Throne and Liberty (TL)

Beginner Guide: Tips and Tricks

Throne and Liberty - Beginner

Throne and Liberty (TL) is a free-to-play MMORPG with unique weapon-centric character-building and morphing mechanics. If you're just starting with TL or MMORPGs, read on to learn more about Throne and Liberty and our tips and tricks for beginners.

What is Throne and Liberty?

A Free-to-Play MMORPG

Throne and Liberty - MMORPG World
Throne and Liberty is a free-to-play MMORPG, or massively multiplayer online role-playing game, set in the fictional world of Solisium.

It features a dynamic open world filled with NPCs, bosses, dungeons, field events, and PvP content that all encourage you to socialize, cooperate, or compete with swathes of other online players.

Time Passes Even When You're Offline

Throne and Liberty - Day Night Cycle
As an MMORPG, Throne, and Liberty relies on persistent servers that allow the open world to stay active regardless of the number of players in it. This means that time and the state of the open world pass, even if you are offline.

Playing an MMORPG is all about time investment to maximize your character and the game's content, so manage your time to make the most out of Throne and Liberty, especially during special events and field events when most players come together to participate in limited-time content.

Weapon-Centric Playstyles and Character Building

Building your character your way is the core of role-playing games, and this is done in Throne and Liberty by personalizing your Stats allocation with Stat Points, and through the Weapon system.

The Weapon system is the main draw of Throne and Liberty, and it allows you to equip two weapons, a main and an off-hand, to determine the Active and Passive Skills available to you in combat, shaping your playstyle and target build.

Choose a Pair of Weapons to Master

Throne and Liberty - Weapon System.png

You are free to change your weapons any time, but it's best to stick to a loadout as long as possible due to the time and material investment required, especially because each Weapon has its own Mastery which rewards your long playtime with them with new effects.
Best Weapon Combo Tier List

Creature and Guardian Morphs for Exploration and Combat

Throne and Liberty - Morph Menu

In Throne and Liberty, your character is able to Morph into different creatures that allow you to Dash, Glide, and Swim for faster traversal during open-world exploration. You can even Shapeshift into enemy mobs to sneak amongst them or other players.

Furthermore, you can also temporarily morph into Guardians, the forms of boss enemies, to fight using their unique effects and attributes.

Morphs Guide

Defeat Bosses to Obtain Guardian Morphs

Throne and Liberty - Guardian official image

Guardians will become available after you complete Chapter 5: A Sacred Pledge of Blood, and are obtained from that point on by defeating boss enemies.

Best Guardians and All Guardians

Amitoi Companions for Guidance and Resource Collection

Throne and Liberty - Amitoi Menu

Amitoi are collectible companions that serve as both cosmetic accessories and guides that will provide contextual aid and reactions to your exploration of the world. They sometimes provide hints to finding items or locations, so pay attention to them.

They can also be sent out on Amitoi Expeditions to help collect resources passively while you're busy exploring, and they provide bonus gains if you send them out to regions that match their Attributes.

Beginner's Tips and Tricks

Beginner's Tips and Tricks

Level Up Fast by Doing Main Story Quests

Leveling up is essential not only to scale your combat power proportionally against tougher enemies but also to unlock more in-game content and features for you to grind and explore.

The fastest way to level up is to do Main Story Quests, as these offer the most EXP proportional to your expected character level per Chapter. Progressing the Story will also unlock other Features and content that are good sources of EXP and materials.

How to Level Up Fast

Check the Leveling Log for Missions and Rewards

By referring to the Leveling Log, you can preview what features you have yet to unlock and what content you should be tackling at your current level. When you do the Missions in the Log, you are able to unlock further features and materials to help raise your character and equipment.

Leveling Log Guide

Stock Up on World Tree Leaves, Stellarites, and Recovery Crystals

World Tree Leaves, Stellarites, amd Recovery Crystals are important consumable items you will be using a lot of, so it is a good idea to stock up on them when possible.

World Tree Leaves allow your equipped Amitoi to heal you every now and then, while Recovery Crystals heal you for more (albeit with a one minute cooldown). Stellarites, on the other hand, increases the damage your attacks and skills deal by 10%. As all three of these items are consumable, it is ideal to stock up on them frequently.

You can buy these items from the Sundries Merchants found in major settlements, such as Kastleton, the Starlight Observatory Ruins, and Stonegard Castle. Make sure to equip the Stellarite on your Weapons in the Character screen to enjoy the damage bonus.

