Dragon's Dogma 2 (DD2)

Archer Best Skills and Builds

Dragons Dogma 2 - Archer Builds Augments and Skills

Archer is a Starter Vocation in Dragon's Dogma 2 (DD2). See the best skills, builds, best weapons, and armor for the Archer vocation!

Best Archer Builds

Archer Skills Build

Recommended Archer Loadout
Barrage Shot Dire Arrow
Exploding Shot Torrent Shot

Here is our recommended loadout for archers during your playthrough. Players must continuously hit enemies with Barrage Shots while moving and keeping distance from enemies. If you find an opening, use Torrent Shots to let loose multiple arrows in quick succession. If you have enough explosive arrows in your inventory, we suggest using Exploding Arrows to wipe out small enemies quickly!

Don't forget to upgrade the skill to their improved versions as you unlock them!

Archer Augment Build

Augment Vocation / Description
Sustainment Required Rank: 2
Augments the physical Defense and Magick Defense of pawns in your party.
Subtlety Required Rank: 2
Decreases the likelihood of being targeted by foes.
Dragons Dogma 2 - Archer Icon Archer
Required Rank: 4
Increases your maximum Stamina.
Dragons Dogma 2 - Archer Icon Archer
Required Rank: 8
Increases damage dealt when striking a target's vitals.
Exaltation Required Rank: 9
Augments your Stamina recovery speed.
Verve Required Rank: 9
Augments your Strength.

Archers will eat up a lot of their stamina considering you need to use their special attacks to deal damage. Furthermore, you cannot move around without stamina and repositioning is key for the Archer's survivability. The augments above make sure that stamina management is your top priority and that you are not targeted by enemies.

Best Weapons and Armor (End-Game)

Weapon Details
Weapon STR / MGK Where to Get
Revenant Wail IconRevenant Wail 280 / 0 Obtain from Volcanic Island Armory for 55000G.
Armor Loadout
Armor Part Where to Get
Galewind Helm IconGalewind Helm Head Purchase at Volcanic Island Armory for 34800 G.
Valkyrian Scalecloth IconValkyrian Scalecloth Body Purchase at Volcanic Island Armory for 42200 G.
Arena Breeches IconArena Breeches Leg Purchase at Volcanic Island Armory for 33100 G.
•  Ring of Quickening (Left Hand)
•  Ring of Quickening (Right Hand)
•  Admiral's Mantle (Cloak)

The best endgame equipment for the Archer is bought at the Armory in the Volcanic Island Camp. The build would be able to help you kill Dragons to farm Wyrmslife Crystals and purchase all the strongest post-game equipment from Bay Wayside Shrine.

The weapon to aim for is the Revenant Wail then purchase the Galewind Helm, Valkyrian Scalecloth, and Arena Breeches armor pieces to amp up your defenses.

Considering Archers need stamina management, we suggest purchasing two (2) Rings of Quickening and equip it on both hands. This helps in managing the Archer's stamina and allow them to spam skills more comfortably!

Best Weapon and Armor (Mid Game)

Weapon Details
Weapon STR / MGK Where to Get
DragonDragon's Blink 256 / 0 Obtain from Awaran's Arms for 48500G.
Armor Loadout
Armor Part Where to Get
Griffin-Feather Hood IconGriffin-Feather Hood Head Purchase at Bodas's Armory for 23800 G.
Majestic Armor IconMajestic Armor Body Purchase at Bodas's Armory for 35000 G.
Dapper Chausses IconDapper Chausses Leg Purchase at Bodas's Armory for 28000 G.

The best mid game weapon for the Archer is the Bow, Dragon's Blink. You can get the weapon from Awaran's Arms as soon as you arrive in Bakbattahl.

The best mid game armor for the Archer is also bought in Bakbattahl - with Griffin-Feather Hood, Majestic Armor, and Dapper Chausses taking the top spots. They can all be bought from Bodas' Armory and will set you back a total of 86,800 gold.

For rings and cloaks, equip those that will improve the Archer's overall Stamina rating especially in the mid-game where more enemy types get quicker and hit harder, making repositioning a top priority.

