Throne and Liberty (TL)

Best Gladiator Greatsword (GS) / Spear PvE Build

This is a guide on the Gladiator Greatsword (GS) and Spear build for PvE in Throne and Liberty (TL). Read on to learn how to use the Gladiator Greatsword and Spear build, including the best gears to equip, skill rotations, runes, traits, and more.

Notice Icon 2Attention! This build was last updated on December 2024; changes to the game since then have not been reflected in this build.
All Gladiator Greatsword / Spear Builds
Best Greatsword / Spear Build (PvP) Best Greatsword / Spear Build (PvE)

Gladiator Greatsword / Spear Build Overview

Build Summary

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Throne and Liberty - Runes IconRunes Throne and Liberty - Mastery IconMastery Throne and Liberty - Guardian IconGuardian Throne and Liberty - Rotations IconRotations
Throne and Liberty (TL) - Stats IconStats
Rare Equipment
w/o Worldboss
w/ Worldboss
Build Summary
Throne and Liberty - GreatswordThrone and Liberty - Spear
Greatsword and Spear
Tank, Mobbing, DPS, PvE
Stat Priority:
Strength, Fortitude
Skill Setup
Valiant Brawl DaVinci Gaia Crash Devastating Tornado Willbreaker Devastating Smash Unyielding Sentinel Tempest Strike Cataclysm Bloodleech Aura Cyclonic Fury Death From Above
Equipment Setup
Relentless Cleaver Halberd of the Resistance Ruthless Enforcer Helmet Warlord Decorated Champion Armor Duskblood Gloves Ruthless Enforcer Leggings Gloom Guard Sabatons Guardian Torque Kunzite Bangle Imperial Ring Sophia Belt of Combat Prowess
Pros Cons
Throne and Liberty Build - ProLots of CC
Throne and Liberty Build - ProHigh durability
Throne and Liberty Build - ProVersatile
Throne and Liberty Build - ConStruggles against bosses
Throne and Liberty Build - ConLong skill rotations
Build Summary
Throne and Liberty - GreatswordThrone and Liberty - Spear
Greatsword and Spear
Tank, Mobbing, DPS, PvE
Stat Priority:
Strength, Fortitude
Skill Setup
Valiant Brawl DaVinci Gaia Crash Devastating Tornado Willbreaker Devastating Smash Unyielding Sentinel Tempest Strike Cataclysm Bloodleech Aura Cyclonic Fury Death From Above
Equipment Setup
Duke Magna Skull Severing Spear Shock Commander Visor Forsaken Embrace Shock Commander Plate Armor Gauntlets of the Infernal Herald Greaves of the Field General Sabatons of the Field General Collar of Decimation Bracers of Unrelenting Amber Dimensional Band Etched Alabaster Band Butcher
Pros Cons
Throne and Liberty Build - ProLots of CC
Throne and Liberty Build - ProHigh durability
Throne and Liberty Build - ProVersatile
Throne and Liberty Build - ConStruggles against bosses
Throne and Liberty Build - ConLong skill rotations
Build Summary
Throne and Liberty - GreatswordThrone and Liberty - Spear
Greatsword and Spear
Tank, Mobbing, DPS, PvE
Stat Priority:
Strength, Fortitude
Skill Setup
Valiant Brawl DaVinci Gaia Crash Devastating Tornado Willbreaker Devastating Smash Unyielding Sentinel Tempest Strike Cataclysm Bloodleech Aura Cyclonic Fury Death From Above
Equipment Setup
Adentus Junobote Shock Commander Visor Forsaken Embrace Shock Commander Plate Armor Gauntlets of the Infernal Herald Greaves of the Field General Sabatons of the Field General Collar of Decimation Bracers of Unrelenting Band of Universal Power Etched Alabaster Band Belt of Bloodlust
Pros Cons
Throne and Liberty Build - ProLots of CC
Throne and Liberty Build - ProHigh durability
Throne and Liberty Build - ProVersatile
Throne and Liberty Build - ConStruggles against bosses
Throne and Liberty Build - ConLong skill rotations

This build makes use of Greatsword and Spear weapons to create a high-crowd control and high-durability melee tank or frontliner. It's effective against mobs of enemies, allowing for faster farming and leveling.