List of All Items

Grow Now, Respec Later

Throne and Liberty - Skill Growth

Aside from your raising your character level as quickly as possible, you'll also have to invest materials and resources into your Stats, Equipment, and Skills to further your combat capability.

Thankfully, you don't have to overthink the build you're aiming for in the endgame because there are multiple ways to respec the different aspects of your character so that you can simply optimize your build later on.

Respeccing Stats is Free

There are four primary Stats that affect your character's proficiencies: Strength boosts defensive and health stats, Dexterity boosts attack speed, evasion, and critical damage, Wisdom boosts your mana pool and skill cooldowns, and Perception boosts your accuracy and crowd-control effects.

As you level up, you will gain Stat Points for you to freely allocate. Distribute points depending on your build, but remember that you can always respec for free if you want to change your build or need more stats in a certain area.

How to Respec Stats and Skills

Transfer Equipment EXP in the Future

You will need to continuously level up both yourself and your Equipment to keep up with the growing difficulty and toughness of enemies and challenge content in Throne and Liberty. So, don't be afraid to level up your early-game Weapons, Armor and Accessories so that you don't get left behind.

Don't fret over having to invest in low-grade Equipment: thanks to the Transfer mechanic, you can immediately use any obsolete Equipment as EXP fodder for the better, higher-rarity loot you're bound to find as you continue leveling up.

With that in mind, focus on getting Equipment with the right Traits that provide optimal substats to match the playstyle you're trying to go for, whether it's damage-dealing, supporting, or tanking.

How to Enchant Equipment

Raise Skills and Swap Growth Levels Later

Your greatest damage output and combat utility will always stem from your Skills, so make sure to use these constantly in battle, and raise the ones you're using the most with Skill Growth Books.

Just like with Equipment, don't worry about overinvesting in early-level Skills, as many skills can swap growth levels with each other later on if you want to respec your build or playstyle.

Skill Enchantment Guide

By Chapter 3, Plan Your Daily Routine

Time management is quintessential in Throne and Liberty because of the daily refresh content and scheduled events that continuously take place on the server. The easiest daily content, Resistance Contracts and Amitoi Expeditions, become available after progressing far enough in the Main and Appendix quests in Chapter 3.

By Chapter 3, you should start sticking to a daily routine of quests and expeditions to continuously earn resources to keep growing day-to-day so that you can enjoy tackling more challenging PvE and PvP content.

Watch Out for Field Events

Field Events are temporary quests or objectives in certain Regions of Solisium that take place on a regular schedule. These offer good rewards for participating, so check the Events that take place within specific times so you know when to hop on, or what you may be missing out on.

For a more organized view of all the regular Field Events, go to the Timetable button on your Map to see a schedule of all the Field Events in the open world, and the times when they recur.

Always Take on Resistance Contracts

Resistance Contracts are simple commissions that you obtain either by talking to Contract Managers or by picking up Contract Scrolls. These consist of minor requests such as defeating a number of specific enemies, defending devices, or looting items.

The number of Contracts you can do a day is limited, so take these on ASAP to get them out of the way and earn several rewards like drops and EXP.

Regularly Send Out Amitoi Expeditions

Amitoi Expeditions allow you to send out your Amitoi to gather Materials from a Region while you are doing other activities or are offline.

You set the duration yourself, and the potential rewards will increase or decrease accordingly, so align the durations of the Expeditions with how long or short you plan to stay online.

Amitoi Expedition Guide

Join a Guild for Benefits and Guild Shop Access

Throne and Liberty - Guilds Search Menu

Guilds are player-created factions that can participate in guild-exclusive content and contests, as well as earn shared rewards when any member, including yourself, completes said content. High-ranking members i.e. Leaders, Advisors, and Guardians can also activate Guild Skills to empower members and other content.

Try to join a Guild as soon as possible in order to reap the benefits of membership, including access to the Guild Shop and its exclusive wares.

Store Loot Until Their Lithographs are Complete

You might be tempted to sell loot and Equipment that you won't be using for your build. Avoid selling too hastily, and instead check the Lithograph Book if those pieces of Equipment are part of an incomplete entry that you can still claim rewards for.

If you still need them to complete some entries, keep them in your Inventory or Storage until you have all the pieces necessary to fill out the Lithograph Book entry and claim your rewards.

Lithograph Book Guide

Cheaper to Get More Storage Space than Inventory Slots

You are likely to start running out of space quickly due to the amount of loot that you'll pick up as you kill open-world enemies and challenge other content. When that happens, remember that extra Storage slots cost less Sollant than trying to expand your Inventory.

