Throne and Liberty (TL)

Tyrant's Isle Dungeon Guide

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Throne and Liberty (TL) - Tyrant
To finish Tyrant's Isle and beat Toublek in Throne and Liberty (TL), dig down and rush to the blue flower as a rat, then stand on the active geysers to be safe before dealing damage. Read on to see an overview of Tyrant's Isle, a complete walkthrough of Tyrant's Isle, how to beat Toublek, and the possible rewards and drops upon completion!

Tyrant's Isle Overview

Required Level Lv. 50
Type 1-Star Dimensional Circle
Contract Token
Throne and Liberty (TL) - Dimension Contract Token 1 300
Min. Combat Power
Throne and Liberty (TL) - Minimum Combat Power 1600
A violent tyrant named Toublek of Saurodoma Island possesses the reptilian gift of infinite regeneration as well as the power to use sorcery, making him impervious to even the most devastating attacks. Once an elf wizard, Toublek's reptilianism is the result of a magical experiment gone awry. Now, he's become the terror of Saurodoma Island, kidnapping innocent victims to perform experiments on in hopes of finding a way to reverse his transformation.

Tyrant's Isle Walkthrough

Tyrant's Isle Sequences
Marsh Section
Starting Tyrant's Isle, you will enter a marsh filled with Reptilians with a single Reptilian Butcher in the middle clearing. Before proceeding with the mini-boss, make sure to clear most of the mobs since the mini-boss will periodically use a move and call on nearby mobs for assistance.
Reptilian Butcher
Cavernous Section
After defeating the Reptilian Butcher, you enter the cave under the waterfall to proceed. You will often come through Oil Jars with health bars as you progress through this area. Use these jars by grabbing the attention of multiple mobs, grouping them up near the oil jar, and then destroying it. Doing so spreads oil, which can then be ignited by using any Fire skill to quickly kill the mobs.

As you progress further into the area and closer to the second mini-boss, coming into contact with Reptilian eggs becomes more frequent. These eggs spawn ravenous hatchlings when you come near them, so have your ranged members remove them before engaging the second mini-boss.
Bloodthirsty Reptilian Executioner
Rescuing the Kidnapped Sailors
As soon as you beat the Executioner, the gate will open but will glow a red hue. If a teammate is lagging behind, they run the risk of getting stuck in the previous area. Open the gate by activating the lever that is found on a platform you can grapple to on the left side of the gate.

Progress while using the Oil Jars to quickly clear mobs. However, you were tasked earlier to rescue the kidnapped sailors. The first sailor is found inside a cage near the Reptilian housings at the right side as you enter the gate. The next sailor is found atop the area near the Reptilian Gladiator but can only be rescued after defeating said mini-boss.
Bloodthirsty Reptilian Gladiator
Geyser Gliding
You will receive a cutscene and prompt from a sailor after rescuing them, which shows that a geyser nearby is now active. You and the party must get on the geyser, preferably at the front-most edge facing the wooden barricade.

As soon as you are launched, do not hold forward as you will not maintain enough momentum to reach the platform. Instead, glide while pressing the jump button to gain more height, which allows you to barely reach. Soon after, glide down the platform to get to the second Geyser, which will launch you to the area of the final boss of the dungeon, Toublek.

Reptilian Butcher

Fighting Reptilian Butcher is simple as it will only repeat a few moves. Have your tank face them head-on to parry the Fury Attacks while the others provide DPS.

The Butcher will sometimes teleport to the farthest player and chase them down with leaps if they attempt to kite. Have them hold their ground so the Butcher will only use Fury Attacks.

As for its main mechanic, the Reptilian Butcher will periodically turn invisible and invulnerable to damage. Interact with the Luminescent Coral scattered near the area to reveal and stun him.

During this sequence, it is recommended to do this with your team to make the process quicker and ensure the Butcher is near. Additionally, have the healer set up the Wand's Fountain of Life before doing so for additional safety.

Bloodthirsty Reptilian Executioner

Starting the fight, it is best to first focus on the Reptilian Fighter that is stationed beside the Reptilian Executioner as it can be annoying with its Stun-inflicting fury attacks. After defeating the mob, focus your resources on the Executioner.

There will be three attacks that you will have to watch out for in this fight: (1) Plunge, (2) Halberd Tremor, and lastly (3) the Crashing Wave.

