Dragon's Dogma 2 (DD2)

How to Unlock Trickster and Best Skills

Dragons Dogma 2 - How to Unlock Trickster Vocation

Trickster is a Hybrid Vocation in Dragon's Dogma 2 (DD2). Learn how to unlock the Trickster vocation, see the best skills, builds, best weapons, and armor for the Trickster!

How to Unlock Trickster Vocation

Talk to Luz at the Reverent Shrine

The Trickster Vocation is obtained after talking to Luz at the Reverent Shrine. The shrine is located to the east of the Enoa Battahl Forest. The general vicinity of the area is to the West of the entire world map.

Players must choose to pay 50 Gold to unlock the Trickster Vocation. You can then change to the Trickster vocation by going to a Vocation Guild and acquiring the vocation for 200 DCP.

Can Also Be Unlocked in the Flickering Shadows Quest

If you're following the Flickering Shadows Quest, it will task you to talk to Luz. She will ask you a few things, and answer with "Tell me the godsway's secret".

After this dialogue, the Trickster Vocation will be unlocked. Note that you do not need to unlock this quest to get the Trickster Vocation from Luz - you can just go straight to Reverent Shrine and unlock the vocation even if the quest is not active.

Flickering Shadows Walkthrough

Best Trickster Skills

Best Weapon Skills

Skill Name Rating and Explanation
Aromatic Rally Rating: ★★★★★
• Improves your allies' overall performance in battles
• Required skill for Tricksters as they do not attack at all but relies on allies to fight for them
• Main caveat is that the pawn's health steadily drains if the effect is active.
• Always have a Mage ready to heal the Pawn.
Fickle Floor Rating: ★★★★★
• Creates a ghostly floor that stops enemies in their tracks
• Can be used to conjure ledges to reach scale cliffs and walls
• Can conjure on the cliffside to trick enemies into jumping onto the ramp, only to fall to their deaths
Sweeping Shroud Rating: ★★★★☆
• Attracts enemy attention from your Pawns so they can have free hits
• Works well if you conjure an Effigy as the enemies will attack the effigy instead.
Dragon's Delusion Rating: ★★★☆☆
• Maister Teaching skill of the Trickster
• Conjures a dragon familiar that scares enemies causing them to flee!
• Not very useful against boss battles but generally great to use when trying to explore the world.
▶ How to Get Dragon's Delusion

Best Core Skills

Skill Name Rating and Explanation
Effigial Quickburn Rating: ★★★★★
• Speed of creating Effigies is increased
• Prioritize this skill as you will be spamming the creation of effigies a lot of times during battle
Drifting Brume Rating: ★★★★☆
• Conjures a smoke cloud that confuses enemies
• Great thing to have as a crowd control mechanic

Best Trickster Augments

Skill Name Rating and Explanation
Detection Rating: ★★★★★
• Most important augment from the Trickster as it alerts the Arisen if Seeker Tokens or Wakestones are near.
• Generally great if your focus is exploration
Fugacity Rating: ★★★★☆
• Another important augment if you like exploration
• Generally effective so your oxcart travels are less likely to get interrupted by monsters
Enlightenment Rating: ★★★★☆
• Also a great skill to have generally
• Crafting something can now result to two items!

Best Trickster Builds

Trickster Skills Build

Recommended Trickster Loadout
Aromatic Rally Delusory Screen
Sweeping Shroud Fickle Floor

Here is our recommended loadout for Tricksters during your playthrough. Strengthen your allied pawns by consistently casting Aromatic Rally then use Fickle Floor for crowd control. As a Trickster, you have to focus on supporting your Pawns by confusing enemies and providing crowd control.

Don't forget to upgrade the skill to their improved versions as you unlock them!

Trickster Augment Build

Augment Vocation / Description
Sustainment Required Rank: 2
Augments the physical Defense and Magick Defense of pawns in your party.
Endurance Required Rank: 4
Increases your maximum Stamina.
Zeal Required Rank: 6
Reduces the Stamina consumed when performing a weapon skill.
Perpetuation Required Rank: 8
Extends the duration of enchantments and invigorations.
Exaltation Required Rank: 9
Augments your Stamina recovery speed.

The Trickster's main role is to support their allies with the skill Aromatic Rally and other crowd control skills that will ensure the survival of their party. The augments listed above maximized their capability to spam skills so they could affect battles more effectively.