Best Weapon and Armor (Early Game)

Weapon Details
Weapon STR / MGK Where to Get
VeteranVeteran's Arc 163 / 0 Obtain from Awaran's Arms, Celeste's Smithy for 21200G.
Armor Loadout
Armor Part Where to Get
SageSage's Hood Head Purchase at Celeste's Smithy for 14500 G.
Wildeagle Padded Armor IconWildeagle Padded Armor Body Purchase at Celeste's Smithy for 20800 G.
Beast-Leather Breeches IconBeast-Leather Breeches Leg Purchase at Celeste's Smithy for 14800 G.

The best early game weapon for the Archer is the Bow, Veteran's Arc. You can get the weapon from Celeste's Smithy in Checkpoint Rest Town.

Likewise, the best early game armor for the Archer is also bought from Celeste's Smithy - with Sage's Hood, Wildeagle Padded Armor, and Beast-Leather Breeches taking the top spots. Getting all of them will set you back a total of 51,100 gold.

For rings and cloaks, equip those that will improve the Archer's overall Stamina rating as the archer needs it to properly cast skills and move quickly during battle.

Archer Pawn Party Composition

Arisen Main Pawn Hired Pawn Hired Pawn
Dragons Dogma 2 - Archer IconArcher Dragons Dogma 2 - Mage IconMage Dragons Dogma 2 - Fighter IconFighter Dragons Dogma 2 - Warrior IconWarrior

The best party composition for a Archer has their main pawn as a Mage, and hiring Fighter and Warrior pawns.

Fighters and Warriors would mostly take over the front line duties, making sure they deal damage and take all enemies' attention away as you shoot everything on the sidelines. The Mage will then keep the party healed up and imbue them with beneficial effects when they can!

Best Party Composition

Best Archer Skills

Best Weapon Skills

Skill Name Rating and Explanation
Barrage Shot Rating: ★★★★★
• easy to execute and deals high damage
• Can reliably hit flying enemies
• Very versatile skill that can be used at any location and enemy
Torrent Shot Rating: ★★★★★
• Deals high damage
• Pressing the trigger repeatedly increases firing speed
• Stationary during the action so you might need to time this attack properly.
Dire Arrow Rating: ★★★★☆
• Can blow away smaller enemies so you can maintain distance easily
• Has high power, so it can be used against bosses
Exploding Shot Rating: ★★★★☆
• High damage using explosives
• Explosive arrows are easy to craft or purchase from the shop but can get expensive when used a lot of times.
• Extremely effective against enemy weak spots.
• Reserve usage to high-value enemies like bosses.
Sweep Shot Rating: ★★★☆☆
• Can attack multiple enemies in a cone in front of the player.
• Quite situational. Cannot effectively function if the enemies are too far apart or if fighting a solo enemy.

Best Core Skills

Skill Name Rating and Explanation
Swift Nock Rating: ★★★★★
• Straight up just increases how fast you nock an arrow one after another
• The best core skill to get for an Archer as this generally increases your overall DPS
Puncture Dart Rating: ★★★★☆
• If you like using charging shots a lot, keep this skill
• It's a bit difficult to aim, but it can be very powerful if you manage to hit weak spots
Parting Shot Rating: ★★★★☆
• A must-have skills for players that likes to cling on monsters
• A great tool to create distance between you and the enemy while damaging them

Best Archer Augments

Skill Name Rating and Explanation
Lethality Rating: ★★★★★
• Enables Archers to deal a lot of damage on enemy weakspots
• Works well with Exploding Shots
• Requires that you know enemy weak spots though
• Might be a bit hard to execute consistently if monsters are flying
Endurance Rating: ★★★★★
• Can help with Stamina management especially since Archers eat up a lot
• Allows you to have enough pool of stamina to run away or execute skills
Ambuscade Rating: ★★★★☆
• Deals increased damage if you shoot enemies before initiating the battle
• Pretty situational as is it mostly only useful if used to initiate battles

How to Unlock the Archer Maister Skills

Weapon Skill Description
Heavenly Shot Skill Effect:
Fires an almighty arrow in exchange for consuming all of the user's Stamina. The arrow's potency is determined by the user's remaining Stamina when it is loosed.
Unlocked via a Maister

Obtained by Finishing Gift of the Bow

The Vocation Maister for the Archer vocation is Taliesen. He is located inside their home in Sacred Arbor. To access Sacred Arbor the intended way, start by talking to Glywndr near the Smithy in Vernsworth.

