Throne and Liberty (TL)

List of All Swords and Shields

Sword and Shield

This is a list of all the Swords and Shields in Throne and Liberty (TL). Read on to learn more about all Swords and Shields in the game, including their stats, unique weapon skills, and how to upgrade them.

Sword and Shields Guides
List of All Sword and Shields Sword and Shield Builds
Sword and Shield Tier List Sword and Shield Skill Specializations

All Swords and Shields in Throne and Liberty

※ Enter the search criteria in the text field below or filter by Rarity before hitting the Search button to narrow down the results.

Weapon Rarity Weapon Skill Stats
Bulwark of InvulnerabilityBulwark of Invulnerability Epic Lv. 2 Devastating Chain Icon Devastating Chain Damage: 72~132
Atk Spd: 0.604s
Range: 2.5m
Shield Block Chance: 15%
・Perception 8
・Max Health 260
・Skill Damage Boost 25
Crimson DemonCrimson Demon's Crushing Sword Epic Lv. 2 Kaiser Kaiser's Thirst Damage: 68-120
Atk Spd: 0.605s
Range: 2.5m
Shield Block Chance: 19%
・Strength 6
・Wisdom 2
・Buff Duration +3.6%
DaigonDaigon's Stormblade Epic Lv. 2 Daigon Daigon's Storm Damage: 72~134
Atk Spd: 0.632s
Range: 2.75m
Shield Block Chance: 18%
・Dexterity 3
・Wisdom 6
・Cooldown Speed +2.5%
DeluzhnoaDeluzhnoa's Edge of Eternal Frost Epic Lv. 2 Deluzhnoa Deluzhnoa's Annihilation Damage: 70-120
Atk Spd: 0.605s
Range: 2.5m
Shield Block Chance: 20%
・Strength 6
・Collision Chance 50
・Max Health 600
NaruNaru's Frenzied Greatblade Epic Lv. 2 Pakilo Brawl Icon Pakilo Brawl Damage: 118~219
Atk Spd: 0.743s
Range: 2.5m
Shield Block Chance:
・Strength 6
・Dexterity 3
・Wisdom 2
PurgatoryPurgatory's Lethal Claw Epic Lv. 2 Purgatorial Barrier Icon Purgatorial Barrier Damage: 72~134
Atk Spd: 0.632s
Range: 2.75m
Shield Block Chance:
・Strength 7
・Hit Chance 35
・Cooldown Speed +2.2%
Unshakeable KnightUnshakeable Knight's Sword Epic Lv. 2 None Damage: 49~91
Atk Spd: 0.468s
Range: 2.5m
Shield Block Chance: 15%
・Strength 5
・Collision Chance 112
・Max Health 600
AhzreilAhzreil's Siphoning Sword Epic Ahzreil's Illusion Damage: 60~115
Atk Spd: 0.605s
Range: 2.5m
Shield Block Chance: 10%
・Strength 6
・Mana Regen 85.5
ChernobogChernobog's Blade of Beheading Epic Chernobo's Incubus Damage: 53~98
Atk Spd: 0.578s
Range: 2.5m
Shield Block Chance: 11%
・Dexterity 3
・Critical Hit Chance 64
CorneliusCornelius's Animated Edge Epic None Damage: 58~106
Atk Spd: 0.632s
Range: 2.75m
Shield Block Chance: 14%
・Perception 5
・Collision Chance 192
Heroic Blade of the ResistanceHeroic Blade of the Resistance Epic None Damage: 38~70
Atk Spd: 0.468s
Range: 2.5m
Shield Block Chance: 12%
・Collision Chance 142
・Max Health 1,050
KarnixKarnix's Netherblade Epic None Damage: 46~85
Atk Spd: 0.522s
Range: 2.5m
Shield Block Chance: 10%
・Strength 6
・Humanoid Bonus Damage 8
・Max Health 1,005
NirmaNirma's Sword of Echoes Epic Nirma Nirma's Shockwave Damage: 58~106
Atk Spd: 0.632s
Range: 2.75m
Shield Block Chance: 18%
・Wisdom 4
・Max Health 330
Queen BellandirQueen Bellandir's Languishing Blade Epic Queen Bellandir Queen Bellandir's Quicksand Damage: 54~97
Atk Spd: 0.605s
Range: 2.5m
Shield Block Chance: 15%
・Strength 4
・Collision Chance 48
Hammer Forged SwordHammer Forged Sword Rare Lv. 2 None Damage: 49-94
Atk Spd: 0.522s
Range: 3.5m
Shield Block Chance: 10%
・Dexterity 4
・Critical Hit Chance 95
・Max Health 140
Resistance Vanguard SwordResistance Vanguard Sword Rare Lv. 2 None Damage: 52-91
Atk Spd: 0.605s
Range: 3.85m
Shield Block Chance: 15%
・Strength 2
・Max Health 710
・Health Regen 44.25
Blade of the ResistanceBlade of the Resistance Rare None Damage: 38~68
Atk Spd: 0.605s
Range: 2.75m
Shield Block Chance: 11%
・Max Health 450
・Health Regen 90
Golem Shattering SwordGolem Shattering Sword Rare None Damage: 42~60
Atk Spd: 0.55s
Range: 2.5m
Shield Block Chance: 9%
・Construct Bonus Damage 21
・Max Health 600
Resonance BladeResonance Blade Rare Seething Black Fog Icon Seething Black Fog Damage: 36~67
Atk Spd: 0.522s
Range: 2.5m
Shield Block Chance: 7%
・Dexterity 3
・Critical Hit Chance 100
Sword of StrikingSword of Striking Rare None Damage: 30~56
Atk Spd: 0.495s
Range: 2.5m
Shield Block Chance: 9%
・Strength 2
・Collision Chance 175
Sword of Undead VanquishingSword of Undead Vanquishing Rare None Damage: 36~59
Atk Spd: 0.522s
Range: 2.5m
Shield Block Chance: 9%
・Undead Bonus Damage 21
・Health Regen 60
Arena SwordArena Sword Uncommon None Damage: 19~34
Atk Spd: 0.522s
Range: 2.75m
Shield Block Chance: 5%
・Strength 1
・Hit Chance 70
Manasteel SwordManasteel Sword Uncommon None Damage: 22~41
Atk Spd: 0.55s
Range: 2.5m
Shield Block Chance: 7%
・Health Regen 90
Pathfinder BladePathfinder Blade Uncommon None Damage: 20~36
Atk Spd: 0.522s
Range: 2.5m
Shield Block Chance: 6%
・Critical Hit Chance 120
Standard Issue LongswordStandard Issue Longsword Uncommon None Damage: 25~45
Atk Spd: 0.578s
Range: 2.5m
Shield Block Chance: 6%
・Collision Chance 50
・Max Health 375
Forged Iron SwordForged Iron Sword Common None Damage: 19~35
Atk Spd: 0.55s
Range: 2.5m
Shield Block Chance: 3%
・Max Health 525
Reforged SwordReforged Sword Common None Damage: 19~35
Atk Spd: 0.55s
Range: 2.5m
Shield Block Chance: 3%
・Hit Chance 70
Sharpened SwordSharpened Sword Common None Damage: 18~33
Atk Spd: 0.522s
Range: 2.5m
Shield Block Chance: 3%
・Critical Hit Chance 70
Sparring SwordSparring Sword Common None Damage: 19~35
Atk Spd: 0.55s
Range: 2.5m
Shield Block Chance: 3%
・Health Regen 52.5