Best Weapons and Armor (End-Game)

Weapon Details
Weapon STR / MGK Where to Get
Resonant Hymn IconResonant Hymn 125 / 270 Obtain from Volcanic Island Armory for 39000G.
Armor Loadout
Armor Part Where to Get
Uncanny Eyes IconUncanny Eyes Head Purchase at Volcanic Island Armory for 37500 G.
Mysterial Robe IconMysterial Robe Body Purchase at Volcanic Island Armory for 39200 G.
Rapturous Raffia Skirt IconRapturous Raffia Skirt Leg Purchase at Volcanic Island Armory for 33800 G.
•  Ring of Quickening (Left Hand)
•  Ring of Percipience (Right Hand)
•  Admiral's Mantle (Cloak)

The best endgame equipment for the Trickster is bought at the Armory in the Volcanic Island Camp. The build would be able to help you kill Dragons to farm Wyrmslife Crystals and purchase all the strongest post-game equipment from Bay Wayside Shrine.

The weapon to aim for is the Resonant Hymn censer then purchase the Uncanny Eyes, Mysterial Robe, and Rapturous Raffia Skirt armor pieces to amp up your defenses.

Considering Tricksters need stamina management, we suggest purchasing two (2) Rings of Quickening and equip it on both hands. This helps in managing the Trickster's stamina and allow them to spam skills more comfortably!

Best Weapons and Armor (Mid-Game)

Weapon Details
Weapon STR / MGK Where to Get
Redolent Whisper IconRedolent Whisper 100 / 240 Obtain from Awaran's Arms for 26500G.
Armor Loadout
Armor Part Where to Get
Midnight Turban IconMidnight Turban Head Purchase at Bodas's Armory for 26000 G.
Monastic Toga IconMonastic Toga Body Purchase at Bodas's Armory for 32800 G.
NeophyteNeophyte's Hosen Leg Purchase at Bodas's Armory for 24300 G.

The best weapon for the Trickster is the Censer, Redolent Whisper. You can get this censer from Awaran's Arms as soon as you arrive in Bakbattahl.

Likewise, the best armor for the Trickster is also bought in Bakbattahl - with Midnight Turban, Monastic Toga, Neophyte's Hosen taking the top spots. You can get them all from Bodas' Armory and will set you back a total of 83,100 gold.

For rings and cloaks, equip those that will improve the overall Stamina rating as Tricksters need a lot of stamina to spam their abilities to support their pawns!

Trickster Pawn Party Composition

Arisen Main Pawn Hired Pawn Hired Pawn
Dragons Dogma 2 - Trickster IconTrickster Dragons Dogma 2 - Mage IconMage Dragons Dogma 2 - Fighter IconFighter Dragons Dogma 2 - Sorcerer IconSorcerer

The best party composition for a Trickster has their main pawn as a Mage, and damager pawns like Fighter and Sorcerer.

As a Trickster, your main task is to support your pawns and make them deal as much damage as possible with your skills. You are also responsible to dishing out crowd control when the going gets tough!

To support you in battle, the Mage will be valuable as its healing capabilities as your main support skill, Aromatic Rally, drains your allies' health in exchange for a huge damage buff. For recruited pawns, you can use the Fighter pawn as the meat shield while the Sorcerer dishes out big damage from the sidelines.

Best Party Composition

How to Unlock the Trickster Maister Skills

Weapon Skill Description
Dragon's Delusion Skill Effect:
Creates an illusory dragon that cannot directly deal damage, but instills hostile targets with fear and even causes them to trip or flee.
Unlocked via a Maister

Look for Luz's True Body

Map Overworld

The Vocation Maister for the Trickster vocation is Luz. She is first located inside the Revenant Shrine in her illusion form.

How to Get Trickster Maister Approval

# Objectives
1 Level up the Trickster Vocation up to Rank 2.
2 Find Luz's true body by climbing the ladder on the left of the Revenant Shrine

All Maister's Teachings Locations and Skills

How to Play the Trickster

Trickster Gameplay

Stagger Enemies Through Fear

Tricksters can conjure illusions of large monsters to instill fear in enemies, staggering them in the process. The Trickster's Maister Skill, Dragon's Delusion, summons a dragon illusion that spooks enemies into submission!

