Pokemon TCG Pocket (PTCGP) Walkthrough Comments

Best Decks Tier List (March 2025)Comment

Showing 1-20 of 58 entries


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    58 Tilt1 dayReport

    Have had a lot of success with a Dragonite/Mew Ex stall deck. Can be punished by Sabrina and relies on a bit of luck with which pokemon the Draco hits.

    57 Anonymous3 daysReport

    Snorlax & Star raptor deck kinda OP w 2 Barry's

    56 Oscar da goat8 daysReport

    The best one is celibi because of serperior’s ability it is insane

    55 Anonymous9 daysReport

    Tan pardos deck needs a ranking

    54 Anonymous9 daysReport

    S+ tier

    53 Anonymous10 daysReport


    52 Anonymous11 daysReport

    Darkrai ex, graninja drudigon

    51 Anonymous11 daysReport


    50 Anonymous15 daysReport

    Rampardos and Lucario all the way!

    49 Anonymous17 daysReport

    Pikachu ex

    48 DCCDX17 daysReport

    Rampardos and Arceus EX

    47 Anonymous18 daysReport

    Togekiss not being an EX care is a crazy balancing error. Siglyph rocky helmet stall means you can afford to lose both it and a full Togekiss and still have another 2 energy card capable of 1 tapping everything in the game left over

    46 Kazame18 daysReport

    I like the Primeape (Lucario) deck. The reasons: - Easy to play 1. Put Primeape with "Helmet" 2. Benched Lucario 3. Benched Marshadow with 1 energy, waiting for countering attack. 4. Brute force your opponent - You can do 50 (Primeape) with 90 damage if you have Two benched Lucario to the opponent. - Lastly, it is a Fighting-type Pokemon. It's pretty good when a matchup with Arceus as Marshadow with 1 Benched Lucario can one-hit-ko Arceus, as it has a Fighting-type weakness.

    45 Junxai30520 daysReport

    Leafeon with Venusaur EX have been dominating all my battles!

    44 Anonymous21 daysReport

    Tyranitar is such a sleeper deck imo. It takes some time to setup, but i've beaten a lot of the top meta decks (Palkia/Arceus), (Darkrai/Magnezone), etc. because they just can't deal with the massive damage and tankiness of Tyranitar.

    43 Anonymous22 daysReport

    the problem is consistency~ if you don't get the "perfect" hand you won't beat them all... mostly magnezone/darkrai can go over them with a lot of consistency.

    42 Anonymous22 daysReport

    Dialga ex, Arceus ex, Magnezone (1x steel, 1x electric).

    41 Anonymous22 daysReport

    Togekiss still threatens all of these “meta” decks imo

    40 Anonymous23 daysReport

    arceus darkrai crobat

    39 Anonymousabout 1 monthReport

    These decks are not good. And not correctly ordered

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