Throne and Liberty (TL)

Best Crossbow Tier List

Throne and Liberty (TL) - Best Crossbow Tier List

Queen Bellandir's Toxic Spine Throwers is the best crossbow in Throne and Liberty (TL). Check out this Best Crossbow Tier List to find out the best greatswords for PvE and PvP!

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Best Crossbow Tier List

Tier Weapon

What Are the Best Crossbows?

Best Crossbow for PvE

Kowazan's Sunflare Crossbows for PvE

KowazanKowazan's Sunflare Crossbows
Epic Crossbow
Damage 21~85
Atk Spd 0.525s
Range 13.2m
Weapon Skill Kowazan's Bombing
Attack Speed increases 12% during the day, and 6% at night.
Weapon Stats ・Strength 8
・Stamina Regen 4.2

Judging by the stats, Kowazan's Sunflare Crossbow is a great weapon in its own right. With the Strength stat, players can lean more towards heavy attack builds.

What really makes this weapon the best is that it's passive, providing 12% attack speed during the day and 6% during the night.

Crossbow users usually have to make a choice when choosing weapon traits, and some sacrifice critical hit chance to get the attack speed trait.

With Kowazan's Sunflare Crossbows, players can choose a mix of criticals and attack speed, or double down on one!

How to Get Kowazan's Sunflare Crossbows

Best Crossbow for PvP

Queen Bellandir's Toxic Spine Throwers for PvP

Queen BellandirQueen Bellandir's Toxic Spine Throwers
Epic Crossbow
Damage 20~81
Atk Spd 0.55s
Range 13.2m
Weapon Skill
Queen Bellandir Queen Bellandir's Corruptive Venom

On Critical Hit with a crossbow, creates a 20% chance of applying Weaken: Poison, which deals 110% of Base Damage over time every second for 5s and stacks up to 3 times.
Weapon Stats ・Dexterity 5
・Bonus Damage 4
・Stamina Regen 2.6

With the highest off-hand weapon attack chance, good Dexterity, and extra Bonus Damage on top of a great passive, this is hands down the best Epic-level PvP crossbow available.

With no significant downsides to the weapon itself, this weapon does have the downside of being extremely difficult to obtain.

As a unique drop from the world boss Bellandir, players would have to compete with the rest of the server, as Bellandir is only available on a weekly basis.

How to Get Queen Bellandir's Toxic Spine Throwers

Crossbow Tier List Explanation

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SS Tier

Queen Bellandir's Toxic Spine Throwers

Queen BellandirQueen Bellandir's Toxic Spine Throwers Overall Tier Ranking
SS Rank Icon
S Rank Icon SS Rank Icon
Pros Cons
Throne and Liberty Build - ProStrong Unique Passive
Throne and Liberty Build - ProSolid Passives
Throne and Liberty - ConPassive Isn’t As Useful in PvE
Throne and Liberty - ConWeapon Is Hard To Obtain

Though the passive really shows it's value in PvP, the weapon's strong stats makes it very viable in PvE content as well.

While the value of the bonus damage diminishes as other damage sources are increased, it's still a good stat to have, especially on a multi-hit class like the crossbow.

S Tier

Kowazan's Sunflare Crossbows

KowazanKowazan's Sunflare Crossbows Overall Tier Ranking
S Rank Icon
SS Rank Icon S Rank Icon
Pros Cons
Throne and Liberty Build - ProStrong Unique Passive
Throne and Liberty Build - ProExcellent Stats
Throne and Liberty - ConWeaker During the Night

Arguably the best crossbow for PvE, Kowazan's Sunflare Crossbows excel at dealing damage on burst windows, most effectively on Scorpions with optimal damage rotations.

The big downside to this weapon is that its effects are halved at night. This makes it less viable for PvP, as a lot of open world combat takes place during the night, as well as during eclipses.

Rex Chimaerus's Crossbows

Rex ChimaerusRex Chimaerus's Crossbows Overall Tier Ranking
S Rank Icon
S Rank Icon S Rank Icon
Pros Cons
Throne and Liberty Build - ProHigh Off Hand Weapon Chance
Throne and Liberty Build - ProGood Passives
Throne and Liberty - ConPassive Can Proc at Unwanted Intervals

A reliable workhorse weapon, the Rex Chimaerus Crossbow is used by most Scorpion players.

It's passive allows for some health recovery when it procs, which allows most crossbow users to heal back to full HP as it procs per hit, and crossbows can easily deliver multiple hits.

How to Get Rex Chimaerus's Crossbows

A Tier

Malakar's Energizing Crossbows

MalakarMalakar's Energizing Crossbows Overall Tier Ranking
A Rank Icon
A Rank Icon A Rank Icon
Pros Cons
Throne and Liberty Build - ProGreat Damage
Throne and Liberty Build - ProGreat Stats
Throne and Liberty - ConSituational Passive

A solid weapon, Malakar's Energizing Crossbows provide a lot of Wisdom, which is essential for Crossbow builds that consume mana at a rapid rate, such as Scorpions and Scouts.

However, the passive is very situational and may not be necessary for experienced players.

While increased mobility can be good, there aren't too many instances where the added party movement speed makes that much of a difference.
How to Get Malakar's Energizing Crossbows

Stormbringer Crossbows

Stormbringer CrossbowsStormbringer Crossbows Overall Tier Ranking
A Rank Icon
B Rank Icon A Rank Icon
Pros Cons
Throne and Liberty Build - ProSolid Damage
Throne and Liberty Build - ProSolid Stats
Throne and Liberty - ConNo Unique Passive
Throne and Liberty - ConCannot Roll the Attack Speed Trait

A solid weapon in its own right, the Stormbringer's Crossbow has a good amount of Dexterity and critical hit chance, which makes it a serviceable weapon.

However, the lack of a unique passive and the Weaken Chance stat prevent the weapon from being as good as it could be.

Since Weaken Chance only benefits PvP, this weighs down the ranking of this weapon, as there are better alternatives.

How to Get Stormbringer Crossbows

B Tier

Crossbows of Infinite Steel

Crossbows of Infinite SteelCrossbows of Infinite Steel Overall Tier Ranking
B Rank Icon
B Rank Icon A Rank Icon
Pros Cons
Throne and Liberty Build - ProGreat Stats
Throne and Liberty - ConNo Unique Passive
Throne and Liberty - ConCannot Roll the Attack Speed Trait

With Perception and reduced cooldowns, this weapon is almost good. While the increased perception isn't as beneficial to crossbow users in PvE, it is vital in PvP.

This makes it a useful weapon for both PvE and PvP, but putting resources into it would not be a good investment in the long run, as other, better alternatives are easy to get with enough grinding.

C Tier

Heroic Crossbows of the Resistance

Heroic Crossbows of the ResistanceHeroic Crossbows of the Resistance Overall Tier Ranking
C Rank Icon
B Rank Icon C Rank Icon
Pros Cons
Throne and Liberty Build - ProDecent stats
Throne and Liberty Build - ProEasy to obtain
Throne and Liberty - ConNo Unique Passive
Throne and Liberty - ConInferior Stats

Even with the right traits and stats, it would be difficult to recommend the Heroic Crossbow of the Resistance, as there are better alternatives.

Since it's relatively easy to obtain, it's best used to stack Blessings or increase the stats of other crossbows.

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