Trick Enemies by Conjuring Fake Floors and Walls

Tricksters can solidify the smoke from their Censers to form walls that block passages or create bridges, filling in gaps in the environment to allow the Trickster and its party to traverse terrain.

Conjuring floor illusions using Fickle Floor on cliffsides also tricks enemies into jumping onto the smokey terrain only to find themselves falling to their deaths. It's a great tactic when dealing with small enemies like Goblins!

Confuse Enemies by Conjuring Phantoms

Tricksters can create phantom illusions from smoke that confuses enemies to target the illusion. It can also be attached to enemies to make other enemies in the area attack their own.

Increase Pawns' Power with Aromatic Rally

Tricksters can temporarily increase the strength of Pawns to make them more powerful and effective in battle using Aromatic Rally. This is going to be the Trickster's bread-and-butter so make sure to use it a lot!

Beware though that Aromatic Rally continuously drains the HP of the affected individuals so always have a Mage ready for healing!

All Trickster Augments

Augment Details
Detection Augment Effect:
Alerts you to the presence of any Seeker's Tokens or Wakestone shards in the vicinity with sound and blinking light.
Rank Unlocked: 2
DCP Cost: 300
Enlightenment Augment Effect:
You have a chance of creating one more of the resulting product when combining materials.
Rank Unlocked: 4
DCP Cost: 900
Fugacity Augment Effect:
Decreases the likelihood of being beset by hostile targets while camping or riding in an oxcart.
Rank Unlocked: 6
DCP Cost: 1800
Obfuscation Augment Effect:
Decreases the likelihood that hostile targets will detect you when you are not in battle stance.
Rank Unlocked: 8
DCP Cost: 3000
Allure Augment Effect:
Enables you to raise your affinity with people more easily.
Rank Unlocked: 9
DCP Cost: 5000

List of Augments

All Trickster Skills

Weapon Skills

Weapon Skill Description
Sweeping Shroud Skill Effect:
Diffuses smoke across a broad range, attracting the attention of any targets the smoke touches. If Effigial Incense has been cast, targets will focus on the simulacrum instead.
Rank Unlocked: 1
DCP Cost: 100
Delusory Screen Skill Effect:
Conjures an illusory wall that hinders hostile targets’ movement and blocks their field of vision. The wall dissipates after a time.
Rank Unlocked: 2
DCP Cost: 300
Aromatic Rally Skill Effect:
Diffuses incense in the vicinity that boosts the offensive capabilities of allies it touches and allows them to fight on even if their Health runs out. Allies’ Health falls steadily while active.
Rank Unlocked: 3
DCP Cost: 450
Suffocating Shroud Skill Effect:
An advanced form of Sweeping Shroud that diffuses smoke over a wider area and more effectively draws targets’ attention.
Rank Unlocked: 4
DCP Cost: 1000
Illusive Divider Skill Effect:
An advanced form of Delusory Screen that extends the effect’s duration and allows up to two walls to be conjured simultaneously.
Rank Unlocked: 4
DCP Cost: 1000
Espial Incense Skill Effect:
Detaches the caster’s spirit from their physical form by inhaling a peculiar incense. Spirit can be controlled and used to scout distant places undetected. Consumes Stamina while in use.
Rank Unlocked: 4
DCP Cost: 700
Aromatic Resurgence Skill Effect:
An advanced form of Aromatic Rally that has a longer-lasting effect and further enhances allies' offensive capabilities.
Rank Unlocked: 5
DCP Cost: 1300
Fickle Floor Skill Effect:
Conjures an illusory platform that can be set in places without footholds, such as in mid-air. Can be used to entice hostile targets toward an unexpected fall.
Rank Unlocked: 5
DCP Cost: 1100
Visitant Aura Skill Effect:
An advanced form of Espial Incense that consumes less Stamina while in use.
Rank Unlocked: 6
DCP Cost: 1600
Latching Effigy Skill Effect:
Launches a simulacrum conjured with Effigial Incense toward a distant target and possesses it. The simulacrum disappears if it misses its mark.
Rank Unlocked: 6
DCP Cost: 1800
Tricky Terrace Skill Effect:
An advanced form of Fickle Floor that extends the effect’s duration and allows up to two platforms to be conjured simultaneously.
Rank Unlocked: 7
DCP Cost: 2500
Scented Alarum Skill Effect:
Envelops the caster in a special smoke that detects any hostile targets in the vicinity. Consumes Stamina while active.
Rank Unlocked: 7
DCP Cost: 2500
Binding Effigy Skill Effect:
An advanced form of Latching Effigy that has a greater effective range and launches the simulacrum with increased speed.
Rank Unlocked: 8
DCP Cost: 2500
Fragrant Alarum Skill Effect:
An advanced form of Scented Alarum that consumes less Stamina while active and detects hostile presences over a wider area.
Rank Unlocked: 9
DCP Cost: 3000
Dragon's Delusion Skill Effect:
Creates an illusory dragon that cannot directly deal damage, but instills hostile targets with fear and even causes them to trip or flee.
Unlocked via a Maister

