Dragon's Dogma 2 (DD2)

Best Staves and All Staves List

Staves are the main weapon of Mages in Dragon's Dogma 2 (DD2). See the best Staves, a list of all Staves, their main stats, and how to get them!

Best Staves

Best Early Game Goblin Bane
Best Midgame Solar Numen
Best Overall Dragon's Nous

Best Early Game Staff

Goblin Bane IconGoblin Bane Strength: 280
Magick: 220
Slash Strength: 0
Strike Strength: 100
Knockdown Power: 131

Best Midgame Staff

Solar Numen IconSolar Numen Strength: 45
Magick: 290
Slash Strength: 0
Strike Strength: 100
Knockdown Power: 94

Best Staff Overall

DragonDragon's Nous Strength: 350
Magick: 430
Slash Strength: 0
Strike Strength: 100
Knockdown Power: 138

The Dragon's Nous is the strongest staff Mages can use, making it the best overall. However, it's only available in the postgame, so consider using the Volant White until then.

List of Staves

All Available Staves

Weapon Strength / Magick Slash / Strike Knock-down Cost
Wooden Staff 11/69 0/100 40 790 G
Ironclad Staff 20/80 0/100 49 1450 G
Superior Wooden Staff 11/91 0/100 40 N/A
Favored Flower 18/94 0/100 53 N/A
Anchor to Heaven 20/115 0/100 51 6200 G
Favored Canopy 28/125 0/100 60 9800 G
Unfettered Claw 30/145 0/100 68 13900 G
Cast Stone 75/201 0/100 80 20500 G
Goblin Bane 280/220 0/100 131 25000 G
Cardinal Blaze 36/253 0/100 76 27800 G
Tintreach 36/253 0/100 75 27800 G
Battahli Scepter 35/263 0/100 85 27300 G
Frigid Finger 50/270 0/100 89 N/A
Solar Numen 45/290 0/100 94 36800 G
Volant White 85/345 0/100 99 45600 G
Necrotic Shriek 75/395 0/100 105 58000 G
Legion's Might 130/400 0/100 134 N/A
Dragon's Nous 350/430 0/100 138 N/A

What are Staves?

Weapons for Mages

Staff is a weapon that is only available for Mages in Dragon's Dogma 2. You won't be able to equip it on other characters with different vocations other than Mages!

Mage Best Builds, Augments, and Skills

Can Be Equipped on a Mage Pawn

Mage Pawns can also equip and use Staves in the game. Consider giving them a better staff other than their default ones to ensure they can perform at the same level as your Arisen character!

Pawns System Explained

Mostly Increases Magick

Staff mostly increases the Magick stat for your Mage character, aside from a few exceptions, like Goblin Bane, where it gives more Strength than Magick. The damage from your Magick attacks will increase if you equip a staff, so be sure to use one!

All Stats Explained

Staves are Different from Archistaves

Archistaves are different from Staves. Archistaves are for Sorcerers, and Staves are for Mages. It means you won't be able to equip an Archistaff to a Mage or a Staff to a Sorcerer.

Dragon's Dogma 2 (DD2) Related Guides

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List of Weapons

All Weapon Types

All Weapon Types
Swords Shields
Maces Daggers
Bows Greatswords
Hammers Staves
Archistaves Magickal Bows
Duospears Censers


1 Anonymous11 months

Best early game staff is Tintreach. Fairly easy to obtain if you have time and effort.


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