Throne and Liberty (TL)

How to Fish and How to Get Bait

Throne and Liberty How to Fish

You can fish in different bodies of water in Throne and Liberty to gather ingredients for cooking recipes. Keep reading to learn about the fishing codex, how to fish, how to get bait and a fishing rod, the best places to fish, and more!

Throne and Liberty Fishing Codex

Shows Information of Fish You Have Caught

Along with the Call of the Spear Update came the Fisher's Guide to Solisium. You can access it under the Content category in the Main Menu. This acts like your Codex for fish and, similar to the Collection Codex, you can only view the data of fish you have caught.

The rarity and level of a fish determines how common you will encounter it and how easy it is to catch. The fish size is important to note as different bait attracts different sizes of fish.

Habitat Points Reward System

The Fisher's Guide to Solisium will reward you for catching fish in their respective regions, but only once per region on each fish. For example, catching a Pink Cod in Kastleton the first time will give you one point, but catching more Pink Cod in Kastleton will not give any additional points. You will have to catch Pink Cod for the first time in their other habitats, like Windhill Shores and Daybreak Shore, to earn more points. While there are 181 Habitat points to collect overall, the maximum points you would need to collect for the highest reward is 70.

The Belphoret Bass and Silver Anchovy are outliers in this system, as they are not found in individual regions, but rather in specific bodies of water regardless of region. The Belphoret Bass can be found in any freshwater body of water, while the Silver Anchovy can be found in any sea. As such, these fish do not give Habitant Points when caught.

Rewards for Finding Fish Habitats

Points Rewards
1 Paste Bait x50
5 Precious Polished Crystal x5
Nature's Jade x5
10 ・Precious Base Material Selection Selection Chest x5
・Nature's Jade x5
15 ・Title - Fisher's Guide to Solisium Master
20 ・Precious Base Material Selection Selection Chest x10
・Nature's Jade x10
30 ・Precious Base Material Selection Selection Chest x10
・Nature's Jade x10
40 ・Recipe: Special Lava Fish Rice Bowl
50 ・Precious Base Material Selection Selection Chest x15
・Nature's Jade x10
60 ・Precious Base Material Selection Selection Chest x15
・Nature's Jade x10
70 ・Fisherman Hawthorne
90 ・Precious Polished Crystal x20

Throne and Liberty How to Fish

Slot in Fishing Rod and Bait

Fishing is an activity in Throne and Liberty that you can do to gather seafood ingredients from viable bodies of water for cooking recipes.

To start fishing, go to the Character Info menu from the Main Menu and equip a Fishing Rod and the Bait of your choice, depending on what type of fish you're trying to lure out.

Equip Fishing Rod and Cast Float

Once you have a Rod and Bait slotted in, go near a body of water, then click on the Fishing Rod icon above your Quick Slots, or press the assigned shortcut, to equip it.

After equipping a Fishing Rod, aim your cursor along the water until the light turns blue, then press the indicated button to cast out your line.

Pull the Fish to Drain Its HP

Shortly after casting out your line, you should see a prompt once a fish takes your bait to Snap up your line. Press the indicated button to drain around 25% of the fish's HP. Whether you press the button or not, however, you will start reeling the fish in. Once the fish's HP reaches 0, you will successfully catch it.

Pull Opposite of Fish's Swimming Direction

As you are pulling at a fish, it will try swimming either left or right to escape. Hold down the buttons to Drag Left or Right to pull the Rod away from the direction the fish is swimming, or else it will escape.

Your stamina will drain as you try to Drag the fish. When your stamina is empty, you will not affect the FIsh's HP, even if you are pulling opposite the direction they are swimming.

Make sure to periodically stop pulling your Rod so that your Stamina can recharge and you can keep draining the fish's HP.

Pay Attention to Arrow Indicators

Sometimes you will encounter fish with levels that are either much higher or much lower than your current fishing level. These are indicated with double red and blue arrows respectively. When you see double red arrows on the fish icon, expect a tougher time catching the fish. When you see the double blue arrows though, you can expect an easy catch.

When your fishing level is still mid-range, these arrows are a good indicator of the fish you are catching, especially if you are trying to farm a fish with a specific level.

Raise Fishing Level to Make Fishing Easier

Successful fishing attempts will grant you Fishing EXP to level up your Fishing Level. The higher your Fishing Level, the easier reeling in fish will become.

Level 20 is the Maximum Level

The highest level that you can reach while leveling your Fishing is level 20. Similar to your character's level, you can still get Fishing EXP at level 20, but will not be able to level up.

Fishing Rods Give Fishing Level Buffs

Throne and Liberty Fishing Bonus Level

It is, however, possible to go past the level cap by equipping better fishing rods. Starting from the Steel Fishing Rod, players will receive a Fishing Bonus Level, which increases their Fishing Level as long as the fishing rod is equipped.

As such, it is important to upgrade your fishing rods whenever possible.

