Throne and Liberty (TL)

Best Wand / Crossbow Build (PvE)

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This Wand and Crossbow build for Throne and Liberty (TL) relies on stacking Weaken effects using the Wand's curses, making your Crossbow skills deal more damage while reducing their cooldowns. Read on to learn how to use the Crossbow and Wand build, including the best gears to equip, skill rotations, traits, and more.

Notice Icon 2Attention! This build is based on the Korean version of the game with some adjustments to match the features available in Global. We’re working on updating our builds to be fully accurate for the Global release. Thank you for your patience!

Wand / Crossbow Build Overview

Build Summary

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Build Summary
Throne and Liberty - WandThrone and Liberty - Crossbows
Wand and Crossbow
PVE, DPS, Mobbing, Low Cooldowns
Stat Priority:
Perception, Dexterity
Skill Setup
Skills - Quick FireSkills - Mortal MarkSkills - Selfless DiffusionSkills - Mother NatureSkills - Mana ExchangeSkills - Merciless BarrageSkills - Touch of DespairSkills - Curse ExplosionSkills - Swift HealingSkills - Fountain of LifeSkills - Time for PunishmentSkills - Karmic Haze
Pros Cons
Throne and Liberty Build - ProLow Skill Cooldowns
Throne and Liberty Build - ProSolid Mobbing and High Self Sustain
Throne and Liberty Build - ProSelf Cleanse
Throne and Liberty - ConOnly one form of mobility
Throne and Liberty - ConReliant on Selfless Diffusion
Throne and Liberty - ConNeeds proper skill sequencing

This Wand / Crossbow build combines the wand's ability to consistently apply Weakens, allowing Selfless Diffusion to refresh your skills quickly! If you prefer a consistent flow of skill usage, this build is recommended for you!

Since this build has a high APM (Action per minute), its playstyle revolves around proper positioning, allowing you to quickly and properly sequence your skills as soon as they are available.

Regarding allocation of Stat Points, always prioritize getting 50 Perception for the 100 Hit, the buff duration to extend your Selfless Diffusion, and extra range. The second priority would be 50 Dexterity to increase your overall DPS with criticals! Third, you can get 30 Wisdom and Strength for extra mana sustain and durability.

Skills and Specialization

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Throne and Liberty - Summary Icon.pngSummary Throne and Liberty - Skills Icon.pngSkills Throne and Liberty - Weapon Icon.pngWeapons
Throne and Liberty - Armor and Accessories Icon.pngEquipment Throne and Liberty - Mastery Icon.pngMastery Throne and Liberty - Guardian Icon.pngGuardian Throne and Liberty - Rotations Icon.pngRotations
Active Skills
Quick FireQuick Fire
Specialization - Cooldown ▼ Cooldown ▼
Specialization - Damage ▲ Damage ▲
Specialization - Min Chain Fire ▲ Min Chain Fire ▲
Specialization - Gale Gale
Mortal MarkMortal Mark -
Selfless DiffusionSelfless Diffusion
Specialization - Removes CC Removes CC
Mother NatureMother Nature's Protest
Specialization - Gale Arrow Gale Arrow
Mana ExchangeMana Exchange -
Merciless BarrageMerciless Barrage
Specialization - Gale Gale
Specialization - Annihilation Barrage Shot Annihilation Barrage Shot
Touch of DespairTouch of Despair
Specialization - Curse Curse
Specialization - Effect Duration ▲ Effect Duration ▲
Curse ExplosionCurse Explosion
Specialization - Additional Damage Boost Additional Damage Boost
Specialization - Dark Explosion Dark Explosion
Time for PunishmentTime for Punishment
Specialization - Effect Duration ▲ Effect Duration ▲
Specialization - Enchanting Time Enchanting Time
Swift HealingSwift Healing
Specialization - Range ▲ Range ▲
Karmic HazeKarmic Haze
Specialization - Range ▲ Range ▲
Fountain of LifeFountain of Life -
Passive Skills
AmbidexterityAmbidexterity Piercing StrikePiercing Strike Bloodlust StackBloodlust Stack Vampiric ContractVampiric Contract
WraithWraith's Beckon Full of CorruptionFull of Corruption Devotion and EmptinessDevotion and Emptiness Selfless SoulSelfless Soul
Defensive Skill
Chaotic ShieldChaotic Shield

