Dragon's Dogma 2 (DD2)

What Happens to Items of Dismissed Pawns?

Dragons Dogma 2 - Items After Pawn Dismissal Banner

Items held by pawns are not recoverable when you dismiss them in Dragon's Dogma 2 (DD2). Know what happens to items when you dismiss recruited pawns, what items to give pawns, and will the Arisen of the pawn get the items in this article!

What Happens to Items of Dismissed Pawns?

Items Will Go To Storage

Before Dismissal

Holding Camping Kit x1

Camping Kit x1 Only
After Dismissal

Camping Kit x1 is gone

Camping Kit x2 now (+1)

When dismissing a pawn, all the items held by the pawn will automatically go to your storage in Inns or your House. When you rehire them again, they will only carry the basic equipment for their corresponding vocation.

Hired Pawns That Are Not Revived Are Considered Dismissed Pawn

If one of your Pawns have their HP reduced to zero, they will enter a bleed out state. Arisens will have a limited time to revive said pawn or else they will return to the rift and you have to summon them again via a Riftstone.

This is equivalent to dismissing a pawn and rehiring them again would remove all the items they are holding except their basic equipment.

Your Main Pawn Will Retain Items After Death

Before Death After Death

Inventory before main pawn was killed.

Main pawn is revived from a riftstone.

If your main pawn dies in battle and you fail to revive them during the bleed out state, they will return to the rift and you need to touch a Riftstone to revive them. Main pawns will retain the items in their inventory prior to death since this does not count as a dismissal.

Will the Arisen of the Hired Pawn Get Anything?

The Arisen Will Only Get Gifts

When dismissed, the game will prompt you if you want to give a gift to the pawn you just dismissed. The gift in question is the item that will be received by the Arisen of that dismissed pawn.

The items that the hired pawn is holding will not carry over to the Arisen of the hired pawn - it will just go back to your storage.

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3 Anonymous12 months

Does this apply to equipment also? I swear I gave a heavy piece of equipment to a support pawn and they died retaining the equipment. It was a long loot run so I can't remember if that actually happened due to the amount of items I had in the party.

2 DD2 Walkthrough Team@Game8about 1 year

We have updated the article and the information has been corrected. Thank you for pointing it out! :)


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