Throne and Liberty (TL)

Best Dagger / Wand Build (PvE)

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This is a guide on the Wand and Dagger build for PvE in Throne and Liberty (TL). Read on to learn how to use the Dagger and Wand build, including the best gears to equip, skill rotations, runes, traits, and more.

Notice Icon 2Attention! This build is based on the Korean version of the game with some adjustments to match the features available in Global. We’re working on updating our builds to be fully accurate for the Global release. Thank you for your patience!

Dagger / Wand Build Overview

Build Summary

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Build Summary
Throne and Liberty - DaggersThrone and Liberty - Wand
Dagger and Wand
Crowd Control, Healing
Stat Priority:
Wisdom, Perception
Skill Setup
Skills - Cleaving MoonlightSkills - Shadow StrikeSkills - Inject VenomSkills - Brutal IncisionSkills - Camouflage CloakSkills - Fatal StigmaSkills - Touch of DespairSkills - Curse ExplosionSkills - Swift HealingSkills - Corrupted Magic CircleSkills - Cursed NightmareSkills - Karmic Haze
Pros Cons
Throne and Liberty Build - ProExcellent Crowd Control
Throne and Liberty Build - ProHigh Survivability
Throne and Liberty Build - ProMultiple Escape Skills
Throne and Liberty - ConLow Burst Damage
Throne and Liberty - ConMana Hungry

This build makes use of Dagger and Wand to create a crowd control and escape build with some self sustain. It revolves around a hit-and-run playstyle to defeat enemies.

Prioritize improving Wisdom first, then Perception. Wisdom provides cooldown reduction for skills and the mana needed to keep up with the build's high mana consumption while Perception improves attack accuracy and the effectiveness of crowd control skills.

Skills and Specialization

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Throne and Liberty - Armor and Accessories Icon.pngEquipment Throne and Liberty - Mastery Icon.pngMastery Throne and Liberty - Guardian Icon.pngGuardian Throne and Liberty - Rotations Icon.pngRotations
Active Skills
Cleaving MoonlightCleaving Moonlight
Specialization - Effect Accumulation Effect Accumulation
Specialization - Consecutive Use Consecutive Use
Inject VenomInject Venom
Specialization - Lightning Infusion Lightning Infusion
Brutal IncisionBrutal Incision
Specialization - Thunderclouds Bombing Thunderclouds Bombing
Shadow StrikeShadow Strike
Specialization - Range ▲ Range ▲
Specialization - Shadow Escape Shadow Escape
Fatal StigmaFatal Stigma -
Karmic HazeKarmic Haze
Specialization - Unlucky Clock Unlucky Clock
Swift HealingSwift Healing
Specialization - Consecutive Use Consecutive Use
Specialization - Healing Transfer Healing Transfer
Curse ExplosionCurse Explosion
Specialization - Additional Damage Boost Additional Damage Boost
Corrupted Magic CircleCorrupted Magic Circle
Specialization - Decaying Touch Decaying Touch
Cursed NightmareCursed Nightmare
Specialization - Deep Sleep Deep Sleep
Touch of DespairTouch of Despair
Specialization - Curse Curse
Specialization - Effect Duration ▲ Effect Duration ▲
Camouflage CloakCamouflage Cloak -
Passive Skills
AssassinAssassin's Instincts Devotion and EmptinessDevotion and Emptiness Destructive FangDestructive Fang Noble RevivalNoble Revival
WraithWraith's Beckon Wrathful EdgeWrathful Edge Vampiric ContractVampiric Contract Assassination StanceAssassination Stance
Defensive Skill
Chaotic ShieldChaotic Shield

Active Skill Explanation

Inject Venom's Lightning Infusion skill specialization is central to the build as it weakens the target's defenses, increasing the damage they receive. In particular, the skill is used to set up Lightning Infusion and Fatal Stigma for a ton of damage.

Shadow Strike, Cleaving Moonlight, and Camouflage Cloak serves as the build's hit-and-run skills as they allow quick movements when fightning.

Cursed Nightmare, Touch of Despair, and Decaying Touch are used to apply Curse to targets while Curse Explosion utilizes the infliction to deal extra damage. They're also the build's main source of DPS. Meanwhile, Unlucky Clock increases the duration of Curses applied to targets.

Swift Healing is the build's only means of sustain, which is just enough for the build.