Stat Allocation

Rare Equipment
w/o Worldboss
w/ Worldboss
Stat Total Points From Lvl. Points From Gear
Strength 70 20 40
Dexterity 24 9 5
Wisdom 10 0 0
Perception 10 0 0
Fortitude 30 20 0
Stat Total Points From Lvl. Points From Gear
Strength 78 0 68
Dexterity 31 9 12
Wisdom 10 0 0
Perception 30 20 0
Fortitude 41 20 11
Stat Total Points From Lvl. Points From Gear
Strength 74 0 64
Dexterity 30 9 11
Wisdom 13 0 3
Perception 33 20 3
Fortitude 40 20 10

Note: Base stats are always 10!

Reaching 70 Strength is possible even with just max-level items and runes for Epic item builds. However, until you get the full build, it's best to put at least 20 points to Strength first to help reach the 70 breakpoint. Once you get the full build, reset the stats and use that 20 points on Perception instead for more Hit.

Gear Builder

Skills and Specialization

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Throne and Liberty - Summary IconRunes Throne and Liberty - Mastery IconMastery Throne and Liberty - Guardian IconGuardian Throne and Liberty - Rotations IconRotations
Throne and Liberty (TL) - Stats IconStats
Active Skills
Valiant BrawlValiant Brawl
Cruel SmiteCruel Smite
Cruel SmiteCruel Smite
Damage ▲Damage ▲
DaVinciDaVinci's Courage
Instant HealingInstant Healing
Damage ReductionDamage Reduction
Duration ▲Duration ▲
Gaia CrashGaia Crash
Frost CleavingFrost Cleaving
Attack Speed ▲Attack Speed ▲
Frost CleavingFrost Cleaving
Devastating TornadoDevastating Tornado
Ice TornadoIce Tornado
Bonus DamageBonus Damage
Cooldown ▼Cooldown ▼
Resistance ▲Resistance ▲
Ice TornadoIce Tornado
Evasion ▼Evasion ▼
Damage Area ChangeDamage Area Change
Devastating SmashDevastating Smash -
Bloodleech AuraBloodleech Aura
Effect BoostEffect Boost
Unyielding SentinelUnyielding Sentinel
Unyielding ShieldUnyielding Shield
Tempest StrikeTempest Strike -
Cyclonic FuryCyclonic Fury
Phoenix BarragePhoenix Barrage
Phoenix BarragePhoenix Barrage
Conditional DamageConditional Damage
CataclysmCataclysm -
Death From AboveDeath From Above
TormentorTormentor's Guise
Additional VictimsAdditional Victims
Passive Skills
Robust ConstitutionRobust Constitution Vital ForceVital Force VictorVictor's Morale Indomitable ArmorIndomitable Armor
Raging FrenzyRaging Frenzy Imposing FormImposing Form Nimble StepsNimble Steps Fatal PrecisionFatal Precision
Defensive Skill
Iron Point ParryIron Point Parry

Active Skills Explantion

Frost Cleaving, Ice Tornado, Willbreaker, Tempest Strike, and Bloodleech Aura are all effective for clearing waves of enemies or mobbing. Devastating Smash, Cruel Smite, Cataclysm, and Phoenix Barrage are great for dealing burst damage, particularly for single targets.

DaVinci's Courage, and Unyielding Sentinel improves survivability when taking on groups of enemies.

Focus on leveling up Ice Tornado, Frost Cleaving, and Bloodleech Aura first since they are the build's primary damage skills, then go for DaVinci's Courage. The rest can be prioritized based on preference.

Passive Skills Explanation

Vital Force and Robust Constitution go well together since Vital Force's effects increase per 100 of Max Health.

Raging Frenzy and Indomitable Armor are perfect for clearing waves since the former depend on the number of enemies within an area while the latter improves Defenses when taking damage.

Victor's Morale works great with active skills that deal area damage, triggering the effect per enemy hit. Meanwhile, Imposing Form gives a chance for the active skills to deal more damage whenever they deal damage.

Nimble Steps further improves CC resistances when casting Death From Above and/or Devastating Smash.

Fatal Precision increases Attack Speed whenever Weaken is applied, which works specifically for Willbreaker, Ice Tornado, Tempest Strike, and Phoenix Barrage.

Focus on leveling up Vital Force and Robust Constitution first as they provide a good balance of durability and damage, then go for Raging Frenzy and Indomitable Armor. The rest can be prioritized based on preference.

