Dragon's Dogma 2 (DD2)

How to Unlock Magick Archer and Best Skills

Dragons Dogma 2 - How to Unlock Magick Archer Vocation

Magick Archer is a Hybrid Vocation in Dragon's Dogma 2 (DD2). Learn how to unlock the Magick Archer vocation, see the best skills, builds, best weapons, and armor for the Magick Archer!

How to Unlock Magick Archer

Magick Archer is Unlocked After the Put a Spring in Thy Step Quest

The Magick Archer vocation is unlocked after finishing the quest Put a Spring in Thy Step found at the Windwalker's Home west of the Volcanic Island Camp. Simply talk to Gautstafr and complete the unlocked quest. Do note that you have to do this quest in the day or else the home will not be accessible due to high tide at night.

Proceed on finishing the quest by giving him the three (3) required wildflowers and protect him until he reaches Geyser Hamlet in the Volcanic Island Camp. At this point, Cliodhna will reveal herself and thank you for escorting her husband and will teach you her knowledge about Magick Archery.

Put a Spring in Thy Step Walkthrough

Best Magick Archer Skills

Best Weapon Skills

Skill Name Rating and Explanation
Frostseeker Bolt Rating: ★★★★★
• Automaticall homes in on enemies
• Can freeze enemies to allow free attacks
• Very easy to use so use it as a main skill
Martyr's Bolt Rating: ★★★★★
• Maister Teaching skill of the Magick Archer
• Deals extremely high damage
• Drains your Arisen's HP and increases the loss gauge while charging so beware!
Ricochet Seeker Rating: ★★★★☆
• Useful for battles in tight spaces like caves and dungeons
Vimtaking Arrow Rating: ★★★☆☆
• Heals front-line pawns so they can tank more
• Always be aware of your pawn's health and top them up in time
Flamefang Arrow Rating: ★★★☆☆
• Has a unique mechanic where you can control the arrow after shooting
• Useful for ambushes and initiation of fights
• You are vulnerable during the arrow's flight duration so be careful!

Best Core Skills

Skill Name Rating and Explanation
Scopic Sight Rating: ★★★★★
• Extends the range of your shots so you do not need to aim as much
• Attacking from a longer distance means you are safer
Tracker's Sight Rating: ★★★★★
• Increases the number of enemies that you auto-locks with your normal attacks
• Generally improves your overall DPS since you're hitting more enemies thus dealing more damage
• No downside
Climactic Arrow Rating: ★★★★☆
• Increases the power of your normal attacks
• Need to time the loosening of your arrow though so you might not be able to do this consistently during battles

Best Magick Archer Augments

Skill Name Rating and Explanation
Amelioration Rating: ★★★★★
• helpful when your pawns go down in battle.
• You generally need this as your front-line pawns are extremely important as a ranged vocation like the Magick Archer
Ascendancy Rating: ★★★★☆
• Increases the general offensive stats of your pawns
• A positive augment overall as you need your pawns to be as strong as possible
Sustainment Rating: ★★★★☆
• Increases the general defensive stats of your pawns
• A positive augment overall as you need your pawns to be as strong as possible

Best Magick Archer Builds

Magick Archer Skills Build

Recommended Magick Archer Loadout
Frostseeker Bolt Ricochet Seeker
Martyr's Bolt Vimtaking Arrow

Here is our recommended loadout for Magick Archers during your playthrough. Fight by flip-flopping between Frostseeker Bolt, Ricochet Seeker, and normal attacks. When you see your front-line pawns in dire need of healing, use Vimtaking Arrow to heal them!

For boss battles, use the Maister Teaching skill Martyr's Bolt and rain chaos on the battlefield - even capable of one-shotting even the most terrifying Dragon bosses!

Don't forget to upgrade the skill to their improved versions as you unlock them!

Magick Archer Augment Build

Augment Vocation / Description
Dragons Dogma 2 - Magick Archer Icon Magick Archer
Required Rank: 2
Augments the physical Defense and Magick Defense of pawns in your party.
Subtlety Required Rank: 2
Decreases the likelihood of being targeted by foes.
Endurance Required Rank: 4
Increases your maximum Stamina.
Zeal Required Rank: 6
Reduces the Stamina consumed when performing a weapon skill.
Sagacity Required Rank: 9
Augments your Magick.
Exaltation Required Rank: 9
Augments your Stamina recovery speed.

