Throne and Liberty (TL)

Temple of Slaughter Dungeon: How to Beat Rex Chimaerus

Throne and Liberty - Temple of Slaughter

Temple of Slaughter is a 1-Star Dimensional Circle dungeon where you must fight Rex Chimaerus in Throne and Liberty (TL). Read on to see an overview of Temple of Slaughter, a complete walkthrough of Temple of Slaughter, how to beat Rex Chimaerus, as well as the possible rewards and drops upon completion!

How to Beat Rex Chimaerus

Rex Chimaerus Boss Showcase

Disclaimer: This clear was done in the KR server.

Check out our 3-minute clear of Rex Chimaerus with minimal gear optimization and only five party members!

Rex Chimaerus Overview

Rex Chimaerus
Throne and Liberty (TL) - Rex Chimaerus
Type Demon
Passive Dusk Madness: Night: Damage Dealt ▲, Damage Taken ▲

Rex Chimaerus Mechanics

Rex Chimaerus Mechanics

The Four (4) Pillars

Throne and Liberty - Temple of Slaughter Four Pillars

There are four (4) pillars surrounding the arena that are chained to a platform in the middle of the arena. At a certain point during the fight, the boss will charge up a fire attack and Air Pitons appear around the arena. Players must use the Air Pitons to grapple up and reach the platform in the middle of the arena and interact with the lever.

Once the lever is activated, the chains from the four (4) pillars surrounding the arena become interactable. Players must now interact with all four chains to prevent Rex Chimaerus' powerful AoE attack.

Assign Each Party Member to a Pillar

Before beginning the encounter, it's best to have a member of the party with an assigned column of their own. This will ensure that the mechanic can finish quickly, and party members will activate their assigned column as soon as the lever is activated.

Reach the Platform and Pull the Lever

Once the special mechanic starts,the first step is to have one (1) party member use the Air Pitons to grapple up and reach the platform in the middle of the arena and interact with the lever.

Two (2) party members can also do this task in case one fails to reach the platform.

Interact With The Chains

Once all four chains from the pillars become interactable, the party members stationed near the pillars should interact with one of the four chains. Doing so in a timely manner prevents Rex Chimaerus from performing a devastating AoE attack.

If Rex Chimaerus is already performing its AoE attack, pulling the levers will end this phase and it will resume its normal attack pattern.

Rex Chimaerus Attack Patterns

Rex Chimaerus follows and repeats this pattern the whole fight:

Normal Attacks ▶ Acid Puddles ▶ Normal Attacks ▶ Paralyzing Venom ▶ Acid Puddles ▶ Fireballs ▶ AoE Attack (Special Mechanic)

Normal Attacks

This attack has Rex Chimaerus perform swiping attacks with its claws. This doesn't do much damage and any tank could easily soak the damage.

Leaping Attack

Rex Chimaerus will perform a jump attack on distant party members with the highest aggro value. To prevent this, the tank should keep the boss aggro with skills that generate a lot of threat.

If the tank is having trouble maintaining aggro, consider using Shield Strike with the Aggro Increased specialization in addition to Chain Hook and Provoking Roar.

Acid Puddles

This attack has Rex Chimaerus shoot acid projectiles from its tail at three of the farthest targets, creating a puddle of acid on their position. Players only need to relocate and avoid staying on the acid puddle to avoid the attack.

Paralyzing Venom

Rex Chimaerus will tag a party member, and the tagged target will glow green. After a few seconds, Rex Chimaerus will stun the tagged target in preparation for its next attack.


This attack causes Rex Chimaerus to fire three (3) fireballs at the target affected by the Paralyzing Venom attack, dealing bonus damage to the stunned target while inflicting a DoT stacking debuff. This attack always comes after the Paralyzing Venom. In addition, while shooting fireballs Rex Chaimaerus also sprays poison using its tail on its right side.

There are multiple ways to deal with this mechanic. The easiest way is to remove Paralyzing Venom's Stun with the Longbow's Purifying Touch weapon skill. Other weapon skills that make players immune to or recover from CC, as well as the Precious Purification Stone, can also be used.

The other option is to let the other party members tank the fireballs. Ideally, this should be left to the tank, and well-equipped tanks can take all 3 fireballs, followed by support from the healer.

Lesser tanks may have trouble surviving the damage from stacking DoT if they take all three Fireballs. In this case, the tank can take at least two fireballs, with another party member taking the last fireball hit.

AoE Attack (Special Mechanic)

If the party does not activate the pillars in time, Rex Chimaerus will continuously perform a devastating AoE attack. It will continue to use this AoE attack until the party activates the levers.

Cave of Destruction Best Team and Roles

Role Explanation
Throne and Liberty - Greatsword.pngThrone and Liberty - Sword and Shield.png
Greatsword / Sword and Shield

Weapon Combination:
With Rex Chimera's frequent AoE attacks, it is imperative to keep aggro on the tank at all times. This is the best class suited for this task.
Dungeon Role:
Initiate fights while trying to generate aggro and defend the backline from teleporting mobs.
Rex Chimaerus Role:
Facetank Rex Chimaerus fireballs as needed and maintain aggro.
Throne and Liberty - CrossbowThrone and Liberty - Longbow
Longbow / Crossbow

Weapon Combination:
Class that can output all of its DPS from medium to long range.
Dungeon Role:
Can specialize in AoE for faster mob clearing.
Rex Chimaerus Role:
Can stay near the Pillars and the Pitons, as the class is ranged. Can cast Purifying Cleanse on allies as needed.
Throne and Liberty - CrossbowsThrone and Liberty - Daggers
Crossbow / Dagger