Solo Boss Skill Alternatives

Active Skill Specialization
Frost CleavingFrost Cleaving > Stunning BlowStunning Blow
Hit Rate ▲Hit Rate ▲
Cooldown ▼Cooldown ▼
Additional Damage BoostAdditional Damage Boost
Ice TornadoIce Tornado > Death BlowDeath Blow Death BlowDeath Blow
Damage ▲Damage ▲
Damage CollectionDamage Collection
Cooldown ▼Cooldown ▼
Devastating SmashDevastating Smash > Guillotine BladeGuillotine Blade Guillotine BladeGuillotine Blade
Cooldown ▼Cooldown ▼
Damage CollectionDamage Collection
Bloodleech AuraBloodleech Aura > Flaming ArcFlaming Arc
Flaming ArcFlaming Arc
Tempest StrikeTempest Strike > Javelin InfernoJavelin Inferno
Javelin InfernoJavelin Inferno
Death From AboveDeath From Above > Explosive FuryExplosive Fury
Explosive FuryExplosive Fury
CataclysmCataclysm > Rising SlashRising Slash
Explosive DamageExplosive Damage
Passive Skill Explanation
Raging FrenzyRaging Frenzy > Retaliatory StrikeRetaliatory Strike Raging Frenzy would be useless in fighting bosses alone. Instead, use Retaliatory Strike to improve Critical Hit Chance during the boss fight.
Nimble StepsNimble Steps > Mortal WrathMortal Wrath Nimble Steps won't be needed anymore since Devastating Smash and Death From Above gets replaced for the build. Instead, use Mortal Wrath for more damage during boss fights when its HP falls to 30% or below.

This skills setup is primarily for soloing boss fights, especially while progressing the main story.

Death Blow, Guillotine Blade, Flaming Arc, Javelin Inferno, Explosive Fury, and Rising Slash all deal strong single-target damage that's useful for quickly depleting a boss' HP. Meanwhile, Stunning Blow, Will Breaker, and Cruel Smite are great as setup or follow up skills.

DaVinci's Courage, and Unyielding Sentinel provide durability and survivability during the boss fights. They also have synergy with other skills.

Focus on leveling up Death Blow since it's the strongest single-target damage skill prior to getting Guillotine Blade. The rest can be prioritized based on preference.

All Weapon Skills

Best Weapons

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Throne and Liberty - Summary IconRunes Throne and Liberty - Mastery IconMastery Throne and Liberty - Guardian IconGuardian Throne and Liberty - Rotations IconRotations
Throne and Liberty (TL) - Stats IconStats
Primary Weapon
AdentusAdentus's Gargantuan Greatsword ・Hit Chance +80
・Heavy Attack Chance +80
・Critical Hit Chance +80

Note: All of the traits shown here are of max value!

Adentus's Gargantuan Greatsword provides Strength, Critical Hit Chance, and Construct Bonus damage, which works nicely with the build. But its weapon skill is what makes it perfect for the build as it utilizes the build's high HP and turns it into damage.

Traits all focus on improving durability via HP.

Secondary Weapon
JunoboteJunobote's Smoldering Ranseur ・Hit Chance +80
・Critical Hit Chance +80
・Heavy Attack Chance +80

Note: All of the traits shown here are of max value!

Junobote's Smoldering Ranseur provides Strength, and Max Health for more damage and durability. Its weapon skill improves Bloodleech Aura's damage and overall efficiency, especially when mobbing.

Traits all focus on improving damage.

List of All Weapons

Best Armors and Accessories

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Throne and Liberty - Summary IconRunes Throne and Liberty - Mastery IconMastery Throne and Liberty - Guardian IconGuardian Throne and Liberty - Rotations IconRotations
Throne and Liberty (TL) - Stats IconStats
Shock Commander VisorShock Commander Visor ・Max Mana +600
・Melee Endurance +160
・Ranged Endurance +160
Shock Commander Plate ArmorShock Commander Plate Armor ・Max Health +600
・Health Regen +60
・Melee Endurance +160
Forsaken EmbraceForsaken Embrace ・Max Health +600
・Health Regen +60
・Debuff Duration -6%
Gauntlets of the Infernal HeraldGauntlets of the Infernal Herald ・Max Mana +600
・Melee Endurance +160
・Ranged Endurance +160
Greaves of the Field GeneralGreaves of the Field General ・Max Health +600
・Melee Endurance +160
・Ranged Endurance +160
Sabatons of the Field GeneralSabatons of the Field General ・Max Mana +600
・Melee Endurance +160
・Ranged Endurance +160
Collar of DecimationCollar of Decimation ・Max Health +600
・Health Regen +60
・Skill Damage Boost +80
Bracers of UnrelentingBracers of Unrelenting ・Max Health +600
・Health Regen +60
・Debuff Duration -6%
Band of Universal PowerBand of Universal Power ・Max Mana +600
・Mana Regen +60
・Skill Damage Boost +80
Etched Alabaster BandEtched Alabaster Band ・Max Health +600
・Health Regen +60
・Skill Damage Boost +80
Belt of BloodlustBelt of Bloodlust ・Max Health +600
・Health Regen +60
・Debuff Duration -6%

Note: All of the traits shown here are of max value!

