Throne and Liberty (TL)

Cave of Destruction Dungeon: How to Beat Lequirus

Throne and Liberty - Cave of Destruction Dungeon
To finish Cave of Destruction and beat fight Lequirus in Throne and Liberty (TL), clear the paralyzing ants and designate larva collection to minimize damage taken. Read on to see an overview of Cave of Destruction, a complete walkthrough of Cave of Destruction, how to beat Lequirus, and the best rewards and drops upon completion!

How to Beat Lequirus

Lequirus Boss Showcase

Note: This clear was done in the KR server!

Check out our 5-minute clear of Lequirus with minimal gear investments and only 5 party members!

Lequirus Overview

Throne and Liberty (TL) - Lequirus
Type Wildkin
Passive Innate Defense: All Defense ▲

Lequirus Mechanics

How to Avoid AoE Attack

Clear the Colored Paralyzing Ant

Lequirus will spawn two ants, red and blue. At the same time, a colored marked area will also spawn. Killing the ant of the same color as the marked area will grant an attack buff and allow the player to enter the marked area.

Remember that the buff has a duration, meaning that if you lose the buff while inside the area, you will be repeatedly stunned and pushed out!

Head to the Marked Area

Lequirus will telegraph this attack and text will appear above his head. Walk to the marked area and a pillar will spawn. If the player stands on the pillar, they will be launched upwards when Lequirus unleashes his AoE attack, but avoid taking any damage.

As an alternative for when you did not get the buff from the Paralyzing Ants, you can climb the three natural pillars. The only two downsides of opting for this alternative are you must be quick to react to the text and that Lequirus will have more air time.

Defeat the Gem Ant

After unleashing its AoE attack, Lequrius will begin flying while a Gem Ant spawns. If players are launched into the air during the attack, they can glide to one of the platforms where the Gem Ant spawned.

Lequirus will continuously bombard players with ranged poison spits that stack, only stopping when the Gem Ant is defeated.

Designate Larva Collection

When Lequirus' HP drops below 50%, they can spit volatile larva on the entire party, which clings for a set amount of time. To deal with this mechanic, two players with larvae should stand next to each other to merge the larvae, then go to other players to get their larvae.

Doing the mechanic successfully results in only two players getting knocked up while minimizing damage. Failure to deal with the larva would cause it to explode, knocking the affected player upwards and dealing damage.

Lequirus Attack Patterns

Fury Attack

After a short wind-up, Lequirus will unleash a Fury Attack, dealing significant damage. Tanks should be able to block this accordingly.

Red AoE Slam

Lequirus will use an AoE attack when the aggro is on a player out of their melee range. Make sure the tank is close to Lequirus and allow them to draw Lequirus' attention first to reduce the occurrence of this attack as it can quickly wipe out the party.

Cave of Destruction Best Team and Roles

Weapon Combo
Throne and Liberty - Greatsword.pngThrone and Liberty - Sword and Shield.png
Greatsword / Sword and Shield

Weapon Combination:
This weapon combo makes a great tank build to clear out the mobs and soak damage for the team before reaching Lequirus.
Dungeon Role:
Responsible for taking the aggro of the ants, especially the explosive ones, you encounter throughout the dungeon.
Lequirus Role:
Responsible for sticking close to Lequirus to prevent him from using its Red AoE Slam AoE attack.
Throne and Liberty - CrossbowThrone and Liberty - Longbow
Longbow / Crossbow

Weapon Combination:
This weapon combo makes use of long-range attacks to take out key targets.
Dungeon Role:
Responsible for focusing on bursting down the numerous amounts of Explosive Ants to prevent downed teammates.
Lequirus Role:
Responsible for dealing massive single-target damage both to the Colored Paralyzing Ants and Lequirus. Furthermore, this class should stick close to the Healer for when Lequirus does its larva attack.
Throne and Liberty - CrossbowsThrone and Liberty - Daggers
Dagger / Crossbow

Weapon Combination
This weapon combo is built around massive AoE clears and stealth utility.
Dungeon Role:
Responsible for dealing with the clumped-together ants the tank has gathered.
Lequirus Role:
Responsible for dealing massive single-target damage both to the Colored Paralyzing Ants and Lequirus. Furthermore, this class should stick close to the tank to deal as much damage as possible.
Throne and Liberty - WandThrone and Liberty - Staff
Wand / Staff

Weapon Combination
This weapon combo makes a great healer build to provide consistent healing to the party, especially to the tank. It also has some offensive options for additional damage.
Dungeon Role:
Responsible for keeping the party healthy at all times, especially towards poisoned allies and victims of explosive ants.
Lequirus Role:
Focus on healing the tank as they will take the brunt of the damage. Apart from that, the healers are responsible for retrieving the larvae from the Tank and DPS in conjunction with another DPS when Lequirus performs that attack.

Cave of Destruction Walkthrough

Cave of Destruction Sequences
Watch Out for the Explosive Ants
The overall dungeon will be filled to the brim with ants. While most are not a threat, keep it a general rule to watch out for the exploding ants, as they deal AoE damage on death. Try to avoid killing the ants next to any teammates.

Even if they do not have a fury attack indicator, you can still parry the attack to mitigate the explosion's poison damage by waiting until its belly turns bright green!
Quickly Dispatch the Larvae
After you clear the first room, you will enter a chamber filled with larvae. These larvae, while numerous, are squishy since you deal increased damage to them during this state.

