Dragon's Dogma 2 (DD2)

What to Do First


The vast world of Dragon's Dogma 2 can be daunting and knowing which quest and what to do first is important for your survival. See which quests and what to do first in Dragon's Dogma 2, as well as other beginner tips that can help you progress through the game with ease!

Quests to Do First

Best Quest Order Upon Arriving at Vernworth

Proceed the main questline until Seat of the Sovran, which brings you to the largest early game point-of-interest, Vernworth. Here, you'll have to meet up with Brant, who will have a total of 7 quests that you can mostly do in any order. Below is the best quests to do first, including the side quests that have great early game unlockables.

What Quests to Do First
CheckmarkDisa's Plot (Main Quest)
┗ Obtain Marcher's Armor set here (don't sell it afterward, as you'll need it in An Unsettling Encounter)
CheckmarkGo back to Melve
Oxcart Courier (Optional; Side Quest)
┗ Repel the Dragon
 ┗ Talk to Sigurd (Unlocks Mystic Spearhand Vocation)
 ┗ Readvent of Calamity (Side Quest)
CheckmarkMonster Culling (Main Quest)
Vocation Frustration (Unlocks: Sorcerer, Warrior Vocations)
┗ Head to Harve Village
  ┗ Scaly Invaders (Side Quest)
   ┗ Trouble on the CapeUlrika Romance (Side Quest)
Thief IconThe Nameless Village (Optional; Main Quest)
┗ Thief Maister Skill and Good Thief Equipment found at objective's location
Forge the Gaol key when you get it from Brant (Optional)
The Heel of History (Sub-quest)
┣ Progress using Marcher's Armor set from Disa's Plot
┗ Jump out the window of Allard's room to encounter Wilhelmina
 ┣ Complete An Unsettling Encounter
  ┗ Talk to Wilhelmina to auto-progress The Stolen Throne (no need to attend the masquerade)
   ┣ Talk to Brant to complete The Stolen Throne.
   ┗ Talk to Wilhelmina → Rest at an inn → Talk to her again to do Wilhelmina Romance
CheckmarkFeast of Deception (Main Quest)

All Quests List and Quest Guides

Quests to Do First Walkthrough

1 Complete Disa's Plot quest
First, do Brant's Disa's Plot quest ("Tell me of the queen regent."), as it's one of Brant's shortest quests and it will help you obtain the Marcher's Armor, Marcher's Cuisses, Marcher's Helm, which you'll need to walk around Vernworth Castle at night undetected. This armor set is used in this mission as well as An Unsettling Encounter later on.
2 Go Back to Melve
After completing 1 Brant Quest, you can take an oxcart back to Melve to witness a dragon attacking it during the Readvent of Calamity side quest.

(Additional: taking the oxcart back to Melve is related to the Oxcart Courier side quest.)
Repel the Dragon to unlock Mystic Spearhand and Ulrika Romance

If you repel the dragon (the first objective of Readvent of Calamity), talk to Sigurd and ask about his manner of fighting in order to unlock the Mystic Spearhand vocation. This is one of the best vocations.

Additionally, Readvent of Calamity is the first quest in the Ulrika Romance questline. We recommend doing this at this point, since you won't be able to after completing Feast of Deception later on.
3 Go Back to Vernworth and Complete Monster Culling
Head back to Vernworth and take on 2 quests; Vocation Frustration at the Vocation Guild and the next Brant Quest, Monster Culling ("Tell me of monster culling"). The latter is considerably longer and combat-centric, but it will bring you to locations with useful unlocks and you'll be well-equipped with the Mystic Spearhand vocation now.
Loot the Archistaff and Greatsword at Trevo Mines

One of the locations Monster Culling brings you to is Trevo Mines. Trevo Mines is also where you can obtain the Archistaff and Greatsword for Vocation Frustration. Bringing back both these items to the Vocation Guild unlocks the Advanced Vocations: Warrior and Sorcerer. That's three birds with one stone.
Go to Harve Village

Monster Culling will also bring you to Harve Village. Make sure to activate Harve Village Portcrystal so you can fast travel back here at later times.