Active Skills

The Crossbow skills will serve as the foundation for most of your skill rotations. As the build aims to exploit the Weaken status, it is imperative to include and level up Quick Fire and Mortal Mark first as they offer high single-target damage with their natural synergy alongside the Weaken status.

As soon as possible, prioritize leveling up Selfless Diffusion and Mother Nature's Protest. Selfless Diffusion is the key skill that allows a consistent flow of skills, while Mother Nature's Protest will be a massive boost to your DPS as long as you keep it active.

Merciless Barrage will be next in the level priority, as it allows you to nuke enemies when given the Annihilation Barrage Shot specialization and paired with Mother Nature's Protest. Mana Exchange should be last in priority even though it is handy as it does not contribute to the main rotation and is only a tool for more utility.

For the Wand skills, the curse-inflicting skills Touch of Despair and Time for Punishment will be included as they buffer our Crossbow skills and allow Selfless Diffusion to decrease skill cooldowns. After Selfless Diffusion's duration ends, Curse Explosion buffs up the DoT of the applied curses. It would be best to prioritize leveling up these three skills along with your Crossbow skills as you progress through the story.

After these three, prioritize leveling your Swift Healing since it allows you to pair it with Mana Exchange for a net positive on both HP and Mana. Lastly, it would be wise to level up Karmic Haze to lessen its cooldown.

Passive Skills

This build utilizes a 5/3 split between Wand and Crossbow passives, all of which try to enhance this build's ability to damage consistently and self-sustain.

The two best passives that you should prioritize leveling are Bloodlust Stack and Piercing Strike since they both add a flat damage increase, especially Bloodlust as you will be actively spamming your skills with this build.

Secondly, prioritize Vampiric Contact and Selfless Soul to increase your and your team's overall survivability during runs. Vampiric Contact's value skyrockets since you actively deal damage with this build. Selfless Soul then attempts to answer mana regeneration and is best stacked with Fountain of Life.

The last three Wand passives, Full of Corruption, Devotion and Emptiness, and Wraith's Beckon, are included to further enhance your Curses' potency by providing you Mana Regen on defeating a Weakened enemy while decreasing cooldowns and increasing their duration and DoT (Damage over time).

Active and Passive Alternatives

Active Skill Specialization
Karmic HazeKarmic Haze > Nimble LeapNimble Leap
Specialization - Immune Immune
Karmic HazeKarmic Haze > Explosive TrapExplosive Trap
Specialization - Shock Bomb Shock Bomb
Karmic HazeKarmic Haze > ClayClay's Salvation
Specialization - Weaken Removal Weaken Removal
Passive Skill Explanation
Full of CorruptionFull of Corruption > Eagle VisionEagle Vision When you do not have to mob and require more accuracy while keeping distance.
Full of CorruptionFull of Corruption > Corrupt NailCorrupt Nail When you need to guarantee hitting Karmic Haze.

Depending on the situation, you can change Karmic Haze to different skills to address certain situations:

  • Throne and Liberty - Nimble StepNimble Leap - For when you are fighting a boss like Lequirus and need a means to traverse quickly while providing another means to dodge Crowd Control.
  • Throne and Liberty - Explosive TrapExplosive Trap - For when you need a means of Crowd Control.
  • Throne and Liberty - ClayClay's Salvation - During Co-op Dungeons that require you to heal the whole party and quickly stack up Selfless Soul.

