Throne and Liberty (TL)

Gear Builder

Throne and Liberty - Gear Builder Banner.png

This is our Gear Builder, build maker, build simulator, or build calculator where players can plan their item builds for Throne and Liberty (TL)! Try it out to help you plan, simulate, or calculate your gear for early, middle, and end game builds.

Gear Builder

Refreshing Contracts (1).pngNotice The table below may appear incorrectly in some devices and/or browsers. We recommend using Google Chrome for the best settings.

Build Simulator
Main Hand Off-hand
Throne and Liberty - Equipment Slot
Throne and Liberty - Equipment Slot
Head Cloak Chest Hands
Throne and Liberty - Equipment Slot
Throne and Liberty - Equipment Slot
Throne and Liberty - Equipment Slot
Throne and Liberty - Equipment Slot
Legs Feet Necklace Bracelet
Throne and Liberty - Equipment Slot
Throne and Liberty - Equipment Slot
Throne and Liberty - Equipment Slot
Throne and Liberty - Equipment Slot
Ring 1 Ring 2 Belt
Throne and Liberty - Armor
Throne and Liberty -Armor
Throne and Liberty - Equipment Slot.png
Max Health0Max Mana0
Max Stamina0Mana Cost Efficiency (%)0
Move Speed0Health Regen0
Mana Regen0Stamina Regen0
Cooldown Speed (%)0Attack Speed (%)0
Melee Hit0Ranged Hit0
Magic Hit0Melee Critical Hit0
Ranged Critical Hit0Magic Critical Hit0
Skill Damage Boost0Bonus Damage0
Critical Damage (%)0Buff Duration (%)0
Melee Defense0Ranged Defense0
Magic Defense0Melee Evasion0
Ranged Evasion0Magic Evasion0
Melee Endurance0Ranged Endurance0
Magic Endurance0Damage Reduction0
Skill Damage Resistance0Debuff Duration (%)0
Weaken Resistance0Stun Chance0
Petrification Resistance0Sleep Resistance0
Silence Resistance0Terror Resistance0
Bind Resistance0Collision Resistance0

Not all stats found in-game are included in the tables above, only those that we think are relevant for players. Moreover, set item bonuses are not taken into account yet. We're planning to add more features in the future!

How to Use the Gear Builder

Add an Item To add an item, simply click on the grey boxes under the item slot, then choose the item you want to add.
Remove an item To remove an item, simply click on the item you want to remove from the item slot.
Reset the build To remove all the items currently selected, simply click on the Reset button at the bottom row of the table.

This tool can be used as a build simulator, build maker, or build calculator.

Share Your Suggestions and Improvements for Our Gear Builder!

We'd want to know what features you would like to see added in our Gear Builder tool in our comment section!

Share Your Suggestions Here

Throne and Liberty Related Links

Throne and Liberty Wiki Partial Banner

Throne and Liberty Wiki

Throne and Liberty Guides

Throne and Liberty Guides
Throne and Liberty - NewsNews Throne and Liberty - BuildsBuilds
Throne and Liberty - Gear BuilderGear Builder Throne and Liberty - Tier ListWeapon Combo Tier List
Throne and Liberty (TL) - Weapon Tier ListWeapon Tier List Throne and Liberty - WeaponsWeapons
Throne and Liberty - Skills GuideSkills Throne and Liberty - Tips and TricksTips and Tricks
Throne and Liberty - ArmorArmor Throne and Liberty - AccessoriesAccessories
Throne and Liberty - QuestsQuests ItemsItems
Throne and Liberty - MapMap Throne and Liberty (TL) - Secret DungeonsSecret Dungeons
SkinsSkins ArchbossesArchbosses
Field Bosses PartialField Bosses Fishing PartialFishing
Dynamic Events PartialDynamic Events Morphs Partial BannerMorphs
Throne and Liberty - AmitoiAmitoi Co-op Dungeons PartialCo-op Dungeons
Throne and Liberty - Open World DungeonsOpen World Dungeons Throne and Liberty - Armor Tier ListsArmor Tier Lists
Throne and Liberty - Accessories Tier ListsAccessories Tier Lists Events PartialEvents
Throne and Liberty - RunesRunes Throne and Liberty - Dimensional TrialsDimensional Trials


4 Anonymous2 months

Sugers what to change?

3 Anonymous3 months



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