Dragon's Dogma 2 (DD2)

Best Archistaves and All Archistaves List

Archistaves are the main weapon of a Sorcerer in Dragon's Dogma 2 (DD2). See the best Archistaves, a list of all Archistaves, and their primary stats!

Best Archistaves

Best Early Game Plucked Heart
Best Midgame Solar Providence
Best Overall Dragon's Wit

Best Early Archistaff

Plucked Heart IconPlucked Heart Strength: 48
Magick: 221
Slash Strength: 0
Strike Strength: 100
Knockdown Power: 83

The Plucked Heart is the strongest Archistaff you can buy early on from Celeste's Smithy in Checkpoint Rest Town.

Best Midgame Archistaff

Solar Providence IconSolar Providence Strength: 50
Magick: 299
Slash Strength: 0
Strike Strength: 100
Knockdown Power: 88

In the midgame, the Solar Providence should prove more powerful once you purchase it from Awaran's Arms.

Best Archistaff Overall

DragonDragon's Wit Strength: 126
Magick: 440
Slash Strength: 0
Strike Strength: 100
Knockdown Power: 138

The Dragon's Wit is the strongest Archistaff in the game. However, you can only purchase it with Wyrmslife Crystals in the postgame. The best alternative for a first playthrough would be the Lion-Lord's Archistaff since it also has the lightning element.

List of Archistaves

All Available Archistaves

Weapon Strength / Magick Slash / Strike Knock-down Cost
Grievous Horns 26/80 0/100 43 1540 G
Helical Archistaff 45/115 0/100 54 N/A
Meniscus 33/145 0/100 55 9600 G
Favored Branches 35/169 0/100 81 N/A
Craos Tine 26/197 0/100 75 18700 G
Plucked Heart 48/221 0/100 83 24500 G
Talarian White 120/263 0/100 86 28800 G
Solar Providence 50/299 0/100 88 36200 G
Anathema 65/312 0/100 45 N/A
Bane Archistaff 65/345 0/100 100 48000 G
Lion-Lord's Archistaff 120/371 0/100 104 56900 G
Caged Fury 120/402 0/100 110 68000 G
Dragon's Wit 126/440 0/100 138 N/A

What Are Archistaves?

Weapons for Sorcerers

Sorcerers are the only ones who can use Archistaves in the game, meaning no other character with different vocations can equip it. Archistaves increase the Magick of a Sorcerer, boosting its offensive spells in a battle.
How to Unlock Sorcerer Vocation

Can Be Equipped on a Sorcerer Pawn

Sorcerer Pawns can also equip and use an Archistaff. You can consider giving them a better one other than their default Archistaff to improve their overall stats.

Pawns System Explained

Different from Staves

Archistaves are different from Staves, not only in their sizes. Archistaves are designed for Sorcerers, and Staves are for Mages only. It means you can't equip an Archistaff on a Mage or Staff on a Sorcerer.
List of Staves

Dragon's Dogma 2 (DD2) Related Guides

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List of Weapons

All Weapon Types

All Weapon Types
Swords Shields
Maces Daggers
Bows Greatswords
Hammers Staves
Archistaves Magickal Bows
Duospears Censers


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