Dragon's Dogma 2 (DD2)

I, Talos Achievement Guide

This is a guide on how to get the I, Talos Achievement in Dragon's Dogma 2 (DD2). Read on to learn how to get the I, Talos Achievement, as well as the Unmoored World Gigantus location!

How to Get I, Talos Achievement

Approach the Gigantus in the Unmoored World

To get the I, Talos Achievement, simply approach the Gigantus statue north of the Volcanic Island Camp settlement in the Unmoored World to trigger a cutscene where it reactivates and comes back to life. Doing so, unlocks the achievement itself.

You do not need to press any interaction button on the statue. Going near it should prompt the cutscene where the achievement is unlocked afterward.

Unmoored World is Only Available in True Ending


Furthermore, the Unmoored World can only be accessed by going for the True Ending of the game, in which you have to stab both the Dragon and yourself through the heart using the Empowered Godsbane Blade during the Legacy Main Quest.

Endings Guide: How to Get the True Ending

I, Talos Achievement Rewards

Governing Soul

Activating the Gigantus will reward you with a Governing Soul spell book.

I, Talos Achievement

Bronze Trophy.png I, Talos
G: 10
Help the gigantus walk again.

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1 The Pacifist11 months

Please note: If you enter post game and did NOT fight the giant. Allowing the soldiers to handle it themselve, the Giant will NOT appear in this location. He will NOT appear, fullstop, he collapsed into the volcano and the achievement is void, until ng+. Sorry folks.


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