Throne and Liberty (TL)

Valley of Slaughter Dungeon: How to Beat Turka

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Turka is a dungeon boss similar to Duke Magna in Throne and Liberty (TL). Defeat Turka by evading his axe attacks and eliminating his Furry Bighorn Sheep Spawn to survive the Death Slam. See an overview of Valley of Slaughter, a complete walkthrough of Valley of Slaughter, how to beat Turka, as well as the best rewards and drops upon completion!

How to Beat Turka

Turka Boss Showcase

Note: This clear was done in the KR server.

Check out our 2-minute clear of Turka focused around properly manuevering their mechanics!

Turka Overview

Throne and Liberty (TL) - Turka
Type Humanoid
Passive Blood Rush: Max Health ▲

Turka and the Valley of Slaughter are both highly similar to Duke Magna and the Butcher's Canyon.

Butcher's Canyon Dungeon: How to Beat Duke Magna

Turka Mechanics

Turka Mechanics

Spawn Furry Bighorn Sheep

When Turka's HP goes down at 90% and 60%, his head will glow purple and will then pull everyone into the center to then spawn a Furry Bighorn Sheep at the edge of the arena. Take note of an orange line below the ground to know where the Sheep spawns.

At 40% HP Turka will still perform the same move, but spawn 2 Furry Bighorn Sheep instead.

It is recommended that all players rush towards the Sheep and focus on defeating it to collect and gain the Bighorn Sheep Shield Effect. Gaining the effect will give all the players a shield that will protect them from Turka's one-hit Death Slam.

Death Slam

The Death Slam is a one-hit KO move that Turka will do 25-30 seconds after spawning the Furry Bighorn Sheep. Turka will go into a raged state indicated by being covered in magma and releasing red steam from his body.

Turka will jump to the middle of the arena and slam his axe down, releasing a shockwave that covers the whole area. The only way to counter this move is to gain the Bighorn Sheep Shield Effect by defeating the Furry Bighorn Sheep.

Turka Attack Patterns

Turka follows and repeats this pattern the whole fight:

Axe Swings ▶ Fury Attack ▶ Axe and Tremor Stomp ▶ Axe Swing (1) ▶ Meteor Fall ▶ Axe Swing (2)

Note: Axe Swing (1) pertains to the first part of his basic attack, while Axe Swing (2) will have Turka slam his axe down.

Eye Beam

If a player is targeted by Turka out of his striking range, he will attack by shooting out an exploding beam that deals massive arena-wide AoE damage.

It is recommended to communicate with your party and let the tank catch Turka's aggro so that he focuses on doing his basic strike attacks.

Axe Charge

Turka performs an Axe Charge attack to players who are far away from his range. This is a Wrath Attack wherein he channels before charging to the target. This can be avoided with a perfectly timed dodge roll.

Turka usually performs this move when he spawns the Furry Bighorn Sheep as all players cluster at the edge of the arena to focus on the Sheep.

Axe Swings

Turka's basic attacks will have him swing his axe two times, ending with him raising his arm and then slamming his axe down on the ground. When he does this attack, it means your party is following the rule that everyone stays within his range.

Note that his axe slam attack will leave a long trail of fire on the ground.

Axe Spin

After Turka finishes his Axe Swings, he will perform an Axe Spin. The Axe Spin is a Fury attack, meaning you can easily parry or dodge this to activate your Defense Skill's passives.

Meteor Fall

Turka will perform a pointing motion and raise his axe into the air, summoning a rain of meteors on to the arena. It is recommended to dodge it by going the opposite way.

Note that if you and your allies are spread apart, the meteors will have more coverage. It is best to coordinate your movement with the party as soon as you see Turka performing the attack!

Axe and Tremor Stomp

Turka will lift and spin his axe before driving it to the ground to cause an arena-wide tremor, knocking any player caught within its radius. Dodge by timing your jump to avoid the incoming shockwave. If you mistime for even a second, you will be prone.

Turka will then perform one of his axe swings and then another move that causes an arena-wide tremor. This time, he will lift his foot to absorb the inital shockwave before stomping and releasing it again. This can still be dodged with a timely jump.

Valley of Slaughter Best Team and Roles

Role Explanation
Throne and Liberty - Greatsword.pngThrone and Liberty - Sword and Shield.png
Greatsword / Sword and Shield

Weapon Combination:
This weapon combo makes a great tank build with sufficient damage and CC to help the party get through the dungeon and fight Turka.
Dungeon Role:
Responsible for taking all of the mob's aggro and grouping them up for the DPS to clean up. Furthermore, they are responsible for stunning the Shadowmancers.
Turka Role:
Responsible for sticking close to Turka and tanking his basic attacks and prevent him from using his long ranged Eye Beam and Axe Charge attack.
Throne and Liberty - CrossbowsThrone and Liberty - Daggers
Dagger / Crossbow

Weapon Combination:
This weapon combo makes for a great DPS build, both for its AoE and single-target damage potential in close to mid range.
Dungeon Role:
Responsible for clearing the mobs the tank has grouped up. Furthermore, the DPS should prioritize the orcs' backlines to lessen clear times.
Turka Role:
Aside from dealing bulk of the damage in most fights, the DPS has the responsibility of quickly bursting down the Furry Bighorn Sheep.
Throne and Liberty - WandThrone and Liberty - Staff
Wand / Staff

Weapon Combination:
This weapon combo makes a great healer build to provide consistent healing to the party, especially to the tank. It also has some offensive options for additional damage. Even within Turka's range, the healer can sustain himself with their skills.
Dungeon Role:
Responsible for keeping the party healthy at all times. Furthermore, they are responsible for stunning the Shadowmancers by putting them to sleep with Cursed Nightmare.
Turka Role:
Since the tank will take the brunt of Turka's Damage, the healer should focus on keeping the whole party healthy while providing as many DoTs and buffs as possible. When a party member fails to do the mechanic, attempt to salvage the situation with a Blessed Barrier to mitigate Turka's damage.

