Throne and Liberty (TL)

Queen Bellandir Archboss Guide and Spawn Times

Throne and Liberty -Bellandir Archboss Guide

Queen Bellandir is an Archboss that can be found in the Sandworm Lair in Throne and Liberty. Check out our guide to find out where it is, what dates and times Queen Bellandir spawns, and how to beat it!

Queen Bellandir Archboss Location

Located in Sandworm Lair

Throne and Liberty - Sandworm Lair

Bellandir can be approached from two points, which can be either the north or south teleporter. Sandworm Lair can be found within the Stonegard Region.

Throne and Liberty Interactive Map

Queen Bellandir Archboss Spawn Times

All Queen Bellandir Archboss Spawn Dates and Times

Date Time
March 1, 2025 11:00 UTC (War)
March 8, 2025 11:00 UTC (Peace)

Server Time Zones

Server Time Zone
North America (NA) East EDT (UTC -4)
North America (NA) West PDT (UTC -7)
South America (SA) East BRT (UTC -3)
Europe (EU) Central CET (UTC +2)
Asia Pacific (AP) Northeast (Tokyo) JST (UTC +9)

The Archboss's spawn time may be different depending on what your local time zone is compared to your server’s time zone.

For example, if you are playing North America (NA) East and your time zone is US Central, the Archboss will spawn at 7:00 PM.

Source: Official News Page

How To Beat Queen Bellandir Archboss

How to Beat Queen Bellandir

In PVP, Tag it and Stay Dead

Throne and Liberty Tevent Stay Dead in PVP

Unless you're playing in one of the top Guilds on the server, you aren't going to be able to stay alive during any Conflict Field Boss, much less Queen Bellandir.

While it might be tempting to try to revive when you die and come back to deal more damage to the boss, most players aren't going to be able to deal enough damage to the boss itself for it to matter.

Instead, focus on hitting the boss once to tag it and after you're killed, continue to stay as a tombstone without hitting the button to resurrect. If you hit the Resurrect button, your hits against the boss will be reset and you'll be moved to a different area, meaning that you won't be able to receive any drops.

Get to the boss before it dies and make sure you get a hit in, then be one with the sea of tombstones surrounding the boss.

Prepare Accordingly

Queen Bellandir

Despite being a Archboss encounter that anyone can participate in, being prudent definitely pays off. The encounter requires several things in order for the player to come out on top, and successfully finish the encounter.

Bring Out the Best Gear

Throne and Liberty - Best Gear

Archboss Bellandir has incredibly high HP and can take a lot of damage before going down. Reach the level cap to equip the best items available and level up all equipped skills as much as possible.
Best Weapon Combo Builds Tier List

Gather Allies

Throne and Liberty - Gather Allies

Naturally, other players will come to the encounter, as Archboss Bellandir drops some best in slot gear, but bringing a party will make the experience easier.

With party members, it would be much easier to assign roles, as people can have dedicated tanks and healers while the rest can focus on dealing damage.

It is recommended that a guild be brought, as having more players is not only better but also makes loot sharing easier. This may vary from guild to guild, as it's up to each guild to decide how to divide the loot among its members.
Guild System Guide

Prepare Queen's Venom Neutralizer

Queen's Venom Neutralizer
Throne And Liberty - Queen
An antidote that treats Queen Bellandir's venom.
Fully neutralizes the venom in the bloodstream.

Bellandir would apply a poison debuff at all stages of the encounter. This debuff would continuously drain the player's HP, so it is necessary to bring the Queen's Venom Neutralizer to remove the debuff.

The Queen's Poison Neutralizer can be purchased from the Guild vendor with guild coins.

Block Queen Bellandir’s Fury Attack

Bellandir will unleash a Fury attack, and she has a couple of them. They would need to be blocked with defensive skills, as they are capable of dealing massive amounts of damage that can easily knock a player out of full HP.

How to Block and Parry

Run Out of its Quicksand Move

During the encounter, the Bellandir will dig into the ground and try to pull the players into the quicksand pit. Run quickly in the opposite direction and dash morph away if possible.

Queen Bellandir Archboss Rewards

List of All Queen Bellandir Rewards

All Queen Bellandir Archboss Rewards
Throne and Liberty - Queen BellandirQueen Bellandir's Languishing Blade Throne and Liberty - Queen BellandirQueen Bellandir's Toxic Spine Throwers Throne and Liberty - Queen BellandirQueen Bellandir's Hivemind Staff Throne and Liberty - Ascended Guardian HoodAscended Guardian Hood
Throne and Liberty - Swirling Essence RobeSwirling Essence Robe Throne and Liberty - Phantom Wolf GlovesPhantom Wolf Gloves Throne and Liberty - Band of Universal PowerBand of Universal Power Throne and Liberty - Queen BellandirQueen Bellandir's Soul Fragment

These are all of the possible rewards that may drop after slaying the Archboss, Queen Bellandir during the Haunted Harvest Event!

Archboss Bellandir drops rare epic-tier loot that is essential to many builds. These can be quite difficult to obtain, as the rewards are shared among all participants, so it may take several attempts to obtain them from Bellandir.

Best Builds

Related Guides

Throne and Liberty Archbosses

List of Archbosses

List of Archbosses

Throne and Liberty (TL) - Tevent
Throne and Liberty (TL) - Queen Bellandir
Queen Bellandir


1 Anonymous4 months

Since people from all over the world are reading the post, it would be good to mention the timezone used to get to the specified time.. I have no idea which 8PM is meant, certainly not the one where i live."


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