Throne and Liberty (TL)

Best Templar Sword and Shield (SnS) / Wand PvE Build

This is a guide on the Templar Sword and Shield (SnS) and Wand build for PvE in Throne and Liberty (TL). Read on to learn how to use the Templar Sword and Shield / Wand build, including the best gears to equip, skill rotations, runes, traits, and more.

Notice Icon 2Attention! This build was last updated on December 2024; changes to the game since then have not been reflected in this build.
All Templar Sword and Shield / Wand Builds
Best Wand / Sword and Shield Build (PvP) Best Sword and Shield / Wand (PvE)

Templar Sword / Wand Build Overview

Build Summary

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Throne and Liberty - Summary IconRunes Throne and Liberty - Mastery IconMastery Throne and Liberty - Guardian IconGuardian Throne and Liberty - Rotations IconRotations
Throne and Liberty (TL) - Stats IconStats
Rare Equipment
w/o Worldboss
w/ Worldboss
Build Summary
Throne and Liberty - WandThrone and Liberty - Sword and Shield
Wand and Sword and Shield
Mobbing, DPS, Tank, PvE
Stat Priority:
Strength, Wisdom
Skill Setup
Shield Strike Counter Barrier Provoking Roar Stalwart Bastion Annihilating Slash A Shot at Victory Touch of Despair Curse Explosion Swift Healing Corrupted Magic Circle Blessed Barrier Invincible Wall
Equipment Setup
Sword of Striking Treant Twig Permafrost Hood Sorcerer Decorated Champion Armor Duskblood Gloves Gloom Guard Greaves Gloom Guard Sabatons Ecliptic Pendant Sophia Imperial Ring Cold Iron Band Regeneration Loop
Pros Cons
Throne and Liberty Build - ProLots of CC
Throne and Liberty Build - ProLots of healing
Throne and Liberty Build - ProHigh durability and survivability
Throne and Liberty Build - ConLow damage
Throne and Liberty Build - ConMana heavy
Build Summary
Throne and Liberty - WandThrone and Liberty - Sword and Shield
Wand and Sword and Shield
Mobbing, DPS, Tank, PvE
Stat Priority:
Strength, Wisdom
Skill Setup
Shield Strike Counter Barrier Provoking Roar Stalwart Bastion Annihilating Slash A Shot at Victory Touch of Despair Curse Explosion Swift Healing Corrupted Magic Circle Blessed Barrier Invincible Wall
Equipment Setup
Karnix Lequirus Swirling Essence Hat Supreme Devotion Shock Commander Plate Armor Swirling Essence Gloves Shock Commander Greaves Sabatons of the Field General Blessed Templar Choker Ascended Guardian Bracelet Sapphire Dimensional Band Amber Dimensional Band Belt of Bloodlust
Pros Cons
Throne and Liberty Build - ProLots of CC
Throne and Liberty Build - ProLots of healing
Throne and Liberty Build - ProHigh durability and survivability
Throne and Liberty Build - ConLow damage
Throne and Liberty Build - ConMana heavy
Build Summary
Throne and Liberty - WandThrone and Liberty - Sword and Shield
Wand and Sword and Shield
Mobbing, DPS, Tank, PvE
Stat Priority:
Strength, Wisdom
Skill Setup
Shield Strike Counter Barrier Provoking Roar Stalwart Bastion Annihilating Slash A Shot at Victory Touch of Despair Curse Explosion Swift Healing Corrupted Magic Circle Blessed Barrier Invincible Wall
Equipment Setup
Queen Bellandir Tevent Swirling Essence Hat Supreme Devotion Shock Commander Plate Armor Swirling Essence Gloves Shock Commander Greaves Sabatons of the Field General Blessed Templar Choker Ascended Guardian Bracelet Band of Universal Power Amber Dimensional Band Belt of Bloodlust
Pros Cons
Throne and Liberty Build - ProLots of CC
Throne and Liberty Build - ProLots of healing
Throne and Liberty Build - ProHigh durability and survivability
Throne and Liberty Build - ConLow damage
Throne and Liberty Build - ConMana heavy

This build makes use of Sword and Wand weapons to create a well-balanced Melee and Magic build. It's effective against groups of enemies, allowing for faster farming and leveling.

