Throne and Liberty (TL)

14th Floor Secret Dungeon: Old Wizard's Eye Overview

Throne and Liberty - Taedal

Out of Sight is the 14th Floor of Taedal's Tower in Throne and Liberty (TL) where you must fight Old Wizard's Eye. Read on to see an overview of Old Wizard's Eye as well as the possible rewards and drops upon completion!

How to Beat Old Wizard's Eye

Old Wizard's Eye Attack Patterns

AOE Normal Attack

Old Wizard's Eye highlights an area, dealing damage after a set delay.

Stunning Fury Attack

Old Wizard's Eye launches a Fury Attack that stuns the player, leaving them susceptible to damage. Parry this with a Defensive Skill.

Full-arena Wave Attack

Old Wizard's Eye starts casting, and a red wave will close in on the Old Wizard's Eye before unleashing a wave moving outwards, damaging the player. To dodge this attack, jump over the wave while it closes in.

Half-arena Eye Attack

Old Wizard's Eye highlights the area in front of it, slowing the player down and dealing damage after a set duration. This will instakill the player.

To get out of its range, it is recommended for the player to be in front of the Old Wizard's Eye of all time, to increase chances of survivability. Alternative methods can have the player cast a mobility skill such as Frost Smokescreen or Shadow Strike to get behind the target.

Old Wizard's Eye Overview

Out of Sight
Throne and Liberty (TL) - Old Wizard
Old Wizard's Eye
Throne and Liberty (TL) - Sollant: 49,148
Throne and Liberty (TL) - EXP: 42,052
Lvl. Req. Lvl. 50
Mechanics ・Ranged Attacks
・Overtime Area Damage
・Wide-area Nuke

Out of Sight Rewards

All Out of Sight Rewards
Precious Weapon Growthstone Icon Precious Weapon Growthstone x7 Precious Armor Growthstone Icon Precious Armor Growthstone x7 Precious Accessory Growthstone Icon Precious Accessory Growthstone x7 Rare Recovery Crystal Icon Rare Recovery Crystal x10

Throne and Liberty (TL) Related Guides

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Secret Dungeon Types

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