Dragon's Dogma 2 (DD2)

A New Godsway Walkthrough

A New Godsway is a main quest in Dragon's Dogma 2 (DD2). Read our guide for a walkthrough on how to start and complete the A New Godsway main quest!

How to Complete A New Godsway

  1. Go to Flamebearer Palace and Speak with Ambrosius
  2. Obtain Fifteen Wormslife Crystals
  3. Give the Wyrmslife Crystals to Ambrosius
  4. Pass Time for a Day and Return to Ambrosius

Go to Flamebearer Palace and Speak with Ambrosius

After receiving the Dulled Godsbane Blade during the Convergence, head to Flamebearer Palace east of Bakbattahl. Upon arrival, head downstairs through the southwestern hallway and make your way down to the Forbidden Magick Research Lab.

Head to the northern room near the foot of some stairs and interact with Ambrosius to deliver the Dulled Godsbane Blade and a short dialogue, during which he will request Wyrmslife Crystals. Choose the Allow me to gather them for you option to proceed with the quest.

Note: The map marker will point you to the Palace Empress's Chambers, but you actually need to enter the Forbidden Magick Research Lab, which is located on a floor below the palace.

Full Interactive Map and Map Locations

Obtain Fifteen Wyrmslife Crystals


The most reliable way to obtain these crystals is by killing Drakes, which can drop a lot of Wyrmslife Crystals.

You'll need to gather 15 Wyrmslife Crystals for Ambrosius to continue the quest. You can ask Luz in Reverent Shrine for information about a lesser drake near Dragonsbreath Tower.

Note: Although they're considered "lesser dragons", we recommend gearing up with the strongest weapons and armor you can equip, as these monsters are very difficult to defeat. We also recommend getting a Mage Pawn to provide healing support for your party during the hunt.

Wyrmslife Crystals (WLC) Farming Guide

Give the Wyrmslife Crystals to Ambrosius


Head back to the Flamebearer Palace after collecting the required amount of Wyrmslife Crystals, and submit them to Ambrosius in the Forbidden Magick Research Lab. He'll then ask you to visit him the following day as he works on the blade.

Pass Time for a Day and Return to Ambrosius


Pass the time at an inn or your own lodgings to the next day, and then head to Ambrosius' lab for a cutscene. Ambrosius only appears in his lab in the morning, so simply advance time at the inn if he's not there.

Ambrosius will attempt to take the blade, but the Pathfinder will stop him, and you'll receive the Empowered Godsbane, which will urge you to go to Moonglint Tower. After the cutscene, the quest ends, and you'll receive your rewards.

How to Tell Time of Day

How to Start A New Godsway

Complete the Convergence Main Quest


A New Godsway will automatically start as soon as you complete the Convergence quest in Seafloor Shrine.

Convergence Walkthrough

A New Godsway Location

Map View TBD
World View TBD

A New Godsway Quest Summary

How to Unlock and Rewards

Quest Type Main Quest
Location Seafloor Shrine
Unlock Condition Assigned automatically after clearing the quest Convergence
Quest Giver Rothais
Rewards XP: 6,000
Gold: 35,000
Dragon Wakestone (x1)
・ Empowered Godsbane Blade

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