List of All Weapon Skills

Core Skills

Core Skill Description
Beveiling Fumes Skill Effect:
Swings the censer, engulfing targets in smoke and drawing attention to the caster.
Rank Unlocked: 1
DCP Cost: 0
Effigial Incense Skill Effect:
Creates a simulacrum (an illusory figure that is identical to the caster) that draws the attention of hostile targets. Dissipates if continuously attacked or if too far away from the caster.
Rank Unlocked: 1
DCP Cost: 0
Invoking Essence Skill Effect:
Beckons the simulacrum to the caster’s location. Can also be employed while clinging to or pinning down a foe.
Rank Unlocked: 1
DCP Cost: 0
Effigial Snuff Skill Effect:
Dispels a simulacrum created with Effigial Incense.
Rank Unlocked: 1
DCP Cost: 0
Enthralling Aroma Skill Effect:
Possesses a hostile target with a simulacrum of the caster, drawing the ire of foes and causing them to attack each other. Can also be employed while clinging to or pinning down a foe.
Rank Unlocked: 1
DCP Cost: 0
Mending Vapor Skill Effect:
Slowly repairs damage incurred by a simulacrum while beckoning it to the caster.
Rank Unlocked: 1
DCP Cost: 150
Drifting Brume Skill Effect:
Swings the censer to conjure a cloud of smoke before unleashing it upon targets. The smoke can travel to reach targets that are not too far away, and draw the attention of any targets it engulfs.
Rank Unlocked: 2
DCP Cost: 250
Effigial Quickburn Skill Effect:
Hastens the speed at which a simulacrum is created when casting Effigial Incense.
Rank Unlocked: 3
DCP Cost: 400
Trailing Aroma Skill Effect:
Extends the distance that a simulacrum created with Effigial Incense can venture from the caster.
Rank Unlocked: 4
DCP Cost: 600

List of All Core Skills

All Trickster Weapons

Weapon Type Strength / Magick Vocation
Bewitching Balm IconBewitching Balm Censer 75/180
Dragons Dogma 2 - Trickster Icon Trickster
Obtain from Awaran's Arms (12250G).
Redolent Whisper IconRedolent Whisper Censer 100/240
Dragons Dogma 2 - Trickster Icon Trickster
Obtain from Awaran's Arms (26500G).
Resonant Hymn IconResonant Hymn Censer 125/270
Dragons Dogma 2 - Trickster Icon Trickster
Obtain from Volcanic Island Armory (39000G).
Achromic Reverie IconAchromic Reverie Censer 150/300
Dragons Dogma 2 - Trickster Icon Trickster
Obtain from Roderick's Smithy (65000G).
Dragonswail Litany IconDragonswail Litany Censer 200/325
Dragons Dogma 2 - Trickster Icon Trickster
Bay Wayside Shrine (The Dragonforged)
Whimsical Daydream IconWhimsical Daydream Censer 175/290
Dragons Dogma 2 - Trickster Icon Trickster
Quest (Sphinx)