Stat Allocation

Rare Equipment
w/o Worldboss
w/ Worldboss
Stat Total Points From Lvl. Points From Gear
Strength 64 22 32
Dexterity 10 0 0
Wisdom 51 22 19
Perception 10 0 0
Fortitude 11 1 0
Stat Total Points From Lvl. Points From Gear
Strength 70 19 41
Dexterity 14 0 4
Wisdom 60 25 25
Perception 20 0 0
Fortitude 11 1 0
Stat Total Points From Lvl. Points From Gear
Strength 73 19 44
Dexterity 17 0 7
Wisdom 60 25 25
Perception 13 0 0
Fortitude 11 1 0

Note: Base stats are always 10!

Most of the build's Strength will come from items, so putting just enough points to Strength to reach the 70 breakpoint would be the ideal choice. Majority of the points should instead go to Wisdom for mana, cooldown speed, and debuff duration.

Gear Builder

Skills and Specialization

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Throne and Liberty - Summary IconSummary Throne and Liberty - Skills IconSkills Throne and Liberty - Weapon IconWeapons Throne and Liberty - Armor and Accessories IconEquipment
Throne and Liberty - Summary IconRunes Throne and Liberty - Mastery IconMastery Throne and Liberty - Guardian IconGuardian Throne and Liberty - Rotations IconRotations
Throne and Liberty (TL) - Stats IconStats
Active Skills
Shield StrikeShield Strike
Piercing AttackPiercing Attack
Piercing AttackPiercing Attack
Counter BarrierCounter Barrier
Cooldown ▼Cooldown ▼
Provoking RoarProvoking Roar
Cooldown ▼Cooldown ▼
Effect Duration ▲Effect Duration ▲
Stalwart BastionStalwart Bastion
Move Speed ▲Move Speed ▲
Annihilating SlashAnnihilating Slash
Range ▲Range ▲
Consecutive UseConsecutive Use
A Shot at VictoryA Shot at Victory
Annihilation BladeAnnihilation Blade
Boost EffectsBoost Effects
Annihilation BladeAnnihilation Blade
Touch of DespairTouch of Despair
Touch of DespairTouch of Despair
Effect Duration ▲Effect Duration ▲
Range ▲Range ▲
Curse ExplosionCurse Explosion
Additional Damage BoostAdditional Damage Boost
Swift HealingSwift Healing
Swift HealingSwift Healing
Mana RecoveryMana Recovery
Consecutive UseConsecutive Use
Healing TransferHealing Transfer
Corrupted Magic CircleCorrupted Magic Circle
Decaying TouchDecaying Touch
Bonus DamageBonus Damage
Decaying TouchDecaying Touch
Blessed BarrierBlessed Barrier -
Invincible WallInvincible Wall -
Passive Skills
Resilient MindResilient Mind Aegis ShieldAegis Shield Spectrum of AgonySpectrum of Agony ImpenetrableImpenetrable
Devotion and EmptinessDevotion and Emptiness WraithWraith's Beckon Noble RevivalNoble Revival Selfless SoulSelfless Soul
Defensive Skill
Shield Survival TechniqueShield Survival Technique

Active Skills Explantion

Shield Strike (Piercing Attack), Provoking Roar (with the help from Spectrum of Agony), Annihilating Slash, A Shot at Victory (Annihilation Blade), Curse Explosion, and Corrupted Magic Circle (Decaying Touch) all deal area damage that's useful for clearing waves and are the build's primary damage skills.

Touch of Despair's Range ▲ skill specialization allows the skill to affect two (2) more targets around the initial target. It also amplifies Curse Explosion's damage.

Counter Barrier, Stalwart Bastion, Swift Healing, Blessed Barrier, and Invincile Wall all provide durability and survivability while clearing waves or fighting bosses.

Focus on leveling up Shield Strike, Touch of Despair, and Swift Healing first since other skills will revolve around them, then the rest can be prioritized based on preference.

Passive Skills Explanation

Resilient Mind, Aegis Shield, and Impenetrable provide durability and survivability, especially when clearing waves.

Spectrum of Agony indirectly turns Provoking Roar into a damage skill since it deals damage to enemies inflicted with Provoke.

Devotion and Emptiness, Wraith's Beckon, Noble Revival, and Selfless Soul all improve healing, and curse-inflicting skills.

Focus on leveling up Resilient Mind, Spectrum of Agony, Impenetrable, Devotion and Emptiness first since most skills can benefit from them.

All Weapon Skills

Best Weapons

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Throne and Liberty - Summary IconRunes Throne and Liberty - Mastery IconMastery Throne and Liberty - Guardian IconGuardian Throne and Liberty - Rotations IconRotations
Throne and Liberty (TL) - Stats IconStats
Primary Weapon
Queen BellandirQueen Bellandir's Languishing Blade ・Max Health +600
・Critical Hit Chance +80
・Debuff Duration -6%

Note: All of the traits shown here are of max value!

