Dragon's Dogma 2 (DD2)

How to Get Chirurgeon Specialization

This is a guide on how to get the Chirurgeon Specialization in Dragon's Dogma 2 (DD2). Read on to learn how to get the Chirurgeon Specialization, how to get the Chirurgeon's Tome and additional information on what the Chirurgeon Specialization is.

How to Get the Chirurgeon Specialization

Have a Pawn with the Chirurgeon Specialization

You can make use of the Chirurgeon Specialization if any pawn in your party has it. This pawn you bring can be your own pawn or someone else's!

All Pawn Specializations

Use the Chirurgeon's Tome

After getting the Chirurgeon's Tome, you can change your pawn's specialization to the Chirurgeon specialization if you use it in the Implements tab of your inventory.

Specialization Tomes are One-Time Use

Specialization Tomes are consumed on use and will not be able to change your specialization multiple times, so be careful!

Using one also overwrites your pawn's currently equipped specialization, so keep that in mind before committing to a specialization.

How to Get the Chirurgeon's Tome

Get From Flora After Finishing the Medicament Predicament Side Quest

1 Finish the Medicament Predicament Side Quest
Do so by giving Flora Fruit Roborant back in Melve. You can get Fruit Roborant by either combining Dried Fruit and Greenwarish. You can also buy them in Vernworth from Auriol himself!
2 Approach Auriol's Stall After
Approach Auriol's Stall after finishing the side quest. You will find out that Flora is his daughter, after which he will provide you with a 20% discount on any of his wares for helping his daughter out.
3 Claim the Chirurgeon's Tome
Talk to Flora after finishing the dialogue, and she should immediately give you the Chirurgeon's Tome. If she did not give you the tome, rest at the inn for a day and then talk to her again back at Auriol's Stall.

You can get the Chirurgeon's Tome as a gift from Flora after you finish the Medicament Predicament side quest and approach Auriol's stall in Vernworth.

Medicament Predicament Walkthrough

What is the Chirurgeon Specialization?

Lets Your Pawn Use Curatives on the Party

Equipping the Chirurgeon Specialization allows your pawn to use curative items for you and your party.

The Chirurgeon Specialization lets you take more risks as your pawn will use curatives to restore your Health or Stamina if they are close by! Equip this specialization if your pawn's inclination is Kind-hearted!

List of All Curatives

Chirurgeon's Tome Overview

Chirurgeon's Tome Item Stats
Dragons Dogma 2 - Chirurgeon A tome that grants a pawn the Chirurgeon specialization, allowing them to use curatives on the Arisen and other allies on their own initiative.
Type Weight Cost Sell
Implements 0.20 kg - -
Item Effect
Grants a pawn the Chirurgeon specialization

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