Dragon's Dogma 2 (DD2)

All Seeker's Token Locations


Seeker's Tokens are collectibles that you can exchange from rare equipment in Dragon's Dogma 2 (DD2). Read on for a list of all Seeker's Token locations, what Seeker's Tokens are used for, and where to find them.

All Seeker's Token Locations

Seeker's Token Map


World Map


Legend for Map Icons
Inn Inn Treasure Chest Treasure Chest Golden Trove Beetle Golden Trove Beetle
Seeker Seeker's Token Riftstone Riftstone Portcrystal Portcrystal
Oxcart Oxcart Mountain iconCaves Statue IconStatues
Dragon Notice We are currently working on filling up this list.
Check back soon for more updates!

All Seeker's Token Map Locations

Southwest of Borderwatch. Reach this area by jumping on rocky platforms close to the river's edge.
West of Borderwatch, jump down to the rocky area below, close to the water.
West of Borderwatch and heading up the mountain path. The token is in a Harpy nest at the top of a hill.
To get here, you must circle around, heading out west from Borderwatch, then north up the mountain path, through The Mountain's Secret tunnel, then back outside. The token is in an abandoned shack.
Head southwest of Borderwatch, down to the edge of the river, then jump down to an area close to the water where the token is.
There is a Seeker's Token right at the base of a giant statue northwest from Borderwatch.
In a Harpy nest on a rocky hill, west of Borderwatch. Climb a nearby hill across the path and cross the rock bridge to get on top.
Head northeast from Melve along the path and collect the Seeker's Token from a tombstone. To get here, you will need to destroy a boulder lodged into the rock wall that opens up a path into the area.
At the top of Dracanward tower, southwest in the town of Melve.
On top of ruins at the Gathering of Beasts, east of Melve town.
On a cliff overlooking a ravine far east of Melve and east of Gathering of Beasts.
Head east from Vernworth. The Seeker's Token can be collected from a basket on a small pier by the shore.
Climb on top of the roof of the building of the Grand Riftstone of Vermund, the Seeker's Token will be on the ground in front of a couple treasure chests.

Seeker's Token Rewards

Rewards Tokens Description
FerrystoneFerrystone 1 A stone that can instantly spirit the user back to the location of a set Portcrystal.
Ring of VehemenceRing of Vehemence 5 A ring imbued with power. The wearer's attacks are more likely to stagger and knock down foes.
Ring of TriumphRing of Triumph 15 A ring imbued with power. Slightly boosts maximum Health, maximum Stamina, and the maximum amount of weight that the wearer can carry.
Dowsing SpikesDowsing Spikes 30 Daggers with hilts meant to recall snakes on the hunt. They emit a glow whenever treasure is near.
Twilight StarTwilight Star 50 A simple metal circlet. Adorned with a small jewel over the brow that resembles a faintly twinkling star.
Ring of ProfusionRing of Profusion 70 A ring imbued with power. Moderately increases the maximum amount of weight that the wearer can carry.
ChampionChampion's Mantle 90 A mantle that exudes self-assured majesty. Makes any triumph seem a foregone conclusion.
Eternal BondEternal Bond 120 A ring that brims with mystic light. Grants the wearer a more companionable air. When offered as a gift, it deepens the bond between giver and receiver.
Charming CorsetCharming Corset 150 A garment of thin cloth that hugs the wearer's frame, drawing lightly over the waist and hips to flattering effect.
LegionLegion's Might 180 A staff crowned with a small piece of an Arisen's heart. Pawns who equip it revive of their own accord when rendered immobile.
Ring of EndeavorRing of Endeavor 220 A ring bearing a mysterious power that invigorates the spirit. Slightly boosts discipline gained from defeating foes.

What are Seeker's Tokens?

Check MarkExchange at Guild Halls for Rewards

Check MarkFound in Remote or Picturesque Locations

Check MarkUnlocks The Collector Achievement

Exchange at Guild Halls for Rewards

Exchange Seeker
Seeker's Tokens can be exchanged at guild halls and inns for various equipment with stat-boosting effects. These equipment can aid a great deal in battle and exploration so keep an eye out for tokens out in the world.

Found in Remote or Picturesque Locations

Seeker's Tokens can be found in chests or by examining objects out in the world map. Search every nook and cranny for every notable spot in order to discover these hard-to-find tokens.

Unlocks The Collector Achievement

Upon collecting 80 Seeker's Tokens, you will unlock "The Collector" achievement, so avid trophy-hunters will want to look out for these collectibles.

Trophy Guide and List of Achievements

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