The Magick Archer functions like a Sorcerer but they use a Magickal Bow instead of an Archistaff. Hence, their needs are mostly the same in terms of augment effects. The augments listed here are focused on making stamina management a bit easier and at the same time increasing the damage of skills!

Best Weapons and Armor (End-Game)

Weapon Details
Weapon STR / MGK Where to Get
DragonDragon's Breath 0 / 350 Obtain from Volcanic Island Armory for 55900G.
Armor Loadout
Armor Part Where to Get
ConfidantConfidant's Hood Head Purchase at Volcanic Island Armory for 33500 G.
Eonian Coat IconEonian Coat Body Purchase at Volcanic Island Armory for 38000 G.
Mercenary Hosen IconMercenary Hosen Leg Purchase at Volcanic Island Armory for 29710 G.
•  Ring of Quickening (Left Hand)
•  Ring of Percipience (Right Hand)
•  Admiral's Mantle (Cloak)

The best endgame equipment for the Magick Archer is bought at the Armory in the Volcanic Island Camp. The build would be able to help you kill Dragons to farm Wyrmslife Crystals and purchase all the strongest post-game equipment from Bay Wayside Shrine.

The weapon to aim for is the Dragon's Breath magickal bow then purchase the Confidant's Hood, Eonian Coat, and Mercenary Hosen armor pieces to amp up your defenses.

Considering Magick Archer need to dish out a lot of damaging skills, we suggest purchasing a Ring of Percipience and a Ring of Quickening. This balances out the need to maximize magick damage and manage stamina in fights.

Best Weapons and Armor (Mid-Game)

Weapon Details
Weapon STR / MGK Where to Get
Militant Dove IconMilitant Dove 0 / 330 Obtain from Grisha's Armory for 48000G.
Armor Loadout
Armor Part Where to Get
Leafshade Hood IconLeafshade Hood Head Purchase at Grisha's Armory for 12600 G.
Elven Garb IconElven Garb Body Purchase at Grisha's Armory for 42000 G.
Evergreen Greaves IconEvergreen Greaves Leg Purchase at Grisha's Armory for 37500 G.

The best weapon for the Magick Archer is the Magickal Bow, Militant Dove. You can get this magickal bow from Grisha's Armory in Sacred Arbor north of Vernworth.

Likewise, the best armor for the Magick Archer is also bought in Sacred Arbor - with Leafshade Hood, Elven Garb, and Evergreen Greaves taking the top spots. You can get them all from Grisha's Armory and will set you back a total of 92,100 gold.

For rings and cloaks, equip those that will improve the Magick Archer's overall Magic and Stamina rating as magick archers needs it to deal insane amounts of damage in a short span of time.

Magick Archer Pawn Party Composition

Arisen Main Pawn Hired Pawn Hired Pawn
Dragons Dogma 2 - Magick Archer IconMagick Archer Dragons Dogma 2 - Mage IconMage Dragons Dogma 2 - Fighter IconFighter Dragons Dogma 2 - Fighter IconFighter

The best party composition for a Magick Archer has their main pawn as a Mage, and two hired Fighter pawns.

As a Magick Archer, your main task is to deal as much damage from the sidelines while all your Pawns tank all the damage for you.

To support you in battle, the Mage will be valuable as its healing capabilities still comes in handy at the latter stages of the game. For recruited pawns, you can still use them as meat shields at the Fighter vocation.

Best Party Composition

How to Unlock the Magick Archer Maister Skills

Weapon Skill Description
Martyr's Bolt Skill Effect:
Fires the ultimate magickal bolt in exchange for a temporary decrease to the user's maximum Health. Reduced amount determines the bolt's potency. The loss gauge accumulates while charging.
Unlocked via a Maister

Obtained Immediately After Unlocking the Vocation

Map Overworld

The Vocation Maister for the Magick Archer vocation is Cliodhna. She can first be located in Windwalker's Home, then you will escort her husband to the Volcanic Island Camp (Hot Springs) where she will meet you after the quest.