The armors and accessories selected all have the best Melee, Range, and Magic Defenses. Their traits and resonance focus primarily on maxing out HP, HP regen, and endurance for a high-durability build.

List of References
List of All Armor List of All Accessories

Best Runes

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Throne and Liberty - Summary IconRunes Throne and Liberty - Mastery IconMastery Throne and Liberty - Guardian IconGuardian Throne and Liberty - Rotations IconRotations
Throne and Liberty (TL) - Stats IconStats
Weapon Runes
AdentusAdentus's Gargantuan Greatsword ・Skill Damage Boost
・Max Health
・Mana Cost Efficiency
Rune Synergy:
・Critical Damage Reduction
JunoboteJunobote's Smoldering Ranseur ・Skill Damage Boost
・Max Health
・Mana Cost Efficiency
Rune Synergy:
・Critical Damage Reduction
Necklace Runes
Collar of DecimationCollar of Decimation ・Hit
・Max Health
・Stun Resistance
Rune Synergy:
・Max Health
Bracelet Runes
Bracers of UnrelentingBracers of Unrelenting ・Heavy Attack Chance
・Max Health
・Mana Cost Efficiency
Rune Synergy:
・Bonus Damage
・Max Health
Ring Runes
Band of Universal PowerBand of Universal Power ・Critical Hit
・Max Health
・Weaken / Stun / Petrification / Sleep / Silence / Terror / Bind Resistance
Rune Synergy:
・Max Health
Etched Alabaster BandEtched Alabaster Band ・Critical Hit
・Max Health
・Weaken / Stun / Petrification / Sleep / Silence / Terror / Bind Resistance
Rune Synergy:
・Max Health
Belt Runes
Belt of BloodlustBelt of Bloodlust ・Hit
・Mana Cost Efficiency
・Max Health
Rune Synergy:
・Damage Reduction
・Max Health

Equip Attack runes that improve Skill Damage Boost, Hit, Heavy Attack Chance, and Critical Hit for more damage, Defense runes that improve Max Health to maximize Vital Force's effects and for more durability, and Support runes that improve Resistances to avoid crowd control effects and Mana Cost Efficiency to help out in mana management a bit.

For weapon rune synergies, just build the rune combination that gives Strength and Critical Damage Reduction for more durability and damage.

For accessories rune synergies, build rune combinations that improve durability and damage.

List of All Runes

Best Weapon Mastery

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Throne and Liberty - Summary IconRunes Throne and Liberty - Mastery IconMastery Throne and Liberty - Guardian IconGuardian Throne and Liberty - Rotations IconRotations
Throne and Liberty (TL) - Stats IconStats
Greatsword ・Charge (9 Pts)
・Incapacitate (9 Pts)
・Face Off (1 Pts)
Spear ・Charge (9 Pts)
・Destroy (9 Pts)
・Face Off (1 Pts)

For Greatsword, putting 9 points to Charge gives you durability, resistances, and a bit of cooldown speed, buff duration, and movement speed. Meanwhile, having 9 points to Incapacitate provides damage, stun duration, mana regen, and also more cooldown speed. Putting 1 point to Face Off gives Melee Hit Chance.

For Spear, putting 9 points to Charge provides you with more durability and survivability. Meanwhile, having 9 points to Destroy improves the build's offense. Putting 1 point to Face Off also gives Melee Hit Chance.

How to Get Weapon Mastery Points

Best Guardian

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Throne and Liberty - Summary IconRunes Throne and Liberty - Mastery IconMastery Throne and Liberty - Guardian IconGuardian Throne and Liberty - Rotations IconRotations
Throne and Liberty (TL) - Stats IconStats
Best Guardian
Vampire Slayer EzekielVampire Slayer Ezekiel All defense +400. Deals damage over time equal to 0.6% of your Max Health every sec to hostile targets within a 2.5m radius. Restores Health by 20% of damage dealt to the targets.

