Dragon's Dogma 2 (DD2)

Full Interactive Map and Map Locations


Dragon's Dogma 2 (DD2) features a large map bigger than the original, home to three major cities. Learn how big the map is in Dragon's Dogma 2 (DD2), all confirmed locations such as Vermund, Battahl, and the Sacred Arbor.

Dragon's Dogma 2 (DD2) Full Map

World Map

★ Press the icons on the right side to show collectibles and points of interest on the map.
★ Toggle the Full On icon to expand the map.

The Interactive Map both shows the location of key points on the map, and doubles as a collectible checker.

  1. Click an icon on the right side to show all the pins of a specific type, or click the magnifying glass button to search for a specific pin by name.
  2. Click a pin on the map to see its name and description, and a relevant picture or video if available.
  3. From here, click Mark as Acquired to indicate that you've gotten a collectible already. This will change its icon on the map to show that it has been collected, and add 1 to that pin type's Counter.
  4. To undo this, click on the same pin and click Restore to unclaimed.
  5. To check how many pins you have marked so far, check the Counter in the bottom left, and click the icon that looks like a checklist to see counters for all pin types.
  6. If the collected pins start to get in the way, you can hide them all by clicking the green Show Pins button on the left side.
Icon How to Use
Name Button.png Show Names
This button reveals the Name of every icon currently shown.
Show Pins Button.png Show Pins
This button will toggle between showing and hiding all the pins which you have already marked as acquired.
Full Button.png Fullscreen
This button will change the map display to fill the screen.
Search Button.png Search Mode Toggle
This button will display a searchbar which you can use to search for an individual pin by its name.
Icon Mode Button.png Icon Mode Toggle
In Search Mode, this button will toggle you back to Icon Mode, removing the search bar and displaying the icons again.
All Pins Button.png All Pins
This button is shown along with the Icons on the right when there are over 6 types of pins. Click it for a full selection of all available pin types.
Interactive Map Counter.png Counter
Tracks the number of pins you have of a certain type. The pin type shown is set to the page and currently cannot be changed; however, all pin type counters can be viewed by clicking the checklist icon on the right side.
Interactive Map View All Counters.png View All Counters
This icon is found on the right side of the Counter. When a map has more than one pin type, click this icon to see Counters for all pin types.
Diablo 4 - Zoom In Zoom Out Icons.png Zoom In / Zoom Out
This icon is found on the top left side of the map. You can press these buttons, or use your scroll wheel while hovering, to Zoom In and Out of the interactive map.

Map Legend

Legend for Map Icons
Inn Inn Treasure Chest Treasure Chest Golden Trove Beetle Golden Trove Beetle
Seeker Seeker's Token Riftstone Riftstone Portcrystal Portcrystal
Oxcart Oxcart Mountain iconCaves Statue IconStatues

All Location Guides

Location Guides

All Location Guides
What Do the Exclamation Marks Mean? Borderwatch Outpost Quests and Shops
Melve Quests and Shops Vernworth Location
Harve Village Quests and Shops Checkpoint Rest Town and How to Open Gate
Bay Wayside Shrine Location Sacred Arbor Location
Waterfall Cave Location Bakbattahl Location
How to Clear Drabnir's Grotto How to Get to Agamen Volcanic Island
How to Get to Excavation Site and Agamen Ruins -

Cave Locations

List of All Caves
Ancestral Chamber Ancient Battlefield Backwoods Nest
Caliginous Depths Canyon Cave Cavern of the Forsaken
Coastal Cavern Collapsed Mine Coral Snakes’ Hideout
Darkbeasts’ Den Darkhorde Cave Dead-End Curve
Depleted Ore Deposit Derelict Mine Digger’s Ruins
Dimdark Cave Drabnir’s Grotto Dragonsbreath Tower
Echoing Depths Enoa’Battahl Cavern Eremitic Sanctuary
Flamebearers’ Resting Place Forgotten Tunnel Frightful Hollow
Frontier Shrine Guerco Cavern Headwater Cavern
Hidden Cavern Highland Cavern Holy Mausoleum Ruins
Howling Cave Indigent Bedlands Moonglint Tower
Mountain Base Cave Mountain Shrine Mt. Alles Tunnel
Nameless Village Depths Pilgrim’s Peril Cave Putrid Cave
Rainshelter Cave River’s Edge Grotto Riverside Cavern
Roadside Hollow Rock Wall Berme Rocky Crevasse
Rocky Lair Sal’Battahl Cavern Sandsear Cave
Sandspire Den Seafloor Shrine Sealed Mining Shaft
Shrine Corridor Spirits’ Path Stormwind Cave
Straggler’s Cave Strange Corridor The Gracious Hand’s Vaults
The Mountains’ Secret Timeworn Shaft Tomb of Al’Guttos
Tomb of Am’Ranna Tomb of Ja’Nuwa Tomb of Ku’Myage
Tomb of Renu’lebarr Tomb of Te’Glarr Trembling Hollow
Trevo Mine Twilight Cave Underbridge Grotto
Waterfall Cave Windworn Gully Worldsend Cavern