Weapon Combination:
Consistently deals the highest damage of the entire team, while increasing the DPS of the entire party with Mortal Mark and Weak Point Shot.
Dungeon Role:
Bursts down key targets and attack the mobs that have ignored the tank and are attacking the backline.
Rex Chimaerus Role:
Arguably the class with the highest single-target DPS, all focus should be on DPS and maintaining a pristine rotation.
Throne and Liberty - StaffThrone and Liberty - Longbow
Staff / Longbow

Weapon Combination
A safe, ranged option for dealing DPS, with the ability to save allies via the Salvation Chain. Can be swapped for another Crossbow / Dagger player.
Dungeon Role:
Can specialize in AoE for mobbing, or for bursting down single targets.
Rex Chimaerus Role:
Primary role is DPS, but can also save allies via Salvation Chain and Purifying Touch.
Throne and Liberty - WandThrone and Liberty - Staff
Wand / Longbow

Weapon Combination:
Provides a wide range of healing options, both party-wide and single-target
Dungeon Role:
Focuses on survivability and the survival of party members.
Rex Chimaerus Role:
Keeps track of party members' health and provides healing and mitigation. Can remove the Paralyzing Venom debuff, making the Fireball phase easier.

Temple of Slaughter Walkthrough

Temple of Slaughter Sequences
Activate First Valve
At the start, just travel through the dungeon to reach and defeat the Ancient Shade Wizard, then open the valve to fill the area with water and reach the other side, defeating all enemies in the path.
Activate Second Valve
Upon reaching the next other side, simply do the same thing as the first sequence and open the second valve to reach the next destination.
Middle Path
After opening both valves, go to the middle and defeat the Ancient Berserk Dark Enforcer. The mini-boss doesn't have any notable mechanics, and it only takes damage to defeat it.
Flaming Room
After defeating the mini-boss, glide through the room with flames to get to the next destination. Be careful not to hit any of the hanging cages, as they can impede movement.
Last Barrier
Upon landing, just go further into the dungeon until the last barrier. Defeat the Ancient Berserk Shade Wizard to remove the last barrier and proceed to the final boss' arena.
How to Beat Ancient Berserk Shade Wizard

How to Beat Ancient Berserk Shade Wizard

Throne and Liberty - Temple of Slaughter Ancient Berzerk Shade Wizard

Although the Ancient Berserk Shade Wizard doesn't have any special mechanics, it does summon a pack of hounds that makes the fight a lot more difficult.

The best strategy to defeat the mini-boss is to have the tank get all the aggro from both the mini-boss and the hounds while the rest of the party focuses all their damage on the mini-boss. Moreover, healers should make sure that the tank get consistent healing as it soaks all the damage.

Temple of Slaughter Overview

Required Level Lv. 50
Type 1-Star Dimensional Circle
Contract Token
Throne and Liberty (TL) - Dimension Contract Token 1 300
Min. Combat Power
Throne and Liberty (TL) - Minimum Combat Power 1600
Ahzriel, and Elder of the Sylavean Order, put a stop to the experiments and abandoned the monsters under the temple, sealing them away for good. Trapped with no others to prey upon, the monsters turned on each other, but King Chimaerus made short work of them all. According to one Shadowmancer's records, if King Chimaerus absorbs greater mana, it could transform into an even deadlier beast called Rex Chimaerus.

Temple of Slaughter Best Rewards and All Drops

Best Weapon

Weapon Stats
Rex ChimaerusRex Chimaerus's Crossbows
Type: Crossbow IconCrossbow
Damage: 22~90
Atk Spd: 0.55s
Range: 12m
・Dexterity 7
・Bonus Damage 14

Providing a good amount of Dexterity, Bonus Damage, and a high Off-hand attack chance, the Rex Chimaerus's Crossbows is highly sought after by Crossbow builds, and mandatory for Crossbow / Dagger builds.
Throne and Liberty Crossbow Builds

All Drops


All Weapon Drops
Rex ChimaerusRex Chimaerus's Crossbows Rex ChimaerusRex Chimaerus's Fangs Wand of Skyward BlessingWand of Skyward Blessing


All Armor Drops
Ebon Roar GreavesEbon Roar Greaves Shadow Harvester GripsShadow Harvester Grips Elusive Hexweaver ShoesElusive Hexweaver Shoes NatureNature's End Cowl
NatureNature's End Gloves NatureNature's End Pants NatureNature's End Raiment NatureNature's End Shoes


All Accessory Drops
Demonic Beast KingDemonic Beast King's Belt Regal Jade BandRegal Jade Band Serpentine WristletSerpentine Wristlet


All Item Drops
Precious Polished Crystal Icon Precious Polished Crystal Precious Stalon Ore Icon Precious Stalon Ore Precious Emeret Ore Icon Precious Emeret Ore Precious Rubrix Ore Icon Precious Rubrix Ore
Precious Marind Ore Icon Precious Marind Ore Precious Parchment Icon Precious Parchment Precious Omnipotence Parchment Icon Precious Omnipotence Parchment Dimensional Soul Shard: Rex Chimaerus Icon Dimensional Soul Shard: Rex Chimaerus
Rare Polished Crystal Icon Rare Polished Crystal Beast Fang Icon Beast Fang Mana Blood Icon Mana Blood


All Other Rewards
Ancient Taion Abyssal Contract Token Points (x500) Training Dew: 10,000 Points

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