Dragon's Dogma 2 (DD2)

Dragonsplague Cure and Symptoms


Dragonsplague, sometimes misspelt as Dragon Plague, is a disease that infects Pawns as they travel between worlds in Dragon's Dogma 2. Learn how to cure dragonsplague, the symptoms of dragonsplague, and how pawns get it in this article.

How to Cure Dragonsplague

Cleanse the Infected Pawn with the Brine

Dragons Dogma 2 - Throwing Pawn Into Deep Water

The simplest way to cure Dragonsplague is to throw them in the deep waters to let the Brine consume them. You can esily do this by grabbing your Pawn and throwing them in any deep body of water. Doing so removes the disease entirely!

What is the Brine?

Dismiss the Infected Pawn

Dragons Dogma 2 - Dismiss Pawns

If the pawn that has Dragonsplague is not your main pawn, you can choose to dismiss that pawn before it gets to its terminal stage. However, that infected pawn may have infected other pawns in your party, so be vigilant!

Have Your Infected Pawn Infect Another Pawn

While not chivalrous, you can choose to infect another pawn if you want to remove another pawn's Dragonsplague. Doing so transfers the disease to another and cures your pawn.

Symptoms of Dragonsplague

Symptoms of Dragonsplague

The Pawn Has Red, Glowing Eyes

The most obvious symptoms of the Dragonsplague are found in their eyes. Pawns that have Dragonsplague have the irises of their eyes glow and flicker an eerie red hue and their pupils will take on a shape reminiscent of a dragon's. The main difference from the red eyes in the custom characterization is that it glows and flickers!

To check if any of your Pawn has Dragonsplague, we suggest using Photo Mode to check meticulously by zooming in. You can access Photo Mode from the Pause Menu!

Some Pawns Hide Their Eyes with a Hood!

Armor Defense Magick Defense Vocations
Hood of Nonentity Icon Hood of Nonentity
1.86 kg
65 90
Purchase at Chest for 30000 G. Obtain from a Chest in Caliginous Depths.

Please beware that some pawns in the Rift are wearing head armor that purposely hide their eyes so Arisens cannot check for Dragonsplague infection. Though drastic, we suggest not hiring any Pawn hiding their eyes if you do not want your own pawns to get infected with the plague.

A quick example of a head armor that does this is the Hood of Nonentity which can be worn by four of the six vocations that Pawns can use.

Hood of Nonentity Stats and How to Get

Get a Tutorial Banner on the First Infection

Dragons Dogma 2 - Dragonsplague Information

The first time you get a pawn with the Dragonsplague, the game will show you the tutorial about the disease. Take action immediately by finding the infected pawn!

The Pawn Has Altered Speech and Behavior


Dragonsplague also alters the speech patterns and behavior of a pawn, making them more bold and aggressive. When a pawn is unusually loud or aggressive, they might be affected by Dragonsplague.

The Pawn Ignores Orders

When a pawn has Dragonsplague, they will actively ignore your orders in and out of combat. During combat, they will be as aggressive as possible taking on all enemies and ignoring all orders to fall back.

The Pawn Shows Signs of Sickness

When standing idle, an infected pawn will show signs of restlessness and sickness through their animations. The pawn will have chronic headaches, persistent coughs, and shaky feet.

How to Get Dragonsplague

Fight Draconic Enemies

Repeatedly hunting down draconic creatures such as Lesser Dragons and Drakes will eventually infect a pawn in your party with the Dragonsplague.

List of Monsters

Get a Pawn From the Rift That is Infected


While you cannot see the symptoms of Dragonsplague when you are inside the Rift, there is a rare chance that you can get a pawn with Dragonsplague when recruiting one.

If you have or want a pawn that is infected with the Dragonsplague, look to share in our Pawn Sharing Board!

Pawn ID Sharing Board

What Is Dragonsplague?

A Disease That Infects Pawns

Dragonsplague, sometimes mistakenly spelt as Dragon Plague, is a terrible illness that infects Pawns mainly through fighting Dragons.

Considering Pawns usually travel between worlds through the Rift, chances of contracting dragonsplague is quite high, especially on higher levels where players tend to farm dragons for Wyrmslife Crystals.

Wyrmslife Crystals (WLC) Farming Guide

Can Also Infect and Decimate Towns

When the Dragonsplague reaches its terminal state, a great calamity will occur if you rest in a town's inn or your House. A cutscene will play out where the pawn transforms into a shadow dragon and as soon as you wake up, all NPCs in that city will be killed.

Use the Eternal Wakestone to Revive the NPCs

If a city suffers this fate, consider using the Eternal Wakestone you get from finishing the Sphinx's riddles to revive multiple NPCs!

Sphinx Riddle Solutions and Location

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