All Maister's Teachings Locations and Skills

How to Play the Magick Archer

Stay Behind Your Party Members

Magick Archers need to consistently hit their attacks so always stay behind your party members when casting anything. Warrior and Fighter pawns are going to be your best friend so you need them to take all of the monster's attention away from you.

Use Both Your Shot Types

Switching between wide and narrow shot types is your key to victory. Use Wide shots when you're attacking hoards of enemies while go with the narrow shot if you're fighting bosses.

Martyr's Bolt is Powerful so Use it in Boss Battles

If you're fighting a particularly tough boss battle, use Martyr's Bolt to deal an extremely absurd amount of damage in exchange for your health and increased loss gauge. Use it as a trump card to turn the tides of battle!

Martyr's Bolt is Learned As You Unlock the Vocation

Unlike other Maister Teachings where you need to do a quest for the Maisters to get the ultimate skill, Martyr's Bolt is taught to you by Cliodhna when you unlock the vocation. You can then use this skill immediately after changing vocations.

All Magick Archer Augments

Augment Details
Sustainment Augment Effect:
Augments the physical Defense and Magick Defense of pawns in your party.
Rank Unlocked: 2
DCP Cost: 300
Voracity Augment Effect:
Recovers a small amount of Stamina when you deliver the killing blow to a target.
Rank Unlocked: 4
DCP Cost: 900
Prolificity Augment Effect:
Increases the likelihood that smaller targets will drop items.
Rank Unlocked: 6
DCP Cost: 1800
Ascendancy Augment Effect:
Augments the Strength and Magick of pawns in your party.
Rank Unlocked: 8
DCP Cost: 3000
Amelioration Augment Effect:
Reduces the amount of time taken for fallen pawns to revive.
Rank Unlocked: 9
DCP Cost: 5000