How to Get Archer Maister Approval

# Objectives
1 Finish Glywndr's Questline, starting with the Gift of the Bow Side Quest
2 Go to the Sacred Arbor and talk to Taliesen after finishing the quest line.

All Maister's Teachings Locations and Skills

How to Play the Archer

Always Stay Behind Pawns

Dragons Dogma 2 - Always Stay Behind Pawns

Archers work better when played from long range. All Archer players should keep in mind to stay behind their pawns and shoot from a distance. Your arrows cannot do anything if shot from point blank!

Shoot Enemy Weakspots from a Distance

Dragons Dogma 2 - Aim for Enemy Weakspots

When playing as an Archer, you have the freedom to aim for the weak spots of enemies. On this note, always make it a point to consistently aim for them to deal extra damage.

This works well with the Exploding Shot skill as the explosion is usually concentrated as a single spot, dealing insane damage when it explodes on weak spots.

Use Debilitating Arrows for Crowd Control

Dragons Dogma 2 - Use Explosive and Debilitating Arrows

Archers can use various arrow coatings that make it possible for them to deal explosive damage and proc debilitating statuses on enemies. We suggest using explosive arrows and drenching arrows!

All Archer Augments

Augment Details
Ambuscade Augment Effect:
Increases damage dealt by your attacks when targets are not in battle stance.
Rank Unlocked: 2
DCP Cost: 300
Endurance Augment Effect:
Increases your maximum Stamina.
Rank Unlocked: 4
DCP Cost: 900
Radiance Augment Effect:
Causes your lantern to consume less oil and illuminate a wider area.
Rank Unlocked: 6
DCP Cost: 1800
Lethality Augment Effect:
Increases damage dealt when striking a target's vitals.
Rank Unlocked: 8
DCP Cost: 3000
Avidity Augment Effect:
Enables you to clamber up cliffs and scale foes and other surfaces more quickly.
Rank Unlocked: 9
DCP Cost: 5000

