Throne and Liberty (TL)

Voidwastes Dungeon Guide: How to Beat Shakarux

Throne and Liberty (TL) - Voidwastes

Learn to manage the purple beams to defeat Shakarux and clear the Voidwastes in Throne and Liberty (TL). See an overview of Voidwastes, a complete walkthrough of Voidwastes, how to beat Shakarux, as well as the best rewards and drops upon completion!

How to Beat Shakarux

Shakarux Boss Showcase

Note: This clear was done in the KR server.

Check out our 7-minute clear of Shakarux with minimal gear investments to focus on their mechanics and how to properly counter them!

Shakarux Overview

Throne and Liberty (TL) - Shakarux
Type Undead
Passive Freedom Stance: Bind Resistance ▲

Shakarux Mechanics

Shakarux Mechanics

Manage the Purple Beam

Manage the Purple Beam

The boss room contains six columns, three of which are marked with a dark purple color.

These three columns continuously emit a purple beam that provides a stacking status effect that accumulates the longer the target is hit by the beam.

Purple Beam stacks are reduced when the target is no longer being hit by the purple beam.

By default, the three columns are all facing the center of the arena, right at Shakarux. Players can intercept a beam by standing between it and Shakarux.

When Shakarux reaches 30 stacks of this status effect, it effectively results in a party wipe. If a player reaches 30 stacks, that player will die.

To deal with the mechanic, it is recommended that the party divide into teams of three, with two party members on each team. Two players can take turns intercepting one beam for each column.

Shakarux Attack Patterns

Yellow Haze

Yellow Haze

Shakarux telegraphs this Fury attack with a diamond icon, indicating when players should dodge. Shakarux can use this move twice in succession.

To avoid taking damage, players would have to dodge using any block skill + any directional button.

This works similarly to blocking Fury Attacks, but with the addition of a directional input.

Yellow Breath

Yellow Breath

This move begins when the three purple columns stop emitting purple beams. The arena will also change, and will be filled with glowing floor sections that players must avoid.

Shakarux will mark one party member, indicated by the gold marker above them. The marked player will be the target of Shakarux's yellow breath.

At the same time, three of the pillars in the arena will glow yellow. The marked player will need to line up with one of the marked columns, as the breath will need to hit all three columns to trigger the mechanic.

Ideally, the marked player can run clockwise or counterclockwise to hit all three marked columns.

Yellow Zones

Yellow Zones

Shakarux creates two Yellow circular pools that continuously deal damage to anyone standing on them. Players need to get out of the area quickly to avoid taking heavy damage.

Red Sinkhole

Shakurax will target two party members and mark them with red orbs. Shakarux will create a red sinkhole on the marked targets, reducing their movement speed and dealing damage, with the effects intensifying towards the center.

Marked party members should run as far away from the rest of the party as possible to avoid being caught by the effect. They must continue to run to a safe distance until the marker disappears.

Once the mark disappears, the marked player will be able to rejoin the party, as the red sinkhole location will be at the point where the mark disappears from the affected target.

Yellow Eyes

At around 50% and 30% HP, Shakarux summons yellow-eye markers above all players that do damage once he slams his tentacles down.

While there is no known way to dodge or parry this attack, it is recommended for your party's healer to cast Blessed Barrier with the Targets Expanded specialization to mitigate the damage. The tank may also use DaVinci's Courage.

Voidwastes Best Team and Roles

Role Explanation
Throne and Liberty - GreatswordThrone and Liberty - Sword and Shield
Greatsword / Sword and Shield

Weapon Combination:
The best tank in the game, able to absorb immense amounts of punishment.
Dungeon Role:
Dives headfirst into fights ahead of the rest of the party to generate aggro and prevent the rest of the party from being targeted.
Shakarux Role:
Keeps constant aggro to prevent party members from being targeted by Shakarux's attacks. Will usually be the target of the Yellow Breath attack.
Throne and Liberty - CrossbowsThrone and Liberty - Daggers
Dagger / Crossbow

Weapon Combination:
Highest single-target DPS class currently available, with high mobility.
Dungeon Role:
Blow up single targets with Thundercloud bombing, or clear out entire waves of mobs with Annihilation Barrage.
Shakarux Role:
Focuses on damage dealing to end the encounter as quickly as possible.
Throne and Liberty - WandThrone and Liberty - Longbow
Wand / Longbow

Weapon Combination:
The best support in the game bar none, with an abundance of heals and the ability to clear debuffs.
Dungeon Role:
Keeps the party's health high by healing and buffing the damage dealer when needed.
Shakarux Role:
Priority is to keep the party alive by providing healing when needed, and act as secondary DPS when the situation allows.