List of Augments

All Magick Archer Skills

Weapon Skills

Weapon Skill Description
Remedy Arrow Skill Effect:
Looses an arrow blessed with magick that revives fallen pawns when fully charged. If loosed too early, the arrow will instead restore the Health of any allies it strikes.
Rank Unlocked: 1
DCP Cost: 200
Frostseeker Bolt Skill Effect:
Fires a bolt of magickal ice that pursues hostile targets of its own accord and can inflict frostbite.
Rank Unlocked: 1
DCP Cost: 0
Irradiant Orb Skill Effect:
Fires an orb of searing flame that illuminates the area and may cause targets within to catch fire. Orb adheres to walls and hostile targets on contact. Effect duration depends on charge time.
Rank Unlocked: 1
DCP Cost: 200
Sedative Bolt Skill Effect:
Fires a magickal bolt that adds to target's sleep value on impact. Amount added increases the longer the bolt is charged, but as the sleep value is variable, firing multiple bolts is most effective.
Rank Unlocked: 2
DCP Cost: 300
Ricochet Seeker Skill Effect:
Looses a magickal arrow that flies wildly about, increasing in power as it ricochets off walls. Effective in cramped quarters.
Rank Unlocked: 2
DCP Cost: 300
Flamefang Arrow Skill Effect:
Fires an arrow of magickal flame that explodes on impact. Can control the arrow's trajectory after it is loosed.
Rank Unlocked: 3
DCP Cost: 450
Vimtaking Arrow Skill Effect:
Looses an arrow head with magick that saps the Health of hostile targets in the line of fire and grants it to allied pawns. The more targets the arrow hits, the more Health will be recovered.
Rank Unlocked: 3
DCP Cost: 450
Frosthunter Bolt Skill Effect:
An advanced form of Frostseeker Bolt that extends the effect's duration.
Rank Unlocked: 4
DCP Cost: 1000
Candescent Orb Skill Effect:
An advanced form of Irradiant Orb that extends the effect's duration.
Rank Unlocked: 4
DCP Cost: 1000
Hailstone Bolt Skill Effect:
Fires a clump of ice that grows in size the longer it is charged and delivers a solid blow to foes it strikes.
Rank Unlocked: 4
DCP Cost: 700
Sparkchain Stake Skill Effect:
Looses a stake imbued with magickal lightning, piercing a hostile target or the ground. If stakes land near to each other, crackling bolts spark between them, dealing damage to foes.
Rank Unlocked: 5
DCP Cost: 1100
Recovery Arrow Skill Effect:
An advanced form of Remedy Arrow that requires less time to charge.
Rank Unlocked: 5
DCP Cost: 1300
Ricochet Hunter Skill Effect:
An advanced form of Ricochet Seeker that extends the duration of the magickal arrow's effect.
Rank Unlocked: 5
DCP Cost: 1300
Bartizan Skill Effect:
Erects a barrier around an ally, blocking incoming attacks and dealing damage to the attacker. The stronger the attack received, the more powerful the counterattack unleashed.
Rank Unlocked: 6
DCP Cost: 1800
Lifetaking Arrow Skill Effect:
An advanced form of Vimtaking Arrow that extends the effective range when absorbing Health from hostile targets.
Rank Unlocked: 6
DCP Cost: 1600
Soporific Bolt Skill Effect:
An advanced form of Sedative Bolt that requires less time to charge.
Rank Unlocked: 6
DCP Cost: 1600
Arctic Bolt Skill Effect:
An advanced form of Hailstone Bolt that inflicts greater harm when fully charged.
Rank Unlocked: 7
DCP Cost: 2000
Blazefang Arrow Skill Effect:
An advanced form of Flamefang Arrow with an extended effective range.
Rank Unlocked: 7
DCP Cost: 2000
Sagittate Downpour Skill Effect:
Conjures and fires a multitude of magickal arrows. Arrows can be concentrated on a single target or on a single point on a target.
Rank Unlocked: 7
DCP Cost: 2500
Boltchain Stake Skill Effect:
An advanced form of Sparkchain Stake that extends the effect’s duration.
Rank Unlocked: 8
DCP Cost: 2500
Fortalice Skill Effect:
An advanced form of Bartizan that extends the barrier’s duration.
Rank Unlocked: 8
DCP Cost: 2500
Sagittate Avalanche Skill Effect:
An advanced form of Sagittate Downpour that increases the number of conjurable arrows.
Rank Unlocked: 9
DCP Cost: 3000
Martyr's Bolt Skill Effect:
Fires the ultimate magickal bolt in exchange for a temporary decrease to the user's maximum Health. Reduced amount determines the bolt's potency. The loss gauge accumulates while charging.
Unlocked via a Maister

List of All Weapon Skills

Core Skills

Core Skill Description
Quickfire Skill Effect:
Fires a trio of magickal arrows that disperse in a forward direction. Can be employed while moving. Pierces target with arrow directly if employed while clinging to or pinning down a target.
Rank Unlocked: 1
DCP Cost: 0
Conversion Skill Effect:
Alters ability of user’s magickal arrows. Choose: Pinpoint Volley that strikes multiple targets or multiple points on a target—OR Rivet Shot that attacks a single target or one point on a target.
Rank Unlocked: 1
DCP Cost: 0
Pinpoint Volley Skill Effect:
Takes aim at multiple targets or multiple points on a target before firing with precision. Can be employed while moving.
Rank Unlocked: 1
DCP Cost: 0
Rivet Shot Skill Effect:
Takes aim at a single target or a single point on a target before firing with precision. Can be employed while moving.
Rank Unlocked: 1
DCP Cost: 0
Climactic Arrow Skill Effect:
Increases harm inflicted with Pinpoint Volley and Rivet Shot if loosed the instant the bow is fully drawn.
Rank Unlocked: 1
DCP Cost: 150
Scopic Sight Skill Effect:
Extends lock-on range when using Pinpoint Volley or Rivet Shot.
Rank Unlocked: 2
DCP Cost: 250
Tracker's Sight Skill Effect:
Increases the maximum number of lock-on targets when using Pinpoint Volley or Rivet Shot.
Rank Unlocked: 3
DCP Cost: 400
Protracting Arrow Skill Effect:
After the user employs a fire, ice, or lightning weapon skill, that element is conferred to arrows loosed with Quickfire, Pinpoint Volley, and Rivet Shot. The effect persists for a short time.
Rank Unlocked: 4
DCP Cost: 600

