Dragon's Dogma 2 (DD2)

How Does Stat Growth Work?

A guide on stat growth in Dragon's Dogma 2. Stat growth is determined by your choice of vocation. Read on to learn how stat growth works, and if your stats carry over when you change vocations!

How Does Stat Growth Work?

Stat Growth is Based on Vocation


Vocation Stat Allocation
Dragons Dogma 2 - Fighter IconFighter Strength + HP + Defense
Dragons Dogma 2 - Mage IconMage Magick + Magick Defense
Dragons Dogma 2 - Thief IconThief Strength + Stamina
Dragons Dogma 2 - Archer IconArcher Strength + Stamina

When you level up, your stats will increase depending on your current vocation. For example, if you leveled up with Fighter, your defense stats will take priority when you level up. If you leveled while playing Mage, on the other hand, you will receive more points in Magick.

Do Stats Carry Over Between Vocation Changes?

Stats Realign When Changing Vocations

Base stats realign whenever you change vocations. All vocations have starting points they realign to before adding the points gained through level-up on a different vocation.

Additional Points on Level Up Carry Over

Mage Arisen w/ Archer Lvls Mage Pawn w/ Fighter Lvls

Higher Base Stamina and Offensive Stats

Higher Base Health and Defensive Stats
Health: 587
Stamina: 699
Strength: 55
Magick: 76
Defense: 56
Magick Defense: 80
Health: 641
Stamina: 683
Strength: 57
Magick: 72
Defense: 62
Magick Defense: 72

The additional stat growth on level-up will carry over when you change vocations, like in Dragon's Dogma 1. As depicted above, the Mage Arisen that was previously leveled up as an Archer has higher base stamina and offensive stats, while the Mage Pawn that was instead leveled up as a Fighter has a higher base health and defensive stats.

In another example, the additional Strength points you gain while playing the Warrior vocation will transition over when you change to a different vocation, which is essential for physical classes!

With this in mind, it is recommended to level up specific vocations before fully committing to a single vocation to control your stat growth.

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5 Anonymousabout 1 year

Eventually you will hit the cap for all the base stats just leveling on the same vocation, or hit the base stat cap earlier by leveling up on vocations that specialize on your lower base stats.

4 Anonymousabout 1 year

The info here is true, however you will eventually reach a cap for that base stat and will no longer gain any points for that stat on any subsequent levels for that character on any vocations. In my testing, a character who levels from 1 to 90 as a fighter will have a max def base stat of 360 indicated by yellow text. If switched to a mage, the base stats accrued as fighter will stay the same even as a mage, hence a mage with max def at 345, high hp and str, but low magic and magic defense.


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