Throne and Liberty (TL)

All Wand Skill Specializations

Throne and Liberty (TL) - Wand Skill Specializations

This guide lists all the Wand's skill specializations in Throne and Liberty (TL). Read on for the upgrade cost and effects for each skill specialization!

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Wand Skill Specializations

Jump to a Specific Skill
Throne and Liberty (TL) - Touch of DespairTouch of Despair Throne and Liberty (TL) - Swift HealingSwift Healing Throne and Liberty (TL) - Cursed NightmareCursed Nightmare Throne and Liberty (TL) - Time for PunishmentTime for Punishment
Throne and Liberty (TL) - Blessed BarrierBlessed Barrier Throne and Liberty (TL) - Ray of DisasterRay of Disaster Throne and Liberty (TL) - Curse ExplosionCurse Explosion Throne and Liberty (TL) - Corrupted Magic CircleCorrupted Magic Circle
Throne and Liberty (TL) - ClayClay's Salvation Throne and Liberty (TL) - Karmic HazeKarmic Haze Throne and Liberty (TL) - Invincible WallInvincible Wall Throne and Liberty (TL) - Fountain of LifeFountain of Life

Touch of Despair

Touch of Despair
Touch of Despair
Applies Weaken: Curse. Deals damage over time equal to 25% of Base Damage + 9 per stack for 9s, and the base damage to the target increases by 10%. Stacks up to 3 times. Duration increases by 2s if used on a target with 3 stacks. Does not wake Sleeping targets.
Touch of Despair
Touch of Despair
(Radius Increased Specialization)
Applies Weaken: Curse. Deals damage over time equal to 25% of Base Damage + 9 per stack for 9s, and the base damage to the target increases by 10%. Stacks up to 3 times, Duration increases by 2s if used on a target with 3 stacks. Does not wake Sleeping targets.

Touch of Despair Specializations

Specialization Cost Effect
CurseCurse 7 Gains 2 Touch of Despair with a 50% chance.
Effect Duration ▲Effect Duration ▲ 5 Touch of Despair duration increases by 3s.
Radius IncreasedRadius Increased 5 Inflicts the effect of Touch of Despair to 2 additional nearby targets within a 3m radius from the main target.

Swift Healing

Swift Healing
Swift Healing
Heals friendly targets’ Health by 310% of Base Damage + 29. Can be used up to 2 times consecutively, and Mana Cost increases upon consecutive uses.
Swift Healing
Swift Healing
(Consecutive Use Specialization)
Heals friendly target's Health by 310% of Base Damage + 29. Can be used up to 2 times consecutively, and Mana Cost increases upon consecutive uses.

Swift Healing Specializations

Specialization Cost Effect
Mana RecoveryMana Recovery 5 Target recovers Mana equal to 50% of Base Damage.
Range ▲Range ▲ 3 The use range increases by 5m.
Consecutive UseConsecutive Use 7 Consecutive Use count increases to 3.
Healing TransferHealing Transfer 10 Additionally heals self by 50% of the total heal.

Cursed Nightmare

Cursed Nightmare
Cursed Nightmare
Fury Attack: Has an 80% chance to decrease Attack Speed and Move Speed by 30% for 3s, and Sleep: Curse for 3.2s afterwards (10s for monsters). Hitting a Sleeping target becomes a Critical Hit, and wakes the target.
Cursed Nightmare
Cursed Nightmare
(Deep Sleep Specialization)
Has a 80% chance to decrease Attack Speed and Move Speed by 30% for 3s, and Sleep: Curse for 3.2s afterwards (10s for monsters). Hitting a Sleeping target becomes a Critical Hit, and wakes the target.

Cursed Nightmare Specializations

Specialization Cost Effect
Enhanced MireEnhanced Mire 5 Move Speed decrease duration increases by 2s, when Move Speed decreases is applied, creates a 5m radius zone which decrease Move Speed and Attack Speed by 30% with an 80% chance for 3s. Cannot be stacked with Enhanced Nightmare Specialization.
Enhanced NightmareEnhanced Nightmare 5 Instantly falls asleep unless affected by Move Speed decrease. Cannot be stacked with Enhanced Mire Specialization.
Deep SleepDeep Sleep 5 Can be removed if attacked twice while Sleeping.

