Throne and Liberty (TL)

All Event Types

All Event Types

All Events can be viewed by selecting the Timetable and Event Calendar in Throne and Liberty (TL). Learn about Overworld Events, how to view the Event Calendar, and Guild Events in the game.

Overworld Events

View Overworld Events Using the Timetable

Overworld Events are all listed under the Timetable tab. Use this as your guide to know where each overworld event is located and what time they start!

All Overworld Event Types

Overworld Events Explanation
Peace Events PvE events found all over the overworld.
Conflict Events PvP events where players battle with each other instead.
Guild Events Events that focus on raising Guild Ranking.
Dominion Events Another PvP type of event where youi queue up with random people and battle other players.

These are also the types of events that fall under Overworld Events in Throne and Liberty (TL).

Tweak Content Settings According to Preference

Tweak the Content Settings to your preference and only view the events that you're interested in.

Pull up the Content Settings Menu by selecting the filter button under the events table, then toggle your preferences there.

Choose Between UTC or Local Standard Timezones

You can also change your timezone accordingly by going to Settings -> Language/Time -> Display Time Zone and choose the timezone you're used to.

Battle Pass Event Calendar

Select the Event Calendar on the Main Menu

Select the Event Calendar on the Main Menu to view events marked on the calendar. The current Battle Pass Event is Zenuss's Star and will be ongoing until the end of October.

All Battle Pass Events are marked here, including the event's start and end dates and time.

Zenus's Star Battle Pass Event

Other Events

Manually Scheduled Events

There are events that can't be found on the Event Calendar or Timetable, and some of them can be scheduled manually.

Guild Siege or Guild PvP like the Tax Delivery Event falls under this category due to its nature of being set up by Guild owners or high ranking members of the guild.

Throne and Liberty (TL) Related Guides

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Throne and Liberty Wiki

Throne and Liberty Guides

Throne and Liberty Guides
Throne and Liberty - NewsNews Throne and Liberty - BuildsBuilds
Throne and Liberty - Gear BuilderGear Builder Throne and Liberty - Tier ListWeapon Combo Tier List
Throne and Liberty - Weapon Tier ListWeapon Tier List Throne and Liberty - WeaponsWeapons
Throne and Liberty - Tips and TricksTips and Tricks Throne and Liberty - ArmorArmor
Throne and Liberty - AmitoiAmitoi Throne and Liberty - AccessoriesAccessories
Throne and Liberty - QuestsQuests ItemsItems
Throne and Liberty - MapMap Throne and Liberty (TL) - DungeonsDungeons
SkinsSkins BossesBosses
Events PartialEvents


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