Dragon's Dogma 2 (DD2)

List of Missables and Points of No Return


This is a guide to all missables and points of no return in Dragon's Dogma 2 (DD2). Learn what aspects of the game are missable, what points of no return to keep watch for, and how to avoid missables!

List of Missables

Missable Point in Progression
Ulrika Romance Readvent of Calamity Quest
Wilhelmina Romance Legacy Quest
Timed Quests Varies
Side Quests Varies
Normal and True Ending Legacy Quest
Sphinx Rewards Attacking the Sphinx before solving all 10 riddles and failing to beat it afterwards

Ulrika Romance is a Missable


The Ulrika Romance is a missable, since the quest that starts the romance, Readvent of Calamity, is a time-sensitive quest involving a dragon attacking Melve. If you ignore doing this quest when you get it, Ulrika will cease to appear in the 2 subsequent quests related to her romance.

In one experience of the walkthrough team, ignoring the Readvent of Calamity quest upon arriving at Melve led to Ulrika not showing up in the subsequent quests Trouble on the Cape and Home Is Where the Hearth Is. It may still be possible to romance her, but not with the known method. We'll update this page as we discover more!

Ulrika Romance Guide

Wilhelimina Romance is a Missable


Aside from Ulrika, romancing Wilhelmina can also be missed in two ways: failing the Every Rose Has Its Thorn quest, as it's a time-sensitive quest, or progressing the story until you get to the unmoored world, after the Legacy quest.

Our walkthrough team confirmed that during the unmoored world, Wilhelmina is in her room in the Bolderie, and interacting with her doesn't trigger the quest necessary for romancing her.

Wilhelmina Romance Guide

Time-Sensitive Quests Will Result in Different Outcomes if Put Off

Quest Information
Location: Rose Chateau Borderlie, Vernworth
Unlock Condition:
Complete all of Captain Brant's Quests before heading to Battahl
XP: 1,200
Gold: 8,500
Location: Northern Watch Encampment, Borderwatch Outpost
Unlock Condition:
Talk to Phill in Borderwatch Outpost
XP: 400
Gold: 100
Dragon Lantern Oil (x1)

Failure to Complete:
・Accardo dies.
Location: Bakbattahl
Unlock Condition:
Complete The Ailing Arborheart
XP: 0
Gold: 13,000
Location: North Oxcart Station, Vernworth
Unlock Condition:
Talk to Donovan in Vernworth after completing In Dragon's Wake
XP: 300
Gold: 5,000
Location: Morris' Apothecary, Checkpoint Rest Town
Unlock Condition:
Talk to Morris in his apothecary at the center of Checkpoint Rest Town
XP: 4,000
Gold: 11,000

Failure to Complete:
・Rodge dies.
Location: Flamebearer Palace
Unlock Condition:
Talk to Menella in Flamebearer Palace after completing the quest Nation of Lambent Flame
XP: 3,500
Gold: 18,000
Dragon Jasper (x5)

Failure to Complete:
・Nadinia dies.
・Fail the quests Candle in the Storm and Crossing in Shadow.
・Cannot buy the house in Bakbattahl.
Location: Noble Quarter, Vernworth
Unlock Condition:
Talk to Margit in the Noble Quarter
XP: 2,800
Gold: 5,000

Timed Quests are quests that resolve with the passage of time without the involvement of the Arisen so keep an eye out for them and finish them as soon as you get them. Putting them off for too long will result in undesirable and irreversible outcomes during your playthrough.

We are still investigating the different outcomes of each timed quest so check back soon for updates!

List of All Timed Quests

Most Side Quests Will Fail After Progressing the Story

While these side quests are not time-sensitive, some may fail if the story progresses too far, since they are influenced by the current narrative setting.

Unavailable After Feast of Deception

Quest Information
Brothers Brave and Timid Location: Melve
Unlock Condition:
Start Seat of the Sovran
XP: 400
Gold: 1,500
Nesting Troubles Location: Melve
Unlock Condition:
Talk to Lennart in Melve after the quest In Dragon's Wake
XP: 400
Gold: 1,250
Readvent of Calamity Location: Melve
Unlock Condition:
Return to Melve after completing any of Captain Brant's quests
XP: 2,000
Gold: 4,500
The Ornate Box Location: Roderick's Smithy, Vernworth
Unlock Condition:
Exit the room after speaking with Captain Brant in the quest Seat of the Sovran
XP: 900
Gold: 4,000
Vocation Frustration Location: Vernworth Vocation Guild, Vernworth
Unlock Condition:
Talk to Klaus in the Vocation Guild after completing Seat of the Sovran
XP: 1,200
Gold: 7,500

These are the list of side quests that become unavailable after completing the Feast of Deception main quest.

Unavailable After A New Godsway

Quest Information
Tensions on the Highroad Location: Vernworth
Unlock Condition:
Complete Welcome to Battahl
XP: 4,000
Gold: 12,000
Welcome to Battahl Location: Bakbattahl
Unlock Condition:
Complete Nation of Lambent Flame
XP: 2,800
Gold: 8,500

These are the list of side quests that become unavailable after completing A New Godsway main quest.