Maps of All Points of Interest

All Map Locations
Inns Riftstones Portcrystals
Treasure Chests Oxcarts Statues
Caves Exclamation Marks -

All Inn Locations

Inns are where you can recover HP, save your game, change the time of day, organize your storage, switch Vocations, and learn and equip skills. Resting at inns is vital if you wish to set off on a new adventure.
All Inn Locations

All Riftstone Locations

Riftstones are where you can search for and summon Pawns, adding them to your party. Summoning a Pawn costs Rift Crystals (RC), which you earn as you progress through the game. At Riftstones, you can also send your pawns out on Pawn Quests.
All Riftstone Locations

All Portcrystal Locations

Portcrystals are a form of fast travel. You can teleport to any Portcrystal by consuming 1 Ferrystone. Ferrystones can be bought from stores and looted from chests.
All Portcrystal Locations

All Treasure Chest Locations

Treasure Chests contain all kinds of items and equipment and can be found in towns and off the main roads out in the world. Keep an eye out for these, as you never know what new weapons and armor you might find!
All Treasure Chest Locations

All Oxcart Locations

Oxcarts are a form of fast travel. Ride oxcarts at any oxcart station in major towns to quickly move from one area to another. However, oxcarts are only available during the day and you will need to pay an oxcart fee in gold to ride.
All Oxcart Locations: How to Ride Oxcarts

All Statue Locations

Statues will usually be pointing towards places of interest, usually to new places with treasure, Seeker's Tokens, new quests or opportunities to be had. If you see one of these statues, try following its gaze and see where it leads you!
What Statues Do and All Statue Locations

All Cave Locations

Guerco Cave Layout

Although it is not recommended, you can illegally cross borders between nations just to explore the world. You are even incentivized to seek out caves to look for weapons and armor are so expensive in Dragon's Dogma 2.

List of Caves and Dungeons

Exclamation Mark Locations

Exclamation Marks will be marked on your mini-map once a Pawn discovers something worth investigating, like a hidden area or a path that leads to a secret room filled with valuable items or chests.

These Exclamation Marks won't appear on your map by default and will only pop up once your Pawn spots these suspicious-looking areas.
What Do the Exclamation Marks Mean?

Map Size of Dragon's Dogma 2

Bigger than the Original

Several trailers feature snippets of the potential size of the world in Dragon's Dogma 2, and it appears that it's larger than the original game.

While the open world sections of the game already appear vast, with large fields and mountain areas to name a few, the game will also feature large dungeons which adds additional scale to the game!

All Map Regions

Vermund, Kingdom of Humanity

Vermund is the kingdom of Humanity where the Arisen rules as its king, and is also the first nation your character explores.

While built on a verdant and idyllic land, Vermund is described as a city of conspiracies with the current Queen Regent Disa supporting a false Arisen.

Battahl, Nation of Beastren

Battahl is the nation of Beastren, with its cities constructed amidst the steep canyons and ancient ruins that dot the surrounding landscape.

Empress Nadinia is the ruler of Battahl and the beastren worship the Lambent Flame to ward off calamity and misfortune.

Welcome to Battahl Walkthrough and Location

Sacred Arbor, Home of the Elves

The Sacred Arbor is the home of the reclusive Elves and is described as a smaller and more remote village compared to Vermund and Battahl.

Little is known about the Sacred Arbor due to the Elves speaking their own language, though it's hinted that your character may find out more about this place by speaking to the rare Pawns who understand Elvish.

Sacred Arbor Location

Dragon's Dogma 2 (DD2) Related Guides


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