List of All Core Skills

All Magick Archer Weapons

Weapon Type Strength / Magick Vocation
Militant Dove IconMilitant Dove Magickal Bow 0/330
Dragons Dogma 2 - Magick Archer Icon Magick Archer
Obtain from Grisha's Armory (48000G).
Siocadh IconSiocadh Magickal Bow 0/220
Dragons Dogma 2 - Magick Archer Icon Magick Archer
Obtain from Grisha's Armory (18800G).
DragonDragon's Breath Magickal Bow 0/350
Dragons Dogma 2 - Magick Archer Icon Magick Archer
Obtain from Volcanic Island Armory (55900G).
Blackwing Bow IconBlackwing Bow Magickal Bow 0/380
Dragons Dogma 2 - Magick Archer Icon Magick Archer
Obtain from Roderick's Smithy (65000G).
Gimble Gyre IconGimble Gyre Magickal Bow 0/200
Dragons Dogma 2 - Magick Archer Icon Magick Archer
Obtain from Awaran's Arms (12800G).
Grianmhar IconGrianmhar Magickal Bow 0/420
Dragons Dogma 2 - Magick Archer Icon Magick Archer
Bay Wayside Shrine (The Dragonforged)
HeraldHerald's Helix Magickal Bow 0/310
Dragons Dogma 2 - Magick Archer Icon Magick Archer
Obtain from Awaran's Arms (36800G).
Magian Crutch IconMagian Crutch Magickal Bow 0/130
Dragons Dogma 2 - Magick Archer Icon Magick Archer
Obtain from Roderick's Smithy (2860G).
Metered Catharsis IconMetered Catharsis Magickal Bow 0/260
Dragons Dogma 2 - Magick Archer Icon Magick Archer
Terminal Gyre IconTerminal Gyre Magickal Bow 0/165
Dragons Dogma 2 - Magick Archer Icon Magick Archer
Obtain from Roderick's Smithy (7850G).

