Dragon's Dogma 2 (DD2)

Should You Buy Mildred's House?

It is recommended to buy Mildred's house in Dragon's Dogma 2 (DD2) to avoid paying fees at inns. See more details about whether you should buy Mildred's house and its location here!

Should You Buy Mildred's House?

Buy the House to Avoid Inn Fees


Houses have beds where you can rest to pass the time and serve as a reloadable save-point. This functions identically to inns, which charge around 2,000 G for a night.

Spending the 20,000 G to buy Mildred's house will be well worth considering the nearby inn costs 2,000 G a night. You'll be spending a lot of time in Vermund, Vernworth specifically, so having a place to rest and save for cheap will prove useful.

Use Houses as Save Points

Remember that inns and houses are the primary way to save your progress. Resting in an inn or your house is the only saving system in the game besides the auto-saves.

Using your house as a reloadable savepoint can be a great tool to try out different dialogue options and quest outcomes, or test out items and equipment using items or resources with limited supplies.

How to Save: Can You Have Multiple Saves?

Mildred's House Location and Unlock Condition

Mildred's House Location

Mildred's house is located in the Commons Quarter in Vernworth. Mildred herself can be found in the alley east of the Stardrop Inn during the day.

Full Interactive Map and Map Locations

Complete A Place to Call Home


To purchase Mildred's house, you must complete the quest, A Place to Call Home, which involves caring for Mildred's house for seven in-game days.

No additional steps are necessary, as you can complete other quests, go adventuring, or pass the time for those seven days.

When Mildred returns, she'll ask you if you want to buy the house for 20,000 G. She will stay there until you buy the house, which will also complete the quest.

A Place to Call Home Walkthrough

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