List of Augments

All Archer Skills

Weapon Skills

Weapon Skill Description
Barrage Shot Skill Effect:
Fires arrows in rapid succession, allowing for concentrated attacks on a single target. Can be employed while moving.
Rank Unlocked: 1
DCP Cost: 0
Sweep Shot Skill Effect:
Fires arrows in a wedge pattern, allowing multiple targets to struck simultaneously. Can be employed while moving.
Rank Unlocked: 1
DCP Cost: 200
Dire Arrow Skill Effect:
Fires a devastating shot that knocks down smaller targets. When using Steady Shot, arrows become even more powerful if they are Ioosed the instant the bow is fully drawn.
Rank Unlocked: 1
DCP Cost: 200
Keen Sight Skill Effect:
Special sight augments the user's vision while drawing, allowing them to fire on distant targets. Consumes Stamina while the bow is drawn.
Rank Unlocked: 2
DCP Cost: 300
Exploding Shot Skill Effect:
Fires a loaded arrow that adheres to foes or terrain. The arrow will burst when attacked or after a time, and can knock targets off balance.
Rank Unlocked: 2
DCP Cost: 300
Tarring Shot Skill Effect:
Fires a loaded arrow that adheres to foes or terrain. Explodes after a time or if attacked, tarring the target and who draw near. Usable only when carrying an applicable arrow.
Rank Unlocked: 3
DCP Cost: 450
Manifold Shot Skill Effect:
An advanced form of Barrage Shot that fires a greater number of arrows.
Rank Unlocked: 4
DCP Cost: 1000
Cascade Shot Skill Effect:
An advanced form of Sweep Shot that fires a greater number of arrows.
Rank Unlocked: 4
DCP Cost: 1000
Torrent Shot Skill Effect:
Fires multiple arrows in rapid succession. Rate of fire increases with consecutive shots. Prevents movement while active.
Rank Unlocked: 4
DCP Cost: 700
Erupting Shot Skill Effect:
An advanced form of Exploding Shot with increased arrow speed. If employed while clinging to a target, the user pierces the target with the explosive arrow directly.
Rank Unlocked: 5
DCP Cost: 1300
Drenching Shot Skill Effect:
Fires a loaded arrow that adheres to foes or terrain. Explodes after a time or if attacked, drenching the target and those who draw near. Usable only when carrying an applicable arrow.
Rank Unlocked: 5
DCP Cost: 1100
Deathly Arrow Skill Effect:
An advanced form of Dire Arrow that inflicts greater harm and has the ability to pin smaller targets to walls.
Rank Unlocked: 5
DCP Cost: 1300
Incendiary Shot Skill Effect:
An advanced form of Tarring Shot with increased arrow speed. If employed while clinging to a target, the user pierces the target with the tarring arrow directly.
Rank Unlocked: 6
DCP Cost: 1600
Whirling Arrow Skill Effect:
Fires a powerful spinning arrow that delivers a barrage of hits. Effective at overwhelming smaller targets. Can be employed while moving.
Rank Unlocked: 6
DCP Cost: 1800
Lyncean Sight Skill Effect:
An advanced form of Keen Sight that stabilizes the user's vision and consumes less Stamina.
Rank Unlocked: 6
DCP Cost: 1600
Deluging Shot Skill Effect:
An advanced form of Drenching Shot with increased arrow speed. If employed while clinging to a target, the user pierces the target with the drenching arrow directly.
Rank Unlocked: 7
DCP Cost: 2000
Blighting Shot Skill Effect:
Fires a loaded arrow that adds to the target's blighted value on impact. Usable only when carrying an applicable arrow.
Rank Unlocked: 7
DCP Cost: 2500
Tempest Shot Skill Effect:
An advanced form of Torrent Shot that fires a greater number of arrows.
Rank Unlocked: 7
DCP Cost: 2000
Spiral Arrow Skill Effect:
An advanced form of Whirling Arrow that appends still more strikes to the barrage.
Rank Unlocked: 8
DCP Cost: 2500
Nocuous Shot Skill Effect:
An advanced form of Blighting Shot with increased arrow speed. If employed while clinging to a target, the user pierces the target with the blighting arrow directly.
Rank Unlocked: 9
DCP Cost: 3000
Heavenly Shot Skill Effect:
Fires an almighty arrow in exchange for consuming all of the user's Stamina. The arrow's potency is determined by the user's remaining Stamina when it is loosed.
Unlocked via a Maister

List of All Weapon Skills

Core Skills

Core Skill Description
Loose Skill Effect:
Aims and fires an arrow at a nearby foe. Can be employed while moving. If employed while clinging to or pinning down a target, the user pierces the target with the arrow directly.
Rank Unlocked: 1
DCP Cost: 0
Front Kick Skill Effect:
Unleashes a swift kick that causes the target to flinch. Launches the user backward if the kick connects in mid-air.
Rank Unlocked: 1
DCP Cost: 0
Steady Shot Skill Effect:
Draws the bow carefully, allowing for precise aim. Can be employed while moving. Length of the draw affects arrow impact and distance flown.
Rank Unlocked: 1
DCP Cost: 0
Leaping Punt Skill Effect:
Delivers a weighty kick that can knock foes off balance. Launches the user backwards after it connects.
Rank Unlocked: 1
DCP Cost: 150
Parting Shot Skill Effect:
Fires an arrow while jumping back after performing a Leaping Punt or a mid-air Front Kick.
Rank Unlocked: 2
DCP Cost: 250
Swift Nock Skill Effect:
Enables the user to nock arrows more quickly when using Loose or Steady Shot.
Rank Unlocked: 3
DCP Cost: 400
Puncture Dart Skill Effect:
Draws the bowstring to its absolute limit before firing. Makes aiming more difficult, but allows arrows to pierce targets with greater impact.
Rank Unlocked: 4
DCP Cost: 600

