Dragon's Dogma 2 (DD2)

Endings Guide: How to Get the True Ending

The True Ending of Dragon's Dogma 2 (DD2) can be unlocked by choosing to alter history after the Legacy quest and completing challenges offered in the Unmoored World. Follow this guide to learn how to get the normal, bad, and true endings, as well as to see the factors that can affect all endings in Dragon's Dogma 2.

Dragon Spoilers Ahead! This page explains the endings in Dragon's Dogma 2 and will contain heavy spoilers!

How to Get the True Ending

How to Get the True Ending

To get to the true ending of Dragon's Dogma 2, challenge the dragon to a fight during the Legacy Main Quest. During this fight, you must stab both the Dragon and yourself through the heart using the Empowered Godsbane Blade.

Pursue the Pathfinder in the Normal Ending

If you've gone for the normal ending, don't fret, you still have a chance to pursue the true ending. Do not take your seat in the throne room after defeating the Dragon; Instead, find and go the Pathfinder seated at a table just to the left of the throne.

Speak with the Pathfinder, and he'll tell you that if you reject the throne, your will shall be tested, as only the strongest of wills can change the ways of the world.

The Pathfinder will reappear in the middle of the throne room. Speak with him again, and you'll be sent back to the back of the dragon before your final fight. This is where you can change the course of history.

Stab the Dragon's Heart Midflight

Dragons Dogma 2 How to Unlock True Ending

Now that you find yourself back on the Dragon's back, carefully crawl toward its underbelly, then toward its heart. Use the Empowered Godsbane Blade and stab it into the Dragon's heart midflight. This will cause you and the dragon to fall into the water.

Several cutscenes will play and you'll be brought into the world that strays from the Dragon's Dogma.

Defeat all of the Dragons

This new world is an unmoored version of the world you used to know. To get to the true ending, you'll have to go through about 3 more hours of quests. This includes reuniting with your main pawn and slaying multiple dragons found across the land.

Changes in the Unmoored World

Unmoored World Differences
Checkmark If you're defeated, you will restart from the first day or the last place you rested at.

Checkmark Small enemies and bosses drop Ferrystones.

Checkmark You cannot use Oxcarts.

Checkmark All Portcrystals will be accessible.

Checkmark More valuable Wyrmslife Crystal exchanges are available.

Checkmark The map erodes as time passes.

Checkmark Enemies that appear are more powerful.

The unmoored world has some significant changes, such as being unable to use Oxcarts, having more powerful enemies that drop Ferrystones, and having you play on a timer, with the map eroding as time passes.

Since Oxcarts aren't available for use, all Portcrystals become accessible even if you haven't unlocked them before.

How to Get the Normal Ending

Defeat the Dragon


If you choose to fight the Dragon during the Legacy quest, he will invite you to ride on his back as he flies you to your battlefield, where you will have your final showdown.

After successfully slaying the Dragon, you'll return to Vernworth, where the people will celebrate your victory. The credits will roll as you walk the aisle of the throne room.

Reclaim your seat on the throne as Sovran, and you'll finish the game with the normal ending. Alternatively, you can try for the True Ending.

Legacy Walkthrough and Rewards

How to Get the Bad Ending

Choose to Sacrifice Your Beloved

Proceed through the Main Quests as our Progression Guide suggests. The story climaxes around the Convergence Main Quest after Ambrosius has helped you repair the Godsbane.

The events that follow will lead you directly into stopping Gigantus, chasing after Phaesus, and the challenge of the Dragon. With your loved one in its clutches, the Dragon will ask whether you have the resolution to face him.

If you disengage with the Dragon, your beloved will be sacrificed. You will still return and take your place as the Sovran, but the game ends with the Arisen as an unhappy and miserable leader.

All Romance Options: Romance Guide

How Many Endings Are There in Dragon's Dogma 2?

Three Endings

There are three endings for Dragon's Dogma 2. As you come to the conclusion of the Legacy Main Quest, there will be a series of dialogue choices and actions that you can take that will affect the ending of the game.

Action Outcome
Bad Ending Choose to Sacrifice Your Beloved by not attacking the Dragon. Reclaim the throne as Sovran as an unhappy and miserable leader.
Normal Ending Attack the Dragon to initiate a challenge, then slay the dragon. Reclaim the throne as Sovran and have the credits roll.
True Ending Attack the Dragon to initiate a challenge. On the ride to the battlefield, stab the Dragon's heart (Use on Self) with the Empowered Godsbane Blade. Continue your adventure in the unmoored world to find an end to the cycle of the Dragon's Dogma.

It's Possible to Get the Normal and True Ending in One Playthrough

You can get both the Normal Ending and the True Ending in one playthrough when choosing to fight the Dragon. After defeating the Dragon, you'll eventually reach the credit roll, where you, the Arisen, claim your rightful place on the Sovran's Throne.

While this could technically serve as the normal ending of the game, you have the chance to pursue the True Ending by speaking to Pathfinder in the Sovran's Throneroom.

The second credit roll happens after completing about 3 more hours of additional content that will test your combat prowess as you take on more dragons in an unmoored land.

Any Ending Allows for New Game Plus

Whether you choose the bad ending or consider the first or second credit roll as the satisfying ending, you can still proceed with restarting the game via New Game Plus.

New Game Plus (NG+) lets you carry over your possessions such as weapons, armor, items, and accumulated wealth, while letting you redo the Quests as a more powerful Arisen.

New Game Plus Changes and
Everything That Carries Over

Other Factors That May Affect the Ending

Factors That Affect the Ending

Halls of the First Dawn Progress

In the unmoored world during the true ending branch of the game, you will be given the Hall of the First Dawn quest.

If you spend too much time idling or if you choose to let the days pass by resting in an inn or bed, the quest ends, and you will not be able to get to the true ending.

Halls of the First Dawn Walkthrough

Quest Progress

There are a lot of quests that can be done in Dragon's Dogma 2, and some of them can affect your ending. We suspect that both main quests and side quests can affect the details of your playthrough, though the three endings should remain generally the same.

All Quests List and Quest Guides

NPC That You Have Most Affinity With


The person held in the Dragon's clutches during the final confrontation may vary from player, to player as this character is likely the one that you have the most affinity with.

How to Raise Affinity

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