Dragon's Dogma 2 (DD2)

All Choices That Matter


There are several choices players will encounter in Dragon's Dogma 2 that may have story, rewards, and gameplay effects. See all the choices that matter and choices that don't matter here!

Dragon Spoilers Ahead! This page explains major choices that affect the outcome of Dragon's Dogma 2 and will contain heavy spoilers!

All Choices That Matter

Choice Effects Point in Progression
Face the Dragon or Sacrifice Beloved Affects ending you get Legacy Quest
Speak to Pathfinder Allows you to go back in time At the end of the Good Ending
Dying in the Unmoored World Affects True Ending progression During the True Ending
Select a Prisoner or Hooded Prisoner Race selection Character Creator
Character Size Affects stats Character Creator
Select a Pawn Preset or Create New Main Pawn customization Tale's Beginning

Face the Dragon or Sacrifice Your Beloved

During the Legacy main quest, you have the option to face the dragon or sacrifice your beloved to become Sovran.

Choosing to finally slay the Dragon leads to the good ending where you become Sovran, much to the people's delight.

If you choose to sacrifice your beloved for power, you get the bad ending where you still become Sovran, but the people are less happy about your ascension. Your character is also shown to have been plagued with guilt for sacrificing their beloved to the Dragon.

Endings Guide: How to Get the True Ending

Let the Credits Roll or Speak to the Pathfinder

If you seek out the Pathfinder during the credit sequence of the game's good ending, she'll give you the option to go back in time during the fight with the dragon, where you can use the Godsbane Blade on yourself.

This leads to Unmoored World, which is the game's postgame, where you can undertake challenges to reverse your choices and face the dragon one last time to break the cycle of the world.

Endings Guide: How to Get the True Ending

Give Up in the Unmoored World

If you die at any time in the Unmoored World, either from stronger enemies or during the final fight with the dragon, you have the option to choose Give Up when resurrecting.

If you choose to give up, another ending sequence plays where your character wakes up and falls to their knees at the sight of the ruined world after missing their chance to rewrite their mistakes.

Select a Prisoner or Select the Hooded Prisoner?


At the very start of the game, when given the choice of selecting a prisoner, choosing a prisoner allows you to play a preset character, while selecting the hooded prisoner directs you to the character creation menu.

However, the race you pick for the main character (Human or Beastren) cannot be changed. Any other aspect of the main character can be changed in the future.

Character Creation Guide

Character Size


When editing a character's physical appearance, note that a character's height and weight significantly impact physical characteristics such as carrying weight, mobility, stamina, and more!

Fortunately, most aspects of your character and main pawn, except for their race, can be changed later.

Does Your Character Size Matter?

Choose a Preset or Create New?


Once you reach the first stronghold with Justinn, you can create your main pawn. The race you choose for your main pawn (Human or Beastren) cannot be changed, whether from a preset pawn or a newly created one.

However, any other aspect of the main pawn can be changed in the future.

Pawns System Explained

All Choices That Don't Matter



A character's moniker is selected along with their name, which will be an alternative name in regard to the game's online features. It does not affect the game's story or dialogue.

Moniker Meaning and Difference from Name

Starting Vocation


The vocation you choose at the start of the game when creating a character can be freely changed to other vocations, including both starter and advanced vocations, in vocation guilds by interacting with the Vocation Guild NPC.

However, your level on a particular vocation does not carry over to other vocations, meaning you would have to re-level newly chosen vocations.

How to Change Vocations

Do Choices Matter?

Choices Matter


The game's director described it as a narrative-driven action RPG, where player choices are central to the gameplay experience.

Like the prequel, Dragon's Dogma 2 will feature important choices that influence quest outcomes, rewards, and endings.

Dragon's Dogma 2 Related Guides


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