Best Weapons

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Throne and Liberty - Summary Icon.pngSummary Throne and Liberty - Skills Icon.pngSkills Throne and Liberty - Weapon Icon.pngWeapons
Throne and Liberty - Armor and Accessories Icon.pngEquipment Throne and Liberty - Mastery Icon.pngMastery Throne and Liberty - Guardian Icon.pngGuardian Throne and Liberty - Rotations Icon.pngRotations
Primary Weapon
Rex ChimaerusRex Chimaerus's Crossbows ・Critical Hit
・Heavy Attack
・Cooldown Speed
Weapon Effect
Weapon Skill - Rex ChimaerusRex Chimaerus's Hunger Heals 61 Health whenever making Off-Hand Weapon attacks for 6s after a successful hit with Off-Hand Weapon. Cooldown 30s.

The primary weapon for this build will be Rex Chimaerus's Crossbows as it provides the build with an essential boost to Dexterity and Bonus Damage. Furthermore, Rex Chimaerus's Hunger adds further to this build's self-sustainability as Selfless Diffusion allows us to consistently trigger Off-Hand Weapon attacks to heal ourselves.

The best traits to give Lequirus's Grip would be Hit, Critical Hit, and Heavy Attack to further boost the build's DPS. Prioritize farming for Critical Hit since Crossbows benefit more since it can hit multiple times.

Secondary Weapon
LequirusLequirus's Coveted Tome ・Critical Hit
・Heavy Attack
・Cooldown Speed
Weapon Effect
Weapon Skill - LequirusLequirus's Ambush When your Health goes below 20%, Stealth for 7.5s. Cooldown 120s.

The secondary weapon for this build will be Lequirus's Grip as it provides us with the necessary boosts to Wisdom, Perception, and Critical Hit. Furthermore, Lequirus's Ambush allows you to escape combat when reaching critical health, giving you enough time to set up your skill rotations again.

The best traits to give Lequirus's Grip would be Heavy Attack, Hit, and Critical Hit. Prioritize farming for Hit to provide an overall increase in accuracy.

Best Armors and Accessories

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Throne and Liberty - Summary Icon.pngSummary Throne and Liberty - Skills Icon.pngSkills Throne and Liberty - Weapon Icon.pngWeapons
Throne and Liberty - Armor and Accessories Icon.pngEquipment Throne and Liberty - Mastery Icon.pngMastery Throne and Liberty - Guardian Icon.pngGuardian Throne and Liberty - Rotations Icon.pngRotations
Swirling Essence Hat IconSwirling Essence Hat ・Max Health
・Cooldown Speed
・Magic Evasion
・Max Health
Supreme Devotion IconSupreme Devotion ・Mana Regen
・Skill Damage Resistance
・Debuff Duration
・Max Health
Phantom Wolf Tunic IconPhantom Wolf Tunic ・Max Health
・Ranged Evasion
・Magic Evasion
・Max Health
Phantom Wolf Gloves IconPhantom Wolf Gloves ・Max Health
・Ranged Evasion
・Magic Evasion
・Max Health
Breeches of the Executioner IconBreeches of the Executioner ・Ranged Evasion
・Magic Evasion
・Debuff Duration
・Max Health
Swirling Essence Shoes IconSwirling Essence Shoes ・Max Health
・Magic Evasion
・Melee Evasion
・Max Health
Clasp of the Conqueror IconClasp of the Conqueror ・Max Health
・Skill Damage Boost
・Buff Duration
・Max Health
Bracers of the Primal King IconBracers of the Primal King ・Max Health
・Skill Damage Resistance
・Debuff Duration
・Max Health
Amber Dimensional Band IconAmber Dimensional Band ・Max Health
・Skill Damage Boost
・Buff Duration
・Max Health
Etched Alabaster Band IconEtched Alabaster Band ・Max Health
・Skill Damage Boost
・Buff Duration
・Max Health
Belt of Endless Slaughter IconBelt of Endless Slaughter ・Max Health
・Skill Damage Resistance
・Debuff Duration
・Max Health

To make full use of the weapon synergies between Wand and Crossbow, the build focuses on gathering as much Perception, Dexterity, and Wisdom as possible to get the Range Increase, Critical Hit Chance, and Mana by reaching certain thresholds. The sub-stats with the armor would be Weaken Chance, Attack Speed, and some evasion.