List of All Core Skills

All Archer Weapons

Weapon Type Strength / Magick Vocation
Lupine Bow IconLupine Bow Bow 74/0
Dragons Dogma 2 - Archer Icon Archer
Obtain from Runne's Apothecary (1800G).
HunterHunter's Bow Bow 89/0
Dragons Dogma 2 - Archer Icon Archer
Obtain from Roderick's Smithy (4240G).
Bespoke Bow IconBespoke Bow Bow 112/0
Dragons Dogma 2 - Archer Icon Archer
Obtain from Roderick's Smithy (10500G).
Fluted Bow IconFluted Bow Bow 55/0
Dragons Dogma 2 - Archer Icon Archer
Obtain from Borderwatch Outpost (810G).
Superior Fluted Bow IconSuperior Fluted Bow Bow 82/0
Dragons Dogma 2 - Archer Icon Archer
Pre-order Bonus
Savage Fang IconSavage Fang Bow 148/0
Dragons Dogma 2 - Archer Icon Archer
Obtain from Roderick's Smithy (17800G).
VeteranVeteran's Arc Bow 163/0
Dragons Dogma 2 - Archer Icon Archer
Obtain from Awaran's Arms, Celeste's Smithy (21200G).
Predator IconPredator Bow 204/0
Dragons Dogma 2 - Archer Icon Archer
Obtain from Awaran's Arms (33500G).
DragonDragon's Blink Bow 256/0
Dragons Dogma 2 - Archer Icon Archer
Obtain from Awaran's Arms (48500G).
Darkening Storm IconDarkening Storm Bow 198/0
Dragons Dogma 2 - Archer Icon Archer
Dinistrydd IconDinistrydd Bow 233/0
Dragons Dogma 2 - Archer Icon Archer
Obtain from Grisha's Armory (38900G).
DragonDragon's Rancor Bow 308/0
Dragons Dogma 2 - Archer Icon Archer
Bay Wayside Shrine (The Dragonforged)
Hydra Husk IconHydra Husk Bow 340/0
Dragons Dogma 2 - Archer Icon Archer
Obtain from Roderick's Smithy (75000G).
Medusan Spellbow IconMedusan Spellbow Bow 300/0
Dragons Dogma 2 - Archer Icon Archer
Defeat Medusa
Myfyr IconMyfyr Bow 120/0
Dragons Dogma 2 - Archer Icon Archer
Obtain from Grisha's Armory (13500G).
Repeller Bow IconRepeller Bow Bow 170/0
Dragons Dogma 2 - Archer Icon Archer
Quest (A Trial of Archery)
Revenant Wail IconRevenant Wail Bow 280/0
Dragons Dogma 2 - Archer Icon Archer
Obtain from Volcanic Island Armory (55000G).

