Throne and Liberty (TL)

List of Arch Bosses

Throne and Liberty (TL) - Arch Bosses

Arch Bosses are field bosses that rewards players greatly in Throne and Liberty (TL). See a list of Arch Bosses, rewards, schedules, and more!

List of Arch Bosses

All Arch Bosses in Throne of Liberty

Throne and Liberty (TL) - Tevent
Throne and Liberty (TL) - Queen Bellandir
Queen Bellandir

What is an Arch Boss?

Scheduled Endgame Bosses

Arch Bosses are field bosses that are available to all players during certain times. Upon arriving at the boss location, there will be two portals linking to the boss arena. If you are playing with a party or a guild, make sure to take the same portal as each portal links to two separate instances of the arena.

These field boss events can be Peace or Conflict events, with the latter having PvP enabled. Be sure to check for a blue dove icon or a red pair of swords icon to determine whether PvP will be enabled.

Drops Loot Based on Contributions

Peace Event

During a Peace Event, loot is distributed based on individual contribution. Contribution refers to an individual's damage dealt to the boss, or healing given to other players during the encounter. To receive loot, players must reach a minimum contribution.

There are two types of drops from Peace Arch Boss Events, Contribution Drops and Random Drops. Contribution Drops are distributed based on chance according to individual contribution, while Random Drops are provided to players who were not eligible for Contribution Drops.

Conflict Event

During Conflict Events, loot is assigned in two steps. Loot is distributed to a guild, before being assigned to players within the guild.

Guild contribution is calculated with the sum of the guild members' individual contributions. Guilds must meet a combined minimum guild contribution in order to eligible for loot. Meeting the minimum, players will have a chance to gain loot based on their combined guild contribution.

Arch Boss Events

Double Arch Boss Encounter Event

From December 12, 2024 to January 9, 2025, a limited time event will take place wherein Arch Bosses can be fought twice on their scheduled days. These encounters will be both Peace and Conflict events, allowing players to make up for lost progress.

Double Arch Boss Encounter Event

Arch Boss Schedule

Arch Boss Portals spawn at 13:00 UTC in their designated locations. Check the Map to see a timetable on when certain archbosses will spawn and other events.

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