Time for Punishment

Time for Punishment
Time for Punishment
Has a 90% chance to apply Weaken: Curse that decreases Skill Damage Resistance 80 for 9s.
Enchanting Time
Enchanting Time
(Enchanting Time Specialization)
Friendly target's Skill Damage Boost increases by 80 for 9s.

Time for Punishment Specializations

Specialization Cost Effect
Burning TimeBurning Time 5 Has a 90% chance to apply Weaken: Curse. Deal damage for 9s. Mana decreases by 22. Cannot be stacked with Enchanting Time Specialization.
Effect Duration ▲Effect Duration ▲ 5 Duration increases by 3s.
Enchanting TimeEnchanting Time 7 Friendly target’s Skill Damage Boost increases by 80 for 9s. Cannot be stacked with Burning Time Specialization.

Blessed Barrier

Blessed Barrier
Blessed Barrier
Friendly target’s Magic, Melee, and Ranged Defense increase by 1,120 for 6s. Incoming Heal increases by 27% during the day, and Magic, Melee, and Ranged Endurance increase by 270 at night. The increased amount will be multiplied by 2 for 2s after the effect is activated.
Fighting Spirit Barrier
Fighting Spirit Barrier
(Fighting Spirit Barrier Specialization)
Friendly target's Max Damage increases by 50 for 6s.

Blessed Barrier Specializations

Specialization Cost Effect
Effect Duration ▲Effect Duration ▲ 5 Skill duration increases by 1s.
Expand TargetsExpand Targets 7 The effect decreases, and the target changes to 1 party member in a selected location. Cannot be stacked with Fighting Spirit Barrier Specialization.
Fighting Spirit BarrierFighting Spirit Barrier 7 Friendly target's Max Damage increases by 50 for 6s. Cannot be stacked with Expand Targets Specialization.

Ray of Disaster

Ray of Disaster
Ray of Disaster
A special growth skill that can only be grown with Precious Training Books: Omnipotence. Connects you and the target for 6s, dealing 69% of Base Damage + 10 to all enemies on the path every 0.5s. Damage increases by 50% of Skill Heal.
Ray of Disaster
Ray of Disaster
(Targets Expanded Specialization)
Connects you and the target as well as 2 additional targets within 5m of the target for 6s, dealing 46% of Base Damage + 7 to all enemies on the path every 0.5s. Damage increases by 50% of Skill Heal.

Ray of Disaster Specializations

Specialization Cost Effect
Concentration Effect TimeConcentration Effect Time 5 Cooldown is reduced by 50%, and damage is boosted by 100%.
Cooldown ▼Cooldown ▼ 3 Cooldown decreases by 6s.
Move Speed ReductionMove Speed Reduction 5 The target's Move Speed decreases by 15% for 6s.
Expand TargetsExpand Targets 7 Ray of Disaster is applied to 2 more targets within 5m radius around the target, and reduce the damage.

Curse Explosion

Curse Explosion
Curse Explosion
Deals 280% of Base Damage + 34 to enemies within a 5m radius area. If there is a target has Curse Damage over time from you, boost the remaining Burning. Curse, and Poison damage over time from you by 5% for every one of your Touch of Despair stacks, deals the damage two times, and removes the effects.
Curse Explosion
Curse Explosion
(Dark Explosion Specialization)
Deals 280% of Base Damage + 34 to enemies within a 5m radius area. If there is a target has Curse Damage over time from you, boosts the remaining Burning, Curse, and Poison Damage over time from you by 5% for every one of your Touch of Despair stacks, deals the damage two times, and removes the effects.

