Dragon's Dogma 2 (DD2)

How to Get Logistician Specialization


You can get the Logistician Specialization by using the Logistician Tome, which is obtained from Kendrick in the Heel of History quest of Dragon's Dogma 2 (DD2). Learn how to get the Logistician Specialization and what the Logistician Specialization is all about, here!

How to Get Logistician Specialization

How to Get Logistician Specialization

Obtain Logistician Tome from Kendrick


To get the Logisitician Specialization, you will need the Logistician Tome, which can be obtained from Kendrick after the completion of the Heel of History quest. Upon finishing the quest, return to the Gracious Hand in Vernworth and Kendrick will give it to you.

Afterward, open up your inventory and use the Logistician Tome to apply it to your main pawn.

The Heel of History Walkthrough

Specialization Tomes Can Only Be Used Once

Specialization Tomes are a one-time use only item, so be sure to think twice before giving it to your pawn.

Hire a Pawn with the Logistician Specialization

Another way to get the Logistician Specilization is by hiring pawns from the Riftstone that have this specialization. Make sure you have enough Rift Crystals (RC) to hire them!

All Riftstone Locations

What is the Logistician Specialization?

Lets Your Pawn Combine Materials and Transfer Items

The Logistician Specialization gives your pawn the ability to combine materials at their own free will and transfer items between backpacks of your fellow party members.

Logistician's Tome Overview

Logistician's Tome Item Stats
Dragons Dogma 2 - Logistician A tome that grants a pawn the Logistician specialization, allowing them to combine materials and move items between allies' packs as they see fit.
Type Weight Cost Sell
Implements 0.20 kg - -
Item Effect
Overwrite Main Pawn specialization

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1 Anonymous9 months

This spec is garbage and will cause your pawn to be rejected by the vast majority of players. Unless you hate gaining RC, avoid at all costs.


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