Queen Bellandir's Languishing Blade provides Strength, and adds another crowd control effect to the build whenever Annihilating Slash is used via its weapon effect, Queen Bellandir's Quicksand.

Traits all focus on improving durability via HP.

Secondary Weapon
TeventTevent's Grasp of Withering ・Hit +80
・Mana Regen +60
・Cooldown Speed +6%

Note: All of the traits shown here are of max value!

Tevent's Grasp of Withering provides Wisdom for more mana, Cooldown Speed for faster cooldowns, and a bit of Critical Hit for damage.

Traits focus mainly on allowing more frequent skill use.
List of All Weapons

Best Armors and Accessories

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Throne and Liberty - Summary IconSummary Throne and Liberty - Skills IconSkills Throne and Liberty - Weapon IconWeapons Throne and Liberty - Armor and Accessories IconEquipment
Throne and Liberty - Summary IconRunes Throne and Liberty - Mastery IconMastery Throne and Liberty - Guardian IconGuardian Throne and Liberty - Rotations IconRotations
Throne and Liberty (TL) - Stats IconStats
Swirling Essence HatSwirling Essence Hat ・Melee Evasion +160
・Max Health +600
・Cooldown Speed +6%
Shock Commander Plate ArmorShock Commander Plate Armor ・Melee Evasion +160
・Max Health +600
・Health Regen +60
Supreme DevotionSupreme Devotion ・Max Mana +600
・Mana Regen +60
・Debuff Duration -6%
Swirling Essence GlovesSwirling Essence Gloves ・Magic Evasion +160
・Melee Evasion +160
・Max Health +600
Shock Commander GreavesShock Commander Greaves ・Melee Evasion +160
・Max Health +600
・Health Regen +60
Sabatons of the Field GeneralSabatons of the Field General ・Melee Evasion +160
・Ranged Evasion +160
・Max Mana +600
Blessed Templar ChokerBlessed Templar Choker ・Max Health +600
・Health Regen +60
・Skill Damage Boost +80
Ascended Guardian BraceletAscended Guardian Bracelet ・Max Mana +600
・Mana Regen +60
・Debuff Duration -6%
Band of Universal PowerBand of Universal Power ・Max Mana +600
・Mana Regen +60
・Skill Damage Boost +80
Amber Dimensional BandAmber Dimensional Band ・Max Mana +600
・Mana Regen +60
・Skill Damage Boost +80
Belt of BloodlustBelt of Bloodlust ・Max Health +600
・Health Regen +60
・Debuff Duration -6%

Note: All of the traits shown here are of max value!

The armors and accessories selected and their traits provide a good balance of HP and mana for durability and skill usage. In particular, having Shock Commander Plate Armor and Shock Commander Greaves gives extra durability while Swirling Essence Hat and Swirling Essence Gloves increases Weaken duration due to their set effects.

List of References
List of All Armor List of All Accessories

Best Runes

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Throne and Liberty - Summary IconRunes Throne and Liberty - Mastery IconMastery Throne and Liberty - Guardian IconGuardian Throne and Liberty - Rotations IconRotations
Throne and Liberty (TL) - Stats IconStats
Weapon Runes
Queen BellandirQueen Bellandir's Languishing Blade ・Skill Damage Boost
・Max Health
・Mana Cost Efficiency
Rune Synergy:
・Critical Damage Reduction
TeventTevent's Grasp of Withering ・Mana Regen
・Critical Hit Chance
・Cooldown Speed
Rune Synergy:
・Critical Damage Reduction
Necklace Runes
Blessed Templar ChokerBlessed Templar Choker ・Hit Chance
・Skill Heal
・Max Health
Rune Synergy:
・Max Health
Bracelet Runes
Ascended Guardian BraceletAscended Guardian Bracelet ・Heavy Attack Chance
・Mana Cost Efficiency
・Max Health
Rune Synergy:
・Bonus Damage
・Max Health
Ring Runes
Band of Universal PowerBand of Universal Power ・Melee Critical Hit Chance
・Melee Evasion
・Skill Heal
Rune Synergy:
・Max Health
Amber Dimensional BandAmber Dimensional Band ・Critical Hit Chance
・Max Health
・Skill Heal
Rune Synergy:
・Max Health
Belt Runes
Belt of BloodlustBelt of Bloodlust ・Hit Chance
・Mana Cost Efficiency
・Max Health
Rune Synergy:
・Damage Reduction
・Max Health

Equip Attack runes that improve Skill Damage Boost, and Hit Chances for more damage, Defense runes that improve Max Health for more durability, and Support runes that improve Skill Heal for better sustainability and Mana Cost Efficiency to help out in mana management a bit.