Vampire Slayer Ezekiel's effect increases all Defenses, deal 0.6% of your Max Health as continuous damage every second to enemies within 2.5m, and restore HP by 20% of the damage dealt to the target. This adds even more durability and survivability, and turns the build's high HP into damage.

All Guardians

Skill Rotations and Playstyle

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Throne and Liberty - Summary IconRunes Throne and Liberty - Mastery IconMastery Throne and Liberty - Guardian IconGuardian Throne and Liberty - Rotations IconRotations
Throne and Liberty (TL) - Stats IconStats
How to Play Sword and Shield / Greatsword Build

Note: If the skills icons are confusing, some of the skill icons indicated here are using their specialized variants.

Mob Clearing Skill Rotation

DaVinci Death From Above (Optional) ▶ Willbreaker Unyielding Sentinel Bloodleech Aura Frost Cleaving Ice Tornado Devastating Smash (Optional) ▶ Tempest Strike (Optional)

This acts as the build's main mob clearing or farming combo. DaVinci's Courage, and Unyielding Sentinel all increase durability to help out on taking groups of enemies. Willbreaker reduuces the enemies' defenses, allowing for more damage to be dealt. Bloodleech Aura deals damage around the character while also healing it.

Frost Cleaving, and Ice Tornado are all great AOE skills for clearing out mobs quickly.

Death From Above is entirely optional. It may be used in certain situations to easily get into a good position when mobbing. The combo can be extended by using Devastating Smash and Tempest Strike respectively for more damage.

Spear Single Target Burst/Boss Fight Skill Rotation

DaVinci Willbreaker Phoenix Barrage Flaming Arc Explosive Fury x5 ▶ Javelin Inferno x5 ▶ Rising Slash

This is a burst combo for Spear skills. DaVinci's Courage increases your max HP, giving you extra skill damage via the Vital Force passive ability.

Willbreaker reduces the target's defenses, increasing the damage dealt to it. Phoenix Barrage, Flaming Arc, Explosive Fury, and Javelin Inferno all apply Weaken: Ignite to the target. Rising Slash deals more per Ignite stacks on the target.

Greatsword Single Target Burst/Boss Fight Skill Rotation

DaVinci Willbreaker Stunning Blow Guillotine Blade Death Blow

This is a burst combo for Greatsword skills. DaVinci's Courage increases your max HP, giving you extra skill damage via the Vital Force passive ability.

Willbreaker reduces the target's defenses, increasing the damage dealt to it. Stunning Blow stuns the target and increases the damage of the next skill used. Death Blow and/or Guillotine Blade deals massive damage thanks to Stunning Blow's specialization.


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Throne and Liberty - Summary IconRunes Throne and Liberty - Mastery IconMastery Throne and Liberty - Guardian IconGuardian Throne and Liberty - Rotations IconRotations
Throne and Liberty (TL) - Stats IconStats
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Offensive Stats

Stat Value
Melee Hit Chance 1,071
Ranged Hit Chance 971
Magic Hit Chance 971
Melee Hit Crit. Chance 707
Magic Hit Crit. Chance 707
Ranged Hit Crit. Chance 707
Melee Heavy Attack Chance 434
Ranged Heavy Attack Chance 284
Magic Heavy Attack Chance 284

Defensive Stats

Stat Value
Melee Defense 2,181
Ranged Defense 2,214
Magic Defense 1,820
Melee Evasion 284
Ranged Evasion 60
Magic Evasion 60
Melee Endurance 1,050
Ranged Endurance 890
Magic Endurance 250
Damage Reduction 65

Body Stats

Stat Value
Max Health 24,675
Max Mana 7,710
Mana Cost Efficiency 12%
Move Speed 16.3%
Health Regen 765
Mana Regen 403

Crowd Control Stats

Stat Value
Stun Chance 509
Fear Chance 165
Bind Chance 165
Petrification Chance 165
Sleep Chance 165
Collision Chance 165
Silence Chance 165
Weaken Chance 165
Weaken Resistance 150
Stun Resistance 276
Petrification Resistance 150
Sleep Resistance 150
Silence Resistance 150
Fear Resistance 150
Bind Resistance 431
Collision Resistance 233
Skill Damage Resistance 60

Miscellaneous Stats

Stat Value
Heavy Attack Chance 284
Critical Hit Chance 557
Hit Chance 806
Endurance 100
Critical Damage Reduction 12%
Debuff Duration -18%