List of Weapons and Weapon Mechanics

All Archer Armor

Armor Defense Magick Defense Vocations
Felt Cap Icon Felt Cap
0.50 kg
5 4
Dragons Dogma 2 - Archer Icon Archer
Purchase at Borderwatch Outpost for 280 G.
Wizard Wizard's Hat
0.45 kg
7 11
Purchase at Bjorn's Armory for 2620 G.
Woodland Boots Icon Woodland Boots
1.20 kg
8 5
Dragons Dogma 2 - Archer Icon Archer
Purchase at Borderwatch Outpost for 415 G.
Scout Scout's Hood
0.62 kg
9 6
Dragons Dogma 2 - Archer Icon Archer
Purchase at Runne's Apothecary for 1012 G.
Serpentine Circlet Icon Serpentine Circlet
0.70 kg
11 26
Purchase at Bjorn's Armory for 6300 G.
Brigand Brigand's Vest
1.80 kg
14 8
Dragons Dogma 2 - Archer Icon Archer
Purchase at Borderwatch Outpost for 735 G.
Hard-Leather Helm Icon Hard-Leather Helm
1.30 kg
14 6
Dragons Dogma 2 - Archer Icon Archer
Purchase at Bjorn's Armory, Runne's Apothecary for 1890 G.
Deepwood Jacket Icon Deepwood Jacket
2.02 kg
18 10
Dragons Dogma 2 - Archer Icon Archer
Purchase at Runne's Apothecary for 1030 G.
Traveler Traveler's Gaiters
1.50 kg
20 18
Dragons Dogma 2 - Archer Icon Archer
Purchase at Bjorn's Armory, Chandler's General Store for 2200 G.
Plumed Cap Icon Plumed Cap
0.62 kg
20 14
Dragons Dogma 2 - Archer Icon Archer
Purchase at Bjorn's Armory for 3900 G.
Howling Hood Icon Howling Hood
1.17 kg
22 20
Dragons Dogma 2 - Archer Icon Archer
Purchase at Nameless Apothecary for 3900 G.
Chain Mail Icon Chain Mail
3.34 kg
24 10
Dragons Dogma 2 - Archer Icon Archer
Purchase at Runne's Apothecary, Borderwatch Outpost for 2250 G.
Combat Breeches Icon Combat Breeches
1.63 kg
24 17
Dragons Dogma 2 - Archer Icon Archer
Purchase at Bjorn's Armory for 3200 G.
Aerie Aerie's Watch
1.32 kg
25 30
Dragons Dogma 2 - Archer Icon Archer
Purchase at Celeste's Smithy for 8900 G.
Furred Greaves Icon Furred Greaves
1.63 kg
26 22
Dragons Dogma 2 - Archer Icon Archer
Obtain from a Chest in Vermund.
Tail of Simurgh Icon Tail of Simurgh
1.18 kg
27 22
Dragons Dogma 2 - Archer Icon Archer
Hunter Hunter's Mail
2.24 kg
27 28
Dragons Dogma 2 - Archer Icon Archer
Purchase at Bjorn's Armory for 3350 G.
Crown of Insight Icon Crown of Insight
0.63 kg
30 45
Purchase at Bodas's Armory for 15800 G.
Ruminant Circlet Icon Ruminant Circlet
0.91 kg
30 30
Purchase at Grisha's Armory for 9900 G.
Friar Friar's Hood
1.24 kg
31 22
Purchase at Bjorn's Armory for 8100 G.
Patroller Knee Guards Icon Patroller Knee Guards
1.90 kg
32 12
Dragons Dogma 2 - Archer Icon Archer
Obtain from a Chest B1F of Depleted Ore Deposit.
Leafshade Hood Icon Leafshade Hood
0.85 kg
32 41
Purchase at Grisha's Armory for 12600 G.
Patrolled Knee Guards Icon Patrolled Knee Guards
1.90 kg
32 12
Dragons Dogma 2 - Archer Icon Archer
Purchase at Bjorn's Armory for 4210 G.
Battahli Turban Icon Battahli Turban
1.94 kg
38 70
Dragons Dogma 2 - Archer Icon Archer
Purchase at Bodas's Armory for 12600 G.
Sage Sage's Hood
1.33 kg
41 45
Dragons Dogma 2 - Archer Icon Archer
Purchase at Celeste's Smithy for 14500 G.
Ranger Ranger's Vest
2.17 kg
41 25
Dragons Dogma 2 - Archer Icon Archer
Purchase at Bjorn's Armory for 7900 G.
Dawn Hood Icon Dawn Hood
1.20 kg
42 38
Purchase at Celeste's Smithy for 13800 G.
Sprinter Sprinter's Boots
