Dragon's Dogma 2 (DD2)

List of Rings

Rings in Dragon's Dogma 2 (DD2) provide different effects for the Arisen. See a list of Rings in Dragon's Dogma 2, their stats, and where to get them!

List of Rings

List of Rings

Armor Description
Eternal Bond Icon Eternal Bond A ring that brims with mystic light. Grants the wearer a more companionable air. When offered as a gift, it deepens the bond between giver and receiver.
Ring of Acclamation Icon Ring of Acclamation A ring imbued with power. Moderately boosts maximum Health.
Ring of Accrual Icon Ring of Accrual A ring imbued with power. Slightly increases the maximum amount of weight that the wearer can carry.
Ring of Aggression Icon Ring of Aggression A ring that grants power to the wearer whose spirit resonates with its magick. Boosts Strength.
Ring of Ambition Icon Ring of Ambition A ring bearing a mysterious power that invigorates the spirit. Slightly boosts experience gained from defeating foes.
Ring of Amplification Icon Ring of Amplification A ring bearing a mysterious power that invigorates the spirit. Boosts amount recovered when using curatives.
Ring of Articulacy Icon Ring of Articulacy A ring bearing a mysterious power that invigorates the spirit. Slightly reduces time taken to incant spells.
Ring of Assurance Icon Ring of Assurance A ring that finds frequent use among fledgling adventurers. Slightly boosts the wearer's Defense and Magick Defense.
Ring of Awareness Icon Ring of Awareness A ring that dispels malign powers. Reduces accumulation of the wearer's sleep value.
Ring of Benevolence Icon Ring of Benevolence A ring bearing a mysterious power that invigorates the spirit. After a large loss of Health, wearer recovers Health slowly for a limited time.
Ring of Brawn Icon Ring of Brawn A ring bearing a mysterious power that invigorates the spirit. Offers a greater boost to Strength the less weight the wearer is carrying.
Ring of Conservation Icon Ring of Conservation A ring that grants power to the wearer whose spirit resonates with its magick. Boosts Magick Defense.
Ring of Cooling Icon Ring of Cooling A ring that grants power to the wearer whose spirit resonates with its magick. Reduces damage taken from fire attacks.
Ring of Deflection Icon Ring of Deflection A ring that grants power to the wearer whose spirit resonates with its magick. Reduces damage taken from slash attacks.
Ring of Derision Icon Ring of Derision A ring that emanates a direful impulse. Weakens all of the wearer's attack to the fullest extent possible.
Ring of Desiccation Icon Ring of Desiccation A ring that dispels malign powers. Completely prevents the wearer's drenched value from accumulating.
Ring of Disfavor Icon Ring of Disfavor A ring that emanates a direful impulse. Increases the likelihood of being targeted by foes.
Ring of Endeavor Icon Ring of Endeavor A ring bearing a mysterious power that invigorates the spirit. Slightly boosts discipline gained from defeating foes.
Ring of Exultation Icon Ring of Exultation A ring imbued with power. Slightly boosts maximum Health.
Ring of Gallantry Icon Ring of Gallantry A ring bearing a mysterious power that invigorates the spirit. Wearer takes more damage from ranged attacks from behind, but less if hit from the front.
Ring of Grit Icon Ring of Grit A ring bearing a mysterious power that invigorates the spirit. Reduces Stamina expended when blocking an attack with the shield.
Ring of Indifference Icon Ring of Indifference A ring that grants power to the wearer whose spirit resonates with its magick. Reduces damage taken from strike attacks.
Ring of Insomnolence Icon Ring of Insomnolence A ring that dispels malign powers. Completely prevents the wearer's sleep value from accumulating.
Ring of Loquacity Icon Ring of Loquacity A ring that dispels malign powers. Completely prevents the wearer's silence value from accumulating.
Ring of Momentum Icon Ring of Momentum A ring imbued with power. Moderately incrreases the maximum amount of weight that the wearer can carry.
Ring of Motility Icon Ring of Motility A ring that dispels malign powers. Completely prevents the wearer's petrification value from accumulating.
Ring of Percipience Icon Ring of Percipience A ring that grants power to the wearer whose spirit resonates with its magick. Boosts Magick.
Ring of Profusion Icon Ring of Profusion A ring imbued with power. Moderately increases the maximum amount of weight that the wearer can carry.
Ring of Proximity Icon Ring of Proximity A ring imbued with power. Offers a greater boost to the Strength of bow attacks the closer the wearer is to a target.
Ring of Purification Icon Ring of Purification A ring that dispels malign powers. Completely prevents the wearer's blighted value from accumulating.
Ring of Quenching Icon Ring of Quenching A ring that dispels malign powers. Completely prevents the wearer's caught fire value from accumulating.
Ring of Quickening Icon Ring of Quickening A ring imbued with power. Boosts stamina recovery speed.
Ring of Reassurance Icon Ring of Reassurance A ring bearing a mysterious power that invigorates the spirit. Temporarily boosts the Defense of a pawn after the wearer helps them up.
Ring of Recitation Icon Ring of Recitation A ring bearing a mysterious power that invigorates the spirit. Greatly reduces time taken to incant spells, but also reduces maximum Health.
Ring of Recompense Icon Ring of Recompense A ring bearing a mysterious power that invigorates the spirit. Boosts the wearer's Strength when their Health is low.
Ring of Regeneration Icon Ring of Regeneration A ring bearing a mysterious power that invigorates the spirit. The wearer recovers Health upon defeating a foe.
Ring of Repellency Icon Ring of Repellency A ring that dispels malign powers. Completely prevents the wearer's tarred value from accumulating.
Ring of Requital Icon Ring of Requital A ring bearing a mysterious power that invigorates the spirit. Temporarily boosts Strength after a successful Deflect.
Ring of Resiliency Icon Ring of Resiliency A ring that grants power to the wearer whose spirit resonates with its magick. Boosts Defense.
Ring of Resolution Icon Ring of Resolution A ring bearing a mysterious power that invigorates the spirit. The wearer is less likely to be knocked down or staggered.
Ring of Skullduggery Icon Ring of Skullduggery A ring imbued with power. Increases damage dealt when attacking foes from behind.
Ring of Tenacity Icon Ring of Tenacity A ring imbued with power. Slightly boosts maximum Stamina.
Ring of Tepidity Icon Ring of Tepidity A ring that grants power to the wearer whose spirit resonates with its magick. Reduces damage taken from ice attacks.
Ring of Thawing Icon Ring of Thawing A ring that dispels malign powers. Completely prevents the wearer's ice-bound value from accumulating
Ring of Triumph Icon Ring of Triumph A ring imbued with power. Slightly boosts maximum Health, maximum Stamina, and the maximum amount of weight that the wearer can carry.
Ring of Vehemence Icon Ring of Vehemence A ring imbued with power. The wearer's attacks are more likely to stagger and knock down foes.
Turquoise Ring Icon Turquoise Ring A ring that glimmers with a gentle light. Proves the wearer’s friendship with Trysha, daughter to a sorcerer of renown.

Rings don't provide defense or resistance, unlike other armor pieces. Instead, these give additional effects such as increased health or maximum carriable weight. They can also be equipped by any vocation.

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