List of Weapons and Weapon Mechanics

All Magick Archer Armor

Armor Defense Magick Defense Vocations
Wizard Wizard's Hat
0.45 kg
7 11
Dragons Dogma 2 - Magick Archer Icon Magick Archer
Purchase at Bjorn's Armory for 2620 G.
Scout Scout's Hood
0.62 kg
9 6
Dragons Dogma 2 - Magick Archer Icon Magick Archer
Purchase at Runne's Apothecary for 1012 G.
Serpentine Circlet Icon Serpentine Circlet
0.70 kg
11 26
Dragons Dogma 2 - Magick Archer Icon Magick Archer
Purchase at Bjorn's Armory for 6300 G.
Forest Greaves Icon Forest Greaves
1.38 kg
17 17
Dragons Dogma 2 - Magick Archer Icon Magick Archer
Plumed Cap Icon Plumed Cap
0.62 kg
20 14
Dragons Dogma 2 - Magick Archer Icon Magick Archer
Purchase at Bjorn's Armory for 3900 G.
Crown of Insight Icon Crown of Insight
0.63 kg
30 45
Dragons Dogma 2 - Magick Archer Icon Magick Archer
Purchase at Bodas's Armory for 15800 G.
Ruminant Circlet Icon Ruminant Circlet
0.91 kg
30 30
Dragons Dogma 2 - Magick Archer Icon Magick Archer
Purchase at Grisha's Armory for 9900 G.
Friar Friar's Hood
1.24 kg
31 22
Dragons Dogma 2 - Magick Archer Icon Magick Archer
Purchase at Bjorn's Armory for 8100 G.
Leafshade Hood Icon Leafshade Hood
0.85 kg
32 41
Dragons Dogma 2 - Magick Archer Icon Magick Archer
Purchase at Grisha's Armory for 12600 G.
Battahli Turban Icon Battahli Turban
1.94 kg
38 70
Dragons Dogma 2 - Magick Archer Icon Magick Archer
Purchase at Bodas's Armory for 12600 G.
Sage Sage's Hood
1.33 kg
41 45
Dragons Dogma 2 - Magick Archer Icon Magick Archer
Purchase at Celeste's Smithy for 14500 G.
Dawn Hood Icon Dawn Hood
1.20 kg
42 38
Dragons Dogma 2 - Magick Archer Icon Magick Archer
Purchase at Celeste's Smithy for 13800 G.
Stylish Boots Icon Stylish Boots
2.15 kg
45 35
Dragons Dogma 2 - Magick Archer Icon Magick Archer
Purchase at Celeste's Smithy for 7200 G.
Ranger Ranger's Tights
1.67 kg
45 30
Dragons Dogma 2 - Magick Archer Icon Magick Archer
Obtain from a Chest Northeast of Vermund.
Lionel Hosen Icon Lionel Hosen
1.81 kg
47 15
Dragons Dogma 2 - Magick Archer Icon Magick Archer
Purchase at Nameless Apothecary, Celeste's Smithy for 7200 G.
Bush Raiders Icon Bush Raiders
2.16 kg
50 9
Dragons Dogma 2 - Magick Archer Icon Magick Archer
Purchase at Nameless Apothecary for 7500 G.
Over-Knee Boots Icon Over-Knee Boots
1.56 kg
52 30
Dragons Dogma 2 - Magick Archer Icon Magick Archer
Purchase at Grisha's Armory for 9900 G.
Solar Ascension Icon Solar Ascension
1.00 kg
55 85
Dragons Dogma 2 - Magick Archer Icon Magick Archer
Purchase at Volcanic Island Armory for 26000 G.
Griffin-Feather Hood Icon Griffin-Feather Hood
1.42 kg
60 30
Dragons Dogma 2 - Magick Archer Icon Magick Archer
Purchase at Bodas's Armory for 23800 G.
Chanter Chanter's Half Robe
2.50 kg
65 50
Dragons Dogma 2 - Magick Archer Icon Magick Archer
Purchase at Celeste's Smithy for 9800 G.
Practitioner Practitioner's Hosen
1.95 kg
66 79
Dragons Dogma 2 - Magick Archer Icon Magick Archer
Purchase at Bodas's Armory for 24500 G.
Beast-Leather Breeches Icon Beast-Leather Breeches
2.20 kg
68 25
Dragons Dogma 2 - Magick Archer Icon Magick Archer
Purchase at Celeste's Smithy for 14800 G.
Nightfall Greaves Icon Nightfall Greaves
1.60 kg
70 34
Dragons Dogma 2 - Magick Archer Icon Magick Archer
Purchase at Grisha's Armory for 15800 G.
Wildland Greaves Icon Wildland Greaves
2.53 kg
72 20
Dragons Dogma 2 - Magick Archer Icon Magick Archer
Purchase at Bodas's Armory for 15600 G.
Archer Archer's Vest
2.20 kg
74 52
Dragons Dogma 2 - Magick Archer Icon Magick Archer
Purchase at Grisha's Armory for 13900 G.
Soulskin Icon Soulskin
4.72 kg
78 90
Dragons Dogma 2 - Magick Archer Icon Magick Archer
Purchase at Bodas's Armory for 12200 G.
Gauntleted Petticoat Icon Gauntleted Petticoat
2.60 kg
80 80
Dragons Dogma 2 - Magick Archer Icon Magick Archer
Purchase at Harve Village (Ines) for 16000 G.
Dapper Chausses Icon Dapper Chausses
2.46 kg
83 55
Dragons Dogma 2 - Magick Archer Icon Magick Archer
Purchase at Bodas's Armory for 28000 G.
Braided Boots Icon Braided Boots
1.45 kg
85 75
Dragons Dogma 2 - Magick Archer Icon Magick Archer
Purchase at Zachary's Shop for 16800 G.
Confidant Confidant's Hood
1.62 kg
88 73
Dragons Dogma 2 - Magick Archer Icon Magick Archer
Purchase at Volcanic Island Armory for 33500 G.
Rathe Greaves Icon Rathe Greaves
2.16 kg
88 30
Dragons Dogma 2 - Magick Archer Icon Magick Archer
Purchase at Bodas's Armory for 25200 G.
Graceful Tunic Icon Graceful Tunic
1.98 kg
93 70
Dragons Dogma 2 - Magick Archer Icon Magick Archer
Purchase at Grisha's Armory for 21900 G.
Evergreen Greaves Icon Evergreen Greaves
2.86 kg
94 94
Dragons Dogma 2 - Magick Archer Icon Magick Archer
Purchase at Grisha's Armory for 37500 G.
Mercenary Hosen Icon Mercenary Hosen
2.02 kg
95 70
Dragons Dogma 2 - Magick Archer Icon Magick Archer
Purchase at Volcanic Island Armory for 29710 G.
Noble Jacket Icon Noble Jacket
2.86 kg
98 75
Dragons Dogma 2 - Magick Archer Icon Magick Archer
Purchase at Bodas's Armory for 19500 G.
Crimson Hosen Icon Crimson Hosen
2.77 kg
99 70
Dragons Dogma 2 - Magick Archer Icon Magick Archer
Purchase at Volcanic Island Armory for 32000 G.
Strider Strider's Greaves
3.28 kg
102 99
Dragons Dogma 2 - Magick Archer Icon Magick Archer
Purchase at Bay Wayside Shrine (The Dragonforged) for 30 WLC.
Burgundy Coat Icon Burgundy Coat
3.29 kg
108 120
Dragons Dogma 2 - Magick Archer Icon Magick Archer
Purchase at Bodas's Armory for 23800 G.
Ancient Galea Icon Ancient Galea
1.88 kg
110 110
Dragons Dogma 2 - Magick Archer Icon Magick Archer
Purchase at Bay Wayside Shrine (The Dragonforged) for 20 WLC.
Eonian Coat Icon Eonian Coat
3.90 kg
120 130
Dragons Dogma 2 - Magick Archer Icon Magick Archer
Purchase at Volcanic Island Armory for 38000 G.
Elven Garb Icon Elven Garb
3.95 kg
125 144
Dragons Dogma 2 - Magick Archer Icon Magick Archer
Purchase at Grisha's Armory for 42000 G.
Godsbeast Scalecoat Icon Godsbeast Scalecoat
5.26 kg
144 154
Dragons Dogma 2 - Magick Archer Icon Magick Archer
Purchase at Bjorn's Armory for 111450 G.
Spirit Coat Icon Spirit Coat
2.58 kg
150 185
Dragons Dogma 2 - Magick Archer Icon Magick Archer
Purchase at Bay Wayside Shrine (The Dragonforged) for 70 WLC.
Resonance Armor Icon Resonance Armor
4.70 kg
155 164
Dragons Dogma 2 - Magick Archer Icon Magick Archer
Purchase at Bay Wayside Shrine (The Dragonforged) for 70 WLC.
Elegant Petticoat
3.02 kg
160 160
Dragons Dogma 2 - Magick Archer Icon Magick Archer
Purchase at Zachary's Shop for 43050 G.