1.88 kg
42 18
Dragons Dogma 2 - Archer Icon Archer
Purchase at Bjorn's Armory for 7900 G.
Scarlet Over-Knee Boots Icon Scarlet Over-Knee Boots
2.00 kg
45 450
Dragons Dogma 2 - Archer Icon Archer
Purchase at Celeste's Smithy for 9800 G.
Stylish Boots Icon Stylish Boots
2.15 kg
45 35
Purchase at Celeste's Smithy for 7200 G.
Ranger Ranger's Tights
1.67 kg
45 30
Dragons Dogma 2 - Archer Icon Archer
Obtain from a Chest Northeast of Vermund.
Lionel Hosen Icon Lionel Hosen
1.81 kg
47 15
Dragons Dogma 2 - Archer Icon Archer
Purchase at Nameless Apothecary, Celeste's Smithy for 7200 G.
Hillfolk Breeches Icon Hillfolk Breeches
2.21 kg
50 20
Dragons Dogma 2 - Archer Icon Archer
Purchase at Celeste's Smithy for 9200 G.
Bush Raiders Icon Bush Raiders
2.16 kg
50 9
Dragons Dogma 2 - Archer Icon Archer
Purchase at Nameless Apothecary for 7500 G.
Over-Knee Boots Icon Over-Knee Boots
1.56 kg
52 30
Dragons Dogma 2 - Archer Icon Archer
Purchase at Grisha's Armory for 9900 G.
Solar Ascension Icon Solar Ascension
1.00 kg
55 85
Purchase at Volcanic Island Armory for 26000 G.
Half-Plate Armor Icon Half-Plate Armor
2.50 kg
58 20
Dragons Dogma 2 - Archer Icon Archer
Purchase at Nameless Apothecary for 9600 G.
Griffin-Feather Hood Icon Griffin-Feather Hood
1.42 kg
60 30
Dragons Dogma 2 - Archer Icon Archer
Purchase at Bodas's Armory for 23800 G.
Hood of Nonentity Icon Hood of Nonentity
1.86 kg
65 90
Dragons Dogma 2 - Archer Icon Archer
Purchase at Chest for 30000 G. Obtain from a Chest in Caliginous Depths.
Chanter Chanter's Half Robe
2.50 kg
65 50
Purchase at Celeste's Smithy for 9800 G.
Practitioner Practitioner's Hosen
1.95 kg
66 79
Purchase at Bodas's Armory for 24500 G.
Beast-Leather Breeches Icon Beast-Leather Breeches
2.20 kg
68 25
Dragons Dogma 2 - Archer Icon Archer
Purchase at Celeste's Smithy for 14800 G.
Lamellar Armor Icon Lamellar Armor
3.19 kg
70 38
Dragons Dogma 2 - Archer Icon Archer
Purchase at Bjorn's Armory for 12400 G.
Nightfall Greaves Icon Nightfall Greaves
1.60 kg
70 34
Dragons Dogma 2 - Archer Icon Archer
Purchase at Grisha's Armory for 15800 G.
Wildland Greaves Icon Wildland Greaves
2.53 kg
72 20
Dragons Dogma 2 - Archer Icon Archer
Purchase at Bodas's Armory for 15600 G.
Galewind Helm Icon Galewind Helm
1.80 kg
74 50
Dragons Dogma 2 - Archer Icon Archer
Purchase at Volcanic Island Armory for 34800 G.
Archer Archer's Vest
2.20 kg
74 52
Dragons Dogma 2 - Archer Icon Archer
Purchase at Grisha's Armory for 13900 G.
Gauntleted Petticoat Icon Gauntleted Petticoat
2.60 kg
80 80
Purchase at Harve Village (Ines) for 16000 G.
Stoutdraw Armor Icon Stoutdraw Armor
3.01 kg
80 62
Dragons Dogma 2 - Archer Icon Archer
Purchase at Celeste's Smithy for 15200 G.
Dapper Chausses Icon Dapper Chausses
2.46 kg
83 55
Dragons Dogma 2 - Archer Icon Archer
Purchase at Bodas's Armory for 28000 G.
Braided Boots Icon Braided Boots
1.45 kg
85 75
Dragons Dogma 2 - Archer Icon Archer
Purchase at Zachary's Shop for 16800 G.
Predator's Maw
2.28 kg
85 55
Dragons Dogma 2 - Archer Icon Archer
Obtain from a Chest in Malachite Forest.
Confidant Confidant's Hood
1.62 kg
88 73
Dragons Dogma 2 - Archer Icon Archer
Purchase at Volcanic Island Armory for 33500 G.