Best Sword and Shield in Throne and Liberty

Queen Bellandir's Languishing Blade

Queen BellandirQueen Bellandir's Languishing Blade Weapon Stats
Damage: 54~97
Atk Spd: 0.605s
Range: 2.5m
Shield Block Chance: 15%
・Strength 4
・Collision Chance 48
Weapon Skill
Weapon Skill - Queen BellandirQueen Bellandir's Quicksand Creates 5m radius of Quicksand on the spot where Annihilating Slash was used. Quicksand decreases enemy Movement Speed by 60% and has a 70% chance to apply Collision: Pull to enemies within the radius when it disappears after 2s. Cooldown 34s.

Queen Bellandir's Languishing Blade is the best Sword and Shield in Throne and Liberty. It increases Strength, adding durability and damage, and Collision Chance, which is particularly good for certain active skills. Its weapon skill gives the wielder an additional crowd control that's great for both PvE and PvP.

This weapon works particularly well with tank builds due to its Strength stat and weapon skill.

Best Sword & Shield Tier List

Best Traits For Sword and Shield

Critical Hit Chance, Heavy Attack Chance, and Hit Chance

Best Traits

All Sword and Shields available in the game of Uncommon rarity and above right now can have the Traits Critical Hit Chance, Heavy Hit Chance, and Hit Chance. These are the best traits to add to your weapons.

Critical Hit Chance increases the possibility that your attacks will deal max damage. Heavy Hit Chance, on the other hand, increases the chance that your attacks will deal double damage. Lastly, Hit Chance increases the chance that your attacks and status effects will hit.

Other Traits Can be Selected When Needed

Although the above traits are the best Traits to get, there are times when you may need to select other traits. Alternative traits include Max Health and Health Regen for survivability, Max Mana and Mana Regen for Mana management, and Buff Duration for Buff Uptime.

Equipment Traits Guide

How to Play Sword and Shield

The Sword and Shield is a versatile weapon. Its active and passive skills offer a great mix of offense, defense, and utility to the wielder. Using a combination of offensive, defensive, and utility skills in a given situation is the best way to play the Sword and Shield as it gives a lot of options to accomplish objectives.

Throne and Liberty Sword and Shield (SnS) Builds

How to Upgrade Swords and Shields

Use Weapon Growthstones

The primary way to upgrade your weapon is by using and consuming Weapon Growthstones. Head to the Enhance Equipment menu and Upgrade individual weapon pieces by using Weapon Growthstones. The amount and required type of Weapon Growthstone will depend on your weapon's upgrade level and its rarity.

Weapon Growthstone How to Use
Quality Weapon Growthstone Used to upgrade Uncommon Weapons.
Rare Weapon Growthstone Used to upgrade Rare Weapons.
Precious Weapon Growthstone Used to upgrade Epic Weapons.

Transfer Levels Between Weapons

Alternatively, you can transfer the levels of an already upgraded Weapon to a different Weapon by using the Transfer option in the Enhance Equipment menu. However, do note that transferring destroys the original item. Only use this method when upgrading your weapons to a higher rarity.

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