List of Armors and Effects

Magick Archer Basic Information and Rating

Magick Archer Magick Archer Vocation Type
Hybrid Vocation
Equipable Weapons
Magick Bows
Tier Rating
Tier Rating
A Rank N/A

Best Vocations and Class Tier List

Great for Long-Range Combat with Magic


The Magick Archer vocation is great for players who want to deal long-range damage with a splash of magic! The spells included in the vocation range from offensive to supportive magic.

Related Articles
How to Unlock All Vocations Best Party Composition

Magick Archer is Exclusive to the Arisen

Magick Archer is a vocation exclusive to the Arisen. Your pawns cannot equip this vocation and there won't be any Magic Archer for hire from Riftstones.

Best Pawn Vocations

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Best Vocations and Class Tier List

List of All Vocations

Starter Vocations
FighterFighter ArcherArcher ThiefThief MageMage
Advanced Vocations
WarriorWarrior SorcererSorcerer
Hybrid Vocations
Magick ArcherMagick Archer Mystic SpearhandMystic Spearhand
TricksterTrickster WarfarerWarfarer

Vocations by Type

All Vocation Types
Starter Advanced Hybrid

Vocation Guides and Articles

All Vocation Guides and Articles
How to Unlock All Vocations How to Change Vocations
Should You Level All Vocations? -


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What about Sagittate Downpour?


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