After completing the Monster Culling section near Harve Village, head back to the village to trigger the Scaly Invaders side quest. This is the second quest in Ulrika's Romance questline.
4 (Optional) Complete Ulrika's Romance Questline
Dragon If you're interested in finishing out Ulrika's Romance questline, go back to Harve Village some time after completing Scaly Invaders to do Trouble on the Cape and Home Is Where the Hearth Is.
5 (Optional - for Thieves) The Nameless Village
If you're a Thief, the next Brant Quest you can do is The Nameless Village ("Tell me of the false sovran"). The Nameless Village is where you can find the Thief Maister Skill and also some good equipment for the Thief class. If you're not a Thief though, we don't recommend doing this Brant Quest.
6 Complete The Caged Magistrate
The next Brant Quest you can do is The Caged Magistrate ("Tell me of the magistrate.") and its sub-quest The Heel of History. When Brant gives you the Gaol key, make sure you create your own copy of the key at the forgery. Just in case you get imprisoned during any of the next Brant Quests.
7 Complete An Unsettling Encounter
The last couple of Brant Quests you can do is An Unsettling Encounter ("Tell me of the rumors about Allard") and The Stolen Throne ("Tell me of the masquerade"). Doing An Unsettling Encounter first will automatically progress The Stolen Throne for you as long as you talk to Wilhelmina afterward, so we recommend you do that to save time.
Jump out of Allard's window during Unsettling Encounter
Make sure to jump out of Allard's window during An Unsettling Encounter in order to encounter Wilhelmina in the castle courtyard. Don't pass Allard's front door since that'll make you miss Wilhelmina entirely.

Complete An Unsettling Encounter by talking to Brant, then talk to Wilhelmina at the Rose Chateau Bordelrie to also auto-progress The Stolen Throne (you won't need to attend the masquerade anymore). Talk to Brant after to complete The Stolen Throne.
(Optional) Wilhelmina Romance Quest

While not required, you could finish out the Wilhelmina-Allard storyline during the quest Every Rose Has Its Thorn by waiting a day after finishing An Unsettling Encounter.
8 Complete Feast of Deception
Feast of Deception ("Tell me of the coronation.") is the last Brant Quest. It unlocks when you do 5 of his 6 previous quests. Obtain the Courtly Tunic and Courtly Breeches, then do this quest before heading off to Bakbattahl as part of the story.

What to Do First

Early Game Tips

Create Your Character


Creating your character in Dragon's Dogma 2 can be done immediately after starting the game. The game boasts a wide array of selection when it comes to customizing your character. Some players can even make their character look the same as popular movie characters like Paul Atreides from Dune.

If you ever want to change your character's appearance, simply head to a barber shop or use a transumation item.

Character Creator Guide

Race Can't Be Changed Afterwards


While you can change your character anytime in the game, note that the race that you picked in the initial character creation can't be changed afterwards.

Choose a Vocation

Vocation Explanation
Dragons Dogma 2 - Fighter IconFighter ・Uses a one-handed sword and a shield.
・Excels at close combat.
Dragons Dogma 2 - Archer IconArcher ・Excels at long-distance attacks using bows and arrows.
・Good distance management and positioning is important.
Dragons Dogma 2 - Thief IconThief ・Holds a dagger in both hands.
・Can dish out quick consecutive attacks and boasts high mobility.
Dragons Dogma 2 - Mage IconMage ・Fights using magic.
・Can use recovery magic that's useful for beginners.

Aside from character creation, you'll also be prompted to pick a vocation for your character early in the game. Each vocation has completely different fighting styles, so make sure to pick one that suits your playstyle best!

Best Starting Class and Starter Vocation

You Can Change Your Vocation Anytime at a Vocation Guild

If you happen to pick a vocation that you don't like, you can change it at a Vocation Guild situated in each town. We recommend trying out the different vocations first, so you can find which one you like best.

How to Change Vocations

Hire Pawns for Support in Combat and Quests


Hiring Pawns is one of the most essential mechanics in Dragon's Dogma 2 and should be done at all stages of the game. Pawns are vital support characters that can help both in combat and quests.

Your party can have up to three Pawns, including your Main Pawn. Some Pawns possess relevant information for quests as indicated by the hand symbol on the quest list. Simply set the quest as Priority and issue the “Go!” command and the Pawn will lead the way to the quest location.

Pawns System Explained

Support Pawns Do Not Rank Up, So Hire Them Again

Unfortunately, support pawns do not rank up from the level they were at when they were hired. Because of this, we recommend hiring new pawns every time you rank up. If you feel that your support pawns aren't performing at their best, feel free to hire a new pawn at a Riftstone.