Curse Explosion Specializations

Specialization Cost Effect
Focus TargetFocus Target 5 Curse Explosion changes to a target skill, and the Cooldown decreases by 6s.
Additional Damage BoostAdditional Damage Boost 5 Touch of Despair's damage boosts by 10% per stack.
Dark ExplosionDark Explosion 7 While damage over time is kept, Curse Explosion damage decreases by 50%.

Corrupted Magic Circle

Corrupted Magic Circle
Corrupted Magic Circle
Creates a 5m area at the target location and inflicts Weaken: Curse on all enemies within the area to deal 46% of Base Damage + 17 per sec for 9s. Does not wake up Sleeping targets.
Decaying Touch
Decaying Touch
(Decaying Touch Specialization)
Applies Weaken: Curse to all enemies within the area to deal 60% of Base Damage + 22 per sec for 9s. Does not wake up Sleeping targets.

Corrupted Magic Circle Specializations

Specialization Cost Effect
Bonus DamageBonus Damage 5 Deals damage equal to 260% of Base Damage to the target. Does not wake Sleeping targets.
Rotten SwampRotten Swamp 7 The Corrupted Magic Circle area lasts for 5s. Cannot be stacked with Decaying Touch Specialization.
Decaying TouchDecaying Touch 7 Applies Weaken: Curse to all enemies within the area to deal 60% of Base Damage + 22 per sec for 9s. Does not wake up Sleeping Targets. Cannot be stacked with Rotten Swamp Specialization.

Clay's Salvation

Clay's Salvation
Restores Health to all party members within range, proportional to 420% of Base Damage + 175.
Janice's Rage
(Janice's Rage Specialization)
All party members within the attack range's Base Damage increase by 3.2%.

Clay's Salvation Specializations

Specialization Cost Effect
Range ▲Range ▲ 3 The skill range increases by 5m.
Weaken RemovalWeaken Removal 5 Removes Weaken from all party members within the range.
JaniceJanice's Rage 7 All part members within the attack range’s Base Damage increase by 3.2%.

Karmic Haze

Karmic Haze
Karmic Haze
Weakens the target and has an 80% chance to spread the Curse from the main target up to 3 other targets within a 5m range.
Unlucky Clock
Unlucky Clock
(Unlucky Clock Specialization)
Duration of Curses applied by you increases by 5s.

Karmic Haze Specializations

Specialization Cost Effect
Bonus DamageBonus Damage 5 Inflicts additional damage that is equal to 200 of Bonus Damage based on the type of Curse you applied to the target.
Range ▲Range ▲ 5 Karmic Haze’s curse transfer range increases by 2m. Cannot be stacked with Unlucky Clock Specialization.
Unlucky ClockUnlucky Clock 5 Duration of Curses applied by you increases by 5s. Cannot be stacked with Range ▲ Specialization.

Invincible Wall

Invincible Wall
Invincible Wall
Grants Protection to an friendly target proportional to 630% of Base Damage + 246 for 6s.
Invincible Wall
Invincible Wall
(Targets Expanded Specialization)
Grants Protection to all party member within range, proportional to 378% of Base Damage + 148 for 6s.

Invincible Wall Specializations

Specialization Cost Effect
Range ▲Range ▲ 3 The skill range increases by 5m.
Expand TargetsExpand Targets 7 The effect decreases, and the target changes to all party members in range.

Fountain of Life

Fountain of Life
Fountain of Life
A special growth skill that can only be grown with Precious Training Books: Omnipotence. Creates a 3m radius area at the designated location for 6s. Part members within the area recover 65% of Base Damage + 42 every 0.5s.
Fountain of Life
Fountain of Life
(Mana Recovery Specialization)
Creates a 3m radius area at the designated location for 6s. Party members within the area recover 65% of Base Damage + 42 every 0.5s.

Fountain of Life Specializations

Specialization Cost Effect
Effect Duration ▲Effect Duration ▲ 7 Fountain of Life duration increases by 2s.
Range ▲Range ▲ 5 Fountain of Life radius increases by 2m.
Mana RecoveryMana Recovery 5 Additionally recovers Mana by 40 when healed.

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