Focus on leveling up Inject Venom and Swift Healing first since applying Thunderclouds is central to the build and having a reliable healing skill allows for survivability. The rest can be prioritized based on preference.

Passive Skill Explanation

Destructive Fang is directly linked to Lightning Infusion since it further weakens the defenses of targets inflicted with Thunderclouds.

Assassin's Instincts and Wrathful Edge improve the build's damage potential via Critical Hit and Critical Damage.

Devotion and Emptiness improves Swift Healing's healing effect and the build's skill cooldowns during the day, and increases the damage of DOT skills and the cooldowns of Curse skills during the night. Noble Revival further improves Swift Healing's effectiveness.

Wraith's Beckon increases the duration and chance of Curses while Vampiric Contract utilizes the infliction to heal based on a percentage of the damage dealt to targets with the infliction.

Assassination Stance gives a chance to decrease the cooldown of Camouflage Cloak when evading attacks, improving the build's hit-and-run playstyle.

Focus on leveling up Destructive Fang and Wraith's Beckon first since they build is centered on the Thunderclouds and Curse inflictions.

Best Weapons

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Throne and Liberty - Summary Icon.pngSummary Throne and Liberty - Skills Icon.pngSkills Throne and Liberty - Weapon Icon.pngWeapons
Throne and Liberty - Armor and Accessories Icon.pngEquipment Throne and Liberty - Mastery Icon.pngMastery Throne and Liberty - Guardian Icon.pngGuardian Throne and Liberty - Rotations Icon.pngRotations
Primary Weapon
LequirusLequirus's Wicked Thorns ・Critical Hit
・Heavy Attack Chance
・Critical Hit
Weapon Effect
Weapon Skill - LequirusLequirus's Gale Blade Base Damage 50 ▲ for 3s upon using Dagger Mobility Skills.

Lequirus's Wicked Thorns fits perfectly with the build's skill setup and hit-and-run playstyle thanks to its Lequirus's Gale Blade weapon effect, increasing Base Damage whenever any of the Dagger's mobility moves is used.

The traits and resonance selected focuses on improving the build's damage via Critical Hit, Hit, and Heavy Attack Chance.

Secondary Weapon
LequirusLequirus's Coveted Tome ・Critical Hit
・Heavy Attack Chance
・Critical Hit
Weapon Effect
Weapon Skill - LequirusLequirus's Ambush When your Health goes below 20%, Stealth for 7.5s. Cooldown 120s.

Lequirus's Coveted Tome pairs well with Lequirus's Wicked Thorns as it also fits the build's hit-and-rin playstyle thanks to its Lequirus's Ambush weapon effect.

The traits and resonance selected also focuses on improving the build's damage via Critical Hit, Hit, and Heavy Attack Chance.

Best Armors and Accessories

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Throne and Liberty - Summary Icon.pngSummary Throne and Liberty - Skills Icon.pngSkills Throne and Liberty - Weapon Icon.pngWeapons
Throne and Liberty - Armor and Accessories Icon.pngEquipment Throne and Liberty - Mastery Icon.pngMastery Throne and Liberty - Guardian Icon.pngGuardian Throne and Liberty - Rotations Icon.pngRotations
Shadow Harvester Mask IconShadow Harvester Mask ・Cooldown Speed
・Magic Endurance
・Mana Regen
・Max Health
Supreme Devotion IconSupreme Devotion ・Mana Regen
・Max Mana
・Skill Damage Resistance
・Max Health
Swirling Essence Robe IconSwirling Essence Robe ・Buff Duration
・Melee Endurance
・Mana Regen
・Max Health
Gauntlets of the Field General IconGauntlets of the Field General ・Max Health
・Attack Speed
・Melee Endurance
・Max Health
Greaves of the Field General IconGreaves of the Field General ・Debuff Duration
・Ranged Endurance
・Max Health
・Mana Regen
Shadow Harvester Boots IconShadow Harvester Boots ・Move Speed
・Max Mana
・Magic Endurance
・Mana Regen
Clasp of the Overlord IconClasp of the Overlord ・Max Health
・Skill Damage Boost
・Buff Duration
・Max Health
Bracers of the Primal King IconBracers of the Primal King ・Max Health
・Skill Damage Resistance
・Debuff Duration
・Max Health
Sapphire Dimensional Band IconSapphire Dimensional Band ・Max Health
・Skill Damage Boost
・Buff duration
・Max Mana
Band of Universal Power IconBand of Universal Power ・Max Mana
・Mana Regen
・Buff duration
・Max Mana
Belt of Bloodlust IconBelt of Bloodlust ・Max Health
・Skill Damage Resistance
・Debuff Duration
・Max Health

Shadow Harverster Mask and Shadow Harvester Boots boosts all primary stats with cooldown speed and bind chance as bonuses. Having the two items together also increases the build's Critical Damage via their set effect.

