shooter as quickly as possible to increase Critical Damage. The rest of the points will go to the Check tree to get to Gale Arrowhead to reduce all cooldowns, as well as Support for some survivability.

How to Get Weapon Mastery Points

Best Guardian

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Throne and Liberty - Mastery IconMastery Throne and Liberty - Guardian IconGuardian Throne and Liberty - Rotations IconRotations Throne and Liberty (TL) - Stats IconStats
Best Guardian
Shade Revenant SthenoShade Revenant Stheno Launches 5 projectiles at random enemies within a 10m range every second. A single enemy may be hit with multiple projectiles at the same time. Each projectile deals 52% of Base Damage.

Shade Revenant Stheno is the best option as it offers the highest DPS potential and can be fully utilized as this build can engage in melee. For best results, it should ideally be used against single targets, as it ensures that all projectiles hit that target.

All Guardians

Skill Rotations and Playstyle

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How to Play Longbow / Sword and Shield Build

Note: If the skills icons are confusing, some of the skill icons indicated here are using their specialized variants.

Ranged Rotation

Deadly Marker Ensnaring Arrow Decisive Bombardment Limit Break Decisive Bombardment
Brutal Arrow Strafing Strafing Zephyr Strafing

Ideally, it is best to start fights with Longbow skills first, as they do the most damage in this kit. Thanks to Blitz, Decisive Sniping can be used twice, and it can deal more damage thanks to the Limit Break specialization.

Melee Rotation

Strategic Rush Annihilation Blade Annihilating Slash Annihilating Slash

Once the Longbow skills are on cooldown, start the Melee Rotation with Strategic Rush to immediately close the gap, followed by the rest of the Sword Skills.

Utility Skills

Great Fury Nature

Stalwart Bastion is best used for damage mitigation, but can also be used for a bit of a damage boost thanks to the Great Fury specialization. Use Nature's Blessing as needed to provide some healing for the party.


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Offensive Stats

Stat Value
Melee Hit 588
Ranged Hit 508
Magic Hit 508
Melee Crit. Hit 1,046
Ranged Crit. Hit 1,046
Magic Crit. Hit 1,046

Defensive Stats

Stat Value
Melee Defense 1,938
Ranged Defense 1,768
Magic Defense 1,350
Melee Evasion 620
Ranged Evasion 930
Magic Evasion 620
Skill Damage Reduction 270
Damage Reduction 77
Debuff Duration -24%

Body Stats

Stat Value
Max Health 17,425
Max Mana 6,135
Mana Cost Efficiency 15%
Max Stamina 100
Move Speed 600 | 20.7%
Health Regen 216
Mana Regen 731.6
Mana Cost Efficiency 6%
Max Stamina 100
Cooldown Speed 21%

Crowd Control Stats

Stat Value
Weaken Chance 275
Stun Chance 282
Petrification Chance 200
Sleep Chance 200
Silence Chance 200
Terror Chance 200
Bind Chance 200
Collision Chance 444
Weaken Resistance 77
Stun Resistance 173

Miscellaneous Stats

Stat Value
All Evasion 120
Bonus Damage 15
Boss Endurance 120
Boss Damage Reduction 24
Boss Bonus Damage 49
Range ▲ 18.6%
Hit 308
Critical Hit 696
Heavy Attack Chance 284

Item Set Stats

Stat Value
Death Set Critical Damage 14% ▲
Imperator Set Melee Heavy Attack Chance +150

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Throne and Liberty - Greatsword.pngThrone and Liberty - Sword and Shield.png
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Throne and Liberty - Sword and Shield.pngThrone and Liberty - Crossbows.png
Sword and Shield / Crossbow
Throne and Liberty - Sword and Shield.pngThrone and Liberty - Wand.png
Sword and Shield / Wand
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Throne and Liberty - WandThrone and Liberty - Staff
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Throne and Liberty - LongbowThrone and Liberty - Staff
Longbow / Staff
Throne and Liberty - WandThrone and Liberty - Crossbows
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Throne and Liberty - Staff.pngThrone and Liberty - Sword and Shield.png
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Throne and Liberty - CrossbowThrone and Liberty - Longbow
Longbow / Crossbow
Throne and Liberty - Greatsword.pngThrone and Liberty - Longbow.png
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Throne and Liberty - StaffThrone and Liberty - Crossbow
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Throne and Liberty - CrossbowsThrone and Liberty - Daggers
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Throne and Liberty - DaggersThrone and Liberty - Wand
Dagger / Wand
Throne and Liberty - LongbowSpear Icon
Longbow / Spear
Throne and Liberty - WandSpear Icon
Wand / Spear
Throne and Liberty - StaffSpear Icon
Staff / Spear
Throne and Liberty - Greatsword.pngSpear Icon
Greatsword / Spear
Throne and Liberty - DaggersSpear Icon
Dagger / Spear
Throne and Liberty - CrossbowSpear Icon
Crossbow / Spear
Throne and Liberty - Sword and Shield.pngSpear Icon
Sword and Shield / Spear
PvP Builds
Throne and Liberty - Greatsword.pngThrone and Liberty - Sword and Shield.png
Greatsword / Sword and Shield
Throne and Liberty - WandThrone and Liberty - Staff
Wand / Staff
Throne and Liberty - Sword and Shield.pngThrone and Liberty - Daggers
Sword and Shield / Dagger
Throne and Liberty - DaggersThrone and Liberty - Crossbow
Dagger / Crossbow
Throne and Liberty - LongbowThrone and Liberty - Crossbow
Longbow / Crossbow
Throne and Liberty - WandThrone and Liberty - Daggers
Wand / Dagger
Throne and Liberty - LongbowThrone and Liberty - Wand
Longbow / Wand
Throne and Liberty - LongbowThrone and Liberty - Staff
Longbow / Staff
Throne and Liberty - LongbowThrone and Liberty - Dagger
Longbow / Dagger
Throne and Liberty - WandThrone and Liberty - Sword and Shield
Wand / Sword and Shield
Throne and Liberty - LongbowThrone and Liberty - Greatsword
Longbow / Greatsword
Throne and Liberty - DaggersThrone and Liberty - Staff
Dagger / Staff
Throne and Liberty - SpearThrone and Liberty - Dagger
Spear / Dagger
Throne and Liberty - SpearThrone and Liberty - Sword and Shield
Spear / Sword and Shield
Throne and Liberty - SpearThrone and Liberty - Dagger
Spear / Greatsword
Throne and Liberty - SpearThrone and Liberty - Staff
Spear / Staff
Throne and Liberty - WandThrone and Liberty - Greatsword
Wand / Greatsword
Throne and Liberty - LongbowSpear Icon
Longbow / Spear
Spear IconThrone and Liberty - Crossbow
Spear / Crossbow
Throne and Liberty - WandSpear Icon
Wand / Spear

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