For weapon rune synergies, just build the rune combination that gives Strength and Critical Damage Reduction for more durability and damage.

For accessories rune synergies, build rune combinations that improve durability and damage.

List of All Runes

Best Weapon Mastery

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Throne and Liberty - Summary IconRunes Throne and Liberty - Mastery IconMastery Throne and Liberty - Guardian IconGuardian Throne and Liberty - Rotations IconRotations
Throne and Liberty (TL) - Stats IconStats
Sword ・Provoke and Counter (9 Pts)
・Collision (9 Pts)
・Boss (1 Pt)
Wand ・Damage (9 Pts)
・Weaken (9 Pts)
・Recovery (1 Pts)

For Sword, putting 9 points to Provoke & Counter provides more durability and survivability with a little buff duration. Meanwhile, having 9 points to Collision gives a decent mix of offense and defense. Putting 1 point to Boss gives Melee Hit Chance.

For Wand, putting 9 points to Damage and Weaken improves damage, mana, and skill usage. Putting 1 point to Recovery gives Melee Defense.

How to Get Weapon Mastery Points

Best Guardian

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Throne and Liberty - Summary IconRunes Throne and Liberty - Mastery IconMastery Throne and Liberty - Guardian IconGuardian Throne and Liberty - Rotations IconRotations
Throne and Liberty (TL) - Stats IconStats
Best Guardian
Shade Revenant SthenoShade Revenant Stheno Launches 5 projectiles at random enemies within a 10m range every second. A single enemy may be hit with multiple projectiles at the same time. Each projectile deals 52% of Base Damage.

Shade Revenant Stheno's ability is great for dealing area and single-target damage, which is enough for the build.

All Guardians

Skill Rotations and Playstyle

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Throne and Liberty - Summary IconRunes Throne and Liberty - Mastery IconMastery Throne and Liberty - Guardian IconGuardian Throne and Liberty - Rotations IconRotations
Throne and Liberty (TL) - Stats IconStats
How to Play Sword and Shield / Wand Build

Note: If the skills icons are confusing, some of the skill icons indicated here are using their specialized variants.

Mob Clearing Skill Rotation

Counter Barrier Provoking Roar Touch of Despair Corrupted Magic Circle Curse Explosion Annihilation Blade Annihilating Slash x2

This acts as the build's main mob clearing or farming combo. Counter Barrier will give a bit of durability via Aegis Shield and perform counterattacks when evading attacks, using Shield Block, or blocking with a Defensive skill against attackers. Provoking Roar will deal the initial burst damage via Spectrum of Agony.

Touch of Despair and Corrupted Magic Circle will inflict enemies with Weaken: Curse. Curse Explosion will deal another burst damage and improve the effects of Touch of Despair and Corrupted Magic Circle.

A Shot at Victory's Annihilation Blade skill specialization will deal one more burst damage and increase the damage of all Sword skills. Annihilating Slash will finish off targets.

Single Target Burst/Boss Fight Skill Rotation

Counter Barrier Touch of Despair Corrupted Magic Circle Curse Explosion A Shot at Victory Piercing Attack Annihilating Slash x2

This is very simillar to the Mob Clearing Skill Rotation but has a few tweaks in skills and skill specialization. Counter Barrier will give a bit of durability via Aegis Shield and perform counterattacks when evading attacks, using Shield Block, or blocking with a Defensive skill against attackers.

Touch of Despair and Corrupted Magic Circle will inflict enemies with Weaken: Curse. Curse Explosion will deal the initial burst damage and improve the effects of Touch of Despair and Corrupted Magic Circle.

A Shot at Victory will deal another burst damage and increase the damage of all Sword skills. Shield Strike (Piercing Attack) and Annihilating Slash will deal the final damage. The specialization points spent on A Shot of Victory's Annihilation Blade can be transferred to other skills instead.

Survivability Skill Rotation

Counter Barrier Invincible Wall Blessed Barrier Swift Healing

This is the build's skill rotation for surviving battles. Counter Barrier and Blessed Barrier provides durability via increased Defenses while Invincile Wall grants a shield. Spamming Swift Healing after using Blessed Barrier increases the skill's healing.