Voidwastes Walkthrough

Voidwastes Sequences
Clear the First Area
Players will need to navigate through the dungeon and clear the first area of enemies, avoiding the glowing areas of the floor to avoid taking damage and being stunned for a short period of time.
Defeat Blatras
Players must face Blatras in order to progress. A relatively easy encounter with very simple mechanics, defeat it to advance to the next area.
How to Beat Blatras
Defeat Belkros
Belkros is found just after Blatras, in the next arena. A step up in difficulty from Blatras, but relatively easy to defeat. Defeat Belkros to reach the final area of the dungeon.
How to Beat Belkros

How to Beat Blatras

Throughout the fight, Blatras will perfom several AoE attacks that can be avoided easily, as players would have more than enough time to move out of harm's way.

However, Blatras has a move that can be quite deadly if not handled properly. At around 50% health, Blatras will pull in all players next to him and disappear. The area will now be covered with glowing floor tiles.

To deal with this mechanic, players would have to navigate outside the circular arena without stepping on the glowing floor tiles, as doing so would stun the player and guarantee a hit on the subsequent attack, resulting in certain death.

After Blatras finishes this attack, he will reappear in the center of the arena and the battle will resume as normal.

How to Beat Belkros

Belkros has a good mix of melee and ranged attacks that most tanks can handle.Belkros also has a few Fury attacks in his arsenal, but the timing is very forgiving and can be easily blocked.

Like Blatras, Belkros only has one mechanic to watch out for. When its health is lowered to around 50%, it will pull all the party members to the center of the arena and dissapear.

Players would be trapped in a square area with glowing floor around the edges. Players would have to leave the arena to avoid Belkros' next attack, as anyone hit by it would be instantly knocked out.

To safely exit the area, players would have to interact with the glowing orbs to remove the glowing floor.

Players would have to interact with the glowing orbs in quick succession to remove the glowing floor. After interacting with the first glowing orb, the second glowing orb outside can now be accessed, allowing players to exit the arena.

Voidwastes New Equipment


Armor Stats
Gilded Raven GripsGilded Raven Grips Type: Hands Armor
Set: Gilded Raven Set
Melee Def: 158
Ranged Def: 142
・Added Attack Speed +1.1%
・Dexterity 1
・Fortitude 3

New Stat: What is Fortitude?


Accessory Stats
Bindings of the UnstoppableBindings of the Unstoppable Type: Necklace
Magic Def.: 180
・Stun Resistance 25
・Sleep Resistance 25
・Bind Resistance 25
・Collision Resistance 25
Forbidden Arcane ChainForbidden Arcane Chain Type: Belt
Magic Def.: 180
・Wisdom 3
・Mana Regen 12.75
・Silence Resistance 25

Voidwastes Best Rewards and All Drops

Shadow Harvester Grips

Armor Stats
Shadow Harvester GripsShadow Harvester Grips Type: Hands Armor
Set: Death Set
Melee Def: 150
Ranged Def: 150
・Range ▲ 1.7%
・Dexterity 3
・Critical Hit 20

As one of the best gloves for DPS builds, this glove is often used in many builds due to the offensive stats it provides. As part of the Death Set, it is automatically one of the most sought after pieces for any DPS build.

All Drops


Weapon Drops
Resonance BladeResonance Blade


Voidwastes Drops
Gilded Raven GripsGilded Raven Grips Eldritch WhispersEldritch Whispers Precious Parchment Icon Precious Parchment
Gauntlets of the Field GeneralGauntlets of the Field General Shock Commander GauntletsShock Commander Gauntlets Phantom Wolf GlovesPhantom Wolf Gloves
Shadow Harvester GripsShadow Harvester Grips Ascended Guardian GlovesAscended Guardian Gloves Swirling Essence GlovesSwirling Essence Gloves
WarlordWarlord's Shroud - -


Accesory Drops
Forbidden Reverberation ChainForbidden Arcane Chain Bindings of the UnstoppableBindings of the Unstoppable Spider Silk CollarSpider Silk Collar


Item Drops
Precious Stalon Ore Icon Precious Stalon Ore Precious Emeret Ore Icon Precious Emeret Ore Precious Rubrix Ore Icon Precious Rubrix Ore
Precious Polished Crystal Icon Precious Polished Crystal Precious Marind Ore Icon Precious Marind Ore Precious Omnipotence Parchment Icon Precious Omnipotence Parchment
Mana Blood Icon Mana Blood Reaper Reaper's Soul -


All Other Rewards
Dimensional Soul Shard: Shakarux Abyssal Contract Token Points (x750) Training Dew: 10,000 Points

Voidwastes Overview

Required Level Lv. 50
Type 2-Star Dimensional Circle
Contract Token
Throne and Liberty (TL) - Dimension Contract Token 2 300
Min. Combat Power
Throne and Liberty (TL) - Minimum Combat Power 2500
The Dark Elemental attracted beings from Diabolica. These monsters mercilessly slaughtered people under Shaikal's will. Ahzreil, wanting to use Shaikal as a weapon of war, cast a powerful dark magic to bring his mind under control. However, Shaikal instead absorbed Ahzreil's power and became a being of even deeper darkness. In the end, Shaikal turned into an incomprehensibly powerful being, Shakarux, forcing Ahzreil to finally give up on him.

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1 Anonymous4 months

So its all right but the most importent!! The Yellow Eye missed in the Guide


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