Throne and Liberty (TL)

20th Floor Secret Dungeon: Revenger Skeleton Commander Overview

Throne and Liberty - Taedal

Revenge and Resurrection is the 20th Floor of Taedal's Tower in Throne and Liberty (TL) where you must fight Revenger Skeleton Commander. Read on to see an overview of Revenger Skeleton Commander as well as the possible rewards and drops upon completion!

How to Beat Revenger Skeleton Commander

Revenger Skeleton Commander Mechanics

Phase 1

Phase 1 will be a regular fight with the Revenger Skeleton Commander. During both phases, the boss will spawn Skeleton minions that will try to attack the player. When these minions die on their own, they ignite the area underneath them. Kill these minions yourself to give your character more space in the arena.

Phase 2

Revenger Skeleton Commander will restore all its Health and start the second phase. Throughout the phase, Revenger Skeleton Commander will ignite the edges of the arena, causing damage to the player.

Revenger Skeleton Commander Attack Patterns

Fury Attack

Revenger Skeleton Commander will launch a Fury Attack, pushing the player away. Parry this attack with a Defensive Skill

AOE Wave Attack

Revenger Skeleton Commander charges, while a wave closes in on the boss. Jump over the wave as it closes in to avoid the damage and crowd control.

Burning Area Attack

Revenger Skeleton Commander ignites the area underneath the player, dealing Poison damage. Move outside of this zone to stop taking damage.

Revenger Skeleton Commander Overview

Revenge and Resurrection
Throne and Liberty (TL) - Revenger Skeleton Commander
Revenger Skeleton Commander
Throne and Liberty (TL) - Sollant: 199,098
Throne and Liberty (TL) - EXP: 50,601
Lvl. Req. Lvl. 50

Revenge and Resurrection Rewards

All Revenge and Resurrection Rewards
Precious Weapon Growthstone Icon Precious Weapon Growthstone x16 Precious Armor Growthstone Icon Precious Armor Growthstone x16 Precious Accessory Growthstone Icon Precious Accessory Growthstone x16 Rare Recovery Crystal Icon Rare Recovery Crystal x30
Fierce Taion

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