Throne and Liberty (TL)

List of All Amitoi


Amitoi are little companions that heal players and pick up item drops while they explore the world of Throne and Liberty (TL). Read on for a full list of all Amitoi and how to get them, as well as info on the Amitoi House and Expeditions.

List of All Amitoi

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Amitoi Region How to Get
Bluish FigmentBluish Figment Ruins Region Icon Ruins Region Chance to acquire when defeating the field boss Junobote.
Clear-Eyed FigmentClear-Eyed Figment Ruins Region Icon Ruins Region Chance to acquire when defeating the field boss Malakar.
Cutie ThwumpCutie Thwump Ruins Region Icon Ruins Region Reward for getting rank 1-10 in the Dominion Event: Festival of Fire.
Fighter DentwerpFighter Dentwerp Ruins Region Icon Ruins Region Chance to acquire when opening the rewards chest at the end of the Cave of Destruction Co-Op Dungeon.
Forest Buddy GroverForest Buddy Grover Forest Region Icon Forest Region Chance to acquire when cutting down Star Trees or Fruit Star Trees.
Forest Light GroverForest Light Grover Forest Region Icon Forest Region Chance to acquire when defeating the field boss Aridus.
Forest Protector GroverForest Protector Grover Forest Region Icon Forest Region Chance to acquire when defeating the field boss Grand Aelon.
Forest Sappling GroverForest Sappling Grover Forest Region Icon Forest Region Unlocked after the game intro.
Hexbound FigmentHexbound Figment Solisium Region Bought from the Special Shop.
Innocent and Pure YeddyInnocent and Pure Yeddy Forest Region Icon Forest Region Bought from the Special Shop.
Jack-oJack-o'-Lantern Izzy Solisium Region Chance to acquire when opening the rewards chest at the end of the Haunted Labyrinth Co-Op Dungeon.
Jingling ShaccoonJingling Shaccoon Desert Region Icon Desert Region Chance to acquire when gathering Wild Herb and Mushroom nodes.
Light ShaikiLight Shaiki Ruins Region Icon Ruins Region Chance to acquire when opening the rewards chest at the end of the Cursed Wasteland Co-Op Dungeon.
Loyal Fist DentwerpLoyal Fist Dentwerp Ruins Region Icon Ruins Region Chance to acquire when defeating the field boss Adentus.
Mischievous Youngster GneissMischievous Youngster Gneiss Ruins Region Amitoi NVIDIA App reward
Obsidian Knight OssicObsidian Knight Ossic Ruins Region Icon Ruins Region Chance to acquire when defeating the field boss Cornelius.
Prankster JokerPrankster Joker Ruins Region Icon Ruins Region Complete the exploration quest, A Powerless Little Friend in the Abandoned Stonemason Town.
Prepared Adventurer GlyntPrepared Adventurer Glynt Ruins Region Icon Ruins Region Chance to acquire when defeating the field boss Morokai.
Scatterbrain ShaccoonScatterbrain Shaccoon Desert Region Icon Desert Region Complete the exploration quest, Secret in the Sand Dust in Moonlight Desert
Serious Magician GlyntSerious Magician Glynt Ruins Region Icon Ruins Region Chance to acquire when defeating the field boss Minezerok.
Snow White Cutie YeddySnow White Cutie Yeddy Forest Region Icon Forest Region Complete the exploration quest, Little Friend in the Sky in Nesting Grounds.
Soft Nest HawthorneSoft Nest Hawthorne Forest Region Icon Forest Region Level 20 Leveling Log Reward after you participate in the Lantern Seed Festival dynamic event.
Sprouting TalemSprouting Talem Desert Region Icon Desert Region Chance to acquire when defeating the field boss Talus.
Steel Fist DentwerpSteel Fist Dentwerp Ruins Region Icon Ruins Region Chance to acquire when opening the rewards chest at the end of the Butcher's Canyon Co-Op Dungeon.
Thieving NickThieving Nick Ruins Region Icon Ruins Region Complete the exploration quest, Meeting a Friend in the Field in Urstella Fields
Toddler PercyToddler Percy Shore Region Icon Shore Region Chance to acquire at a Mystic Globe or Mystic Portal.
Tormented Writer GlyntTormented Writer Glynt Ruins Region Icon Ruins Region Chance to acquire when opening the rewards chest at the end of the Death's Abyss Co-Op Dungeon.
Trainee OssicTrainee Ossic Ruins Region Icon Ruins Region Complete the exploration quest, Little Friend in the Box in Carmine Forest.
Vagabond PercyVagabond Percy Shore Region Icon Shore Region Complete the exploration quest, A Small But Mighty Companion in Kastleton.
Waddling PercyWaddling Percy Shore Region Icon Shore Region Chance to acquire at a Mystic Globe or Mystic Portal.
Wandering Youth GneissWandering Youth Gneiss Ruins Region Icon Ruins Region Chance to acquire when mining Moonstone or Marind Ore.

What are Amitoi?

Helper that Heals You While Collecting Dropped Loot

An Amitoi is a companion that follows the player and reacts according to their current activity. When you lose HP, they provide passive healing by using World Tree Leaves to recover health. When enemies drop loot, your Amitoi automatically picks them up, allowing you to continue exploring.

Can Be Sent on Expeditions to Earn Resources

Since you'll have a surplus of Amitoi companions during your travels, you'll have the option to send them on Amitoi Expeditions. These timed journeys will allow you to passively earn resources by putting your idle Amitoi to work.

What are Amitoi Expeditions?

Method to Passively Earn Resources

Amitoi Expedition

Amitoi Expeditions will allow the player's unsummoned Amitoi to go on their own adventure and bring back different materials and rewards. This allows you passively earn resources while you adventure throughout Solisium.

When you send your Amitoi out on expeditions they also gain Amitoi Expedition XP which raises their level. The higher your Amitoi Expedition level, the more places you'll be able to send your Amitoi!

Amitoi Expedition Guide

Unlock the Amitoi House During the Main Quest to Access Expeditions

Unlocking the Amitoi House
Req. Quest
How to Enter

The Amitoi House is unlocked during the exploration quest in Chapter 3, A Small But Mighty Companion, in Kastleton. Speak to Adventurer Pro Percy in the Liberation Plaza and this will trigger a discussion about Amitoi Expedition.

After speaking with him the Amitoi House will be unlocked and the player will receive the Amitoi Vagabond Percy as a reward. To enter the Amitoi House, click on the Icon of your Amitoi near the top of your hot bar.

How to Enter the Amitoi House on Console/Controller

Step Explanation
1 Press L2/LT to bring up the Quick Menu 1 radial.
2 Press the Left Stick to switch to Quick Menu 2. Use the Right Stick to select the Scroll Icon, and select it to go to Amitoi House.

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