List of Weapons and Weapon Mechanics

All Trickster Armor

Armor Defense Magick Defense Vocations
Serpentine Circlet Icon Serpentine Circlet
0.70 kg
11 26
Dragons Dogma 2 - Trickster Icon Trickster
Purchase at Bjorn's Armory for 6300 G.
Oracular Veil Icon Oracular Veil
0.89 kg
28 9
Dragons Dogma 2 - Trickster Icon Trickster
Obtain from a Chest in Holy Mausoleum Ruins.
Crown of Insight Icon Crown of Insight
0.63 kg
30 45
Dragons Dogma 2 - Trickster Icon Trickster
Purchase at Bodas's Armory for 15800 G.
Illuminary Crown Icon Illuminary Crown
1.25 kg
35 73
Dragons Dogma 2 - Trickster Icon Trickster
Purchase at Bodas's Armory for 24400 G.
Veil of Awakening Icon Veil of Awakening
0.48 kg
35 60
Dragons Dogma 2 - Trickster Icon Trickster
Purchase at Bodas's Armory for 2700 G.
Battahli Turban Icon Battahli Turban
1.94 kg
38 70
Dragons Dogma 2 - Trickster Icon Trickster
Purchase at Bodas's Armory for 12600 G.
Journeyer Journeyer's Sirwal
0.82 kg
38 20
Dragons Dogma 2 - Trickster Icon Trickster
Purchase at Nameless Apothecary for 3300 G.
Doomdove Turban Icon Doomdove Turban
1.82 kg
40 71
Dragons Dogma 2 - Trickster Icon Trickster
Obtain from a Chest in Tomb of Am'Ranna.
Sage Sage's Hood
1.33 kg
41 45
Dragons Dogma 2 - Trickster Icon Trickster
Purchase at Celeste's Smithy for 14500 G.
Zodiac Charm Icon Zodiac Charm
0.32 kg
50 70
Dragons Dogma 2 - Trickster Icon Trickster
Purchase at Volcanic Island Armory for 22700 G.
Hillfolk Breeches Icon Hillfolk Breeches
2.21 kg
50 20
Dragons Dogma 2 - Trickster Icon Trickster
Purchase at Celeste's Smithy for 9200 G.
Monkish Gaiters Icon Monkish Gaiters
1.23 kg
55 70
Dragons Dogma 2 - Trickster Icon Trickster
Purchase at Bodas's Armory for 3900 G.
Ascetic Gaiters Icon Ascetic Gaiters
2.04 kg
55 70
Dragons Dogma 2 - Trickster Icon Trickster
Purchase at Bodas's Armory for 15200 G.
Visionary Visionary's Mask
0.76 kg
55 88
Dragons Dogma 2 - Trickster Icon Trickster
Obtain from a Chest in Tomb of Al'Guttos.
Midnight Turban Icon Midnight Turban
2.26 kg
60 46
Dragons Dogma 2 - Trickster Icon Trickster
Purchase at Bodas's Armory for 26000 G.
Robe of the Enlightened Icon Robe of the Enlightened
2.50 kg
60 90
Dragons Dogma 2 - Trickster Icon Trickster
Default equipment for a vocation.
Spellweaver Spellweaver's Waistcloth
1.23 kg
60 70
Dragons Dogma 2 - Trickster Icon Trickster
Purchase at Zonna's Shop for 12800 G.
Neophyte Neophyte's Hosen
2.23 kg
65 80
Dragons Dogma 2 - Trickster Icon Trickster
Purchase at Bodas's Armory for 24300 G.
Hood of Nonentity Icon Hood of Nonentity
1.86 kg
65 90
Dragons Dogma 2 - Trickster Icon Trickster
Purchase at Chest for 30000 G. Obtain from a Chest in Caliginous Depths.
Jewel-Woven Sandals Icon Jewel-Woven Sandals
1.22 kg
70 88
Dragons Dogma 2 - Trickster Icon Trickster
Purchase at Volcanic Island Armory for 26600 G.
Living Altar Icon Living Altar
1.51 kg
70 120
Dragons Dogma 2 - Trickster Icon Trickster
Purchase at Bay Wayside Shrine (The Dragonforged) for 20 WLC.
Uncanny Eyes Icon Uncanny Eyes
1.20 kg
72 105
Dragons Dogma 2 - Trickster Icon Trickster
Purchase at Volcanic Island Armory for 37500 G.
Nirvane Icon Nirvane
2.80 kg
72 113
Dragons Dogma 2 - Trickster Icon Trickster
Purchase at Bodas's Armory for 16600 G.
Rapturous Raffia Skirt Icon Rapturous Raffia Skirt
1.62 kg
72 92
Dragons Dogma 2 - Trickster Icon Trickster
Purchase at Volcanic Island Armory for 33800 G.
Priestly Habit Icon Priestly Habit
2.36 kg
75 94
Dragons Dogma 2 - Trickster Icon Trickster
Purchase at Bodas's Armory for 19000 G.
Persecutor Persecutor's Horns
1.45 kg
76 50
Dragons Dogma 2 - Trickster Icon Trickster
Purchase at Volcanic Island Armory for 22500 G.
Summoner's Crown
2.21 kg
80 120
Dragons Dogma 2 - Trickster Icon Trickster
Obtain from a Chest South of Vernworth.
Dapper Chausses Icon Dapper Chausses
2.46 kg
83 55
Dragons Dogma 2 - Trickster Icon Trickster
Purchase at Bodas's Armory for 28000 G.
Braided Boots Icon Braided Boots
1.45 kg
85 75
Dragons Dogma 2 - Trickster Icon Trickster
Purchase at Zachary's Shop for 16800 G.
Runic Gaiters Icon Runic Gaiters
1.56 kg
90 110
Dragons Dogma 2 - Trickster Icon Trickster
Purchase at Bay Wayside Shrine (The Dragonforged) for 30 WLC.
Stargazer Stargazer's Garb
2.16 kg
90 140
Dragons Dogma 2 - Trickster Icon Trickster
Purchase at Chest, Zonna's Shop for 34000 G. Obtain from a Chest in Seafloor Shrine.
Enigmatic Robe Icon Enigmatic Robe
2.61 kg
90 124
Dragons Dogma 2 - Trickster Icon Trickster
Monastic Toga Icon Monastic Toga
3.32 kg
95 131
Dragons Dogma 2 - Trickster Icon Trickster
Purchase at Bodas's Armory for 32800 G.
Arena Breeches Icon Arena Breeches
2.70 kg
103 63
Dragons Dogma 2 - Trickster Icon Trickster
Purchase at Volcanic Island Armory for 33100 G.
Mysterial Robe Icon Mysterial Robe
3.33 kg
110 158
Dragons Dogma 2 - Trickster Icon Trickster
Purchase at Volcanic Island Armory for 39200 G.
Ares Morpho Robe Icon Ares Morpho Robe
2.30 kg
115 162
Dragons Dogma 2 - Trickster Icon Trickster
Purchase at Volcanic Island Armory for 42800 G.
Arch-Conjuror Arch-Conjuror's Robe
3.75 kg
130 182
Dragons Dogma 2 - Trickster Icon Trickster
Purchase at Bjorn's Armory for 75000 G.
Totemic Shroud Icon Totemic Shroud
3.37 kg
140 177
Dragons Dogma 2 - Trickster Icon Trickster
Purchase at Bay Wayside Shrine (The Dragonforged) for 70 WLC.
Edified Vestment Icon Edified Vestment
3.18 kg
140 180
Dragons Dogma 2 - Trickster Icon Trickster
Purchase at Bjorn's Armory for 75000 G.