Attack Description
Plunge Attack Quickly leaps to a random member of the team, stunning them upon hit while having a tracking property. This is the Executioner's most used move, so always be vigilant about parrying it!
Halberd Tremor When you see the Executioner dancing and hopping around, it will swing its halberd down and cause tremors that shoot straight. Avoid this by simply going to the side as it deals significant damage.
Crashing Wave The Executioner will leap near the gate and slam the ground to produce a damaging wave. Dodge this by jumping when the wave comes near you. The jump itself does not have to be perfect to avoid the damage.

As an additional note, you will be fighting in a pool of stagnant water, meaning that you and the Executioner will have the Wet status the whole time. Capitalize on this by using skills that get beneficial effects while being wet such as Chain Lightning!

Bloodthirsty Reptilian Gladiator

Like the Reptilian Butcher, the fight with the Gladiator is fairly simple. Again, have your tank face them head-on to parry the Fury Attacks while the others position near the pillars for its mechanic later. It is also important to keep note that you should not attempt to kite the Gladiator as it does a rotation of leaping and range attacks if you run from them!

There will be only one mechanic that you should be worried about. As you fight, one of your party members will begin to have a red glowing aura around them. That is the indicator that the Gladiator will charge at the party member.

As this dash is unblockable, the only means to stop it would be to position a pillar between you and the Gladiator. Successfully doing so will stun it for a brief moment, but it will prepare to dash to a different target after it recovers.

If you and your party are not able to destroy all of the pillars during this phase, he will break all the pillars and deal massive AoE damage that can down most players. The key to consistently avoiding this is by having each member assigned to each pillar.

Toublek Strategy Guide

Toublek Overview

Throne and Liberty (TL) - Toublek
Type Wildkin
Passive Skillful Defense: All Endurance ▲

Toublek Mechanics

To beat Toublek even without end-game gear, follow and abide by the fight's mechanics to keep yourself safe and able to deal with as much DPS as possible.

Toublek Mechanics

Dig Then Get the Blue Flower

Toublek will lift you in the air and place you near him, after which he will turn you into a tiny rat that only has one action, the ability to dig. After turning into a rat, he will do a ground pound that will stun any of those that did not tunnel down. Getting stunned will result in Toublek eating the player, which is an instakill move.

To survive this mechanic, you must dig into the ground while you are a rat as soon as his animation shows him lowering his staff. After that, resurface by pressing the skill again and scamper quickly to the blue glowing flower nearest to your location to turn yourself back into a human.

As the blue flowers are a one-time use per player, assign flowers to each of your party members or simply scatter in the opposite direction. Do not get the flower before digging down as you will die to the first ground pound.

Get Launched by the Geyser

Toublek, after exclaiming "See if you can dodge this" raises his staff. This causes the ground to rumble and select geysers will begin to turn active and start bubbling rapidly.

The geysers will then erupt, followed by an AoE attack that one-shots any player inside its radius. Toublek will do this once more before proceeding to another move. To survive this mechanic, stand inside the geyser to allow yourself to get launched in the air, avoiding the AoE in the process.

However, always remember to morph and glide or risk fall damage. As an additional tip, using the Staff's Salvation Chain on allies far from an active geyser's range will save most runs, so keep that tool ready just in case!

Toublek Attack Patterns

Toublek follows and repeats this pattern the whole fight:

Fireballs ▶ Tail Spin ▶ Rat Morph ▶ Fireballs ▶ Tail Spin ▶ Cross Meteors ▶ Geyser Boost ▶ Rat Morph

Force Balls

Toublek's basic attack is where he will fling a targeted ball of energy to a party member, dealing 800-1000 damage per hit. While insignificant at most times, it will quickly mount up when targeted at DPS members.

Tail Spin

For the majority of the battle, Toublek will always begin his rotation with a Fury Attack that has him do a Tail Spin. While not much of a threat, it is recommended to position close to him and parry the attack as the timing is fairly simple. This allows you to get your Defense Skill's bonuses to consistently activate!

However, as soon as Toublek is done performing the attack, he will quickly transition into other of his mechanics after a few basic attacks.

Cross Meteors

Toublek will use his staff to charge up a blue infernal ball with his staff and fire it into the air, crashing down meteors that expand into a cross-shape after its initial explosion. While the first impact deals minimal damage, the proceeding aftershocks will likely kill a DPS quickly.

As a tip, he only proceeds to do this attack after exclaiming "I'll fry you", which gives you ample time to react. The most reliable way to dodge this would be to morph and reposition yourself safely. However, the most optimal way to dodge this would be to only walk/run diagonally to avoid the cross explosions, allowing you to deal damage very early on.

Tyrant's Isle Rewards and Drops

This section is currently under construction!

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