Unavailable After Legacy (Unmoored World)

Quest Information
‘Twixt a Rock and a Hard Place Location: Bakbattahl
Unlock Condition:
Speak with Akakios in Bakbattahl
XP: 2,500
Gold: 20,000
Dragon Ferrystone (x1)
A Beggar's Tale Location: The Merchant Quarter, Vernworth
Unlock Condition:
Talk to Benton by the fountain in Vernworth
XP: 900
Gold: 3,000 (Celina's Ending)
Dragon Onyx (x3 )
Dragon Noonbloom (x3)
A Game of Wits Location: Mountain Shrine
Unlock Condition:
Reach the Sphinx at the Mountain Shrine
XP: 0
Gold: 100,000
A Veil of Gossamer Clouds Location: Vernworth
Unlock Condition:
Talk to Sven in his chamber after getting the Beastren Border Entry Permit from Brant and completing the quests Feast of Deception and Masked Correspondence
XP: 4,000
Gold: 20,000
Dragon Ferrystone (x1)
Dulled Steel, Cold Forge Location: Vernworth Castle, Vernworth
Unlock Condition:
Complete Disa's Plot and The Stolen Throne quests.
XP: 2,800
Gold: 12,000
Gift of the Bow Location: Vernworth
Unlock Condition:
Give Glyndwr any bow at the Merchant's Quarter
XP: 1,600
Gold: 8,500
Mercy Among Thieves Location: Vermund-Battahl Border, Checkpoint Rest Town
Unlock Condition:
Talk to Tobias at the Vermund-Battahl Border gate
XP: 4,000
Gold: 8,000
Put a Spring in Thy Step Location: Agamen Volcanic Island
Unlock Condition:
Talk to Gautstafr found west of the Volcanic Island Camp
XP: 4,800
Gold: 23,000
Saint of the Slums Location: Vernworth
Unlock Condition:
Talk to Lade Elena after completing The Heel of History
XP: 1,600
Gold: 11,000
Spellbound Location: Eini's House, Northern Vermund
Unlock Condition:
Finish In Dragon's Wake
XP: 2,000
Gold: 3,000
The Gift of Giving Location: Vernworth
Unlock Condition:
Talk to Daphne who is roaming in the Slums
XP: 900
Gold: 100
The Sotted Sage Location: Volcanic Island Camp, Agamen Volcanic Island
Unlock Condition:
Talk to Lamond and he will give you the quest regardless of your choice
XP: 980
Gold: 500
Tolled to Rest Location: Ancient Battleground
Unlock Condition:
Rescue Oskar from the enemies attacking him
XP: 3,000
Gold: 9,000

These are the list of side quests that become unavailable in the unmoored world after completing the Legacy main quest.

Normal and True Endings

Ending What You Gain What You Miss Out On
Bad ・Cutscene of a discontent Arisen reclaiming the throne
New Game Plus
・Normal Ending
・True Ending
・Unmoored World
Normal ・Cutscene of the Arisen reclaiming the throne
・Credit roll
New Game Plus
・Bad Ending
・Unmoored World
True ・Cutscene of the Arisen reclaiming the throne
・Credit roll
・Extra gameplay sequence of the final fight with The Dragon
・Unmoored World
New Game Plus (after completing Unmoored World)
・Bad Ending

Choosing the bad ending will make you miss out on the normal and true ending for your current playthrough. You'll need to start another cycle with New Game Plus or load from your last save to get the normal and true ending.

Take note that if you go for the normal ending, you can still go for the true ending by speaking to the Pathfinder during the credit roll. The true ending is the only way to unlock the Unmoored World.

Endings Guide: How to Get the True Ending

Sphinx Rewards


During the Game of Wits side quest, attacking the Sphinx before solving all the riddles will cause you to lose potential rewards, as the Sphinx will depart from the area.

On the other hand, failing to defeat the Sphinx after the 10 Riddles will cause you to miss getting the Key of Sagacity, which is used to unlock the larger chest containing the Eternal Wakestone.

It's recommended to use the Unmaking Arrow on the Sphinx to instantly defeat it.

Should You Kill the Sphinx?

All Points of No Return

Point of No Return Section of the Game
Top of Moonglint Tower
(last chance for side content)
The Guardian Gigantus Quest
Race Selection Character Creator

Moonglint Tower is Point of No Return Prior to Endgame

The point of no return for completing side content prior to the final quest and the endgame happens at the end of The Guardian Gigantus quest, particularly at the top of Moonglint Tower.

Specifically, after you head to the objective past the point of the Moonglint Tower Riftstone (at the top of the tower), you'll trigger a cutscene that leads into Legacy quest and all the endgame content.

Endings Guide: How to Get the True Ending

Race in Character Creation


The Arisen and their Pawn's race is locked after character creation, and it's not possible to change them once you start the game.

While it's possible to change vocations and adjust body features such as height and hairstyle, the character's race is locked once you start the game!

All Playable Races Guide: Does Race Matter?

How to Avoid Missables

Wait Until New Game+

New Game Plus allows you to redo main quests and side quests, since quest progression does not carry over. Use New Game Plus as an opportunity to make different choices from your previous playthrough.

New Game Plus and Everything That Carries Over

No Way to Save Scum

Be warned that there's no way to save prior to a point of return due to the game's autosave feature.

How to Save: Can You Have Multiple Saves?

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2 MaximusEleven12 months

About missable quests, there is a quest named "Masked Correspondence" (talk to Sven in his room to activate it) you have to do before to join the masked ballet. Not sure if it will be still avaible before "Feast of Deception".

1 Anonymous12 months

You actually can save scum by resting at an inn/your house before doing the specific quest you want to do. Ie. Rest at an inn just before doing the quest to save Nadinia, then reloading from last inn rest if you fail to select the right person. Or if you fail Nadinia’s escort quest. Or if you want to cheese the dragon at Melve with the ballista but messed it up. Etc.


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