Dragon's Dogma 2 (DD2)

List of All Valuables

This guide lists all the Valuables in Dragon's Dogma 2 (DD2). Read on and learn what Valuables are, see a list of all Valuables, how to get them, and what they do!

List of All Valuables

All Valuables

Item How to Get Description
Heartfelt Pendant
• Deluxe Edition A pendant overflowing with tender affection. When offered as a gift, it deepens the bond between giver and receiver.
• Collected in the Overworld A jewel prized for its use as a protective charm. Scarcely seen in Battahl.
Tiger Eye
• Collected in the Overworld A jewel prized for its use as a protective charm. Scarcely seen in elven lands
• Collected in the Overworld A jewel prized for its use as a protective charm. Scarcely seen in Vermund.
Key of Sagacity • Dropped by the Sphinx A key that unlocks a particular chest.
Howling Blizzard
• Loot from Chest
• Obtain from Wendy
A grimoire filled with arcane power, certain to fascinate any sorcerer. Reading it casts the spell High Hagol.
Finder's Token • Found in the place where you first obtained a Seeker's Token A token of indiscernible purpose. Found in the place where you first obtained a Seeker's Token.
Makeshift Vault Key • Obtain from Ancient Battleground Fortress A key that opens Vermund's vault. Of relatively crude make, it will break after a single use.
Glymercole • Farmed in Digger's Ruins Glymercole is a lump of coal found in the depths of an ancient gorge. Unsuitable for use as fuel.
Glimmercoal • Farmed in Digger's Ruins Glimmercoal is a special coal employed in forges. Glows faintly in darkness.
Fulminous Shield
• Purchase from Vendors A grimoire filled with arcane power, certain to fascinate any sorcerer. Reading it casts the spell High Thundermine.
Seeker's Token
• Collected from the Overworld
Let There Be Light
• Obtained from Myrddin's Mansion 2F A grimoire filled with arcane power, certain to fascinate any sorcerer. Reading it casts the spell Empyrean.
Nation's Death Knell
• Chest in Waterfall Cave 2F
• Ancient Battleground during Tolled to Rest
A grimoire filled with arcane power, certain to fascinate any sorcerer. Reading it casts the spell Meteoron.
Towering Earth
• Talk to Waldhar during The Sorcerer's Appraisal A grimoire filled with arcane power, certain to fascinate any sorcerer. Reading it casts the spell High Seism.
On the Transference of Souls 2
• Bought from Ibrahim The second of a pair of grimoires brimming with ancient magick. When reunited with its twin, it grants access to a forgotten spell.
Jadeite Orb
• Bought from Ibrahim
Ornate Box
• Bought from Auriol
On the Transference of Souls 1
• Purchase from Isaac's Wares The first of a pair of grimoires brimming with ancient magick. When reunited with its twin, it grants access to a forgotten spell.
On the Transference of Souls
• Combine On the Transference of Souls 1 and 2 A pair of grimoires brimming with ancient magick. Reading them with both volumes reunited casts the spell Celestial Paean.

What of Valuables

Key Items During Quests

Valuables are key items that are used to progress quests in Dragon's Dogma 2. Be careful, as these can also be discarded, and it may prevent you from finishing a quest if you accidentally discard the item!
All Quests List and Quest Guides

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