The goal here is to quickly deal with the larvae before they have the chance to grow into ants. It is recommended to clear out the Charging and Worker larvae as they are the most problematic when they mature!
Deal with the Worker Ants
In the third room, you will enter a section that houses a lone Empty Poison Sac. Simply attack it to progress then clear out the ants that spawn afterwards.

As soon as the initial wave is cleared out, a Giant Acid Ant Egg will appear along with four tethered Worker Ants that run in the opposite direction. Have each party member split up and dispose of them to make the egg vulnerable to damage, which will spawn a miniboss upon death. Note that you cannot deal DoT damage such as Burns and Curses to the Giant Egg!
Defeat the Giant Mutant Acid Ant
After destroying the Giant Acid Ant egg, the Giant Mutant Acid Ant will spawn. The ant's deadliest move will have it release green acid on the ground, which can be avoided by stepping out of the way. Its Fury attack will pull the player towards it, so make sure to block to avoid being pulled.

Upon completion, you will now reach Lequirus' lair, the arena where you will fight the queen of the ants!

Note: The clips used for the walkthrough were filmed in the Cave of Desperation as the only difference was the stats of the mobs!

Cave of Destruction Overview

Required Level Lv. 50
Type 1-Star Dimensional Circle
Contract Token
Throne and Liberty (TL) - Dimension Contract Token 1 300
Min. Combat Power
Throne and Liberty (TL) - Minimum Combat Power 1600
A creature of dark magic empowered by a Star Fragment, the Queen Ant instinctually defends her kingdom with ruthless ferocity. With each of the countless invaders she consumed, her magic grew, until at last she took on a newer, deadlier form with a new name - Lequirus.

Cave of Destruction Best Rewards and All Drops

Lequirus's Wicked Thorns

Weapon Stats
LequirusLequirus's Wicked Thorns
Type: Dagger IconDagger
Damage: 17~66
Atk Spd: 0.405s
Range: 2.5m
Off-Hand Stats:
DMG: 17~66
Atk Chance: 26%
・Wisdom 4
・Perception 3
・Critical Hit Chance 39

One of Cave of Destruction's better drops would be Lequirus's Wicked Thorns, which is the most popular daggers to use and is used by almost all builds with daggers. This popularity is due to the additional stats you gain for Perception and Critical Hit Chance.

Given that the weapon itself is mobile, the Lequirus's Gale Blade weapon effect is simply an easy means of increasing your overall damage as it is applied to your base stats.

Dagger Builds

Lequirus's Coveted Tome

Weapon Stats
LequirusLequirus's Coveted Tome
Type: Wand IconWand
Damage: 45~82
Atk Spd: 0.475s
Range: 14m
・Wisdom 3
・Perception 2
・Critical Hit 74

Along with its dagger counterpart, Lequirus's Coveted Tome is also currently the most popular wand to use for Healers due to the utility it provides along with the increase of Wisdom, Perception, and Critical Hit.

As healers are often frail and globally targetted by any competent player when it comes to PVP, the weapon effect Lequirus's Ambush attempts to answer that by giving the player stealth for a significant amount of time to reposition and recuperate.

Wand Builds

Supreme Devotion

Armor Stats
Supreme DevotionSupreme Devotion Type: Cloak

Melee Def: 135
Ranged Def: 135
・Critical Hit Chance 50
・Mana Regen 22.5
・Cooldown Speed +0.8%

Supreme Devotion is one of the best cloaks for DPS in PVE content as it provides the necessary offensive stats such as Critical Hit Chance and Cooldown Speed. It also provides extra Mana Regen for utility!

List of All Cloaks

Bracers of the Primal King

Accessory Stats
Bracers of the Primal KingBracers of the Primal King Type: Bracelet
Magic Def.: 180
・Perception 4
・Bonus Damage 7

Simplified, Bracers of the Primal King is one of the better bracers due to the raw Perception stat it provides. If you are missing a few points of Perception to reach a crucial break point on a build that relies on consistent accuracy, you can easily slot this in!

List of All Bracelets

All Drops


All Weapon Drops
LequirusLequirus's Coveted Tome LequirusLequirus's Wicked Thorns Farshot LongbowFarshot Longbow Steel Flurry CrossbowsSteel Flurry Crossbows


All Armor Drops
Shock Commander GauntletsShock Commander Gauntlets Supreme DevotionSupreme Devotion BerserkerBerserker's Shroud Glade Stalker BootsGlade Stalker Boots
Glade Stalker CircletGlade Stalker Circlet Glade Stalker GlovesGlade Stalker Gloves Glade Stalker ScalesGlade Stalker Scales Glade Stalker TrousersGlade Stalker Trousers
Soul Mirror CarapaceSoul Mirror Carapace


All Accessory Drops
Bracers of the Primal KingBracers of the Primal King


All Item Drops
Precious Polished Crystal Icon Precious Polished Crystal Precious Stalon Ore Icon Precious Stalon Ore Precious Emeret Ore Icon Precious Emeret Ore Precious Rubrix Ore Icon Precious Rubrix Ore
Precious Marind Ore Icon Precious Marind Ore Precious Parchment Icon Precious Parchment Precious Omnipotence Parchment Icon Precious Omnipotence Parchment Dimensional Soul Shard: Lequirus Icon Dimensional Soul Shard: Lequirus
Rare Polished Crystal Icon Rare Polished Crystal Ant Wings Icon Ant Wings Fermented Rotein Icon Fermented Rotein


All Other Rewards
Fighter Dentwerp IconFighter Dentwerp Abyssal Contract Token Points (x500) Training Dew: 10,000 Points

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