Supreme Devotion gives Mana Regen, Cooldown Speed, and Critical Hit, which suits the build nicely.

Swirling Essence Robe provides Dexterity for better damage, Wisdom for more mana and cooldown reduction, and Heavy Attack Chance just as a bonus.

Gauntlets of the Field General and Gauntlets of the Field General together provides Dexterity for improved damage, Strength for durability, Perception for improved crowd control, and Attack Speed for DPS. Their set effect also grants Melee Heavy Attack Chance.

The acceesories equipped provide a variety of improvements necessary for the build.

The traits and resonance selected balances the build's offense and defense.

Best Weapon Mastery

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Throne and Liberty - Armor and Accessories Icon.pngEquipment Throne and Liberty - Mastery Icon.pngMastery Throne and Liberty - Guardian Icon.pngGuardian Throne and Liberty - Rotations Icon.pngRotations
Daggers ・Disguise (6 Pts)
・Poison (9 Pts)
Wand ・Damage (9 Pts)
・Recover (3 Pts)
・Weaken (3 Pts)

For Daggers, putting 9 points into Poison provides a mix of damage, crowd control improvements, mana management, and better skill cooldowns. Meanwhile, putting 6 points to Disguise improves survivability with a bit of mana management and reduced cooldowns.

For Wand, putting 9 points into Damage provides mainly damage with improved mana management. Meanwhile, putting 3 points to Recover and Recover gives a variety of small improvements.

Best Guardian

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Throne and Liberty - Armor and Accessories Icon.pngEquipment Throne and Liberty - Mastery Icon.pngMastery Throne and Liberty - Guardian Icon.pngGuardian Throne and Liberty - Rotations Icon.pngRotations
Currently under construction, so please stay tuned!

Skill Rotations and Playstyle

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Throne and Liberty - Armor and Accessories Icon.pngEquipment Throne and Liberty - Mastery Icon.pngMastery Throne and Liberty - Guardian Icon.pngGuardian Throne and Liberty - Rotations Icon.pngRotations
How to Play Dagger / Wand Build

Hit-and-Run Skill Rotation

Skills - Cursed Nightmare (Optional)▶ Skills - Inject Venom (Lightning Infusion)▶ Skills - Touch of DespairSkills - Corrupted Magic Circle (Decaying Touch) ▶ Skills - Shadow StrikeSkills - Inject Venom (Second activation)▶ Skills - Fatal StigmaSkills - Cleaving Moonlight x2▶ Skills - Brutal Incision (Thunderclouds Bombing)▶ Skills - Shadow Strike (Second activation)▶ Skills - Karmic Haze (Unlucky Clock) or Skills - Curse Explosion

This is the build's hit-and-run skill rotation, which is also effective against bosses. Although optional, using Cursed Nightmare allows the combo to be set up easily. It also ensures that the first hit made to the inflicted target is a Critical Hit, increasing the combo's overall damage.

Inject Venom's Lightning Infusion is the key to this entire combo as it inflicts Thunderclouds whenever damage is dealt to the target. It should always be used first before doing any damage.

Touch of Despair and Decaying Touch applies the first few instances of Curse and Thunderclouds. Shadow Strike initiates the combo by teleporting behind the target and striking it while following it up immediately with Lightning Infusion's second activation applies more stacks of Thunderclouds.

Using Fatal Stigma early in the combo gives more room for additional Thunderclouds stacks to be inflicted via the two uses of Cleaving Moonlight before Fatal Stigma's duration ends, increasing its damage.

Brutal Incision's Thunderclouds Bombing specialization allows it to deal increased damage against the target that's inflicted with Thunderclouds.

Thanks to its Shadow Escape specialization, Shadow Strike can be used again to return the original position when the move was first used, allowing for a quick escape. At this point, Unlucky Clock can be used to prolong the duration of Curses or consume all Curse stacks and deal the final blow using Curse Explosion.

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Throne and Liberty - Staff.pngThrone and Liberty - Sword and Shield.png
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Dagger / Wand


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