Rathe Greaves Icon Rathe Greaves
2.16 kg
88 30
Dragons Dogma 2 - Archer Icon Archer
Purchase at Bodas's Armory for 25200 G.
Cavalier Hat Icon Cavalier Hat
1.77 kg
90 50
Dragons Dogma 2 - Archer Icon Archer
Purchase at Bay Wayside Shrine (The Dragonforged) for 20 WLC.
Wildeagle Padded Armor Icon Wildeagle Padded Armor
4.90 kg
92 63
Dragons Dogma 2 - Archer Icon Archer
Purchase at Celeste's Smithy for 20800 G.
Graceful Tunic Icon Graceful Tunic
1.98 kg
93 70
Dragons Dogma 2 - Archer Icon Archer
Purchase at Grisha's Armory for 21900 G.
Evergreen Greaves Icon Evergreen Greaves
2.86 kg
94 94
Dragons Dogma 2 - Archer Icon Archer
Purchase at Grisha's Armory for 37500 G.
Mercenary Hosen Icon Mercenary Hosen
2.02 kg
95 70
Dragons Dogma 2 - Archer Icon Archer
Purchase at Volcanic Island Armory for 29710 G.
Noble Jacket Icon Noble Jacket
2.86 kg
98 75
Dragons Dogma 2 - Archer Icon Archer
Purchase at Bodas's Armory for 19500 G.
Crimson Hosen Icon Crimson Hosen
2.77 kg
99 70
Dragons Dogma 2 - Archer Icon Archer
Purchase at Volcanic Island Armory for 32000 G.
Strider Strider's Greaves
3.28 kg
102 99
Purchase at Bay Wayside Shrine (The Dragonforged) for 30 WLC.
Arena Breeches Icon Arena Breeches
2.70 kg
103 63
Dragons Dogma 2 - Archer Icon Archer
Purchase at Volcanic Island Armory for 33100 G.
Eonian Coat Icon Eonian Coat
3.90 kg
120 130
Purchase at Volcanic Island Armory for 38000 G.
Eagle-Eye Cuisses Icon Eagle-Eye Cuisses
2.43 kg
120 75
Dragons Dogma 2 - Archer Icon Archer
Purchase at Bay Wayside Shrine (The Dragonforged) for 30 WLC.
Majestic Armor Icon Majestic Armor
4.10 kg
133 86
Dragons Dogma 2 - Archer Icon Archer
Purchase at Bodas's Armory for 35000 G.
Valkyrian Scalecloth Icon Valkyrian Scalecloth
3.54 kg
159 100
Dragons Dogma 2 - Archer Icon Archer
Purchase at Volcanic Island Armory for 42200 G.
Elegant Petticoat
3.02 kg
160 160
Dragons Dogma 2 - Archer Icon Archer
Purchase at Zachary's Shop for 43050 G.
Hyperboreal Lorica Icon Hyperboreal Lorica
3.85 kg
178 140
Dragons Dogma 2 - Archer Icon Archer
Purchase at Bjorn's Armory for 75000 G.
Heroic Coat Icon Heroic Coat
4.70 kg
180 138
Dragons Dogma 2 - Archer Icon Archer
Purchase at Bay Wayside Shrine (The Dragonforged) for 70 WLC.

List of Armors and Effects

Archer Basic Information and Rating

Archer Archer Vocation Type
Starter Vocation
Equipable Weapons
Tier Rating
Tier Rating
C Rank C Rank

Best Vocations and Class Tier List

Favoring Long-Range Combat


The Archer's playstyle is suited for those who prefer to fight from behind the vanguard, picking off enemies at a safe distance.

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Best Vocations and Class Tier List

List of All Vocations

Starter Vocations
FighterFighter ArcherArcher ThiefThief MageMage
Advanced Vocations
WarriorWarrior SorcererSorcerer
Hybrid Vocations
Magick ArcherMagick Archer Mystic SpearhandMystic Spearhand
TricksterTrickster WarfarerWarfarer

Vocations by Type

All Vocation Types
Starter Advanced Hybrid

Vocation Guides and Articles

All Vocation Guides and Articles
How to Unlock All Vocations How to Change Vocations
Should You Level All Vocations? -


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