Valley of Slaughter Walkthrough

Valley of Slaugther Walkthrough
Ascend the Pulley
Begin Valley of Slaughter by defeating the Orc Key Administrator. Collect the Pulley Key Pouch that they possess to activate the pulley's mechanism and ascend to the next area. Watch out for its Jumping Stomp, which stuns all players in its vicinity.
Exploding Bridge
After ascending the pulley, you will need to cross a bridge and defeat an Orc Butcher. Keep an eye out for traps as they explode when you step near its area. Dodge the explosions or activate your defense skills like the Ironpoint Parry from GS (Greatsword). It is recommended to aggro the orcs on the bridge and deal with them after crossing it.

After crossing the bridge, continue moving forward and turn right to find and defeat an Orc Butcher before being able to proceed to the Orc Shadow Elder's area.
Orc Shadow Elder
Defeat the Orc Shadow Elder to proceed to the next area. The Orc Shadow Elder will be accompanied by orc mobs, most notably two Orc Shadowmancers.

The Orc Shadowmancers will spawn when the Orc Shadow Elder goes down to 50% HP. Prioritize in controlling and eliminating the Shadowmancers first as they make the Shadow Elder momentarily invulnerable.
Shadowmancer Ritual
Continue moving and dodging traps to encounter another Orc Key Administrator. Defeat the mob around it as well, especially a Shadowmancer that gives it an invulnerability buff. Collect its Drawbridge Key Pouch. Walk forward and let the party member who took the key interact with the Drawbridge Activation Device to reach the next area.

In the orcs' plaza, you will see a group of orc mobs and three Shadowmancers. This will be the final area before the boss, but is rather tricky getting through!


The Shadowmancers are immune to damage while they are channeling. They are also surrounded by rings of flame that will bind the player upon contact. Avoid the flames by jumping or stepping on the non-flaming areas. It is recommended to clear the mobs first before targeting the Shadowmancers.

To be able to damage the Shadowmancers, three party members should inflict any kind of CC (Crowd Control) simultaneously before dealing damage. The best spell to use would be the Wand's Cursed Nightmare skill as the duration allows another party member to follow up consistently!

Valley of Slaughter New Equipment


Armor Stats
Gilded Raven MaskGilded Raven Mask Type: Head Armor
Set: Gilded Raven Set
Melee Def: 178
Ranged Def: 162
・Strength 2
・Fortitude 2
・Mana Regen 12.75

New Stat: What is Fortitude?


Accessory Stats
Bracers of UnrelentingBracers of Unrelenting Type: Bracelet
Magic Def.: 180
・Strength 2
・Bind Resistance 43
・Collision Resistance 27
Dark Seraph RingDark Seraph Ring Type: Ring
Magic Def.: 180
・Wisdom 2
・Petrification Chance 38
・Mana Regen 19.5
SlayerSlayer's Quicksilver Pendant Type: Necklace
Magic Def.: 180
・Dexterity 4
・Magic Evasion 94

Valley of Slaughter Best Rewards and All Drops

Shadow Harvester Mask

Armor Stats
Shadow Harvester MaskShadow Harvester Mask Type: Head Armor
Set: Death Set
Melee Def: 168
Ranged Def: 152
・Dexterity 2
・Wisdom 1
・Cooldown Speed +1.8%

The best armor drop from Valley of Slaughter is the Shadow Harvester Mask. The Dexterity, Wisdom, and Cooldown Speed it provides are all important stats and bonuses for a DPS build.

Pairing it with 2 or 4 more equipment from the Death Set will also give Critical Damage and Added Attack Speed bonuses respectively.

List of All Armor

All Drops


All Weapon Drops
Treant TwigTreant Twig


All Armor Drops
Ascended Guardian HoodAscended Guardian Hood Gilded Raven MaskGilded Raven Mask Helm of the Field GeneralHelm of the Field General Phantom Wolf MaskPhantom Wolf Mask
Shadow Harvester MaskShadow Harvester Mask Shock Commander VisorShock Commander Visor Swirling Essence HatSwirling Essence Hat Elusive Hexweaver HatElusive Hexweaver Hat


Accesory Drops
Bracers of UnrelentingBracers of Unrelenting Dark Seraph RingDark Seraph Ring SlayerSlayer's Quicksilver Pendant


All Item Drops
Precious Polished Crystal Icon Precious Polished Crystal Precious Stalon Ore Icon Precious Stalon Ore Precious Emeret Ore Icon Precious Emeret Ore Precious Rubrix Ore Icon Precious Rubrix Ore
Precious Marind Ore Icon Precious Marind Ore Precious Parchment Icon Precious Parchment Precious Omnipotence Parchment Icon Precious Omnipotence Parchment
Orc Heart Icon Orc Heart Fermented Rotein Icon Fermented Rotein


All Other Rewards
Dimensional Soul Shard: Turka Abyssal Contract Token Points (x750) Training Dew: 10,000 Points

Valley of Slaughter Overview

Required Level Lv. 50
Type 2-Star Dimensional Circle
Contract Token
Throne and Liberty (TL) - Dimension Contract Token 1 450
Min. Combat Power
Throne and Liberty (TL) - Minimum Combat Power 2500
The Arkeum was pleased with Duke Magna's performance. However, Tuaren wanted to further test how strong his weapon could become. He performed another experiment at the risk of destroying Duke Magna. He drained the power from all of his spare test subjects and injected it directly into his creation. Empowered beyond the limits of his mortal shell. Duke Magna collapsed in agony, only to be resurrected a short time later as a supremely poowerful being, Turka.

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