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Throne and Liberty - Summary IconRunes Throne and Liberty - Mastery IconMastery Throne and Liberty - Guardian IconGuardian Throne and Liberty - Rotations IconRotations
Throne and Liberty (TL) - Stats IconStats
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Offensive Stats

Stat Value
Melee Hit Chance 153
Ranged Hit Chance 113
Magic Hit Chance 113
Melee Hit Crit. Chance 629
Magic Hit Crit. Chance 599
Ranged Hit Crit. Chance 599
Melee Heavy Attack Chance 124
Ranged Heavy Attack Chance 124
Magic Heavy Attack Chance 124

Defensive Stats

Stat Value
Melee Defense 2,515
Ranged Defense 2,562
Magic Defense 1,734
Melee Evasion 922
Ranged Evasion 234
Magic Evasion 234

Body Stats

Stat Value
Max Health 20,620
Max Mana 12,105
Mana Cost Efficiency 19.2%
Move Speed 15.1%
Health Regen 565
Mana Regen 829.4

Crowd Control Stats

Stat Value
Weaken Chance 294
Stun Chance 65
Petrification Chance 65
Sleep Chance 65
Silence Chance 65
Fear Chance 65
Bind Chance 65
Collision Chance 300
Stun Resistance 202
Colllision Resistance 100

Miscellaneous Stats

Stat Value
Heavy Attack Chance 124
Critical Hit Chance 514
Hit Chance 48
Skill Damage Boost 300
Cooldown Speed 50.9%
Skill Heal 42.43%
Buff Duration 7.5%
Debuff Duration -29%
Damage Reduction 118
Critical Damage Reduction 12%
Defense 384

Item Set Stats

Set Stat
Mother Nature Set Weaken Duration 7.5s
Shock Commander Set Damage Reduction 18

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Throne and Liberty - Greatsword.pngThrone and Liberty - Sword and Shield.png
Greatsword / Sword and Shield
Throne and Liberty - Sword and Shield.pngThrone and Liberty - Crossbows.png
Sword and Shield / Crossbow
Throne and Liberty - Sword and Shield.pngThrone and Liberty - Wand.png
Sword and Shield / Wand
Throne and Liberty - DaggersThrone and Liberty - Sword and Shield
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Longbow / Wand
Throne and Liberty - WandThrone and Liberty - Staff
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Throne and Liberty - WandThrone and Liberty - Crossbows
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Throne and Liberty - Staff.pngThrone and Liberty - Sword and Shield.png
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Throne and Liberty - CrossbowThrone and Liberty - Longbow
Longbow / Crossbow
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Throne and Liberty - StaffThrone and Liberty - Crossbow
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Throne and Liberty - CrossbowsThrone and Liberty - Daggers
Dagger / Crossbow
Throne and Liberty - DaggersThrone and Liberty - Wand
Dagger / Wand
Throne and Liberty - LongbowSpear Icon
Longbow / Spear
Throne and Liberty - WandSpear Icon
Wand / Spear
Throne and Liberty - StaffSpear Icon
Staff / Spear
Throne and Liberty - Greatsword.pngSpear Icon
Greatsword / Spear
Throne and Liberty - DaggersSpear Icon
Dagger / Spear
Throne and Liberty - CrossbowSpear Icon
Crossbow / Spear
Throne and Liberty - Sword and Shield.pngSpear Icon
Sword and Shield / Spear
PvP Builds
Throne and Liberty - Greatsword.pngThrone and Liberty - Sword and Shield.png
Greatsword / Sword and Shield
Throne and Liberty - WandThrone and Liberty - Staff
Wand / Staff
Throne and Liberty - Sword and Shield.pngThrone and Liberty - Daggers
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Wand / Dagger
Throne and Liberty - LongbowThrone and Liberty - Wand
Longbow / Wand
Throne and Liberty - LongbowThrone and Liberty - Staff
Longbow / Staff
Throne and Liberty - LongbowThrone and Liberty - Dagger
Longbow / Dagger
Throne and Liberty - WandThrone and Liberty - Sword and Shield
Wand / Sword and Shield
Throne and Liberty - LongbowThrone and Liberty - Greatsword
Longbow / Greatsword
Throne and Liberty - DaggersThrone and Liberty - Staff
Dagger / Staff
Throne and Liberty - SpearThrone and Liberty - Dagger
Spear / Dagger
Throne and Liberty - SpearThrone and Liberty - Sword and Shield
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Spear / Staff
Throne and Liberty - WandThrone and Liberty - Greatsword
Wand / Greatsword
Throne and Liberty - LongbowSpear Icon
Longbow / Spear
Spear IconThrone and Liberty - Crossbow
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Throne and Liberty - WandSpear Icon
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1 Anonymousabout 2 months

ability "Corrupted Magic Circle" after conversion in ability "Decaying Touch" stops being massive and deals damage and debuff to only one target


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