All Riftstone Locations

Rank Up Your Vocation to Get Augments


It's also important to rank up your vocation by earning Discipline Points (DCP). Increasing your vocation rank rewards you with augments that aid you in combat and exploration.

Augments can be equipped to any vocation but you can only equip 6 of them at a time. Similar to changing your vocation, you can change the augments you're equipped with at a Vocation Guild.

Should You Level All Vocations?

Clear Timed Side Quests

Dragons Dogma 2 - Side Quests Affected By the Passage of Time

Some side quests in Dragon's Dogma 2 are time sensitive. They need to be completed within a certain time, else you won't be able to reap their rewards.

Because of this, we recommend clearing timed side quests right away. Doing so will make sure that you won't miss out on any of their rewards. Just like other side quests, you'll be rewarded with EXP, money, and various items upon finishing them.

Don't miss out on any side quest in the game by talking to NPCs in the overworld.

List of All Timed Quests

Clear “A Place to Call Home” Quest


One side quest that we recommend completing is the quest “A Place to Call Home” that you can unlock in Vernworth. Completing this quest lets you purchase your own private dwelling for 20,000 Gold.

The house that you will purchase in this quest works the same as an inn. Here you can recover your health and use the warehouse as much as you like for free!

How to Get Houses and All Houses List

Unlock Portcrystals at Vernworth and Harve Village


Aside from oxcarts, there are 2 Fast Travel points that you can unlock to make the northern section of the map easier to traverse.

The first Fast Travel point is the Portcrystal in Vernworth that becomes available during the Seat of the Sovran main quest. The second one is in Harve Village where Captain Brant issues the Vernworth Quest named Monster Culling. Take note that you'll need a Ferrystone to be able to teleport to Portcrystals!

Find an Oxcart Station Bell at Nighttime

If it's nighttime and you need to fast travel to another location, simply find an Oxcart Station Bell and hold B and circle to skip time to the following morning.

All Fast Travel Points: How to Fast Travel

Always Keep At Least One Ferrystone With You


When you're out exploring especially during the night or in dark areas, it's a good idea to have at least one Ferrystone in your inventory to use in emergencies.

There's always a chance of getting ambushed by enemies when you least expect. You may even encounter a boss that can overwhelm your party! If you need to make a tactical retreat, simply pop a Ferrystone to get to safety instantly.

How to Get Ferrystones

Don't Go Past Your Weight Limit


Your character, including your Main Pawn, can only carry a set amount of weight. Carrying more than this limit will overencumber you, drastically increasing the amount of stamina consumed, making exploration and combat more difficult.

How to Increase Weight Limit

Temporarily Store Items at an Inn or to a Pawn to Lighten Your Load


Items that you don't have an immediate need for can be deposited at an Inn to reduce your load.

If you're out exploring and don't have easy access to an inn, you can give some of your items to your Pawns for a quick fix.

All Inn Locations

Don't Forget to Collect Items After Defeating Enemies


Examine fallen enemies after every battle to collect your spoils. Enemy corpses that have available items to be looted glow white, so always scan your surroundings after fighting.

List of All Items

What To Do If You Can't Win Against Enemies

How to Deal with Strong Enemies

Hire New Pawns and Mix Up Your Team Composition

Dragons Dogma 2 - Always Stay Behind Pawns

It's important to hire new pawns at all stages of the game and try out different team compositions. Hired Pawns do not level up unlike the Arisen and Main Pawn, so you need to constantly hire new ones to keep up with progressively stronger enemies.

Best Party Composition

Always Hire Mages


Mages should be a staple in every party as they can deal heavy damage with and provide healing with their spells. They are incredibly versatile and will prove useful in most situations.

Mage Best Skills and Builds

Level Up and Raise Vocation Ranks

Dragons Dogma 2 - Raise Vocation Ranks

Raise your Vocation ranks to get access to useful and stronger Core Skills, Weapon Skills, and Augments.

Take note that you only have limited slots to equip your skills and augments, so choose the ones that fit your play style the best.

How to Level Up Fast: Leveling Guide

Study Attack Patterns and Exploit Weaknesses


Bosses and enemies have certain tells in their attacks that you can use to avoid. If you encounter an enemy for the first time, consider staying on the defensive until you recognize their openings and then retaliate.

Some enemies also have weak spots and elemental weaknesses that you can take advantage of to deal bonus damage and end fights quickly.

List of All Bosses and Boss Drops

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