The build also utilizes some 2-part bonuses for additional consistency. The Mother Nature set provides the build with additional Weaken Duration, giving the build more leeway during rotations. The Ghost Wolf set then slots the build with more Bonus Damage to boost up the Offhand attack damage.

The defensive traits focus more on Evasion rather than Endurance as you have enough Dexterity to reliably avoid some attacks but still take some hits before getting downed.

Best Weapon Mastery

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Wand ・Damage (6 Pts)
・Weaken (9 Pts)
Crossbow ・Regen (6 Pts)
・Chain Fire (9 Pts)

For the Weapon Masteries, allocate your points to mastery trees that boost the Wand's Curses and Crossbow's Offhand Attack chances.

The Wand's Weaken tree provides more Curse Duration and Skill Damage while passively increasing the chance of inflicting Weakens. After the Weaken tree is maxed out, focus the remaining 6 points on the Damage tree until you get to Regenerative Meditation to increase your Curse's potency.

The Crossbow's Chain Fire tree grants the build added buff durations, more consistency around Off-Hand activations, and increases Ranged Damage dealt! After that, spend the remaining 6 points in the Regen tree to cover up the build's squishy nature.

Best Guardian

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Throne and Liberty - Armor and Accessories Icon.pngEquipment Throne and Liberty - Mastery Icon.pngMastery Throne and Liberty - Guardian Icon.pngGuardian Throne and Liberty - Rotations Icon.pngRotations
Currently under construction, so please stay tuned!

Skill Rotations

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Throne and Liberty - Armor and Accessories Icon.pngEquipment Throne and Liberty - Mastery Icon.pngMastery Throne and Liberty - Guardian Icon.pngGuardian Throne and Liberty - Rotations Icon.pngRotations
How to Play Wand / Crossbow

Mob Clearing

Skills - Mother Nature (Keep Active) ▶ Skills - Touch of DespairSkills - Selfless DiffusionSkills - Time for PunishmentSkills - Touch of DespairSkills - Karmic HazeSkills - Curse ExplosionSkills - Touch of DespairSkills - Merciless Barrage

This combo primarily makes use of the Wand's ability to quickly stack up Curses and spread them with Karmic Haze, in turn activating Selfless Diffusion's skill cooldown reducing and weaken duration increasing effects. Group up enemies using your basic attacks, then proceed with the combo.

After first applying the first instance of Touch of Despair, hover until it gets to the 1-2 second mark before activating Selfless Diffusion. After that, quickly follow the combo to spread the Curses and then extend their duration with Merciless Barrage's multiple hits. If the opponents are not dead by then, finish them off with some Weaken-enhanced Quick Fires.

Single Target Burst

Skills - Mother Nature (Keep Active) ▶ Skills - Touch of DespairSkills - Selfless DiffusionSkills - Time for PunishmentSkills - Touch of DespairSkills - Mortal MarkSkills - Quick FireSkills - Touch of DespairSkills - Merciless BarrageSkills - Quick Fire

When you are fighting only a single opponent, this combo mainly uses the Crossbow while only being supported by Touch of Despair. Follow the same combo as before, but replace Karmic Haze and Curse Explosion with Mortal Mark and Quick Fire to deal high DPS to a single target.

Filler Rotation

Skills - Mother Nature (Keep Active) ▶ Skills - Touch of DespairSkills - Time for PunishmentSkills - Mortal MarkSkills - Quick Fire ▶ Repeat with ToD

When all your core skills are on cooldown, use this basic bread-n'-butter rotation to maintain your Curses to increase the damage of Quick Fire while waiting. Remember to always keep Touch of Despair to maximize both Selfless Diffusion and Quick Fire!

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