All Fishing Rod Locations

How to Increase Fishing Level Fast

Throne and Liberty Quality Rye Bread

The simplest way to level your fishing is by going out to fish. Stock up on bait (like the cheap Paste Bait) and head over to a body of water to fish.

It also helps to stock up and eat Rye Bread (ideally Quality Rye Bread) while fishing, as this gives you a 15% Fishing Mastery bonus for 15-30 minutes.

As you raise your Fishing level, it will become easier to catch higher rarity fish, like the Banded Butterflyfish or the Arowana. These fish give more EXP, which in turn helps you level up even faster.

Unequip Fishing Rod to Cancel Animation

Whether you are out there grinding for fishing experience or trying to farm for a certain fish, keep in mind that unequiping your fishing rod cancels out the animation that happens whenever you catch a fish. Once you catch a fish, you can double-press ctrl-F (or whatever hotkey you have for your fishing rod) to skip the long-winded animation and get straight back to fishing quicker.

Throne and Liberty How to Get Bait

Bait How to Get
Throne and Liberty - Paste BaitPaste Bait Contract Coin Merchants
You can acquire a chest from a Coin Contract merchant once a day.
Throne and Liberty - Bait Worm Bait Worm Star Trees
Farming Star Trees throughout Solisium also has a chance of dropping Bait Worm.
Throne and Liberty - Bait Shrimp Bait Shrimp Crustacean Monsters
Bait Shrimp is harder to come by as crustacean monsters found by the coast have a chance of dropping this.
Fish Fillet Bait Fish Fillet Bait Dissolving Fish
Dissolving fish like the Belphoret Bass or the Banded Butterflyfish will give you Fish Fillet bait.

Bait is essential in fishing. It can either be bought from a merchant, gathered from Star Trees, hunted from crustaceans by the coast, or received from dissolving fish.

List of Bait and How to Get Better Bait

Throne and Liberty Where to Get Fishing Rod Fast

Fastest Method: Finish Percy's Appendix

The fastest way to get a Fishing Rod for free is by completing the Appendix Adventures of the Expedition in Chapter 3.

Once you talk to Adventurer Pro Percy in Kastleton after sending out your first Amitoi Expedition, you will be automatically rewarded with a Bamboo Fishing Rod.

All Fishing Rod Locations

Throne and Liberty Best Places to Fish

Purelight Hill for Freshwater Fish

Throne and Liberty jFreshwater Fish

The Main Waterway near Purelight Hill and the small lake beside Purelight Tower are the best places to catch rare fish. Main Waterway, in particular, is where you can catch the Fonsine Barracuda, Lanquis Barracuda, and the Dolly Varden Trout.

While fishing here, you will also be able to get a lot of Belphoret Bass and Arowana for Fish Fillet Bait, as well as Largemouth Bass for cooking.

Saurodoma Island for Saltwater Fish

Throne and Liberty Saltwater Fish

As for saltwater fish, you will want to head over to the wharf in Saurodoma Island. You can either get there via the Waypoint, or by swimming there from Daybreak Shore.

Saurodoma Island is where you will be able to catch various Uncommon and Rare fish, such as the Barracuda, Blacktail Snook, and the Aurora Starfish.

Additionally, while fishing here, you will also be able to get Silver Anchovy and Banded Butterflyfish for Fish Fillet Bait, as well as the Pink Cod for cooking.

List of All Fish Locations

There's a Safe Fishing Spot for Night Fishing

The only problem with fishing in Saurodoma Island is that it becomes a PvP zone at night, making you a prime target for players who want to kill anyone they see.

If you find yourself fishing in Saurodoma Island at night, head over to the secret fishing spot above. This spot is far enough from the major entry points into Saurodoma Island, and gives you the option to swim away should any player try to kill you.

Famous Fishing Locations

On rare occasions, Famous Fishing Locations will spawn on the map. Make sure to visit them for a chance to catch Special fish! Special fish differ from General ones as Special fish can only be caught in Famous Fishing Locations when they appear.

Be wary as these Famous Fishing Locations can get destroyed prematurely even before its timer on the map runs out. It is not confirmed yet as to what destroys them, but it may have something to do with how much has been fished out of them.

Fish Within Famous Fishing Location Area

Once you arrive at the location, aim within the area to be able to catch the Special fish. Simply fishing near it will not count.

Throne and Liberty How to Use Fish

Fish is a Common Consumable Ingredient

The main reason to fish is to get seafood ingredients to create certain consumables that can grant you buffs during open world exploration.

List of All Cooking Ingredients

Fish Can Provide Bait When Dissolved

Throne and Liberty Dissolving Fish for Bait

Some fish, like the Belphoret Bass and the Arowana, can be Dissolved to provide Fish Fillet Bait. Using this bait increases the chance of catching higher rarity fish, which in turn can provide you with more fish to dissolve.

Additionally, dissolving Uncommon or Rare fish can also provide Uncommon Fish Oil, which is a cooking ingredient.

It is important to note, however, that only specific fish can be dissolved.

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