List of Armors and Effects

Trickster Basic Information and Rating

Trickster Trickster Vocation Type
Hybrid Vocation
Equipable Weapons
Tier Rating
Tier Rating
C Rank N/A

Best Vocations and Class Tier List

Trickster for Party-Wide Support


The Trickster are for players who plan to exclude themselves from the main battle and manipulate the field in their favor. Really effective in supporting all your offensive and defensive pawns.

Trickster is Exclusive to the Arisen

Trickster is a vocation exclusive to the Arisen. Your pawns cannot equip this vocation and there won't be any Trickster for hire from Riftstones.

Best Pawn Vocations

Dragon's Dogma 2 Related Guides


Best Vocations and Class Tier List

List of All Vocations

Starter Vocations
FighterFighter ArcherArcher ThiefThief MageMage
Advanced Vocations
WarriorWarrior SorcererSorcerer
Hybrid Vocations
Magick ArcherMagick Archer Mystic SpearhandMystic Spearhand
TricksterTrickster WarfarerWarfarer

Vocations by Type

All Vocation Types
Starter Advanced Hybrid

Vocation Guides and Articles

All Vocation Guides and Articles
How to Unlock All Vocations How to Change Vocations
Should You Level All Vocations? -


2 Migromul11 months

There are some errors in this trickster-guide: - the main role of the trickster is the TANK, Support is secondary, if even. - the bread and butter-skill is therefore the cloud, that gets aggro - it's very important to have the illusion active all the time. - fighter isn't nessecary, especially not as a meat shield! - stamina-management isn't an issue with the trickster, normally. All controls for your illusion, including the summoning are CORE-skills and don't cost any stamina.

1 Anonymousabout 1 year

How do you even use Tricky Terrace for Crowd Control?


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