Item Set Stats

Set Stat
Shock Commander Set Damage Reduction 18
Imperator Set Melee Heavy Attack Chance 150

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Throne and Liberty - LongbowThrone and Liberty - Daggers
Longbow / Dagger
Throne and Liberty - Greatsword.pngThrone and Liberty - Sword and Shield.png
Greatsword / Sword and Shield
Throne and Liberty - Sword and Shield.pngThrone and Liberty - Crossbows.png
Sword and Shield / Crossbow
Throne and Liberty - Sword and Shield.pngThrone and Liberty - Wand.png
Sword and Shield / Wand
Throne and Liberty - DaggersThrone and Liberty - Sword and Shield
Dagger / Sword and Shield
Throne and Liberty - LongbowThrone and Liberty - Wand
Longbow / Wand
Throne and Liberty - WandThrone and Liberty - Staff
Wand / Staff
Throne and Liberty - WandThrone and Liberty - Greatsword
Wand / Greatsword
Throne and Liberty - LongbowThrone and Liberty - Staff
Longbow / Staff
Throne and Liberty - WandThrone and Liberty - Crossbows
Wand / Crossbow
Throne and Liberty - Staff.pngThrone and Liberty - Sword and Shield.png
Staff / Sword and Shield
Throne and Liberty - CrossbowThrone and Liberty - Longbow
Longbow / Crossbow
Throne and Liberty - Greatsword.pngThrone and Liberty - Longbow.png
Greatsword / Longbow
Throne and Liberty - StaffThrone and Liberty - Crossbow
Staff / Crossbow
Throne and Liberty - CrossbowsThrone and Liberty - Daggers
Dagger / Crossbow
Throne and Liberty - DaggersThrone and Liberty - Wand
Dagger / Wand
Throne and Liberty - LongbowSpear Icon
Longbow / Spear
Throne and Liberty - WandSpear Icon
Wand / Spear
Throne and Liberty - StaffSpear Icon
Staff / Spear
Throne and Liberty - Greatsword.pngSpear Icon
Greatsword / Spear
Throne and Liberty - DaggersSpear Icon
Dagger / Spear
Throne and Liberty - CrossbowSpear Icon
Crossbow / Spear
Throne and Liberty - Sword and Shield.pngSpear Icon
Sword and Shield / Spear
PvP Builds
Throne and Liberty - Greatsword.pngThrone and Liberty - Sword and Shield.png
Greatsword / Sword and Shield
Throne and Liberty - WandThrone and Liberty - Staff
Wand / Staff
Throne and Liberty - Sword and Shield.pngThrone and Liberty - Daggers
Sword and Shield / Dagger
Throne and Liberty - DaggersThrone and Liberty - Crossbow
Dagger / Crossbow
Throne and Liberty - LongbowThrone and Liberty - Crossbow
Longbow / Crossbow
Throne and Liberty - WandThrone and Liberty - Daggers
Wand / Dagger
Throne and Liberty - LongbowThrone and Liberty - Wand
Longbow / Wand
Throne and Liberty - LongbowThrone and Liberty - Staff
Longbow / Staff
Throne and Liberty - LongbowThrone and Liberty - Dagger
Longbow / Dagger
Throne and Liberty - WandThrone and Liberty - Sword and Shield
Wand / Sword and Shield
Throne and Liberty - LongbowThrone and Liberty - Greatsword
Longbow / Greatsword
Throne and Liberty - DaggersThrone and Liberty - Staff
Dagger / Staff
Throne and Liberty - SpearThrone and Liberty - Dagger
Spear / Dagger
Throne and Liberty - SpearThrone and Liberty - Sword and Shield
Spear / Sword and Shield
Throne and Liberty - SpearThrone and Liberty - Dagger
Spear / Greatsword
Throne and Liberty - SpearThrone and Liberty - Staff
Spear / Staff
Throne and Liberty - WandThrone and Liberty - Greatsword
Wand / Greatsword
Throne and Liberty - LongbowSpear Icon
Longbow / Spear
Spear IconThrone and Liberty - Crossbow
Spear / Crossbow
Throne and Liberty - WandSpear Icon
Wand / Spear

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Throne and Liberty - SupportBest Healer Build Throne and Liberty - TankBest Tank Build
Throne and Liberty - DPSBest DPS Build Throne and Liberty - MageBest Mage Build


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