Dragon's Dogma 2 (DD2)

All Inn Locations


Inns are where you can recover HP, save your game, change the time, and switch Vocations in Dragon's Dogma 2 (DD2). Read on for a list of all Inn locations, all the things you can do at an Inn, and where to find them.

Interactive Map of All Inns


World Map


Legend for Map Icons
Inn Inn Treasure Chest Treasure Chest Golden Trove Beetle Golden Trove Beetle
Seeker Seeker's Token Riftstone Riftstone Portcrystal Portcrystal
Oxcart Oxcart Mountain iconCaves Statue IconStatues

All Inn Locations

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Check back soon for more updates!

All Inn Map Locations

Borderwatch Lounge: In a big blue tent at the southern part of the town.
Tristan's Inn: Found at the southern part of Melve, south of Borderwatch Outpost.
Shakir's Inn: Found atop some stairs, right above the Vernworth Vocation Guild hall.
The Sword & Staff: Easily found along the main road of the Checkpoint Rest Town, west of Vernworth.

What are Inns?

Check MarkRecovers your HP

Check MarkSaves Your Game

Check MarkChanges Time of Day

Check MarkAllows Organizing of Storage

Check MarkChange Vocation

Check MarkAcquire and Equip Skills

Recovers your HP

Resting at an Inn restores all of your HP and removes the loss status of your HP bar sustained from damage in battle. It is worth resting at an Inn after you've been out for a while on a long quest and have momentarily returned to town.

Saves Your Game

Resting at an Inn saves your game and is far more reliable than loading up your autosaves. Before setting out on a new adventure, make sure to rest up at inns in any town.

Changes Time of Day

You can change the time of day to morning or night by resting at an inn. Should you wish to set off while the sun is up or when everything is dark, you may do so at any inn.
How to Change Time of Day

Allows Organizing of Storage

You can deposit or withdraw items at an Inn to manage your inventory weight. Best to store items you won't immediately need to avoid over-encumbrance, which can negatively affect your mobility.

Change Vocation

Resting at Inns allows you to change your Vocation, which function like job classes. Learn new Vocations with Dcp (Discipline points) and freely change between them as you wish.
List of All Vocations and Classes

Acquire and Equip Skills

You may also learn new Weapon Skills and Core Skills, which also require Dcp to learn. Equipping different skills may change up your tactics and playstyle so make sure to find the skills that work best for you.

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