Inventory Management Guide

Look for Solisium Sages

Throne and Liberty (TL) - Solisium Sprout
Solisium Sages and Sprouts are how the game refers to veterans and new players. As of the 1.8.0 update, players who meet certain requirements become Solisium Sages, who are granted access to a dedicated chatbox channel between them and the Sprouts.

All players who have just joined the game can toggle the icon beside their Title on the character screen, signifying that you are a Sprout. If you have made an account before the update, then your account will be tagged as a Solisium Sprout if you have not met the following criteria.

Criteria to Graduate from Solisium Sprout

All Tips and Tricks

Starter Guides
Leveling Log Guide How to Fish
Amitoi House Guide How to Level Up Fast
How to Change Name and Appearance Death Penalty Explained
Lithograph Book Guide Amitoi Expedition Guide
What Are Ornate Coins? How to Farm Dimensional Contract Tokens
Best Codex Quests to Complete How to Increase Storage
How to Farm Sollant How to Earn Stat Points
How to Find Parrot Mail Leveling Guide: 1 - 50
Best Final Rewards for All Chapters Can You Trade With Friends?
All Guardians Guide How to Unlock Traits
All Classes Resistance Contracts and Contract Rights
Best Contracts to Complete Where to Find Ant Larva
War Games Guide -
Equipment Guides
Skill Enchantment Equipment Enchantment
How to Transfer Enchantment Equipment Traits
How to Check Combat Power? How to Get Weapon Mastery Points
How to Get Better Gear How to Switch Weapons and Skills
How to Block and Parry Should You Switch Weapons?
How to Unlock Traits How to Get Better Gear
Weapon Damage Explained Should You Destroy or Dissolve Gear?
How to Dissolve Equipment How to Get Skill Conversion Book
Block Rate Guide New Weapon: Spear Guide
Advanced Guides
Best Stats Endgame Guide
List of All Guardians Guild System Guide
Auction House Guide How to Farm Contract Coins
How to Farm Lucent What is the Max Level?
How to Get Skill Conversion Book Abyssal Contract Tokens Guide
Best Items to Purchase Best Locations to Get Contracts
Where Is the Guild Base? How to Increase Guild Level Fast
How to Respec Stats and Skills Cooking Leveling Guide
Critical Hits and Heavy Attacks Explained Conflict Events Explained
What is Hit Stat? Allied Resistance Forces Contracts Guide
How to Climb Gigantrite's Back Inventory Management Guide
Paola's Research Journal Locations How to Get Epic Gear
How to Obtain Stardust Clusters Is There a Rain Schedule?
Tax Rate Guide How to Counter Stunlock
PVP Guide Arena Guide
Dailies: Things to Do Every Day Weeklies: Things to Do Every Week
All Boss Types -
Configuration Guides
Best Settings Best Keybinds
Best Controller Settings How to Change Servers
Best Server to Join How to Switch Targets During Combat
List of Controls Action and Classic Mode Differences
HUD Explained -

Throne and Liberty Guides

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Throne and Liberty Wiki

Throne and Liberty Guides

Throne and Liberty Guides
Throne and Liberty - NewsNews Throne and Liberty - BuildsBuilds
Throne and Liberty - Gear BuilderGear Builder Throne and Liberty - Tier ListWeapon Combo Tier List
Throne and Liberty (TL) - Weapon Tier ListWeapon Tier List Throne and Liberty - WeaponsWeapons
Throne and Liberty - Skills GuideSkills Throne and Liberty - Tips and TricksTips and Tricks
Throne and Liberty - ArmorArmor Throne and Liberty - AccessoriesAccessories
Throne and Liberty - QuestsQuests ItemsItems
Throne and Liberty - MapMap Throne and Liberty (TL) - Secret DungeonsSecret Dungeons
SkinsSkins ArchbossesArchbosses
Field Bosses PartialField Bosses Fishing PartialFishing
Dynamic Events PartialDynamic Events Morphs Partial BannerMorphs
Throne and Liberty - AmitoiAmitoi Co-op Dungeons PartialCo-op Dungeons
Throne and Liberty - Open World DungeonsOpen World Dungeons Throne and Liberty - Armor Tier ListsArmor Tier Lists
Throne and Liberty - Accessories Tier ListsAccessories Tier Lists Events PartialEvents
Throne and Liberty - RunesRunes Throne and Liberty - Dimensional TrialsDimensional Trials


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