Throne and Liberty (TL)

Dimensional Trial

Throne and Liberty - Dimensional Trial Banner.png

Dimensional Trial is a co-op dungeon where players run through dungeons to accumulate points and earn rewards based on the sum of points they earned in Throne and Liberty (TL). Read on to learn what Dimensional Trial is, the weekly available dungeons, and more!

Throne and Liberty (TL) - Attention NoticeAttention! The information here is based on the Korean version of the game.

Stay tuned, the page will be updated on December 5th when the feature is released globally. Thank you for your patience!

Dimensional Trial Duration and Timer

Weekly Duration and Timer

Weekly Duration 11/27/2024 - 12/04/2024
Resets in

Seasonal Duration and Timer

Season 2 Duration 11/13/2024 - 04/09/2025
Ends in

Dimensional Trial Weekly Dungeons

Valley of Slaughter

Throne and Liberty (TL) - Valley of SlaughterValley of Slaughter
Boss Turka
Min. Combat Power 2600
Throne and Liberty - Damage Reflection Effect Damage Reflection Throne and Liberty - Time Bomb Effect Time Bomb
Throne and Liberty - Increase Attack Power Effect Increase Attack Power Throne and Liberty - Increase Health Effect Increase Health Throne and Liberty - Enhance Pattern Effect Enhance Pattern

Dimensional Trial Rewards

Rune Chance Chest

Upon clearing the dungeons, players are rewarded with a Rune Chance Chest. The rarity of the chest depends on the dungeon Tier, with Precious Rune Chance Chest being the highest.

Runes Guide and Release Date

Dimensional Trial Explained

Two Dungeons Unlocked Each Week

There will be two (2) dungeons available for Dimensional Trial each week, and the dungeons will change each time.

Dungeons Need to be Cleared in the Dimensional Circle

Players must clear the corresponding dungeon in the Dimensional Circle first before they can unlock it in the Dimensional Trial.

Completing Current Tier Unlocks Next Tier

Dungeons have tier levels (up to 99) that makes the dungeon more difficult per level. Players must complete the current tier of the dungeon first to unlock the next.

Must Enter with a Party

Players need to be in a party to enter a dungeon in Dimensional Trial. They can view party requests in the Party Board and join a party to enter a dungeon.

Parties can set a minimum combat power requirement to ensure that the members are of equal power level.

Effects are Applied to Dungeons

Dungeons have effects that applied to them that change each week. These effects function like buffs for the dungeon, making them harder to clear. Stronger and more effects are applied at higher levels to add more difficulty.

List of Effects

Effect Description
Throne and Liberty - Damage Reflection Effect Damage Reflection Reflects all physical damage within range.
Throne and Liberty - Enhance Pattern Effect Enhance Pattern Has an enhanced attack pattern.
Throne and Liberty - Increase Attack Power Effect Increase Attack Power Increases Attack Power in stages.
Throne and Liberty - Increase Health Effect Increase Health Increases Health in stages.
Throne and Liberty - Time Bomb Effect Time Bomb Summons a ticking time bomb upon death.

Has Ranking System

Dimenstional Trial has a ranking system that is based on the sum of points from the highest completed tier of each dungeon. Players can receive special rewards if they rank high at the end of the season.

Throne and Liberty Related Guides

Throne and Liberty (TL) - Co-op Dungeons

All Co-op Dungeons: Dimensional Circles

Dimensional Circle Coop Dungeons

SpecterSpecter's Abyss Roaring TempleRoaring Temple Cave of DesperationCave of Desperation

1-Star Dimensional Circle Coop Dungeons

DeathDeath's Abyss Cursed WastelandCursed Wasteland Temple of SlaughterTemple of Slaughter
ButcherButcher's Canyon TyrantTyrant's Isle Cave of DestructionCave of Destruction

2-Star Dimensional Circle Coop Dungeons

Island of TerrorIsland of Terror VoidwastesVoidwastes Valley of SlaughterValley of Slaughter
Carmine Rage IslandCarmine Rage Island Torture Chamber of ScreamsTorture Chamber of Screams -

Event Coop Dungeons

Throne and Liberty (TL) - Haunted LabyrinthHaunted Labyrinth

Dimensional Trial Coop Dungeons

Valley of SlaughterValley of Slaughter

Dimensional Trial


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